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Steelton, Pennsylvania August 22, 2013 The Steelton-Highspire School Board met on the above date with the

following members present: President, Ms. Mary J. Carricato; Vice President, Ms. Rachel M. Slade; Mr. Barry L. Baumgardner; Mrs. Natalie Grubb; Ms. Sarah F. Metallo; Mr. John Salov; Mr. Robert Spizzirri and Mrs. Rosemary Tonkin. Mr. Joseph Conjar was absent. Also present was Dr. Ellen Castagneto, Superintendent; Dr. Wendy Reisinger, Assistant to the Superintendent; Mr. Vincent Champion, Solicitor; Mrs.Susan Helms, Director of Accounting; Mr. Travis Waters, High School Principal and Mrs. Annie M. Long, Board Secretary. Attached is a copy of a list of names of the members of the public who were present. Ms. Carricato called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Ms. Carricato announced that an Executive Session was held prior to tonights meeting for the purpose of discussing personnel.

PUBLIC COMMENT (Agenda Items) There was no Public Comment.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Salov made a motion to approve the June 10, 2013 Planning Meeting minutes. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye. Mr. Spizzirri made a motion to approve the June 20, 2013 Legislative Meeting minutes. Second by Mrs. Grubb. All members present voted aye. Mr. Salov made a motion to approve the June 24, 2013, Special Board Meeting minutes. Second by Mrs. Grubb. All members present voted aye.

August 22, 2013 Page 2

FINANCE REPORT GENERAL FUND Mr. Conjar made a motion to approve the following financial reports for June and July, 2013. Second by Mrs. Grubb. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Treasurers Report June 2013 (Report #1) Balance 6/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 6/30/13 July 2013 (Report #2) Balance 7/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 7/31/13

$ 447,656.23 $ 775,858.86 $1,213,302.85 $ 10,212.24

$ 10,212.24 $1,772,638.59 $1,595,604.37 $ 187,246.46

Accounts Payable/Estimated Expenditures Report Final approval of June 30, 2013 vendor check #00037021 in the amount of $261.64. (Report #3) Final approval of July 2013 vendor checks #00037026-#00037084, in the amount of $367,190.71. (Report #4) August 2013 Estimated Expenditures in the amount of $500,000.00 which include vendor checks #00037085-#00037097 in the amount of $28,180.15 (Report #5)

August 22, 2013 Page 3 CAFETERIA FUND Cafeteria Reports June 2013 (Report #6) Balance 6/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 6/30/13 July 2013 (Report #7) Balance 7/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 7/31/13

$ 11,751.08 $ 85,751.08 $ 92,795.80 $ 4,854.75

$ 4,854.75 $111,192.90 $115,182.11 $ 865.54

ATHLETIC FUND Athletic Association Financial Reports June 2013 (Report #8) Balance 6/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 6/30/13 July 2013 (Report #9) Balance 7/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 7/31/13

$ 1,341.56 $ 30.36 $ 674.00 $ 697.92

$ 697.92 $ 20,791.99 $ 13,549.91 $ 7,940.00

STUDENT ACTIVITIES ACCOUNT Student Activities Financial Reports June 2013 (Report #10) Balance 6/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 6/30/13

$ 25,066.34 $ 3,067.73 $ 2,047.97 $ 26,086.10

August 22, 2013 Page 4 (Student Activities Financial Reports Cont.) June 2013 (Report #11) Balance 7/1/13 Receipts Disbursements Balance 7/31/13

$ 26,086.10 $ 1,574.58 $ 4,143.35 $ 23,517.33

CONSTRUCTION FUND ACCOUNT Construction Fund Reports June 2013 Balance 6/1/13 Deposits Disbursements, June Interest Balance 6/30/13 July 2012 Balance 7/1/13 Deposits Disbursements, July Interest Balance 7/31/13

$ $ $ $ $

3,997.19 ----1.07 3,998.26

$ $ $ $ $

3,998.26 ----1.24 3,834.50

REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL TAXES Exonerations for personal taxes as presented on List #1, persons applying for exoneration of the $200.00 Occupation Tax for 2013-2014, the $200.00 Occupation Tax for 2012-13, the $200.00 Occupation Tax for 2011-12, and persons applying for full exoneration/ deletion of the Occupation, Per Capita and Residence Taxes for 2013-14, 2012-13, and 2011-12. (Report #12) Approval of the 2011 and 2012 Tax Clerks Settlements of Interim Per Capita, Residence, and Occupation taxes for the Boroughs of Steelton and Highspire.

August 22, 2013 Page 5 PERSONNEL REPORT

APPOINTMENTS Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Mr. Andrae Martin, as Athletic Director effective August 23, 2013. Mr. Martins salary will be $7,390.00 prorated for the 2013-14 school year. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. Six members voted aye, Ms. Tonkin and Ms. Grubb voted no on roll call. (6 ayes, 2 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Ms. Megan Byrnes, as an Elementary Teacher effective August 19, 2013. Ms. Byrnes will be placed on Step M-4, at a salary of $47,692.00. Second by Mr. Salov. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Mr. Brian Woodfill, as part-time Business Education Teacher effective August 19, 2013. Mr. Woodfill will be placed on Step 1-B, at a salary of $19, 335.00. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth Skolnicki, as an ESL K-12 Teacher effective August 19, 2013. Ms. Skolnicki will be placed on Step 5-M, at a salary of $49,339.00. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Ms. Andrea Kinney, as an Elementary Teacher effective August 19, 2013. Ms. Kinney will be placed on Step 3-M, at a salary of $46,044.00. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Mr. John Donato McFall, as a PBIS-SHHS effective August 19, 2013. Mr. McFalls salary will be $30,000.00. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Ms. Krista L. Farner, as an Elementary Teacher effective August 22, 2013. Ms. Farner will be placed on Step 1-B, at a salary of $37,670.00, prorated. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent)

