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The Perfect Compliment Whatever happened to the art of the compliment? Here's how to make people feel b etter the right way. HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GOOD: Smile Like George Clooney, Be a Charitable Man, Pl ease a Woman, and Become a Friendly Millionaire By Tom Chiarella Street Scene In New York City Ofer Wolberger Recently, a few people told me that I looked good, that I'd lost weight. It made me feel good, then it made me feel bad. It was a compliment, sure. But then I r ealized it's just something you say to a big guy to get the conversation rolling . It might have even seemed the perfect compliment upon delivery, but it only wo rked to make me conscious of how I looked, or how I used to look. I just didn't want to hear it. It made me think, though. Had I ever given a compliment that ma de someone feel worse? Or that had no effect at all? I decided to learn how to d eliver good ones. I devised a plan in which I would give a lot of them in a shor t time and work to figure out exactly how the best compliments worked, and why. I started outside a noodle shop in a Big Ten college town, on a wide boulevard o f sidewalks newly laid. I knew no one, and I had nothing in particular to gain. I vowed to walk the full six blocks to a bank clock and on the way give each per son I saw my own special measure of attention. I planned to use short sentences, to be simple and direct. A young Chinese woman in a brilliant white cotton dres s approached. A tiny belt was cinched around her waist, thin enough that it migh t have been made from an especially long bootlace. That seemed a light and funct ional accent on a soup-hot day. Smart. I wanted to be sure, though, so I squinte d for a better look, and before I knew it, she was three, six, nine steps closer and seemed aware that I was staring at her waist. So I rushed it. "I like your belt," I said. And that spooked her. She cleaved her arms upward, gripping her p urse against her breast, turning her near shoulder forward, slipping past me as if we were in a crowd. She was gone. A short sack of guts in a golf shirt followed right behind her, wolfing a leafy sandwich from a grip of wax paper. This one was trouble. Lousy shoes, untucked l

ogo shirt, unkempt walrus mustache, cell phone clipped to his belt. Don't mentio n the sandwich, I thought. You'll make him feel like a pig. But he moved in and that was all I had. I blurted, "Looks like a great sandwich!" The guy squinted, mouth half-jammed with capicola, and murmured, "Shyah, not for you." Three guys, muscular and neat, upholstered in vague business casual, popped onto the street from a diner, thumbing at their phones. I went broad, giving them an all-in-one shot. "You guys look good," I declared. The doors behind them hadn't closed; they hadn't registered my presence. They turned for a look at me. But m y follow-up wasn't ready. I plunged forward. I knew I couldn't comment on just o ne tie without somehow commenting on the other two as well. So I pluralized. "Ni ce ties," I said. "Dude," the oldest one, a neatly kept guy in his mid-fifties, his hair entirely white, sneered. "Fuck you." "I mean it," I stammered. A kind of panic lit in my gut, then in my ears; it was hard to take it all in, to come up with things so quickly. "Get a job, man," the second said. New York City Street Scene Ofer Wolberger The best compliment I ever got came in 1979, after I sang three verses of "Home on the Range" over a hand truck full of busted-up Sheetrock. I was riding in the steel case of a freight elevator, down seventeen floors through an office tower in Rochester, New York. Something about the acoustics worked in my favor and I nailed it. The guy riding with me, a college kid with a mustache named Dave Merr ill, stared dumbly at me when the doors caught at the bottom floor. "Wow," he sa id. "You have a good voice. I never even knew that was a sad song, you know?" He slapped a work-gloved hand against his chest in a single thump of applause and leaned into the weight of the hand truck. "I felt that," he said, shaking his he ad. It was a fluke, a moment I should have forgotten by dinner. But I didn't forget, not because I particularly understand that cowboy's lament or bec and I haven't ause I discovered my talent in that moment. I simply remember the compliment, th e urgent, almost involuntary manner in which it was offered, like something that needed to be said before he wouldn't let himself believe it anymore. I tried to harness whatever Dave gave me in that moment. I had been scaring peop le, so I changed up my routine. I made myself walk jauntily, like a guy in a str aw hat, calling out compliments short and hard. Nice coat. Nice tie. Great outfi t. Like your hair. Great glasses. It made me feel snappy. Nice purse. Nice dog. Nice shoes. I learned to wait for eye contact, but otherwise I kept it moving. I pointed to people, clicked my cheek, even winked sometimes, like a flimflam man . I didn't register much except details I could comment on. People's responses c ouldn't slow me down if I didn't wait for them. I kept count and tallied on a st eno pad: That first week, I knocked out just less than eleven hundred compliment s. But I was still rushing. If a worthwhile compliment needs anything, it is the we ight of realization behind it. So I fell back, watched people go about their job s, the quality of their interactions, the way they looked at their reflection as they walked the street. I registered. And I learned, or started to learn, that a compliment is a partnership, because the pleasure of giving it lies in its eff ect upon the person receiving it. What I'd been doing was little more than a sal esman's trick, poorly played. I'd succeeded only in making myself bold enough to broadcast my judgments dry little seeds spun out on the lawn of humanity on the

fly. I had to risk a little connection. One rainy afternoon, I went to a crowded street corner in Manhattan and started again. The landscape of the city looked sturdy and polished, my heart was open, my head right. I walked the box of crosswalks at that intersection for two hours , waiting at each corner for the light to change, looking really looking at the people around me. I poached them across the street, crossing perpendicular to th eir approach, sidling up as they watched the light change. I abandoned simple an d direct, gave up on the humble declarative expression. A true compliment is a c omplex expression of unrequired appreciation how could three words do the job? I t worked better when I grew more audacious: "You seem really happy. That's a pleasure to see." And more concrete: "All I can say is, that is a classy umbrella. It looks old-timey and right for y ou." And unafraid of a little complication: "My mother always wanted me to wear a corduroy coat like that. Now I see why." People responded. Sure, some passed without acknowledging what I said, but most smiled, thanked me, gave firm little nods. I could sometimes see them stand up a little straighter. One guy told me a story about where he got his tennis racket , and a woman noted that the purse I liked was a knockoff but that her cousin Ce line had an even worse one. A kid told me his watch was his grandfather's and as ked if I wanted to see the inscription. Some of these people turned to me and wa ved when they left. They locked eyes. I still dumped a lot of compliments on the world fifty-four that day. But this w as the first moment 1,750 compliments in when the pleasure of the compliment cam e back at me in a lush, dizzying fashion. It made me feel good. I got bolder. One afternoon, I stood next to a little toothpick-chewing guy wear ing a black Members Only jacket over a T-shirt that read I LOVE FIREWORKS! He wa s watching people do tai chi in a park. Under his arm: a sheaf of pink invoice s heets. In his hand: a box of dust masks. I gathered that he was worried about wo rk, but I couldn't quite tell what his work was yet. "You seem ready," I said. "You look like a guy who's prepared." He clucked at that, one little laugh bit off in the center of his chest. "Prepar ed for the end of the world?" he said. That just kind of sat there. Then there came a day, as there does for every man, when I stood on a street cor ner, next to a lithe twentyish woman in a tight jogging suit, who stared indiffe rently into the immediate abyss of a short city distance. There was a lot to not e. Huge sunglasses, for one thing, each lens big as a grapefruit. Hair precisely pulled into two buns wrapped as tight and small as squash balls. She had an exp ensive novelty watch on one wrist, in the shape of a human hand, and a picture o f a baby dangling off an expensive gym bag, out of which peered a little dog, a toy schnauzer that absorbed the world quietly between eyeblinks. Great neck on t his woman, too. In front, lots of cleavage. Very nice. Oh, and she smelled good. For a second I allowed myself to believe that I'd somehow developed a hypersens itivity to detail in the people around me. That this might give me some advantag e with women. But then I realized that I was simply staring at a hot woman witho

ut any jangle of self-awareness. But, with so much of her begging for comment, I went safe. "What a great dog," I said. I was off my game. The woman didn't look at me. She shrugged and cracked a weary smile, rubbed the dog's head and stared straight ahead. I understood then that she heard that same thing in one form or another a dozen times a day, that she d idn't give a good goddamn what I thought about her dog great dog, cute dog, what an angel just so long as it was exactly what she expected me to think. Same wit h her watch, her rings, her neckline, her nails, her hair, her shoes. Weak compl iments like the one I lobbed neither surprised nor propelled her. In some way, a ll of this allowed her to not see me, to block me out as leering, envious, horny . Whatever. I only said I liked her dog. Sometimes the exercise led to other kinds of trouble. Once, a guy around sixty p ulling a little wagon full of hardback books walked up next to me. He wore a blu e golf pullover with a St. Andrews logo. "Nice," I said, nodding to the logo. "O nly a lucky man gets to play the Old Course." He looked back at me, face as blan k as an owl's, seeming perplexed by the sound of my voice in the midst of the ci ty. "St. Andrews," I said, nodding to the logo over his heart. He looked down, t hen up. "This's my brother's coat," he said. "I don't play golf." I sighed. "Okay," I said. "Then tell him I said he's lucky to have played it." "He's dead," the man said. Of course he is, I thought. I'd walked right into the fan blades on that, by persisting, by refining my initial compliment, by trying to square-peg it in a round hole. The little man and the wagon. I kicked myself for not looking longer. I should have said "nice wagon" and left it at that. Bu t the guy had engaged now. "I don't even know if he ever played golf," he said. "I'm just selling his books." He gestured back to the wagon, which rested agains t the interior lip of the curb at Fifty-third and Lex. Then he turned the tables . He complimented me. "You're a smart guy," he said. "Do you like books about sp ies? I got a lot of books about spies I have to sell." He leaned over and lifted a book cover like a coffin lid. When I relented and bought a le Carr for five bu cks, he complimented me again. "Good choice," he said. "You know your spies." I could smell the empty old apartment on him. And the death, too, I guess. The g uy was probably bringing the books to a secondhand store, wagonload by wagonload . This was more than I bargained for. There's some risk in what a compliment wil l bring. Finding the perfect compliment isn't a riddle at all. It's not as though there's one for every person at every time. It's a matter of finding the right moment r ather than insisting on one. I caught up with a guy at Heathrow in London to compliment him on his small and eminently sensible luggage set. "You make travel look elegant," I said. "Managea ble." He grinned and told me about his haberdasher. To a shopkeeper on the street outside my summer sublet: "I love the way you wash the sidewalks every morning. It seems like you care about the street in a way m ost people have forgotten." He took a little bow. To my solicitous and kind dry cleaner: "You do more with the collars of my shirt s than I even knew possible." She thanked me, calling me by my girlfriend's name .

