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University of Delhi The Academic Congress Enabling the Young: Redefining Education September 6 & 7, 2012

Call For Papers

In keeping with its pioneering role and illustrious history, the University of Delhi is holding an Academic Congress on 6 & 7 September 2012, titled Enabling the Young: Redefining Education. The Congress will explore changes in knowledge and learning systems in India and identify good practices for meeting the challenges of Education in the 21st Century. The young people that a University nurtures are seeking innovative ways of knowledge building and competency creation in different domains that will meet the needs of a rapidly growing country. The University is a

participant in the development of the nation and receptive to the call for not only altering outmoded methods of teaching and learning but also devising innovative practices which will make higher education and research relevant to the individual learner, society and human civilization at large.

THE ACADEMIC CONGRESS INVITES TEACHERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI and stakeholders such as students, parents, NGOs, corporate sector and others to participate in discussions and make brief presentations which reflect thoughts on innovation, creativity, integrated learning, pedagogical change, participant centric learning, assessment and evaluation systems, project work, research, and such other topics. The themes of the Academic Congress will be as follows: 1. Peer Learning 2. Stimulating Innovation and Creativity 3. Formalizing the Non formal: Beyond the Classroom 4. The Language of Knowledge 5. Discovering Rural India 6. Transcending Disciplines 7. Integrating Mind, Body, and Heart 8. Gandhian Education: Using your Hands 9. Redefining the Classroom: Convergence of open and classroom learning 10. Assessment and Evaluation 11. School-University Interface

Please refer to the guidelines below for the paper:

1. Please mention the theme that your paper seeks to address. 2. Please submit the paper in PDF format with numbered pages. 3. The first page of the submission should include the Title of the paper, Authors details [Name, Affiliation(s), and contact details]. 4. The second page should contain the Title of the paper and keywords, followed by 250 words abstract. 5. The Header of the submission should contain the title of the paper, and the Footer should contain page numbers in the Page X of Y format. 6. Please adhere to following guidelines for font and margin: Style of font: Times New Roman, 12 point size (Title of the paper should be 15 point size, and Header and Footer should be in Times New Roman, 9 point size), double-spacing, with 1 inch margin on all sides. 7. References and footnotes should be as per guidelines of APA, Sixth Edition. 8. The papers should be a maximum of 4000 words in length (excluding references, tables, figures, and appendices) The submission should contain an abstract, keywords, and separate sections on Introduction (including research question), Literature Review, Propositions or Hypothesis (if any), Research Methodology, Analysis, Results, Implications, Conclusions, Limitations, Future research possibilities, and References. including the first slide, which would contain title of the paper and details of the author. The duration of presentation would be for 10 minutes.

9. Authors of accepted papers have to send a PPTs presentation of maximum 10 slides

10. Paper must be submitted by email to

Please refer to the schedule below for submitting the paper.

Detail Paper submitted by Notification of acceptance of paper Registration Conference dates

Deadlines Friday, August 31, 2012 Monday, September 3, 2012 Wednesday, September 5, 2012 Thursday-Friday, September 6-7, 2012

CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION will be given to those who are Registered for the Academic Congress

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