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XI -2012


Sanjin Troha, Ralitsa Pavlova, Dimitar Karaivanov Abstract: Some container cranes are considered, where a reduction of the time of attenuation (damping) of the oscillations of the carrying device (end effector) is crucial for increasing the productivity. One relatively simple and cheap solution is the use of brake rolls. There are some ways suggested to adapt regular rolls of the existing structures to reduce the abatement time of shaking of the container crane spreaders. The proposed structures can be used with other material handling equipment, such as metallurgy. Keywords: lifting equipment, oscillation, damper, pulley. 1. Introduction In material handling machines with cyclic operation performance depends on the cycle time. When making an effort to increase productivity speeds of the mechanisms and acceleration (delays) in the transitional process increase also. Unfortunately, this leads to increase of the attenuation time of the oscillations (swinging) of carrying devices after stopping. The measures to reduce the attenuation time can be divided into two groups: - active (affecting the magnitude of the stimulating force) - selection of appropriate characteristic of the brake [2], [3], adjustable brake and starting torques depending on the size of the load [7], [8] and others.; - passive (influencing parameters of oscillating system) - the use of oscillation damping elements (dampers) [4], choosing an appropriate stiffness of the column [5] (for storage-retravel (S/R) machines, stok-cranes and others). Obviously some of these measures can only be taken when designing the machinery. Others are better suited for machines with stiffer suspension of the load [2]. To improve performance of existing structures it is possible to switch to adjustable starting and braking processes or to install additional damping devices. One relatively simple and cheap solution is to use the braked rolls in lifting pulley of the machines with pending carrying device. This problem is particularly relevant in machines with high performance and in particular for container cranes. The purpose of this work is to propose relatively simple and cheap design solutions for the adaptation of conventional rolls for attenuation the oscillations.


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2. Braked roll into the pulley of the lifting equipment Figure 1 shows a skatch of the lifting pulley of a container crane. To minimize the attenuation time of the shaking (oscilation) of the spreader it is necessary braking devices to be installed to the rolls (Fig. 2). In this case most suitable are band (strap) brake (Fig. 2a) (the hub of the roll can serve as a brake drum) or disk brake (Fig. 2b). Both brakes are normally closed. When the brakes are mounted to the working rolls of the pulley, it is necessary to have an opening electromagnet whose coil is connected parallel with the power of the electric engine of the lifting mechanism. Thus the brake switches on when the mechanism stops and the brake torque damp the oscillations of the spreader without reducing the efficiency. A normally closed brake without opening device can be installed on the leveling (balancing) rolls.

Fig. 1. Sketch of the lifting pulley of a container crane

To avoid the slipping of the rope over the roll it is required that the braking torque is smaller than the torque of the friction force between the rope and the roll. T fr S Tbr , (1) where T fr is the friction torque between the rope and the roll, Nm; Tbr - braking torque, Nm; S = 1,2 1,4 - safety coefficient assuring no slipping between the rope and the roll. From the balance of roll (Fig. 3) when the rope slips, i.e. (2) Fr 2 = Fr1 e , for the friction torque we have
T fr = Dr D ( Fr 2 F1 ) = Fr1 r ( 1) , 2 2


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where Dr is the roll diameter, m; e = 2,71 - base of natural logarithm; - coefficient of friction between the rope and the roll; - angle of the scope of the rope, rad; Fr1 and Fr 2 - tensile forces of the rope at both ends of the roll, N.

a b Fig. 2. Braking devices fitted to the roll of the pulley a) disk brake b) band (strap) brake

The tensile force of the rope Fr1 is determined by the ratio of the pulley and the weight of the spreader Gspr . For the skethc in Figure 1
Fr1 = Gspr 24


In the real structures the deviation of the rope from the vertical ( 1 and 2 ) does not exceed 6 7, so that in (3) it is possible to work with = 166. 3. Design solutions The shown in Figure 2a variant with band (strap) brake is suitable for more rolls of the spreader roller unit. The design is extremely simple. The braking torque is generated by load and does not depend on the wear of the friction surface. The determination of the parameters of the brake so that it creates braking torque corresponding to (1) and calculation of heating are well known in the literature [1].

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Fr 2


Fig. 3. Effect of forces in the rope over the roll

If the hub of the roll cannot be adapted to the band (strap) brake, it is more appropriate, after the required machining, to put disk brake next to the roller disk (Fig. 2b). In this case, the braking torque will depend on the radius, on which the brake is located. Figure 4 shows a suitable structure, characterized by compactness and easy installation. Its working conditions allow not using the device for automatic adjust of the windage between the brake pads and disc, which will further simplify the structure.
3 4 5

Fig. 4. Normally closed disk brake 1 stand; 2 - stationary brake pad; 3 - movable brake pad; 4 - a device for adjusting windages between the brake pads and the disc; 5 - opening electromagnet; 6 - closing spring; 7 nut for adjusting the spring force 93

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4. Conclusion The proposed design solutions are discussed based on a container crane, but can be applied in other similar constructions. Using braked rolls could lead to good results in the metallurgical cranes where the carrying device is carried by sleeper (or frame), suspended in a manner similar to that shown in Figure 1 (casting, trough charging, magnet, fork -magnet, rigid-claw and etc. cranes) [6]. Figure 5 shows an example scheme of lifting pulley of metallurgical crane for supplying converters with scrap.

Fig. 5. Lifting pulley of a crane for supplying converters with scrap

5. Summary The need of using devices for damping the oscillations of carrying device for some types of handling machines is pointed out; Characteristics are examined when using braked rolls in the pulley of a container crane; Relatively simple ways are proposed for remaking the normal rolls of existing structures in braked rolls. References: 1. Alexandrov, M. P. Brakes of handling machines. Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1976. (in Russian) 2. Guenov, M., karaivanov, D. Investigation of brake processes of the traveling mechanism of S/R-machine with regulate braking torque.// Proceedings of TUSofia, vol. 42, No. 1, 1987, pp. 7-16. (in Bulgarian) 3. Kazak, S. A. Braking of crane barrow with flexible load suspension.// Vestnik mashinostroenia, 1994, No. 7, pp. 8-10. (in Russian) 4. Containers transport system. Under edition of A. T. Deribas. Moscow, Transport, 1974. (in Russian)

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5. Kotzev, N. at all. Optimization of the metal body of one-column S/Rmachine.// The 2nd Int. Conf. HC Tech2000, Sofia, 6-8 June 2000, Machinebuilding special edition, pp. 15-17. (in Bulgarian) 6. Tzelikov, A. I. at all. Machines and aggregates of metallurgical plants. Moscow, Metallurgia, 1988. (in Russian) 7. Nikoloff, S., Z. Popova, Al. Kazakoff. Vibrations of Robocrane in vertical base plane considering the variable load mas. // Journal of Teoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, year XXIV (1993), No. 4, pp. 52 56. 8. Tcherneva-Popova, Z., D. Vasilev. Vibration of an automated guided crane in the vertical plane with report of the variable mass of the load and the resistance force by the movement.// EUROMECH, Proc. of the II European non-linear oscillation conference, Prague, Sept. 9 13, 1996, Vol. I, pp. 447 450. Data authors: Sanjin Troha, Dr. Eng., Assistant Professor, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Vukovarska 58, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, e-mail: Ralitsa Pavlova, BSc Eng., Masters degree student, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd. 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria, email: Dimitar Karaivanov, Dr. Eng., Assoc. Prof., University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd. 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria, email:


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