To an intervals runner in Central Park, who ran the same two-hundred-yard sprint eleven times as my son and I watched from a bench: "I just want to stop you and say that was the most athletic thing I have ever witnessed." Deep in the waves of his panting, he held up a hand in thanks. In the end, the compliments I came up with were tailored and quirky in the best way. Most of all, they were thorough. I liked delivering them. I enjoyed plumbin g the reactions. I sometimes considered for days what I would say before deliver ing one. Or I'd run after someone for my one chance to say what needed to be sai d. I'd sit in the broad doorway of the coffee shop for an entire day, feet in th e sunshine, shoulders in the cool. I did not go on the hunt anymore. I scanned f or a single, worthy compliment in the craw of each day. One day a father and son , who was around four, came in and sat at the end of the counter. I had seen the m before. No one else took particular notice. A thread of music wound its way do wn from the speakers. These two just sat there, quietly staring forward. The fat her folded his hands, the boy waited patiently for the waiter. Soon I could hear them discussing the music, discussing some bike they'd seen. After a while it o ccurred to me that I sometimes watched a dozen parents a day come into the shop, often in those very seats. Normally the child hopped into the seat, swung himse lf vigorously, hoopty-dooped himself, sang, blathered loudly about what sort of five-dollar hot chocolate he wanted. Attention is cheap when you're four, and al most as cheap when you ride herd on a four-year-old. These two were different. I stared at their backs for ten minutes and listened. Nothing particularly profound they were breaking down the music, the old Doors n umber "People Are Strange." The kid seemed to get it "faces look ugly when you'r e alone" but even that seemed utterly between him and his father. I walked over to the counter. The kid was drawing now. The father seemed to be r egarding his boy, but there was no show in it. Nothing public or demonstrative. The two of them had a salient rope of mutual confidence running between them. I spoke then, because I knew what I wanted to say. "I have a couple of boys. I like the way you speak to your son. My experience, t hat'll always serve you, and him," I said. "You'll be men together because of th at." I had never spoken this way, not to a stranger. The man dipped his head a little, then thanked me, smiling, a little unsure. He looked at me as if expecting me to carry on. But I didn't have any more. I'd jus t wanted to say what I'd come to realize from seeing them like that. It was what needed to be said. And it made me feel good to say it out loud. Him, too I coul d tell. Later he'd quietly tell his wife what the guy in the coffee shop said, b emused but proud. He felt good. I knew all this at that moment in the coffee sho p, as the compliment completed itself in the space between us.


The Short and Sweet Guide to Being Fucking Awesome

People will tell you that there are all kinds of yardsticks to measure progress. What they don t say is that most of them are worthless. Money, career, fame whatever. That s all fine and good, but the bottom line is that there is one thing just one that really matters. Being fucking awesome. You can be broke and be awesome. You can be in a wheelchair and be awesome. You can be homeless and be awesome. You can even be dead and be awesome. You want a purpose to your life? I got one for ya. From this day forth, your purpose is tobe the most fucking awesome person you can imagine being. Quick story: in my early 20s I used to hang out with piercers and tattoo artists a lot.It was the 90s, and a bunch of us were getting crazy parts of their bodies pierced. One day I walked up to my piercer friend, Azl, who was pretty much covered with tattoos. Incidentally, he s now an amazing poker player with a huge backpiece of a king of diamonds (with an axe in his head). Epic. Anyway, I walk up to him one day in the studio and I ask: What is it like to look down at your arms and know that all these tattoos are yours that this is what yo ur arms look like? Pausing for a moment for dramatic effect, he answered: Julien, It is fucking awes ome, and smiled widely. That s pretty much it right there. What kind of friends do you want to have? What kind of job do you want? What kind of life do you want to have? The answer to all of these is simple: you want friends, work, and everything els e to be awesome. The more your life is awesome, the better everything is, and th e happier you are, whoo! Seriously, being awesome should be a fucking religion. There are three count em, three standards for awesome. Here they are, in no particu lar order of bigness. 1. Yourself I was thinking about this yesterday while I was taking a break from exploring th is town in Malaysia where I am right now. I sat down and counted my blessings or w hatever. Here s some of what I came up with. I have an amazing, supportive girlfriend who also happens to be gorgeous. I have great friends the same people I ve known for close to 20 years, and I meet g reat new people all the time. I co-wrote a bestselling book and am working on another. Etc. If you put this in the context of my 24 year old self, who worked in a call cent re, finished at 2am and walked home in the snow, was pretty heavily in debt, and ate nothing but bread and hummus (not kidding), then you realize that pretty mu ch anyone can become more awesome. This means you. But wait, there s more! What s great about the world of awesome is that it s totally s ubjective. You don t have to care about the ways I do it, and I don t have to like y ours. The main judge is yourself, and whether you like yourself more than you di d yesterday or last year. If you do, congratulations! You are becoming, or already are, awesome. But here s the clincher. This is only true if you are honest with yourself. There are a lot of people (people in public relations, or something) who claim t hat maybe their job is awesome. Or maybe guys that make a lot of money and think that they can be in on this love-fest too. Wrong. Doing something prestigious does not equal being awesome. In other words, awesom e does not look the same close-up as it does from far away. Which brings us to t he next point. 2. Your friends/peers Who are the people that you care about, and that you work with? For me, that s peo ple like my family, my close friends, my girlfriend, and people I respect in thi

s industry we call the internet. People who know you are a great judge of whether or not you are awesome, and als o, how to become more awesome. But again, only the people who are willing to tel l you the truth. Yesterday, for example, I got a Facebook message from my friend Jason telling me that Snooki, of Jersey Shore fame, is now a New York Times bestselling author. The kind of person that does this is the kind of person you should be counting o n; ie, people that keep you grounded. So one of the litmus tests for whether you are awesome is the people around you who don t believe the hype. Hey, speaking of hype, enter your email below. Thanks. Enter your email to subscribe: submit Your peers, btw, can see things you definitely can t, or won t. You re too used to you rself this is why you think you re handsome and that your beer belly doesn t look that b ad. (Neither of which have anything to do with being awesome, but you get my poin t.) Other people will always see you better than you can see yourself. Do you have people around you that you can count on? Then I suggest you go ask t hem. Find the most awesome people you know and ask them how. Optionally, ask Twitter.Seriously. A first impression is often just as good as so meone who s known you your whole life (speaking of which, don t ask your mom). If you speak to a bunch of people, and they all think you re great, super! You mig ht be awesome. But, then again, it s possible that you actually have another probl em. See below. 3. Your world Ok, so first of all,your world is as big as you want it to be, so it s not importan t what you choose here, with one condition. If you are already awesome to everyone in your world, then your world needs to g et bigger. You do this by getting out of the little pond and doing new things, or having a positive influence on people outside of your sphere. You ever notice how people who volunteer (if they re not self-righteous) tend to be fucking awesome? I m pretty sure there s actually a relationship between how many people you help out side of your sphere and how awesome people inside your sphere think you are. Mak es sense right? My friend Nicole, for example, just told me about a friend of hers who helps chi ldren get out of the sex industry in Thailand. How awesome is that. And here s wha t s particularly cool about it: if you wanted,you could be them. Seriously, it s that easy. You can just decide to become more awesome, whichever w ay you want, and then look it up on the internet to figure out how. The knowledg e automagically makes your world bigger, which makes you more awesome. Then you just go ahead and do that thing, which is easy because you just figured out how. Whoo! Anyway, what was my point with this? Oh yes. Being awesome is now your new relig ion. Welcome to the Cult of Awesome. It s very exclusive, but there are lots of pe rks. Your job is now to look out to the wide world, and take a look at what impresses you, at what you find absolutely great, and then find ways to become more like that. We need more awesome people in this world, and I would like you to be one of the m. Thank you for reading. Please subscribe below. Filed by Julien at 7:35 am under direction, humour, taking action, tips

Hi, I m Julien Smith.I'm the founder and CEO ofBreather. Check out more of my blog, my free book or add me on twitter. Also, we're hiring . Check that out.


