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Panasonic Hair Styler

Model no. EH8461


S !"itted to Ma" Sara S !"itted !y# Me$%is$ &i!i 30 Madi$a 'as"een 1( Ha)i*a Hina +a$oor 18 R !ina 'as"een Ri*%ana Ma,id

Panasonic Hair Styl r Us r Man!al


" #or O$ ratin% T&is Unit' Pl as T& s Instr!ctions Co($l t ly An) Sa* T&is Man!al +or +!t!r Us ,

CONTENTS Part identi)ication ............................................................... 3 Attac$"ents ...................................................................... 4 Sa)ety instr ctions ........................................................................ .ntrod ction ...................................................................................6 Ho% to se t$e /rod ct0 11111111111111111111111..( 2arnin3s 111111111111111111111111111111111.10 4E5HN.5AL SPE5.6.5A4.7NS ............................................................ 11


&lo% !r s$ Attac$"ent release ! tton

Air o tlet Main !ody

Air inlet

Po%er s%itc$


Han3 Rin3


a. 4ension &r s$ !. Ad, st"ent Roller &r s$ c. Air .ron d. 8ol "e Li)ter e. Mini 9i)) ser

4ension !r s$

Air iron Roller !r s$

8ol "e li)ter Mini di)) ser

Sa# ty Instr!ctions Please read t$e sa)ety instr ctions !e)ore sin3 t$is /rod ct. 4$e sa)ety instr ctions e;/lained $ere are to $el/ yo t$is /rod ct sa)ely and correctly< and also to /re=ent yo )ro" in, rin3 yo rsel) or ot$ers. se


1> 2e reco""end ?ee/in3 t$e ori3inal s$i//in3 card!oard !o;< /ac?a3in3 "aterial< recei/t and %arranty card at least )or t$e d ration o) t$e %arranty. 2$en trans/ortin3< /ac? t$e /rod ct sin3 t$e ori3inal /ac?a3in3 "aterials only. 2> 4$is a//liance "ay not !e sed !y any /ersons @incl din3 c$ildren> %it$ "ental or /$ysical disa!ilities< or !y ine;/erienced /ersons< nless t$ey $a=e !een /ro/erly trained or sc$ooled in t$e sa)e se o) t$e a//liance< or nless t$ey are /ro/erly s /er=ised !y a A ali)ied /erson %$o is res/onsi!le )or t$eir sa)ety. 3> 5$ildren " st !e s /er=ised in order to ens re t$at t$ey do not /lay %it$ t$e a//liance. 4> &e)ore /l 33in3 t$is de=ice in< "a?e s re t$e =olta3e stated on t$e la!el o) t$e de=ice corres/onds to t$e =olta3e o) yo r %all soc?et. -> Ne=er se accessories %$ic$ $a=e not !een s //lied %it$ t$is a//liance or are not intended )or t$is a//liance. 6> 9o not /lace t$e /o%er cord near $ot s r)aces< or o=er s$ar/ o!,ects. 9o not /lace $ea=y o!,ects on t$e /o%er cord. Position t$e cord so t$at it cannot !e ste//ed on or tri//ed o=er. Ma?e s re t$e /o%er cord is not to c$in3 any $ot s r)ace. :> .) t$e a//lianceBs /o%er cord is da"a3ed< $a=e an a t$ori*ed ser=ice or si"ilarly A ali)ied /erson re/lace it< in order to /re=ent $a*ards. .t is )or!idden to se t$e a//liance %it$ a da"a3ed /o%er cord or /l 3. 8> 9o not disconnect t$e /o%er cord )ro" t$e %all o tlet !y / llin3 t$e cord. (> Under no circ "stances s$o ld yo re/air or alter t$e de=ice yo rsel)< as t$is "ay ca se electrical in, ryC Entr st all re/airs and ad, st"ents to a s/eciali*ed co"/anyDser=ice. 6ail re to do so %ill =oid t$e %arranty. 10> Ne=er to c$ or se t$e iron i) yo $a=e %et $ands or )eet. 11> Store and se t$e a//liance a%ay )ro" )la""a!le or =olatile "aterials and sol tions. 12> 4$is a//liance $as !een desi3ned )or indoor se only. 9o not se o tside. 13> 9o not se t$e a//liance )or any ot$er / r/oses t$an t$ose intended. 14> 9o not s/ray t$e de=ice %it$ %ater or any ot$er liA id. 9o not /o r %ater or any ot$er liA ids on t$e a//liance. 9o not s !"er3e t$e iron in %ater or in any ot$er liA id. 1-> "a?e s re t$e a//liance does not co"e in contact %it$ %ater. Ne=er se t$e a//liance near a !at$t !< %as$ !asin or any ot$er containers )illed %it$ %ater. 16> .) yo are not sin3 yo r a//liance< or i) yo ?no% t$at yo %ill not !e sin3 it )or a lon3 ti"e< disconnect t$e /o%er cord )ro" t$e %all soc?et. Prior to cleanin3< /roceed in t$e sa"e "anner. 1:> Ne=er lea=e t$e a//liance on %it$o t s /er=ision. 18> &e)ore stora3e< "a?e s re t$at t$e iron $as ) lly cooled. 1(> .) t$e a//liance is o/eratin3 or i) it $as not ) lly cooled< do not /lace so)t o!,ects s c$ as car/ets< linen< to%els< etc. on it< and do not co=er it. 20> 9o not se t$e a//liance in an en=iron"ent %it$ e;cessi=e d st. 21> Use e;tra care i) t$e iron is sed near c$ildren. Al%ays ?ee/ t$e iron o t o) t$e reac$ o) c$ildren. 22> "a?e s re yo r s?in does not to c$ t$e $ot s r)ace o) t$e a//liance. 23> Ne=er se t$e iron on %et $air< on arti)icial $air or on ani"al ) r. 24> A)ter eac$ se< clean t$e strai3$tenin3 /ads t$oro 3$ly o) d st< oil and $air /rod cts s c$ as 3els< stylin3 lotions< $airs/rays< etc.< as t$ese decreases t$e e))iciency and o/erational li)e o) t$e /ads.

