Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae


1976 Colour for Architecture (with T Porter), Studio Vista (Cassell & Collier Macmillan Publishers Ltd,
London, and Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, New York), September.
1980 Architecture for People, Ed B Mikellides, Studio Vista, London, March, and co-published by Holt
Rinehart and Winston, CBS Inc, New York, September.
1989 Emotional and Behavioural Reaction to Colour in the Built Environment, PhD Thesis, Oxford
Polytechnic and Lund Institute of Technology, February.

Ph D Examiner

Universities of Sheffield (3), Salford (2), Heriot- Watt (2),

Universities of Gothenberg, Stockholm ,Lund (Sweden). The term used there is “Opponent”
Internal Examiner, Oxford Brookes University
Reinvention Centre, Scholar(2006)
Emeritus Professor (2006)

Selected Contributions
1974 Leverhulme Trust award "The Effect of Colour on Space" (£1000).
1977 "Colour for Architecture" (with T Porter), in Designer, January, pp 7-9.
"The Language of Colour", specialist lecture, Victoria and Albert Museum Lecture Series, 18
1982 "Psychology in Architecture: a question of priorities". International Conference on People and their
Physical Surroundings, University of Barcelona. Published in Man Environment Qualitative Aspects,
pp 127-138, Ed E Pal & J Mountainously, 1984.
1984 Leverhulme Trust award for Environment and Retirement Project (£9000). A cross cultural study
involving England and Sweden. Work commenced 1984, completed 1988.
1986 "Architecture and Vandalism", invited speaker at the Royal Institute of British Architects, January.
1987 "Ageing Well". Paper presented to the Ageing Well Conference, Brighton. First congress of the
European section of the International Association of Gerontology. September.
1988 "Colour and Psychological Arousal", in published papers IAPS International Conference on people
and their physical surroundings, Delft, Netherlands, 8 July, Vol 2, pp 140-147, Delft University Press.
1990 "Colour and Physiological Arousal", Journal of Architectural and Planning Research Vol 7, No 1
(Spring), pp 13-20.
1991 "Colour and Nature". Paper presented to Arnolfini Gallery Conference, Bristol, on the Nature of
Colour - East and West, 14-15 May.
"Colour and Physiological Arousal". Paper presented to Colour and Light AIC Interim Conference,
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia, 25-28 June.
"Colour and Psychobiology". Paper presented to CIE International Commission of Illumination, 22nd
session, Melbourne 2-11 July. Proceedings.
Colour psychological appraisal in "Colour Eye", BBC1 Television broadcast.
1993 "Simulated Studies of Color, Arousal and Comfort" A large chapter co-written with Dr Küller in a
new book Environmental Simulation: Research and Policy Issues, Ed R Marans and D Stokols,
Plenum Publishing Corporation pp 163 - 190.
The Magic of Colour. Lecture on Colour and Nature together with Prof Richard Gregory to Marks &
Spencers Managers, St Michael House Headquarters, London, 7 September.
1994 Colour consultant for article in Daily Telegraph, 19 February.
Colour and Environment - BBC Radio Oxford 9.00-9.30am, February.
Colour consultant on testing new range of British Steel colours, March.
1995 Lighting research supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Building Research, Swedish
Council for Work Life Research, and Oxford Brookes University.
1996 Emotional and Behavioural reactions to colour. Invited lecturer AIC Interim meeting 1996 Colour
Psychology International Conferences June 19, 1996, Goteborg Sweden, proceedings published in
Scientific Colour Reports (ISSN 0280-2198) SEK 250 (June).
2000 Bergen (May) 2000. Research and development on ‘colour.and form’ One of 12 invited contributors
to a Symposium to increase research practice and cooperation world-wide in the field. Funded by the
Norwegian Reseach Station.
2001 Reflections on concepts of Aesthetics, Health, and Well-being in ‘Aesthetics Well- being and Health’
one of 10 chapters in a book Ed by Birgit Cold, Ethnoscape Series Ashgate, pp173-193. ISBN 07546
2002 Psychological Profiling - longitudinal perspectives, IAPS 17 La Corunna pp647-8 ISBN 932 694-1-7
2003 BBC 2 TV Series on Design Rules broadcasted in July 7th 24th,21st at 7.30pm and presented by
Laurence Llewelyn Bowen. Contributor and consultant to the Series.
2004 Colour in Education and Practice - 30 Years On, RIBA, invited lecture London
2005 International recognition award by IAPS, JEP, EPRGA and LDPE. Identified as a key figure in the
history of Environmental Psychology.
2006 Investing in the future:Teaching achievements,IAPS Bulletin No 30.pp 29-35.
2007 Seasonal Affective Disorder, A cross cultural study, (UK, Sweden, Saudi Arabia,, Argentina)
published in ERGONOMICS, with Rikard Kuller
2008 Colour for Architecture Revisited Routledge,Taylor & Francis

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