How to Deal With Arrogant People I was mid-way through writing a post about this when I realized I had already wr itten one in 2010. Regardless, here is my take on the issue from 2013, since I wrote it already. :) It will always happen that you meet nay-sayers, disbelievers, or just straight u p rotten, arrogant people. No matter how far up or down you are on the food chain, there is always someone who thinks they are better than you. It never ceases. Trust me. And no matter what stage you re at, it s especially true when you re starting a new pr oject. When you start something, no one cares. They don t understand your dream, they don t care about it, and further, they are of ten too busy, too in their head and defending their position, to care. Evidence be damned. So get used to it. It happens. What I want to give you today is an attitude to take when you meet these people, one that helps you stay calm, respectful, and composed. The attitude to take is We will meet again, and when we do, things will be differ ent. Use it like a mantra. Here s what this does. One, it makes you feel like you ll get your comeuppance. No matter how badly someo ne treats you, you ll be in a position of higher power later. This is immediately calming / reassuring. Two, it makes you think twice before being an asshole back. Because you ll meet ag ain, you ll want to be graceful instead of defensive. (Usually people act worse wh en they know it s a one-off.) In effect, you are using your future position to secure your present state of mi nd. Try it next time you re confronted by rudeness. It works. Filed by Julien at 11:17 am under random

Hi, I m Julien Smith.I'm the founder and CEO ofBreather. Check out more of my blog, my free book or add me on twitter. Also, we're hiring . Check that ou ------------------

Approaching Vs Social Circle February 7, 2011GameRoosh When you have approach game, it s actually harder to meet girls in the way most ot

her guys do, like through social circles or hobbies, than it is to do cold appro aches. This was obvious to me when I came back from my second South American trip and a ttended a Portuguese meetup in a D.C. coffee shop. I was surprised by the turnou t (over 20 people) and how most of them were girls, but only three were cute eno ugh that I d consider putting my penis inside them. I needed a healthy dose of luc k to not only be placed at one of their tables but seated near them as well. The n she had to be single. Then she had to have a pleasant personality to sustain a good conversation (we weren t drinking alcohol, after all). Then there had to be no other guy who would interrupt my game. Then she had to be attracted to me. Th e odds of getting just a number in this type of scenario is shockingly low (10% or so), yet it s the main way average guys try to meet women. Compare the meetup to a crowded bar, where in the same time period I can do more than five solid approaches with a 10-20% chance of getting a one-night stand of g etting laid! Sure I have to deal with attitude and sharp distractions, but when you have the ability to approach it s ten times easier than doing a generic meetup with a hobby you re not exactly passionate about (kickball, for example). I can g o anywhere, not know anyone, and use that skill to get laid. So it boggles my mi nd that guys don t put in the effort to learn approaching when it allows a direct line to their sex goal. Approaching allows you to cut out the middle man. You don t need to maintain a soc ial circle in the hope of meeting a decent girl. You don t need to do activities w ith strangers you rather do alone or not at all. You just wipe the smegma off yo ur cock after a day of sitting in front of a laptop then go out to a place where the women are. No prior introduction or shared activity needed. I m at the point where banging a girl from social means makes me feel lazy, almost like cheating. ------------------

7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now August 20, 2007GameRoosh 1. Stop Leaning In This is the number one mistake I see guys make, especially in the first 30 minut es of talking to a girl. They don t realize that by bending over they re saying, God I m so happy to be talking to you right now. Or in a bar they talk right next to th e girl s ear when it isn t even loud. The last thing you want a girl to know is that you re excited to be talking to her because it sends the signal you re inexperience d, don t have success with girls, and ultimately, have low value. Lean back instea d and let her be the one to come into you. If you create the least bit of intere st, she will. 2. Stop Asking For Permission Can we dance? Can I have your number? Can I kiss you? Because guys don t know what it s like when someone asks them for permission to escalate to intimacy, they don t realize how lame it is when they do it. Asking for permission introduces an awk ward moment where the girl s brain floods with reasons not to do what you are aski ng. Plus it makes you appear scared of getting rejected, a quality not attractiv e to most women. Instead of asking, just do it and see what happens. "Alright" girls3. Memorize One Excellent, Breezy Story

When you first start talking to a girl, she has no idea who you are. If you talk ed to her because she is cute, chances are she gets talked to by a lot of guys. Separate yourself from the pack early on by telling her a short story that hits on many of your positive qualities, such as your confidence, athleticism, sense of adventure, intelligence, humor, wit, story-telling ability, and so on. Becaus e girls read between the lines, the story will not just be a story it will be a re presentation of you that doesn t come across as bragging. To pull this off, when you are in conversation and it s clear you have on, say, That reminds me of when . and then begin your story. I like ies about travel, because what girl doesn t like traveling? If you are nt of your story-telling abilities, understand that the best way to be elling stories is to expose yourself to good stories. 4. Stop Using The Word Hot To Describe Women her attenti going into stor not confide good at t

Have you noticed how easy it seems to attract girls you re not attracted to? Since you think of hot girls as so much more valuable than mediocre ones, you re more l ikely to behave in a way that makes it clear to her that she is indeed too valua ble for you, without even realizing what you re doing. This is the phenomenon wher e bad, needy game leaks out as a result of your thoughts, without conscious effort on your part. If you want to get physical with hot girls, you need to master ho w you think of them first. From here on out, no girl is hot, and there are no te ns. She s either cute or alright. Don t be that guy who falls captive to every girl he s ees. Instead, trick your mind into lowering her value so that you spit tighter g ame. 5. Get Rejected Immediately! Go up to a cute girl you don t know in the next day and start a conversation with what you already know as a man. Make up an opener or just ask how she s doing. Cha nces are she ll end the conversation in a polite manner, typical of the rejections y ou will face. It may sting that this girl made it clear she doesn t want to have a nything to do with you, but realize that the only way to perfect your game is to have interactions like this with a couple hundred girls. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY! This means you will have to branch out from your school, work, or social circle comfort zones. Accept that 99% of girls on this earth do not ever want to have sex with you. Get over it and keep going until you find the ones that do. 6. Take Your Hands Out Of Your Pockets Take your hands of your pockets. If you are at a bar looking like you are bored, resigning yourself to standing around and staring at the TV, don t expect to get a positive response if you approach a girl. She notices what you do before you w alk up to her, and if you seem like a buzzkill, she will be less likely to talk to you. While you don t have to bounce off the walls and be an annoying guy who ta lks loud and high-fives everyone, don t stand around looking like someone just sto od you up. Interact with your friends or the bartender. Not only will staying in an active, talkative state help you when you finally do approach, but it makes it much more likely that you will even do the approach. 7. Stop Giving Direct Answers Evade her questions with humor or counter with your own questions instead, withh olding for as long as reasonably possible your answers. Not only does this show you aren t trying to impress her, but it also makes her think you are hiding somet hing. This shady vibe will keep the conversation going and make her curious abou t what is hiding behind the curtain. You immediately stand out because most men try to appease a girl by immediately answering questions in the hopes she ll like

him. By doing the opposite, she sticks around to figure out who the hell you are (or think you are), but by then it will be too late your fish hook is in her and you can run deeper game with her full attention. Some of these things I learned from my own experiences and others from guys who taught me everything they knew about game. During an intense six year period sta rting in 2001 I was going out four nights a week throwing everything I had at th e girls I wanted to sleep with. I did things like ask them why they were so drun k and even approached with stick figure drawings on napkins to make them laugh. My learning curve was long and hard. Not until my second year of approaching non stop did a reliable game system start to become clear in my mind. For the next f our years I perfected and refined it into something that got me laid consistentl y with the girls I wanted. I then captured my strategy into a book called Bang. Bang is a 155-page textbook that teaches you the skills needed to put your penis inside vaginas. Nothing more, nothing less. My goal was to create a guide that was all you need to get laid, and I like to think I succeeded The book contains hundreds of tips to help you accomplish that goal, with a complete meet-to-bang framework. Here are just a few things it contains The 8 essential beliefs of the alpha male The 5 critical components of the vibe, an optimal attitude women find most attract ive Detailed text messaging strategy that shows you word-for-word how to get dates i n the shortest amount of time possible (no need to make voice calls) Four key moves to the kiss that are so natural and easy to pull off that the girl won t even recognize them as moves A comprehensive dating strategy so you bang her no later than the third date 7 detailed steps to taking off her clothes If you visit the Bang page, you ll have an opportunity to read sample pages and al so learn my Condom Line, the line I use when I need to get the condom in a smoot h way without ruining the moment. Click here to learn more about Bang. ----------------------------------

Everyone Is Hoping That You ll Fail May 4, 2012LifebloodRoosh Beta males are hoping. White knights are hoping. Feminists are hoping. Believe i t or not, some of your friends and family members are hoping. They want you to f ail because your success is their failure. It reminds them of their laziness, th eir poor work ethic. I m sorry to tell you that they all want you to fail. Their s ubtle jabs and withholding of encouragement are aimed to keep you in an inferior station. No one wants to see someone rise at faster speed than themselves. There is no point in telling other people your goals. They will talk you out of it or give you bad advice. There is no point trying to convince others of your w orld view. They will plant seeds of doubts that prevent you from action and seei ng the truth. The minute you go just slightly higher than you have been, they wi ll try to sabotage you. They are the worrymongers, fearmongers, scaremongers, sh amemongers, guilt-trippers, trolls, and haters. Ignore them. Feeding them brings you down to their level, which is exactly what they want. You re completely on your own. You don t need help from anyone. If you can t reach you r goals without the validation and support of other human beings, the bulk of wh

