Rahat Bakers Project

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Rahat bake`rs

Project of managerial accounting University of central Punjab. Submitted to:prof.tariq hussain

Group members Saliha javed Faiza amen Zoya murtaza

Starting with the name of ALLAH the most beneficent and the most merciful whose blessings are abundant and favors are unlimited. As a mater a fact, people tend to forget those who are behind there achievements and have stood for them whenever they need assistant. Our gratitude will be meaningless if weare not grateful to almighty Allah for his indness upon us. His benevolence and blessings have made us capable. !e are also very than ful to our Sir. "ari# Hussain for their ind and sympathetic behavior and for giving us this pro$ect, so that we learn a lot from this pro$ect.

Table of contents
Acknowledge Introduction vision Mission Companies detail Companys Mottos Swot analysis Cost breakdown Budgeting Conclusion

%ahat ba ery has very high standards in all around the &a istan. "hey are offering couple of items all are very very #uality products, some of the best are' ( Arguably the best pi))a in all branches.. it is wor ing for the betterment of economy and have opened yet *+ branches witch are wor ing tremendously and are following all the a#ccounting standards .and also maintain tthir records according to the software that they specifically designed for their business.their main products ion gu$$ar han are' &i))a ,a es %olls !edding ca es -read ,oo ies &ie . pastries

After providing best services to their customers in gujjar khan citiy.they will expand their business in MANDRA !"#$AM region.


To satisfy their customers by providing best services and quality products.

Who are they?

%ell& they are members of the management& what surprised and impressed us during the meeting with Rahat's management is the vitality and self(confidence found among the whole team. in the times of chaos and crisis we have become so accustomed to gloom and doom that we are not used to hearing upbeat optimistic talk specially in our part of the world& #ere is a sweet encounter we had with the Rahat's Management&

A jolly team of young directors says that people can hold them accountable for the general rising weight in the public& we do not blame them for giving in to the temptation of Rahat)s cakes& pies& cookies& breads... %e ourselves are addicted to the relishing baked stuff prepared at Rahat& *Don)t worry about the weight increase& stick to a regular exercise routine and keep enjoying both the life and Rahat)s baked stuff opines one of the directors& *Manage your health as + manage the firm& intelligently& i.e. eat nutritious Rahat)s baked instead of gorging your self up with unauthentic products on the market& ,says the other. -eems fair enough advice.

The Team
.he dynamic workforce at Rahat bakers is headed by the more dynamic personality& Mr javed i/bal 0 1eneral Manager2& #e has Manager sales in 3epsi 1roup and employs this experience the best advantage at Rahat 4akers. 4eing extremely methodical. %e tries to develop step(by( step approach to basics in all his affairs. No matter how well the performs. #e is not satisfied because he is the type who would keep on striving for still greater achievements +n life . And indubitably he is capable of doing so. Mr. !aved +/bal opnes that an organi5ation can work miracles only through a dedicated& motivated team of workers. #e is proud to have such a team that includes members. 6ew of whom have been in service since last 78 years and by now have become a valuable asset for the

firm& .hese distinguished members +nclude

Mr. Akhtar Awan { Admin Manager} Mr. Khalid Rasool {Purchase Manager} Mr. Nasir Qureshi { Store Supervisor}
.hey have been associated with -ales Marketing for good period of time and are responsible for impressive performance and increasing growth rate of the firm.

This is the motto they all follows :

We, the Rahat Bakery Company from akistan. out of our conviction for our profession and motherland . do hereby proclaim that collectively !e !ill uphold ethical and moral values ,produces the highest quality baked good products possible sell them at an honest price " maintain e#ceptional customers.

