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I C S S V / R I B u S | | E S S C / S E C 0 | I E S I |, -V VeJur|sucr
I | E S V/R I V/|/C E R c:-|t 04
smart iusight:
piuga|i veuugopa|
tany conanies and sfudenfs
choosing Eefveen nanagenenf
schools Iace Andrev's dilenna,
as diIIerenf surveys are adofing
diIIerenf nefhodologies and using
diIIerenf aranefers. Jhough fhe
surveys give sinilar ranking fo
fhe fo insfifufes, fhe ranking oI
fhe ofher insfifufes vary. Hov
does a conany idenfiIy vhich
survey safisIies fhe requirenenfs
oI fheir organizafion
Sfudenfs also Iace a sinilar
dilenna. Jhe sfudenfs vould
have no douEfs iI fhey gef
adnission info fhe fo Eusiness
schools, Euf fhe roElen vould
Ee iI fhey gef adnission calls Iron
fvo or nore insfifufes nof Iron
fhe "renier" cafegory. iIIerenf
ranking Iron diIIerenf surveys
ufs fhen info conIusion.
Jo avoid fhis conIusion, fhe
conanies or sfudenfs should
sfudy fhe ranking vis--vis
fheir urose.
ron fhe recruifers' oinf oI
viev, fhe ranking should hel
fhen idenfiIy insfifufes, vhich
could give fhen sfudenfs vho
can erIorn in fheir |oE and
rovide fhen highesf "recruifers'
safisIacfion". A ranking nefhodo-
logy could Ee Eased on geffing
inIornafion aEouf fhe "recruifers'
safisIacfion". While an insfrunenf
could Ee develoed Ior "recruifers'
safisIacfion" and dafa collecfed on
sone aranefers Iron conanies,
fhe dravEack vifh fhis nefhodo-
logy vould Ee fhaf a conany
could give inIornafion aEouf fhe
recruifers' safisIacfion only iI fhey
had had an oorfunify fo hire
sfudenfs Iron an insfifufe. Hence
if vould Ee Eeffer fo concefualize
"recruifers' safisIacfion" (reIer Iigure)
and use ifs anfecedenfs or resulfanf
Ior fhe urose oI ranking.
"Recruifers' safisIacfion" vould
inIluence fhe conany fo visif
canuses Ior lacenenf. lace-
nenf in an insfifufe vould, hov-
ever, Ee aIIecfed Ey efernal Iacfors.
need in fhe conany could
defernine fhe nunEer oI vacan-
cies as vell as fhe roIile oI sfudenfs
required. !I a conany is looking
Ior a seciIic roIile, if nay of
Ior an insfifufe knovn fo ossess
such sfudenfs (Ior eanle, iI a
conany requires sfudenfs Ior
!ndusfrial tanagenenf, fhey
vould reIer going fo a school
oIIering such a secializafion.)
fining oI lacenenf in an
insfifufe could also inIluence fhe
conanies visifing fhe canuses.
Jhe dafes oI fhe lacenenf in an
insfifufe nay nof suif fhe con-
any, or fhe dafes nay clash vifh
ofher insfifufes. !n such sifuafions
fhe conanies nay ski an
insfifufe fhough fhey vould have
Eeen inferesfed in selecfing
sfudenfs Iron fhaf insfifufe.
As if could Ee (a) diIIiculf fo
gef inIornafion aEouf fhese
efernal Iacfors and (E) noderafe
Ior fhese Iacfors Ior fhe urose
oI arriving af fhe overall ranking,
lacenenf nay nof Ee a good
neasure Ior ranking.
Jhe ranking should fhereIore
Iocus on fhe anfecedenfs fo
"recruifers' safisIacfion". Recruifers'
piuga|i veuugopa|
mc|c tenuc|
Author of Marletiug Chauue| Mauagemeut:
A Customer Ceutric Approach, Veuugopa|
is curreut|y 0eau (Academics) at Xavier
Labour Re|atious lustitute, Jamshedpur.
A post graduate aud fe||ow iu mauagemeut
from the ludiau lustitute of Mauagemeut,
his uou-academic activities iuc|ude p|ayiug
basletba||, swimmiug aud trave|iug.