om I promise are against you, then you don t deserve to succeed. -----------------------------secret to fast sex hen you learn the game from scratch, you can t help but codify every part of your game and try to make a guess on what is helping you and what is not. You analyze your look, your opening lines, your routines, the method to getting a girl s numb er, and so on. Once you start getting laid regularly, all those parts merge into one big blob, resulting in an overall style that fits you and your personality. You concentrate on the whole, but at the same time you take the parts for grant ed. The problem is that a couple of those parts are absolutely essential, and wh en you remove them, you no longer get laid. I began to get sloppy on my city research in the past couple months of my curren t European trip. For Zagreb, Croatia I ended up renting an apartment for one mon th in a quiet suburb. I made this huge commitment without knowing a few things: The suburb was far away from day game action. My neighborhood had no central squ are or busy supermarket. The club I lived near had girls, but isolation was impossible because groups of them would go there by sharing a ride (since it s so far). I could only get number s and kisses. It was hard to get girls to meet me in my suburb on dates, so I had to trek via public transportation to the center to meet them for drinks. There was no chance of venue changing to my apartment unless it was a weekend. I calculated I d have to put girls on a three date program due to my location, something I wasn t willin g to do. It didn t help that I arrived in the middle of July, when the only place you d consi stently find people is in the center square in the afternoon, a time I d either be asleep or typing away on my laptop. What happened during that month was I didn t fuck a Croatian girl. Not one. I got two dozen numbers, many kisses, an occasional date that I was reluctant to go on because of my bad logistics, but no Croatian flag. I wasn t even close. This was right after I made a post saying How To Get A Flag In 5 Days. I felt humbled, th at god had read that post as soon as I published it and decided to make me feel like an idiot. During that month I did find a bar in the center where I was able to drag out a girl on three separate occasions, something I couldn t do in the club closer to my apartment. I invited all three to my place for a drink once I got them outside. They asked where I lived and when I told them where (about a 20 minute cab ride away), they all scrunched their nose and said it was too far. I tried everything to get them to come, even saying I d pay for their cab ride back, but it didn t work . I m sure I would have banged at least two out of those three if I had rented an apartment in the center. Instead, I had to get their number and accept the built -in 50% flake rate that comes from dating. I half-assed the prospects and failed . I was literally getting a 0% bang return on my investment. It doesn t matter how often you approach, how tight your game is, or how succulent your kisses are, but if your logistics are fucked, you re not getting laid. You g et to date instead. If you have to take a taxi from the spot you re meeting girls, you re getting one-night stands infrequently enough that they will seem like a ma jor event for you. If you can t say down the street when a girl asks where you live, you better hope your phone has enough battery power when you re forced to get her number. Not only is logistics the biggest indicator of whether you ll get a one-n

ight stand or not, but logistics alone is the best attractant for girls who want fast anonymous sex. If you fuck up the logistics like I did in my first month, I hope you have the p atience for marathon texting and conversation in boring venues where girls know they have the upper hand since your penis hasn t yet been inside them. Looking bac k the past 20 months in Europe, drum-tight logistics was the most consistent var iable in me getting fast sex, and forgetting that made for a frustrating month i n a place that shouldn t have been that hard. In my first 31 days in a Zagreb suburb, I banged zero Croatian girls. When I mov ed to the center, I banged two within 38 hours. Sometimes you have to fail to ma ke you remember what made you successful in the first place. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now ------------------------

doest matter if she otrgam oro nto I used to try to last as long as possible in bed. I wanted to make sure the girl got hers before I got mine, and the reason I did that was because I thought she would be attracted to me more and want to see me again. My former brand of condom made it very hard for me to ejaculate. I d be pumping aw ay for more than twenty minutes until she just got tired and then I would lay in bed with a heavy set of balls. Sometimes she d finish me off with her mouth but s ometimes not, and I remember times I had to go home and jerk off after having se x. It was humiliating. Eventually I found out about thin condoms and blasting was no longer a problem, but I had to think of baseball or organic chemistry so I could at least hit the respectable 12 minute mark. I knew how to hold my orgasm by squeezing my pelvic muscles and would do that if I thought I didn t go long enough, even though it wou ld eventually result in a pitiful orgasm. Post coital relaxationGradually I just stopped caring, and soon everything I did in bed was for my pleasure only. The only reason I d delay orgasm is to make mine better, and I pretended I don t hear her the first time she told me to drill slow er or not to go so deep. I did whatever I wanted because I came to value my orga sm as sacred, and her pleasure as second to mine. Do you want to guess what happened? Nothing. Nothing happened. Girls didn t want to fuck me more, they didn t want to fu ck me less. Not caring about their sexual pleasure had no effect on repeat calls and repeat sex. For guys all that matters is the end, but for girls it s the process. As long as s he gets into it and can say, I m getting fucked good and this feels great, then you ve done your job. Sure if you make her orgasm on demand you ll definitely hear from her again, but it s not necessary and just too complicated to worry about. Keep in mind some girls barely know how to make themselves orgasm! Every now and then I get a feeling that I gave a girl an orgasm, but I can never be sure because I don t ask.


How To Cheat On Your Girlfriend Without Getting Caught February 15, 2010Game, RelationshipsRoosh Over the past year I ve been much more open to getting into a relationship with a girl I like, but unfortunately I can t tame the dog inside me that wants to fuck a new girl every other week. So my current game strategy is to get a girl-next-do or type who isn t a club rat and treats me well and then return the favor by takin g her out, pleasuring her, and caring for her when she has the sniffles. During that time I lie and creep on the side with random girls. Obviously I don t think cheating on a girlfriend is morally wrong, but I do think it s wrong to bang your girl without a condom and then creep without because you re exposing her to diseases that could create an uncomfortable situation. But besid es that I feel very little guilt when I cheat because my main girl will never kn ow. I keep it locked down so tightly that it would take a lottery chance event t o get me. The result is I get to fulfill my perverse needs while having somethin g stable with a girl that I care for. That s win-win unless she finds out. Here s wha t I do to make sure that doesn t happen: 1. Get started on the right foot. Do not get into that pattern where you must ta lk on the phone every day. To accomplish this you ll have to state that you need y our space early in the relationship, that you don t want it to get into that friendl y boring zone where you re talking about what time you woke up and what you had fo r lunch. She ll honor your request but slip and send frequent text messages, which is fine it s easy to creep with another girl when all you gotta do is send texts. Also, if you want to actually have the ability to cheat, you need time not only to meet other girls but to take them out on dates. This means you want to get in to no more than a twice-a-week date pattern with your girl, one date on the week day and one on the weekend. Resist her efforts to see you more by saying again y ou need space and are the loner type that feels smothered easily. 2. Don t give her access to your phone or computer. This is how 90% of guys get ca ught cheating. They left their phone laying around, unlocked, and the girl finds incriminating text messages. It s easy to brush off female numbers in your phone as old, but not a text message stamped yesterday where you confirmed fresh plans . Either delete the text messages manually before you see her or lock your keypa d. Fail to do either and you will get busted eventually, guaranteed. Girls are s avvy with cell phones and only need sixty seconds to sift through your messages or call history. I ve caught two girls messing around with my phone. Once I went to go wash my cock after sex and came back with my phone on the floor instead of the nightstand. I guess she panicked when she heard I was finished with washing my cock and threw it on the floor. The other time I spent the night at this Brazilian girl s house and woke up in the morning with all my clothes gone. I walked around her place d azed and naked, wondering if I just got got, and found her sitting on the bathro om toilet going through all my shit. For your computer, log off your email account when you know she s coming over and then launch a different browser that you never use. While it would take time for her to sift through emails if you slip to the bathroom, girls go straight to th e Sent folder to gather evidence. I m certain that the female species plays dumb w ith gadgets and computers on purpose so that we leave our things laying around.

Also lock down anything else that could get you in trouble like Skype (call hist ory) and the secret pick-up blog you operate. 3. Don t create a lasting impression with her friends. While some guys will argue that a way to win a girl is through her friends, I only find that to be the case with very young girls around college age once she s in her mid-20's she doesn t seek as much approval from her friends as before. If you re meeting her friends for the first time then show up in an outfit you never wear and also a slightly differe nt hair or beard configuration. You don t need to wear a disguise but appear a lit tle differently. The reason is that her friends are spies and when you re creeping they may spot yo u and then immediately rat you out. By looking different and not making an impre ssion, the goal here is they don t recognize you when you re creeping. It also offer s a layer of plausible deniability because you can say that you were experimenti ng with a new look when you met them and they probably confused you for someone else. Furiously deny it was you that they witnessed making out with another girl . You have no other choice, not matter how obvious it was you. Be like the Unite d States government where photo or video evidence is required to pursue torture charges. 4. Do not mix dating venues. You want to have two parallel sets of venues to min imize cross contamination. If you take your girlfriend to the same bar as your c reep girls, a bartender or regular may accidentally out you, or tip her off whil e you re in the bathroom. We all know those don t-date-him girls who s life mission it is to warn other women of cheating men. 5. Don t frequent her regular spots. This doesn t need to be said but there is an ex ception: when one of her spots is a place you can get laid like a champ. In Rio there is a club where, as of this writing, I have a 33% bang rate. This m eans every three times I ve went, I banged a girl. There s no way I m going to stop go ing to a place like that, but the success I had at this club could easily lead t o my doom. Here s how I have avoided problems: I d go without telling my girl and for the first hour I d be diligent about scanning the room for her or her friends. As the night went on, and the chances of her coming was reduced, I d ramp up my game and start touching girls and going for kisses. If I know my girl likes going to the place at 1am and it s 2:30am and there s no sign of her, I can get sloppy without any fea r. Of course I always scan, a pretty paranoid way to mack, but that s what it take s to not get caught cheating. 6. Pick a friend who will be your go-to excuse for why you can t hang out with her . It s best she has met the friend but I ve invented guys as well. Be consistent and have him be the excuse whenever you didn t want to hang with her. Examples: Friday I m hanging out with Steve but how about Saturday? Steve wants to go to Sushi on Tuesday night to talk about some girl problems so l et s do movie night on Wednesday. Sorry I didn t answer I actually hung out with Steve in this lame club and didn t hea r the phone ring. Never allow her to join you with Steve, explaining that he doesn t like being the third wheel. Add that you need guy time to do some male bonding, to talk trash a nd just be men. What s going to happen is she will develop a deep hatred for Steve because she thi