Cost breakdown
Variable Cost
Wages " Carriage charges Rs.$%,%%%

Fixed Cost
Rent Rs.&%%,%%% 'tilities *nsurance Rs.()%,%%% Rs.(+,%%%

Web hosting Rs.(%,%%%

,alaries .dvertising

Rs.-+%,%%% Rs.(+%,%%%

Selected products
i//a Cakes Rolls 0ruit salad

Product cost
1) Pizza (monthly 900)
1aterial 0lour Chease Chiken )%%2+%3-+,%%% )%%2+%3-+,%%% )%%2+%3-+,%%%

4ther ingredients (+%2)%%3(,5+%%%

6abour 048 Total cost

&%%2)%%3(7%,%%% (+%2)%%3(5+,%%% +7+%%%

er 'nit cost +7+%%%9)%%3Rs.:+% rofit3selling price;cost price (5% 3 $7%;:+%

Cost volume profit analysis

Contribution margin3selling price;variable cost

3 $7%;+%% 3&7%

Breakeven oint3fi#ed cost9contribution margin

3 (7%,%%%9&7% 3-7& units

Breakeven to get targeted profit

Targeted income3sales revenue;variable cost;fi#ed cost 3 -%%,%%%3$7%#;+%%#;(5+%%% 3 )-: units

2)Cake (Monthly Production) 450

1aterial< 0lour =ggs Butter 4ther ingredients +%2-+:3&&+%% -%2-+%3(7%%% -%2-+%3(7%%% +%2-+%3&&+%%

6abour 048

&%%2-+%3)%,%%% (+%2-+%3:$+%%

Total cost =238500

er unit cost3 &57+%%9-+% 3Rs.+5% rofit3selling price;cost price 3:+%;+5%3Rs.(&%per unit

Cost volume profit analysis

Contribution margin3selling price;variable cost

&$% 3:+%;57%

Breakeven oint3sales;variable cost;fi#ed cost

3:+%#;57%#;:$+%% 3&$%#;:$+%% >3 :$+%%9&$% >3&+%unit

Targetted *ncome 3selling price;variable cost;fi#ed cost &%%,%%%

3 :+%#;57%#;:$+%%

&%%,%%%;:$+%%3&$%# >3 (5&+%%9&$% 3-)%

Rolls(180dozzens p.m)
1aterial 0lour :%2(7%3(%7%%

chiken ?agetables ,auses

(%%2(7%3(7%%% (%%2(7%3(7%%% (%%2(7%3(7%%%

4ther ingredients :%2(7%3(%7%%

048 6abour

(%%2(7%3(7%%% (+%2(7%3&$%%%

Total cost 3(&%:%% er unit cost3(&%:%%9(7%3Rs.:$% rofit 3selling price;cost price 7%3$+%;:$%

Cost volume profit analysis

Contribution margin3selling price;variable cost

3$+%;+&% 3&5% 3sellin

Breakeven point 3selling price;variable cost;fi#ed cost

3$+%#;+&%#;&$%%% &$%%%3&5%# &$%%%9&5%3# (($3#

Targeted profit3 selling price;variable cost;fi#ed cost

(+%%%%3$+%#;+&%#;&$%%% (+%%%%;&$%%%3&5%# (&5%%%3&5%# (&5%%%9&5%3# +5+3#

Salad (270packs p.m)

1aterial 0ruits casto sugur 0resh cream 4ther ingredients +%2&$%3(5+%% &%2&$%3+-%% 5%2&$%37(%% &%2&$%3+-%%

6abour 048

-%2&$%3(%7%% &%2&$%3+-%%

Total cost3-7:%% er unit cost3-7:%%9&$%3Rs.(7% rofit3selling price @cost price 3&5%;(7% 3+%

Cost volume profit analysis

Contribution margin3selling price;variable cost

3&5%;(:% 3$%

Breakeven point 3 selling price;variable cost;fi#ed cost

3&5%#;(:%#;+-%% +-%%3$%# +-%%9$%3# $$3#

Targeted profit3 selling price;variable cost;fi#ed cost

5%%%%3&5%#;(:%#;+-%% 5%%%%;+-%%3$%# &-:%%3$%# &-:%%9$%3# 5+(3#

Rahat bakers Cost of production report For the month june 2013
,tepA( 'nits started (7%%

Completed n transfer Work in process ,tep A&

(:+% (+% (7%%

1aterial 'nits completed Work in process Total units ,tep 5 1aterial cost -+)%%% +55$%% Total ,tep Completed 1aterial Conversion cost -5&$:& +%($:+ ))&$%% (:+% (%+ ($++

conversion cost (:+% (%+ ($++

conversion cost &:&.&7 5%-.(% +&(.%)

!ork in process &$+5).5()5%.+

10 Reviews for Rahat Bakers

R9:A;;A A : Revie!s (5;%:;&%(& + ,tar Rating

Best bakery !ith lavish food item/... no one can doubt about its quality... thumbs up for the salad bar...