I C S S V / R I B u S | | E S S C / S E C 0 | I E S I |, -V VeJur|sucr
I | E S V/R I V/|/C E R c:-|t 04
safisIacfion vould Ee inIluenced
Ey fhe qualify oI sfudenfs.
ualify oI sfudenfs Ior recruifers
vould nean fhaf fhe sfudenfs
should have (a) cognifive skills/
logical reasoning, (E) infer-
ersonal skills (fean orienfafion,
leadershi efc) and (c) fechnical
skills. Sone inuf variaEles
vould inIluence each oI fhese
dinensions oI qualify.
So, any ranking rocess
should neasure fhese anfe-
cedenfs and conEine fhen Ey
giving aroriafe veighfs fo
arrive af an overall score Ior each
insfifufe (or overall ranking). Jhis
rocess oI vorking Iron fhe anfe-
cedenfs vould nof uf fhe nev
insfifufes af a disadvanfage, as
inIornafion on fhe inuf variaEles
vould Ee availaEle Ior all insfifufes.
While if nay Ee ossiEle fo
arrive af an overall score Ior
couceptua| mode|: qua|ity of studeuts
I C S S V / R I B u S | | E S S C / S E C 0 | I E S I |, -V VeJur|sucr
I | E S V/R I V/|/C E R c:-|t 04
diIIerenf insfifufes, fhe narkef-
ing research agencies could alfer-
nafively give scores on fhe diIIerenf
dinensions (defernining qualify
oI sfudenfs) only. Jhis vould
EeneIif conanies vanfing fo
give diIIerenf veighfage (Eased on
fheir seciIic |oE requirenenfs)
Ior diIIerenf dinensions.
Jhe aEove concefualizafion
vould Ee helIul Ior fhe sfudenfs'
requirenenfs also, as fhe sfudenfs
vould Ee choosing fhe nanage-
nenf insfifufe Eased on fhe career
rosecfs fhe insfifufe vould
Ee roviding.
Jhe rocess oI concefua-
lizing vould hel elininafe (a)
douEle counfing (like adding inuf
and oufuf aranefers) and (E)
incororafing variaEles nof relevanf
(or eanle incororafing "gross
eendifure" could reIlecf ineIIi-
ciency also. Sinilarly, fhe greafer
"nunEer oI conanies" on canus
could also nean fhaf sone
conanies nay nof have selecfed
any sfudenf Iron fhaf insfifufe.)
So, fill such fine as fhe ranking
reIlecfs fhe urose, Andrev
(and ofher recruifers) could gef
inIornafion on fhe anfecedenfs
Iron diIIerenf surveys and use
fhese anfecedenfs fo arrive af a
ranking neefing fheir urose.
smart iusight:
russe|| farmery
A degree in Eusiness nanage-
nenf Iron a reufed insfifufion
has Eecone a 'nusf' Ior a na|orify
oI graduafes and eecufive
asiranfs gloEally. Jhe anfi-
ciafed lea in ferns oI econonic
and social sfafus fhaf fhe course
ronises has given if fhe veneer
oI roserify and cororafe glory.
vidence oI fhis is fhe reans oI
nevsrinf Eeing dedicafed fo
crifiques on various Eusiness
schools and 'o-!f-YourselI'
guides Ior selecfing a E-school. As
an oufcone E-schools have Eecone
'Branded Jenles oI Learning'.
And righfly so. Business schools
fhaf have confriEufed fo share-
holder vealfh Ey sculfing fhe
cororafe vorlds' Erighfesf ninds
are recognized Ior fheir confri-
Eufion in ferns oI fhe equify fhey
connand in fhe ninds oI fhe share-
holders vho lace a reniun on
fhen. And fhese 'invesfors' in fhe
knovledge econony should Ee
fhe nosf inorfanf consfifuenf
fo any recruifer looking fo assess
E-schools vifh a viev fo ensure
fhaf he does |usfiIies fhe invesf-
nenf fhaf sfakeholders nake in
his organizafion.
!n fhe eIIorf fo evaluafe E-
schools, surveys and sfudies
conducfed in fhis regard aear
fo us fo have renained largely
infrosecfive vifh acadenics,
eerfs and fhe E-schools fhen-
selves roIIering uElicafions
vifh ercefual (Iron acadenics
and eerfs) and Iacfual (Iron fhe
schools fhenselves) inIornafion.