nks he s keeping you away from her. That s not a bad thing because Steve will be the channel for her hate. Feel free to milk this by making it seem like Steve has a n influence over you since he s cool and fun. Many of my friends in D.C. would use me as their Steve and I can tell you that a dozen girls still hate my guts because of it. 7. Be mindful of when you blow your load. If your girl expects a gallon of cum o n her face when you bang, and then this one time have a trickle because you just got done banging another girl, warning signs are going to go off in her head. T herefore regulate your horniness and sperm quantity. If you know it takes two da ys to recharge after a lengthy sex episode, then allow that much time before ban ging a mistress and then your girl. This is why when it comes to the weekend I a lways try to put my girl on Friday. If I bang another girl on Friday then I will show up in her bedroom on Saturday already sated and she will pick up on it. 8. Try to bang your mistresses at their places. You don t want her to leave someth ing behind like a bobby pin, unique perfume scent, or blood. Also realize that a girl can tell the difference between a strand of her hair that is hers and one that is only 5% different. If you have to bang a mistress in your place then com mit yourself to a CSI-like clean sweep afterwards. Do not get lazy at this step. View your room from many different angles, get on your knees, and go sniffing a round everywhere. Flush used condoms down the toilet and put the wrappers deep i n the kitchen trash can. 9. Construct and rehearse your alibi. Anticipate what questions your girl is goi ng to ask and have simple, quick answers to them. For example say you went out o n a Thursday night after telling your girl you d stay in. You met a girl in the cl ub who bit the hell out of your neck in the heat of passion. You brought her hom e and she turned out to be a flooder. The sheets were destroyed. Let s focus on each aspect of the situation. If she asks why you didn t answer the p hone or call her back, say you wanted to stay in but Steve called and begged you to go out because he s trying to get this girl that has an ugly friend. So for mo st of the night you had to talk to a fatty, but you wished you were with her ins tead. The club was so loud that you didn t see the call and by the time you notice d it was too late to call back. Second, the scratch on the back of your neck happened when you were in the kitch en. You left a cabinet door open and when you reached down to pick something up off the floor, you come back up right under it and caught your neck. Of course y ou will wear a collared shirt to cover it up and prevent her discovery, but if y ou never wear collared shirts around her then she will be even more suspicious i f she catches the scratch. If you have a sister and can borrow her makeup this m ay also be a good play, or just go to the nearest department store s cosmetic coun ter. I m not joking. Third, the sheets. In America you can do a wash and dry load quickly, but in cou ntries without a dryer it has to hang for quite a while. If she insists on comin g in during the late afternoon before it dries, say how mad you are at the maid for dicking around and always coming in on the wrong days. You ve closed the gaps. Otherwise it would be a very damaging situation. While sub consciously she will know something is going on and be moody and testy, consciou sly she will accept your airtight alibi and things can proceed as normal. 10. Don t let guilt change your routine. After a successful creep you ll probably fe el guilty for cheating on such a nice girl. You ll then feel compelled to make a s urprise phone call, be more affectionate or loving, or even buy her something sm all like a chocolate truffle or rose. Resist this urge and proceed with your nor mal routine because girls can sense when you re doing something out of the ordinar

y. She ll know that you are trying to relieve your guilt, and while she may not au tomatically assume it s from cheating, she ll know you did something wrong. When you get good at cheating, you also get good at identifying cheating along w ith the precursors of cheating, like when she meets another guy that she s attract ed to. In due time you ll be able to piece together storylines. For example let s ta ke a look at this following hypothetical situation: Friday: Your Brazilian girl texts you from a party, says there are a lot of gring os. Stays there late. Saturday: You send her a text at 6pm but she waits three hours before replying t hat she was sleeping. Following Friday: She says she ll be busy Saturday, but doesn t say with whom. Even though it s easier to say I m going out with Stevie, some girls have trouble lying. Saturday night: She says she is free. Likely Story: She met a gringo on the first Friday and he asked her to a coffee date or drink early Saturday evening. There he told her to keep the following Sa turday free but eventually flaked on her. This means she s actively looking for be tter. Either you step up and offer more of her core needs (without being needy a bout it of course), or you can say fuck it, get a couple more bangs, and move on to another girl. Besides concrete evidence like a text message, email, or hair clip, your girl wi ll never have 100% solid proof against you. By being an accomplished liar, avoid ing sloppy moves, and covering holes that develop, it becomes very close to impo ssible for her to catch you. All this so you can have your cake and eat it too. I think it s a good way for a man to live, but if your ass gets caught don t blame m e. --------------Warning Signs A Girl Isn t Worth A Relationship June 2, 2011Game, Girl Behavior, RelationshipsRoosh In the past I ve shared warning signs when a girl will disappoint you in some way. I v e discovered some other more serious infractions based on the way she interacts with you. In the movie A Bronx s Tale, a mafia don teaches a young man that after a girl get s in his car, she should lean over and unlock his door to be considered a keeper . Here s the scene:

While my warning signs aren t tests, they say a lot about the worthiness of a girl for long-term relationships. If a girl does any of these, dump her. 1. Changing your music without first asking for permission. The first thing I do when get a girl over to my shack is put on some music. Depending on the mood I m trying to set, I ll go with something like Passion Pit, The Weeknd, or Vanessa da Mata. As I m making drinks, if she goes to the laptop, cuts off my music, then pul ls up some whack-ass shit on YouTube, she s only getting fucked that night and nev er again. Even though she wants to play this one song, I cut her crap off and put mine back on. I say, If you wanted to listen to your music you should ve invited me

to your place. 2. Giving you unsolicited advice. I don t care if I have the most obvious problem in the world that can be solved with baking soda, but if I don t ask you for help or at least show I m open to receiving help, then shut the fuck up. You re not my mo m and you re not someone who has more life experience than me, so spare me your ha rebrained ideas for solving a man s real problems. 3. Saying you should. There is absolutely no reason for a girl to tell a man you sh ould ever. It insinuates that not only are you currently doing something wrong, bu t that she knows more than you, which is extremely unlikely. She is free to say, Have you thought of or What do you think about but the moment she brings out the word should, a synonym of must, I know she s a arrogant cunt who thinks she knows more tha n she really does. The only things I should or must do are pay my taxes and die. 4. Not apologizing when she texts or takes a call in your presence. If I m on a fi rst or second date with a girl, and she starts reading texts, sending texts, or actually taking a call without excusing herself first, she will never see me aga in. Even the most conceited bitches will let off an Excuse me I have to take this real quick. Otherwise she doesn t deserve another meeting with you, even if she pu ts out and turns out to be okay in bed. You let a girl disrespect you like this and you might as well hand her your balls. 5. Asking you to postpone your orgasm so she can gain more pleasure. If you re abo ut to bust your nut and a girl does tells you No or Wait, she s an inconsiderate slut who is now causing you direct harm. A man s nut is sacred, and for her to impede t hat should be criminal. I m serious. One time a girl postponed my nut and then I l ost it completely. I couldn t get it back and I was left with minor groin pain. I never contacted her again. 6. Not urging you to continue pumping even if it s starting to hurt her. I ll tell y ou what love is: when a girl begs you to keep going even though you know she alr eady came, even though she s drying up, and even though you know it s causing her pa in. If she tells you to stop the millisecond after she gets her nut, without you getting yours, I want you to tell her that the point of having sex with women i s so a man doesn t have to use his hand, and that she has performed below the hand . That s why we do all this shit to fuck women to get our nut. If she can t do that fo r us, then she s useless as a living being. Let go of girls who show arrogance, disrespect, or selfishness. Depending on the severity of her offense she may still be worth one fuck, but other than that yo u re a chump if continue seeing girls who display these anti-feminine traits. The sad truth is that most of this list was developed in Scandinavia, where my hand was much more enjoyable than most of the girls I ended up in bed with. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now -------------------------7 Signs That A Number Won t Lead To A Date November 28, 2011GameRoosh Whenever Monday rolls around and I have a few new numbers to play with of girls I met at night, I make a prediction before contacting her whether I ll get the fir st date or not. Doing this for several years has allowed me to pick out behavior s a girl does before giving the number that hints towards if another meeting is going to happen.

1. Did she ask for your number or Facebook before you asked first? You d think it d be a good sign if she asks for your contact information first, especially early in the interaction, but it s actually a sign that she doesn t want to see you again. If she asks you for Facebook, she s merely building a circle of admirers that wil l click the Like button when she posts whiny status updates or carefully selecte d photos. While it s a good sign when a girl offers you her number at the end of t he interaction, it s not good if she randomly asks for yours. 2. Did she make an attempt to separate from her friends? If your entire conversa tion was overheard by her friends and she declined your invitation to either dan ce or join you at the bar to order a drink, she won t see you again. If you re danci ng with her and she insists on remaining in her friend circle while she gives yo ur cock a half-assed grind, you re not getting her out. If a girl doesn t show you h er true self, which only comes with she s away from her friends, she was never serio us about getting to know you. 3. Did she go out on a limb? She can do this by either resuming the conversation after an awkward pause or trying to seek you out after excusing herself to the bathroom. If the interaction would have ended had you not put 100% of the effort in maintaining it, she s not going to see you again. 4. Did she tentatively agree to plans? If you got her number without hinting wha t you want to do with her (e.g. have a drink), you re much more likely to get stru ng along in text messaging hell. If you didn t pre-sell her the idea of hanging ou t, and she didn t enthusiastically agree, a meeting is much less likely to occur. 5. Did you both remain in the same venue after the number was exchanged? If you get her number and she merely goes to a different part of the bar, maybe even fl irting with other guys, you just had a weak interaction. The number should only be exchanged when absolutely necessary, when the forces of nature will separate you and the only way you ll ever see her again is if you get her contact informati on. 6. Did the first break in the conversation come under the 10 minute mark? There are a lot of things in a night venue that can cause a pause in the conversation, like her phone making noises or her friend cockblocking you. If you re able to ma intain a non-interrupted conversation for those first 10 minutes, the chances of seeing her are drastically higher than if your chat is broken up into little ch unks. 7. Did you kiss her? There s a lot of debate over whether kissing a girl increases the chance of seeing her again, but let me ask you the following question: if a girl gave her number to ten guys over the weekend, and she was at a similar lev el of sobriety for each, is she more likely to remember the guys she kissed or d idn t? My experience shows a small but clear edge in getting girls out again that I kissed. If you didn t at least come close to getting the kiss, the chance you wi ll see her again is less than 10%. During the day it s a lot easier to tell if a number will lead to a date or not. S imply multiple the number of personal questions she asks you by the length of co nversation in minutes. Anything over 100 means at least a 50% chance of seeing h er again, which are great odds. While time is not necessarily a good correlator to seeing a girl again from night approaches, it is during the day. I m pretty down on numbers from night approaches. While I get them and will contin ue to get them, so many girls are willing to fuck the same night that getting on e implies failure. As long as you get them because you ve tried escalating as far as you can, and you don t become excited over only digits, go ahead and play the n umbers game to grind out bangs from regular dating.

Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now --------------------------------------------------------

The Two Things That Tight Game Comes Down To September 29, 2009GameRoosh A lot of the game advice you read on my blog or others encompass a wide range of actions and behaviors, including body language, tonality, humor, grooming, stor y telling, touching, attitude, teasing, and so on. There s dozens of topics and th ese days you can find pick-up blogs exclusively to something specific like style or cooking. That s because game is like sports it can be discussed without end to i nfinity. The cat has definitely been let out of the bag and I m confident that dem and for game knowledge will be strong until the end of time. That said, most things you learn about game are really teaching you just two thi ngs: 1. Being interesting 2. Being cool That s tight game right there. (I can easily argue that other things compose tight game like persistance and the logistical know-how to get a girl inside a bedroo m, but they are not absolutely essential.) Being interesting is simply being able to arouse a woman s interest. This comes fr om telling good stories to negging, to dancing well or making her laugh. A year ago a man told me that all you needed to do to get laid was give a girl good chat . The problem is most guys can t have interesting conversation. They can t show their positive traits in an intriguing way. They have no experiences to talk about. T heir lifestyle is nothing to be emulated or desired. Being cool is more about not doing awkward things. This begins with the eliminat ion of weird mannerisms and body language problems and ends with having a presen ce that other people are simply drawn into it. This is a lot more difficult to t each. I can easily tell a guy to not lean in or have a feminine posture, but tha t s only half of it. The other half will magically come (I m being serious) as his c onfidence goes up and he starts banging a lot of women. It simply falls into pla ce. If you are interesting and cool then you re a man who has a quality woman or fucks a lot of girls. If you re only interesting than you re the stereotypical shlub who lands a homely Peace Corp girl with that go-getter attitude ( Must get a graduate degree before we have Connor! ). If you re only cool then you ll get trashy skanks or club rats (not necessarily a bad thing). If pretty girls are not regularly attracted to you then you re not interesting and /or cool. Maybe to your guy friends you are, but to the female race you are not and therefore you will not be rewarded by pussy. Learning game is nothing but an indirect but necessary means to being interesting and cool. When you read a new line or routine, you re just mimicing the act of being interesting or cool. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now ----------------------------------------------------

secrets gettld Women are a fickle bunch. One minute they want to fuck you, the next minute they won t bother to return your calls. Placing your bets on one girl is a poor strate gy because the conversion rate to sex is extremely low. The temptation for some guys is to sit back and take occasional shots at the gir ls they especially want. So a guy has no prospects, gets one, fails with her, an d then goes back to having no prospects. This strategy has two consequences: his game remains in a state of rustiness and he gets overly excited at the prospect s that do come his way. With no harem to keep his cock golden and ego elevated, he devotes all his mental energy into one girl at a time. Bad, needy game leaks out as a result. If you want to have sex with one girl, you must do X number of approaches, get Y numbers, go on Z dates, and so on, where Z is less than Y is less than X. A cer tain number of attempts equals one lay, and that number will always be greater t han one, sometimes significantly so. Tell me how many fresh prospects are in you r phone and where your game is at and I ll tell you how many notches you ll get in t he next month. One reason for this is because lays are the product of momentum, not one-shot de als. It s similar to surfing. A surfer waits for hours for that nice wave, resigne d every now and then to catch the duds. But he definitely doesn t enter the water and catch a big one right away (unless Poseidon is smiling down on him). If he w ants to catch ten good waves he allots several hours in the water. If you want t o bang one quality girl, you must approach a ton of girls about as many that fit i n the back of a dump truck. But Roosh, what s the purpose of game if I have to deal with a lot of girls who are not my first choice? When you first get in the game your prospects will be mediocre or ghastly. Only the ghastly ones will come through. Then after some time a mediocre girl will op en her legs for you. Your prospects gradually improve until some really cute gir ls enter your pool. Even hot girls if your game is tight. You bang a quality gir l every now and then, one that you entered the game for, but your prospect pool will never consist entirely of hot girls. Years into the game you may still serv ice the occasional biggie. I don t care how hot that guy s girl is, but it s a certain ty he has banged trolls in his day, and may occasionally continue to do so to ke ep the beast tamed. The secret to getting laid is old fashioned hard work. Get your ass out in the f ield, approach in large numbers, get that experience, build momentum, and it s alm ost impossible not to lay a variety of women. Reading blogs or books is fine to learn from the experience of other men, but unless you do the actual work yourse lf you will never be good. You ll be the business professor who can talk about the ory all day but has never actually run a business in his life, while college dro pouts are running billion-dollar companies. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now ------------------------

The Best Motivator That Gets You Approaching Girls September 10, 2009GameRoosh All self-improvement books or websites have one same tip that they try to pass o n to you: Visualize success! Visualize the positive outcome and one day it will h

appen! Or something of the sort. When it comes to girls this is not an optimal st rategy in fact it is detrimental to motivation. The biggest problem guys have with game is the approach. They simply don t do enou gh of them to get good, quitting well before they ve achieved any amount of compet ent skill. They pause and hesitate and wuss out, and getting some of them to do one approach while sober takes more energy than the actual act of sex that the a pproach would hopefully entail. Instead, when you want to approach a girl, it s better to visualize failure, embar rasment and pain. To imagine that everyone within earshot will laugh about you, take your picture, and go home on the internet to write about you on their crapp y blogs. When you visualize the negative, not only do you accept the rejection ( because odds are you will be rejected), but you face and accept your fears. Only by embracing suffering can you tame the fear. You go through the process of des ensitization, which it what separates weekend pick-up warriors from the guys who can do this every day. About 30 seconds into the approach, your heart rate will calm and you ll forget wh y you were so scared in the first place. The hardest part is out of the way, and now you ll do everything in your power to making that conversation last, to makin g her laugh, to showing your best qualities in a short amount of time. The more I visualize failure, the more successful I am, because not only do I ap proach much more but I m more relaxed, more calm, more accepting of whatever bad c omes my way, especially in those tough situations with a large audience watching (e.g. day game). The worst-case scenario, which will only happen to you a handful of times, is re ally not that bad at all. It will end as quickly as it begun, and life will cont inue, and no one will care. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now -------------------------Why Approaching Should Be The Foundation Of Your Game May 19, 2010GameRoosh As your game improves you ll have to approach less girls for better quality, but y ou ll still be approaching quite a few girls. It comes down to basic demographics. Let s say it s Saturday night and we re at a crowded bar where there are 10 cute women . How How How to many many many know of them are in relationship that they re happy in? I d guess 3. of them have fuck buddies? 2. of them are in a bad mood for whatever reason and don t feel like getting a new guy? 1.

That means if you approached all ten women, only four would be open to your atte mpt without bias. Now I m not saying that the other girls can t be banged, but the o dds are much lower. That means that every approach you do in that bar for the re st of the night has a higher chance of failure than success, and we re not even ac counting for your game, appearance, or status. Before you open your mouth you re a lready climbing the mountain. If your game is tight, on this night you ll have to do about three or four approac

hes before getting at least a number, which is a guarantee of nothing. If you re a beginner, it s likely you ll approach all ten and walk away empty handed, and eithe r have to lower your standards and hit on uglier girls for the rest of the night or go to a different bar. The point of game, I believe, is being a good option to girls who are open to ha ving sex with someone new. But since so many girls are not open to a new guy (un less that new guy happens to be spectacular), you ll have to approach that much mo re just to find a willing audience member. This is one reason why when I go out solo I have a plan to approach ten girls, which ensures I will talk to at least a few girls who are open to a new guy. If I talk to ten and I get no bites at al l, it means that I m not even creating interest in girls who probably want to have sex somewhat soon. Either I have to change my game plan or find a new club with a different vibe. I know that approaching can be a drag. If we compared it to work, it d be like hav ing to punch in a set amount of hours a week while some other guy is making pass ive income from his rental properties. Pussy rains from the sky for him, without much effort, while you work your ass off. But approaching works and it s one thin g that every guy can do until he finds a niche or gimmick. I do it even when I d on t have to in order to stay sharp, because of how quickly game can rust due to i nactivity. If you re in your 30's and you haven t approached 1,000 girls yet, then you re not eve n close to realizing your potential. I m pretty sure I ve done that many by now, and I have the results that justify it (in my mind, at least). I have a feeling I ll be approaching until I m a very old man. And I m fine with that. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now -------------------------------------------7 Signs You Should Approach A Girl September 28, 2011GameRoosh A big part of game that isn t often discussed is picking the right targets. Any ma n can approach 20 girls a night, but such indiscriminate carpet bombing is likel y to tire the man out before he finds a girl who wants to openly receive his gam e. I believe as much effort should go into picking the right target as knowing h ow to approach them, because better prospects mean you need a less tight game to get sex. Do you want to cold call people who would never be interested in your product or do you want to call those who filled out a web page requesting more i nformation? Hopefully the latter. There are seven things I look for on deciding which girl to approach when I have many options in front of me: 1. Is she making slow or fast movements? You want a girl to be planted and mostl y still. Girls who are walking back and forth or acting hyper do not have the at tention span to meaningfully get to know someone new. 2. Is she holding hands with her friend? If at any point I catch a girl holding hands with her friend as she wanders through the bar, I will not approach her, e ven later when she breaks the embrace. A girl holding hands shows that she s in on e-for-all-and-all-for-one mode, meaning she will not allow herself to be isolate d. Approaching her while she s holding hands is close to a guaranteed blow-out. 3. Does she loosen her stone face when you make incidental eye contact with her?