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(Appointments Cont.) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Mr. Jeffrey S. Snyder, as a High School Math Teacher pending receipt of clearances and release from current school district. Mr. Snyder will be placed on Step 14-M+36, at a salary of $71,100.00. Second by Mr. Salov. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the appointment of Ms. Cynthia Tyler as the Elementary Sub Caller effective August 22, 2013. Ms. Tyler will receive a stipend of $1,750.00 for the 2013-2014 school year. Second by Mrs. Tonkin. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent)

RESIGNATIONS Ms. Slade made a motion to accept the resignation of Mr. Andrea Martin as a Junior High Boys Basketball Coach, effective August 23, 2013. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye. Ms. Slade made a motion to accept the resignation of Ms. Nicole Cirulli as a High School Math Teacher pending appropriate replacement for her position. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent)

MENTORS Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the following mentors for the 2013-2014 school year. Second by Mrs. Grubb. All members present voted aye. New Teacher Megan Byrnes Luke Gawron Andrea Kinney Nicole Koller Mark Risser Kara Schwenk Elizabeth Skolnicki Brian Woodfill Mentor Tyler Zoellner Beth Lehman Elayne Davis Tony Wolfe Michael Gaffey Stacy Ham Lisa Carricato Carole Scomak

August 22, 2013 Page 7 DEPARTMENT HEADS/COORDINATORS Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the following department heads and grade level coordinators for the 2013-2014 school year. Second by Mrs. Grubb. All members present voted aye. High School Department Heads English Math Health & Physical Education Special Education Practical/Fine Arts Science Social Studies 7th Grade Team Leader 8th Grade Team Leader 9th Grade Team Leader 10th Grade Team Leader 11th Grade Team Leader 12th Grade Team Leader

Lisa Carricato Stacy Ham Nadine Bosnyak Keri Poston Gail Romanofsky Tony Wolfe Pete Boyajian Erin Drayer Scott Smith Mike Pilsitz Pete Boyajian Rachel Morgan Chris Chyr

Elementary Grade Level Coordinators/Department Chairs Kindergarten Lori Graybar 1st Grade Michelle Stewart nd 2 Grade Ariane Ackley 3rd Grade Amie Kretzing th 4 Grade Tara Russo 5th Grade Tiffany Dawson th 6 Grade Cindy Goles Specials Jennifer Feldser Reading Elayne Davis Math Tyler Zoellner Science Michael Gaffey Social Studies Catherine Burcharew Special Education Jacqueline Deppen

August 22, 2013 Page 8

APPOINTMENT OF SHOOL BOARED SECRETARY AND ASSISTANT BOARD SECRETARY (REVISED) Ms. Slade made a motion to change the effective dates only of the Board Secretary, Annie M. Long and the Board Assistant Secretary, Susan Helms term from May 16, 2013 through June 30, 2014, to May 16, 2013 through June 30, 2017. Second by Mrs. Grubb. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENTS REPORT PSBA VOTING DELEGATE Ms. Slade made a motion to appoint Mr. Salov as the PSBA Voting Delegate. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members present voted aye. Mrs. Long explained, to the Board, the procedure for PSBA officer elections and handed out the slate of candidates for them to choose from. She explained that their vote will be taken at the September 22, 2013 Legislative Meeting, and she will then file the vote with PSBA. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT BOARD POLICY Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the attached draft Board Policy. Second by Mr. Spizzirri. All members voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent) Policy No. 201 Admissions of Students

PRESCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAM AGREEMENT Ms. Slade made a motion to approve the attached Preschool Education Program Agreement between Keystone Service Systems, Inc., a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation doing business as Capital Area Head Start and the Steelton-Highspire School District. Second by Mr. Salov. All members present voted aye on roll call. (8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, 1 absent.)

August 22, 2013 Page 9 SPECIAL REPORTS Athletic Association Mr. Salov reported that the football team will scrimmage at Northeastern at 6:00 P.M. August 23, 2013. We have around 38 football players. PSBA Representative There was nothing to report. HACC There was nothing to report. Joint Local Government Association Mr. Baumgardner stated that the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September, 26, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. at the Highspire Borough Hall. Strategic Planning Team There was nothing to report. Buildings and Grounds There was nothing to report. Discipline Committee There was nothing to report.

BOARD ROUND TABLE Ms. Metallo wished all the staff, faculty and students and everyone a very good school year. Mr. Salov welcomed Dr. Castagneto to the District. He stated he is looking forward to a good year. Mrs. Grubb said good luck with the new school year.

August 22, 2013 Page 11

Mr. Baumgardner stated that PSBA recommends that the Board Members should receive their Board Packets at least one week before their meeting, in case they have any questions, they have time to call to get answers. He stated in his view they should receive them 1 week in advance. Ms. Slade wished everyone a good year, and welcomed Dr. Castagneto. Mr. Spizzirri expressed the same, good luck. Mrs. Tonkin expressed the same, good luck. Ms. Carricato wished the Administration good luck with this coming year.

PUBLIC COMMENT (ANY TOPIC) Earnestine Kearse, 117 N. Harrisburg St. Steelton, stated that she knows we are under contract negations right now, and she wanted say that she is against the contracting out of the facilities staff. Natashia Wood, 181 S. Front St. Steelton, wanted to publicly thank Dr. Castagneto and Mrs. Tonkin for coming to the Anti-Bullying Rally. She stated that they had 61 people in attendance. They will be having more functions at the Felton Lofts and will be inviting more people in the future.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Slade. Second by Mr. Salov. All members present voted aye.

______________________________ Annie M. Long, Board Secretary

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