9o not %ater. INTRODUCTION

se t$is a//liance near !at$s< s$o%ers< %as$!asins or ot$er containers containin3

4$e /ads )or yo r $air iron are "ade o) a s/ecial co"!ination o) cera"ics and to r"aline. 4o r"aline /ads send in)rared radiation t$ro 3$ t$e $air %$ic$ ca ses A ic? $eatin3 and ioni*ation. 4$is ena!les yo to /er)or" A ic? and $ealt$ier $air stylin3. /HAT IS TOURMALINE0 4o r"aline is a rare "ineral %it$ niA e ioni*ation and in)rared /ro/erties. 4o r"aline to3et$er %it$ t$e cera"ics is coated on t$e s r)ace o) t$e ironin3 /ads in a )or" o) an e;tra )ine /o%der. 4$er"al )inis$in3 3i=es t$e s r)ace its ty/ical and $ard s r)ace. 4o r"aline radiates ne3ati=e ions and in)rared $eat nat rally. 2$en $eated< it creates an electrical )ield o) ne3ati=e ions. 4$e secret lies in e=enly s/read to r"aline on t$e s r)ace o) cera"ic ironin3 /ads. 2$en $eated< t$e "a,ority o) ne3ati=e ions and in)rared $eat is nat rally released and s/read aro nd t$e cera"ic /ads. /H. ARE THE NEGATI1E IONS SO IMPORTANT0 Ne3ati=e ions near t$e s r)ace create a s"oot$< =el=ety $air s r)ace and "aintain nat ral "oist re. 4$ey /rotect t$e color and s$ine o) t$e $air %$ile 3 ardin3 a3ainst $ "idity. Ne3ati=ely c$ar3ed ions also eli"inate static electricity )ro" t$e $air s r)ace and t$e $air re"ains sta!le< sil?y and )ree o) %a=es and c rls. /H. IS IN+RARED HEAT SO IMPORTANT0 .n)rared $eat /enetrates inside t$e $air and %ar"s it / e=enly. .t is a di))erent ty/e o) $eat )ro" t$at %$ic$ $eats / t$e s rro ndin3 air. .n)rared radiation /enetrates dee/ inside t$e $air< instead o) t$e s rro ndin3 air %$ic$ "a?es t$e $air "ore elastic< so)t and easier to "ana3e. Less $eat is concentrated on t$e $air s r)ace %$ic$ lo%ers t$e a"o nt o) da"a3e to t$e $air. At t$e sa"e ti"e< t$e $air "oist re is "aintained.


9ia"eter o) roller !r s$ can !e ad, sted to creat =ario s le=els o) cr ls < )ro" 2-""E40"" a. 4o ad, st t$e dia"eter o) roller !r s$ < / s$ and $old t$e ! tton to o!tain t$e desire dia"eter.