If you make eye contact with a girl and she maintains a rigid expression withou t curling up her lips of lifting her cheeks, she will not be receptive if you ap proach. A girl who is receptive will soften her facial expression, not harden it . Even though that Polish girl stared at me for five seconds, her face remained hard without any visible changes, which is why I wasn t surprised when she proceed ed to be rude upon my approach. Unfortunately, many girls like to pretend they a re interested just to harshly reject any guy who approaches them. 4. Does she seem more committed to drinking than dancing? While it s okay for a gi rl to hop on the dance floor for a few songs, if she s there for what seems like h ours, that means she s sober, and sober girls in bars or clubs are the least open to meeting someone new. Another sign she s not open is if she orders drinks like w ater or soda early in the night. It s possible to have a one-night stand with a so ber girl, but a few drinks in her makes it easier, as you already know. Talking to girls who are overly focused on dancing means you ll walk away from the interac tion with no more than a number that ll likely go nowhere. I look for girls who ar e drinking and making only short forays onto the dance floor, not camping out th ere all night long. 5. Does it appear that she doesn t care for being with her friends? If that s the ca se she will often break eye contact with them to look at the crowd. Single women who are interested in meeting men look around as much as you do. If it appears that she s so enthralled in her social circle bubble that the dozens of people sur rounding her are invisible, there is no point to approach. 6. Is she in a group of more than three people? I find that three is the magic n umber. If she s in a group with only one or two other girls, your approach not onl y has a high chance of success but a low probability of getting cockblocked. In larger groups, the dynamic changes to where she tries to align herself with the group s previously agreed-upon personality. She s no longer herself, but a slimy leg of a big anti-social octopus. She will be colder (even though she may be single ) and let her friends levy an immediate cockblock strike upon your person. 7. Is she getting chummy with the bartenders or bouncers? If she s a regular who g ives cheek kisses to all the staff, that means she thinks she has status in that particular venue, and we all know what having perceived status will due to her attitude. A girl who is a popular regular will think she s a mini-celebrity and ac t accordingly when you approach her. (If a girl makes conversation with the bar manager or owner then that means she considers you, a mere bar patron, to be who lly unworthy of sex.) On the other hand, if she s a regular you see often who does n t care about knowing the staff, she will be more receptive. The ideal girl to approach in a bar will be with one other girl she s not holding hands with. She s actively drinking alcohol and not too crazy about dancing. The c onversation with her friend has long pauses that she uses as an opportunity to l ook around, eventually making eye contact with you. She slightly curls up the en ds of her lips when that happens. She doesn t seem to know anyone else in the bar. If you approach this girl with even weak game, she ll still give you a couple min utes of conversation. Even though a large club on Saturday night may have 100 woman, less than 5% exhi bit all signs on the above list, but you can maybe say the same for over 50% of the girls in the small neighborhood bar. A lot of guys think the absolute number of females in a venue correlates to their chance of getting laid, but it can be quite the opposite where larger venues with the most women are actually the har dest to succeed in. I used to force myself to do 10 approach a nights, but now I rarely get to that number before something happens because I know how to cold call those girls who al ready want to meet men. I gamed hard for a long time, but now I can game smart.

I just look for the signs. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now Do You Want To Rea -------------------------------The 9 Immutable Laws of Pick-Up September 21, 2009GameRoosh 1. If you find yourself having to ask for advice on how to get a particular girl , you won t get her. I mentioned this before in Be That Guy I was trying to bang this girl and she was being very flakey and taking forever to get back to me. I asked my friend what I should do about it and we proceeded to go over my options after I told him everything that had transpired so far. At the end I thought, Is she doing this with her friends right now? Is she asking her friend how to get with me? Is she asking her friend how to get me to stop f laking? Of course not. I looked back even farther and noticed that with almost every girl I asked a fri end advice for, I didn t eventually bang her. When you are prepared to ask advice on how to deal with a particular girl, what you re doing is valuing her, and that s the fastest way to not bang her. Some of the emails I get are mini-books where t he guy painfully details the situation he s suffering through and then asks for he lp. I ll give it but I know the situation isn t going to turn out in his favor. The reason he s asking is because he already lost the upper hand by making a ton of mi stakes. To improve your game what you should do instead is ask for advice after the fact . Do the best you can then after you fail ask a buddy what he would have done di fferently. Learn from your mistakes once you ve given your all, because if you fin d yourself needing to ask advice during the seduction, I m sorry but you ve already lost her. Take a big step back and go meet another girl instead. Play the game with what you have learned from the past. Don t be a pussy and give blow-by-blow details to your buddy hoping it will somehow help you. 2. If a girl hasn t had sex in a month, she will be 10 times easier than if she ha d sex in the past week. I don t want to kill myself when it comes to getting laid. I paid my dues when I w as learning and now I just want to put the minimal amount of effort in getting q uality girls. It s rare that the hottest girl will be the most horny she always has a steady suppl y of dick that she can access. Banging her depends just as much on luck and timi ng than actual game. Try your hand with her every now and then, but keep in mind that screening for horniness is just as important as personality and beauty. If the girl you re dealing with has gotten laid recently, there will be no sense of urgency and the iron will be too cool for you to get inside her pants quickly.

For example, say I met an 8 in a popular nightclub. She has suitors all around h er and every ten minutes she glances at her cell phone to read a text message fr om one who is badly trying to fuck her. She just got laid two nights ago by one of her ex s. The next day I met a 7 in a coffee shop, a talkative girl who didn t br eak eye contact with me in the hour that we chatted. She showed more interest. W ho should I put more energy into? In reality you ll have energy for both girls so you ll t what will happen is the 7 will accept and the 8 will ou won t be doing your dick any favors by only chasing ions and get laid regularly. Horniness is an important gets your notch count up into stratospheric heights. call them up the same day, bu say maybe. The point is y girls who have a lot of opt dimension to screen that

3. You re not going to be good unless you reach a point where you feel that pick-u p is a job. One night you have to be knee deep in another sausage fest surrounded by girls w ith attitude and think, God, not this shit again. Like any other skill, pick-up ha s a wall that must be smashed through if you want to get to any level of consist ency. Understand: There is nothing fun about getting rejecting by tons of women, but that s the only way to improve. Just suck it up and keep going. 4. The opener is the least impactful part of the pick up. I ve gotten laid with the most ridiculous openers known to man, ones that are gram matically incorrect and void of depth, meaning, or feeling. Most of my regular o peners are downright boring and nothing that would bat an eyelash to a man who i s learning how to get laid, but I understand that the opener doesn t get me laid it only serves as an icebreaker. Human beings are electrons floating in their own o rbits, and openers simply contain enough energy to cause a collision. You want t o go from being a nobody in her world to someone who exists and has a presense. That s great if you have a solid opener, but the last thing you should do is hesit ate because of a lack of one. The real value lies in what you follow up with, wh ich will begin to introduce her to your personality and vibe, two important thin gs that get you in her pants. 5. The men you surround yourself with do more to predict your future results tha n your knowledge of game. There are quotes I ve read that go something like Show me a man s friends and I ll show you his character, and Show me a man s friends and I ll show you his future. Same goes for pick-up. For a variety of reasons (someone to talk to about game, someone w ho gets you in the right mood, someone whose success motivates you, etc.), havin g a man that is achieving or wants to achieve the same goals as you are will do more to help you than mere knowledge. I have received tons of emails of guys who got into the game and complain that t heir friends are questioning their new lifestyle choices, that they hesitate to approach because their friend isn t into it. I tell them to go out alone. Game is already hard enough to master, but now you have to get judged by your friend as we ll? This prevents you from action and leads to a low notch count. 6. You will get flaked on until you die. Expecting the girl to do anything whether it s returning your call or showing up on a date assures disappointment. Understand that girls are flake machines, and will continue to do so until the end of time. As long as human beings have the abilit y to change their mind about something, girls will change their mind on you. Whi