Clearly fhe E-school survey fhaf
uses nore narkef relevanf nefrics
fo assess fhe success oI !ndian
E-schools vill oIIer recruifers
a nore deIinifive, acfionaEle
guide fo earning fhe Eesf refurn
on invesfnenf in hunan and
infellecfual caifal.
russe|| farmery
Curreut| y the Mauagiug 0irector,
AClie|seu South Asia, Farmery joiued
AClie|seu iu 1984 as a fie|d auditor aud
moved ou to severa| fie|d mauagemeut
ro|es iuc|udiug the ro|e of latioua| Fie|d
Mauager. A great sports aficiouado he has
a specia| passiou for criclet aud rugby.
I C S S V / R I B u S | | E S S C / S E C 0 | I E S I |, -V VeJur|sucr
I | E S V/R I V/|/C E R c:-|t 04
Like any narkef orienfed
rocess, organizafions need fo
look uon fhe rocess oI hiring
fhe Eesf falenf fhrough fhe eyes
oI each oI ifs sfakeholders fo do
ifs invesfors and end-cusfoners
|usfice. Jhis enfails creafing a
nore holisfic, scienfiIic aroach
fovards eanining fhe !ndian E-
school landscae. Jo ny nind,
like any ofher Erand, E-schools
fhaf are considered suerior enfer
fhe selI erefuafing cycle oI
Erand success - nore consuners
vying Ior a linifed quanfify (no.
oI seafs). Jhis allovs fhe Erand
fo connand a higher rice, fhe
roIifs oI vhich can Ee reinvesfed
in Eeffering fhe delivery oI fhe
Erand's ronise (inIrasfrucfure,
Iaculfy, indusfry associafions efc)
fhus affracfing increasing nunEers
oI consuners. Ifen, fhis nay
also eschev any reliance on dafa
sulied Ey fhe E-school's fhen-
selves or reenf any relucfance
on fhe arf oI a E-school fo arfi-
ciafe in a survey alfogefher.
Jhis, fhen, should Ee fhe
sfarfing oinf oI any recruifer's
search vifh fhe lausiEle resun-
fion fhaf fhough frue falenf also
eisfs in less salienf E-schools
or oufside fhe E-school circuif
alfogefher, a clear na|orify can Ee
Iound in fhose E-schools fhaf
have creafed a reufafion resulfing
Iron fheir confriEufion fo indusfry.
Buf in fhe Eusiness oI E-school
educafion, no reufafion can Ee
Iorged vifhouf fhe Easic inIra-
sfrucfure, enfrereneurial and
infellecfual qualifies fhaf E-schools
hoe fo insfill in fheir sfudenfs.
Wifh fhis Iundanenfal re-
nise as fhe ivof, fhe nef sfe
(and fhis alies fo any decision-
orienfed research) is fo look af
vhich sfudy Eesf encasulafes fhe
oinions and likely acfions oI fhe
end consuner, vhoever fhey nay
Ee. or fhe enloyees and E-school
alunni - vho seek like ninded
roIessionals fo share fheir
anEifions, goals and dreans
vifh. or shareholders - vho hoe
fo realize a resecfaEle refurn on
fhe use oI fheir caifal. or HR
nanagers - vho eend fheir eIIorf
frying fo selecf fhe nosf suifaEle
falenf. Jhese audiences invesf
enofionally, sychologically and
Iinancially in an organizafion and
fheir oinion cannof Ee faken lighfly
Eecause aIfer all fhe sfafisficians
and researchers have done fheir
vork, fhese are eole vho
nean Eusiness.
Jhe connon fhread running
fhrough fhis case is fhaf even Ior
reliaEle dafa, roElens arise in
inferrefafion. Hence, naking
|udgenenfs Eased urely on
rankings or on veighfed dafa is
diIIiculf. As an eanle, vhile
looking Ior ersonnel nanagers,
schools sfrong in eole skills
should Ee looked af even iI fhey
Ee sonevhaf veak in sfricfly
acadenic skills. Rankings usually
even ouf all such disfincfions.
Surveys, hovever, are a valuaEle
dafa collecfion assef. Hence, fhe
rudenf aroach vould Ee fo
use rav dafa Iron fhe reliaEle
surveys vherever availaEle or
inIerraEle rafher fhan direcfly
using rankings. Recruifers can
fhen nake inIorned decisions
Eased on fheir requirenenfs.
eten jr REL|/BLE Jc:c,
|R0BLEVS cr|se |n ||IER|REI/I|0|

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