Release ! tton once dia"eter is set. 4o creat c rls )or t$e )rin3e< ta?e a s"all tree o) $air and roll it )ri"ly aro nd t$e roller !r s$.ad, st t$e dia"eter 30"" 6or creatin3 c rls at sides<ta?e a s"all tree o) $air aan3 roll it 3ently aro nd t$e, st t$e dia"eter 40""

"lo2 3r!s& To cr at 3 a!ti#!l si) 2a* s, a. T nsion co(3 #or (or ## cti* &air catc&in% ca$a3iliti s



!. To strai%&t t& &air ' ta4 a s(all tr % ntly

o# &air an) 3r!s& #ro( t& insi) o!t an) $!ll it )o2n

c. +or an in2ar) c!rl' ta4 a s(all tr o# &air an) 3r!s& #ro( t& insi) o!t till t& to$ o# t& &air an) t!rn t& 3r!s& in2ar), Hol) on it #or a 2&il 3 #or r l asin%,

+or cr atin% 3 a!ti#!l s$iral c!rls a. Ta4 a s(all tr o# &air an) $lac it !n) r t& cla($

!. Roll it ti%&tly aro!n) t& iron in t& ) sir ) )ir ction, c. Hair can 3 c!rl in2ar) or o!t2ar) to cr at )i## r nt )ir ction c!rls Allo2 t& &ot air to s t t& &air #or 15 s con)s 3 #or !nrollin%,

Mini )i##!s r +or o* rall )ryin% an) a))in% on to t& #inis&in% to!c&,


HO/ TO USE THE PRODUCT0 +i;in3 t$e attac$"ent Ali3n t$e attac$"ent %it$ t$e nit. Ens re t$at t$e 3roo=e o) t$e attac$"ent and t$e $oo? o) t$e nit are in t$e line. Attac$ t$e" to3et$er. 4o re"o=e< /ress t$e attac$"ent release ! tton and / ll o t t$e attac$"ent. MAINTAINING THE PRODUCT 5lean t$e air inlet and o tlet to /re=ent !loc?a3es t$at "ay ca se o=er$eatin3. 4$e nit s$o ld !e cleaned at least once a "ont$. 4o clean t$e nit s%itc$e o)) t$e nit and n/l 3 t$e nit )ro" t$e /o%er o tlet.



/arnin%F 9o not lea=e t$e iron in one s/ot )or "ore t$an 2 seconds. 'o "ay ! rn yo r $air. F Use t$e iron only on $ealt$y $air. F 9o not se t$e iron on oily< stic?y or s%eaty $air. F Use t$e iron only rarely on /er"ed or colored $air.

Ti$Ada/t t$e s/eed o) t$e iron alon3 t$e $air stri/s to t$e te;t re o) t$e $air. 6ine $air is "ore sensiti=e to t$e $ot s r)ace and reA ires s$orter ironin3 ti"es t$an t$ic?er $air. CLEANING AND MA INTENANCE 1. 4o clean t$e o ter /arts o) t$e iron and t$e ironin3 /ads< se a so)t clot$ di//ed in l ?e%ar" %ater. 2. 9o not se a33ressi=e cleanin3 a3ents< /aint t$inners or sol=ents. Usin3 t$ese sol tions co ld da"a3e t$e s r)ace o) t$e iron. 4$e cera"ic and to r"aline s r)ace o) t$e ironin3 /ads does not reA ire any cleanin3.

5lean t$e ironin3 /ads only a)ter t$ey $a=e ) lly cooledC


REPAIRING THE UNIT1, 9o not atte"/t to re/air< disasse"!le< or "odi)y t$e nit !y yo rsel). 'o "ay in, re yo rsel) as a res lt o) )ire< or a!nor"al o/eration. 6, .) t$e cord or /l 3 o) t$e nit is da"a3ed< discontin e se i""ediately. !rin3 t$e da"a3ed nit to t$e nearest a t$ori*ed ser=ice center.

S/eci)ications 8olta3e 1108 2208 2308 2408

7 t/ t -02D6002 9i"ension s 2ei3$t Accessori es 4ension !r s$




4-@2>G 1(-@2> G (- @H> "" @ Main &ody> 28-3 @Main &ody>



Panasonic Electric 2or?s @Pa?istan> 5o<. Ltd. .nd strial Estate< +one 3 Pa?istan Printed in Pa?istan MAPD01D13 5.No. 2 ENHL.SH

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