.dnan B + Revie!s (&;%:;&%(& + ,tar Rating =#cellent food quality and variety. Cou must try the Rahat i//a. *f ur hungry and u need some fast snacks, find ur !ay to Rahat asapD

Boman 1 ( Revie!s &7;%(;&%(& + ,tar Rating 8o! can * not comment on something !hich about R.8.T B.E=R,F *n fact * created a login on this !ebsite to comment on Rahat Bakers. 4ne of the finest in to!n @ * am a big time fan of it. 1ost likes are their salad, bro!nie, mousse and cakes. * kno! they are not paying me for their marketing but * al!ays keep on doing that @ a local brand and a great quality @ !e really need to appreciate such honest businesses. * donGt have anything negative about Rahat.

u#= h ( Revie!s %7;%);&%(( + ,tar Rating The taste of Rahat BakersH items is delecious .

.li . 5) Revie!s %$;(%;&%(% + ,tar Rating

* dont think there !ill be a single person in IuJar khan !ho !ould have anything bad to say about Rahat. *t is indeed !orth a visit every alternate day. The items are al!ays so fresh and tasty. What i particularly like about the place is their doughnuts and pi//as.

*mran K ( Revie!s &);%5;&%%) + ,tar Rating 'ndoubtedly best bakery in t!in cities. There cakes and pastries are !onderful their pi//aHs are greatD ; all bakery items are fresh. ;donHt forget their ice;cream shakes and fresh Juices A;L because its really a!esome.

1uhammad B + Revie!s &%;%&;&%%) - ,tar Rating Rahat is undoubtedly best bakery in to!n... cakes are great ...they have the best pi//a in to!n...their ice cream n shakes are good. The only thing is they need to consider lo!ering their prices... they are on very high side of it.

,al K &+ Revie!s %&;%(;&%%) + ,tar Rating Ireat ,tuff ; salad, sand!iches,drum sticks " the best pi//a in IuJar khan, everything greatD MonHt forget to get N,afilloN from there <;L

Ehurram , () Revie!s ();(&;&%%7

+ ,tar Rating *n bakery products their standard is really high. .long !ith all other high quality stuff their pi//as also really rock. They have great taste pi//as and are up to the standard of international brands for pi//as like pi//a hut etc, * !ill say little bit more tasty. *f you have not tried pi//a of Rahat Bakers Just ne#t time choose HRahat BakersH because they really rock on this.

Bunnu R 5+ Revie!s &%;((;&%%7 + ,tar Rating Rahat bakery has very high standards in IuJar khan. They are offering couple of items all are very very quality products, some of the best areA ; .rguably the best pi//a in guJar khan , they take a big price but you get a good pi//a. ; Cakes are out of this !orld do give it a try. ; ,alad Cole slo!, ineapple Chicken, Russian salad at a lot more ask for some sauces !ith the salad and get a free ticket to heaven. ; .ll the bakery items are fresh and they are all out by midnight seems the stuff Just goes out as it comes out of the oven. CanHt live !ithout Rahat bakery Just too a!esome for any one man to describe all its goodies.

ricing po!er

'nique products Technology

*nnovative culture ,trong management

Cost structure 8igh prices

0ragmented market *nnovation Be! services *nternational e#pansion

Change in taste ,ubsititute products "conomies slow down -trong competition

Conclusion: Rahat bakers doing Job tremendously in our city IuJar Ehan. .lthough there prices are too high but they are giving best taste and quality. Their costing of some products are listed above given and also budgets of ne#t year is given in detail.

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