le there are things you can do to reduce this, you will never eliminate it compl etely. One solution to to the flake problem can be found in The Secret To Getting Laid: If you want to have sex with one girl, you must do X number of approaches, get Y numbers, go on Z dates, and so on, where Z is less than Y is less than X. A cer tain number of attempts equals one lay, and that number will always be greater t han one, sometimes significantly so. Tell me how many fresh prospects are in you r phone and where your game is at and I ll tell you how many notches you ll get in t he next month. The guys who are doing it wrong only work on one girl at a time. Since odds are that girl will flake, they will have to start over after each attempt, never build ing that crucial momentum which is important in getting laid. When I m ready for a new notch, I go into a sort of on mode, approaching like crazy, getting a handful of numbers, and then working on all of them at the same time. If I get 10 numbers this month and only bang one, did I fail? I think not twelve n otches a year adds up pretty quickly. Now say I got one number, worked on it for a couple weeks, and then got another number, and worked on that for a couple we eks, and I did this ten times until I get that one lay. That s five months for the bang because I kept going all-in on each girl. Because of the flakey nature of girls, you must multi-task and have many pots simmering on the stove at once. 7. Pick-up difficulty is relative and depends on venue selection. Ugly girls and hot girls are easy to pick up if there are other hotter girls aro und, but things get dramatically harder when those hotter girls disappear. And t hat s just from the perspective of the girls. If we account for your unique person ality and look, thing continue to change. How come I can t get laid in Georgetown, but I go to U Street and pull regularly? Because the girls that go to those pla ces are different, and different girls will perceive me differently. I have discovered places within cities that my success rate is more than ten tim es higher. In the same city! If you don t know which places you do better in, then I guarantee you re seeing a lot less success than you could somewhere else with t he exact same game. As much work should go into venue selection as actually lear ning how to game girls. 8. You will go home empty-handed if you pass on the sure thing. If one night you have both a sure thing and a maybe with another girl, always go f or the sure thing. It s never happened in the history of the world that a man got something after skipping on the sure thing, partly because the mere act of skipp ing on the sure thing for some other girl means you re overvaluing the better girl . Bad game will leak out as a result. Don t worry, they ll another be another opportunity to upgrade next time, but on thi s night, go ahead and get your dick wet. As a man who has lost count of how many times I skipped over the sure-thing and got nothing, trust me when I say that t he other girl won t put out. You ll get a number at most. This partially goes agains t my philosophy that you should pick the girl and not let her pick you, but when guaranteed sex is at play it s okay to put that aside. 9. The more you work, the more you ll get. Fuck all those people who say you shouldn t work for it, that you should just sit back and be cool and let things happen. They re just rationalizing their paltry re sults. If they were right then there wouldn t be large readerships for blogs like

mine and a market for dozens of pick-up books, CD s, and seminars. Doing nothing e xcept praying and wishing and feeling sorry for yourself doesn t work. Getting a g ood job or condo or being intelligent is not enough. Knowledge is power and applying that knowledge leads to real-world success. And when I mean work I don t mean reading or studying but getting out in the field and interacting with other girls. If you don t believe me, start a spreadsheet of how many girls you talk to each week and what you end up getting out of that. Do it for a while and you ll see that the more girls you approach, the more intimacy yo u get. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Yo -----------------------5 Reasons Your Game Sucks October 10, 2011GameRoosh This list contains what I believe are the most common problems that guys have af ter being in the game for about a year. 1. You re still too needy. While you ve made quite a bit of headway with accepting r ejection, you re still hoping that girls will like you, respond to your text messa ges, and not flake. For every new girl you meet, you care more about her than sh e does about you, and I guarantee you she can feel that. You ll have to be more col d, fighting the early stages of attachment to her before she shows affection firs t. 2. You re not approaching enough. Your approaches are spaced so far apart that you r progress is slower than it should be. You still wait for perfect moments and m ake fancy excuses on why you shouldn t do the tough approaches. Sometimes you sit on your hands waiting for a Christmas miracle, expecting not to put in hard work to get what you want. One day you will get to the point where you don t have to w ork as hard to get laid, but you re not there yet, so you must keep approaching in high numbers. 3. You use alcohol as a crutch. You think you re putting out tight game when you d rink heavily, but your boys don t have the heart to tell you that you re not. You re s till counting on a few drinks to loosen you up, meaning you re missing not only ap proaches that could ve taken place early in the night but day approaches as well. If I told you that alcohol would be banned from the world and you respond by fre aking out, you re depending on it more than you should. 4. You re still putting pussy on the pedestal. Even though you re well aware that yo u shouldn t put pussy on the pedestal, you still fantasize about having a dream gi rl to snuggle with on those cold winter nights. You think many of your problems in life will be solved if you can forge a magical connection with that cute girl -next-door. You hope that one day you could end all this game business and just b e yourself, whatever that means. This ensures that you overvalue every girl you m eet and put out bad game as a result. The more worthless you think of the female species and the less you fantasize about your dream girl, the more likely you w ill find and successfully game her. The fantasy you should have to get your idea l girl should be choking and butt-fucking her, not having a romantic walk with h er on a beautiful beach underneath a full moon. 5. Your appearance has not yet reached its potential. You ve been lazy about optim izing your look. That s nice that you ve recently bought a new belt with a large buc kle, but for the most part you look the same as you did two years ago. Are you a

bsolutely sure that your current look will get you the best responses for the ty pes of venues that you usually approach women in? Are you sure you ve lost the ext ra pounds that would help make women consider your body athletic instead of average ? It takes methodical experimentation with different hair, clothing, and muscle c ombinations to discover the appearance that gets you laid the most. The solutions that will take your game to the next level are building your confi dence to lofty heights, devaluing pussy, making the law of averages your god, an d experimenting until there s nothing left to experiment with. Until then you will only see average returns from your game investment. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your ----------------------------SNL This Saturday night I m not going out not to practice my game, build my skills, ma ke a girl laugh, entertain her friends, or have a good time. I m going out to fuck . Everything I do after the moment I leave my door will be to find a girl who is open to having sex with me that same night. During the day I m content with phone numbers, but at night I intend to go all the way, even on weeknights. Anything less than that is a complete, utter failure. There are two things that need to be in place for me to fuck same night: the rig ht game and the right prospects. The right game on the wrong prospect will lead to rejection. The wrong game on the right prospect will also lead to rejection. It s when you have both that sex will happen. I already got the right game for gir ls in America and a handful of other countries, so getting laid for me is now en tirely dependent on finding the right prospects. To maintain a high one-night stand conversion rate (one for every three or four times going out), I remain hyperaware of my fuck funnel. The word funnel comes f rom web marketing. Here s a definition: A funnel is a series of pages through which a visitor must pass before reaching th e goal conversion. The name comes from a graph of visitors who reach each page the first page counts the most visitors, and each successive page shows less visito rs as they drop off before reaching the final goal. Your fuck funnel is the series of steps you take from the approach all the way t o sex. Most girls will drop out as they go through your funnel by losing interes t, declaring they have a boyfriend, flaking out, throwing up, or a multitude of other reasons that prevent sex. This means that for ever one girl you fuck, you have to approach a lot of girls. This is the basic law of averages, where no man fucks every girl he interacts with (even serial rapists have a failure rate). Most guys allow the girl to remove herself from his funnel. For example, a guy w ill talk to a girl for two hours in the club and then have the girl disappear to the bathroom. Or maybe he will kiss her at the bar, be content with it, then no t get a response when he texts her a couple days later. In either situation, a w hole night is wasted. Now imagine that you can predict when a certain girl will allow her ugly girlfri end to cockblock. Or you can predict if a girl is flakey when it comes to going on dates. Or you predict that a girl is not interested in one-night stands. What happens? Well, if you like fast casual sex like I do, you drop her from your fu nnel. This means that you walk away from the interaction at an early stage well before she does, all for the goal of saving your time to focus on another girl t

hat will be a better prospect. My goal is to get laid every night I go out, some thing that can only be reached by passing on girls who are not good prospects. How do you know when to walk away from an interaction? How do you know when a gi rl is not a good candidate? First, you ll need at least twenty notches of experien ce from cold approaches. You will then pick out the patterns of how those twenty girls responded to your game. If you meet a girl who responds in an opposite wa y from the pattern, stop talking to her. In essence, you re testing her to see if she responds in a way that other girls you ve fucked have responded. Let me give you two examples from my foreign fuck funnel. When I m abroad, all gir ls ask me the same types of questions, which I have scripted answers for. I have found out that girls who want to fuck me the same night tend to give eerily sim ilar responses to my stock answers. This is how I know whether I will fuck her s oon or not. If she gives me a response that strays from the optimum, I politely wind down the conversation and find another girl. Example 1. A girl asks me what I m doing in her country. My stock response is Sex a nd drugs. If she laughs or says something like And rock and roll? then it s possible she may fuck me that night. If she doesn t even smile and says, No, really, what ar e you doing here, or gets clearly offended, then she will not fuck me within the timeframe that I desire. Because this question comes within the first five minut es of every approach, it s a reliable way to quickly eliminate bad prospects befor e I invest a lot of time. Example 2. About 30 minutes into an approach, well after touching has commenced and I m getting close to the kiss, I ask her if she s getting drunk. She ll say no and then I respond, Well then how about I buy you ten shots of vodka and then take a dvantage of you? She ll laugh at this and say she doesn t want ten shots of vodka. Th en I joke, How about I put a drug in your drink? I mime the act of drugging her dr ink. If the girl stiffens up and says, No drugs you rapist! then she will not fuck me that night. If a girl laughs, and then soon leaves her drink unattended in m y presence, I guarantee you I m fucking her. It has happened to me countless times where I hit her with my drug joke and she asks me to watch her drink while she goes to the bathroom. Think about that for a second: she s leaving her drink unatt ended with a guy who just joked about raping her. Guess what she wants to do in the not so distant future? With the use of several other tests, I will know within 30 minutes and with 75% certainty if I will get the one-night stand or not. Compare this to my past, whe re it was common to waste over two hours on a chick to only get a number and not even a kiss. Today that simply doesn t happen to me because I have my funnel test s that I stick to regardless of how pretty or interesting she is. Even if you read Bang frontwards and backwards, my game will not be identical to yours. Copying and pasting my tests will not work. What you must do instead is identify the responses that girls you ve fucked gave to your early lines and routi nes. Unless you have a sample size of twenty bangs this will be hard to do, but if you re a beginner you can create newbie funnels that deal with getting numbers or kisses instead of one-night stands. For example, what pattern of responses di d the last twenty girls who threw you digits give to your beginner game? The onl y thing you have to keep in mind is to make sure your tests are all executed wit hin the first thirty minutes, the longest amount of time you should waste on any girl. The hardest part of a good prospect strategy is walking away from a girl who is warm to you but not giving good funnel responses. Players are so used to pressin g on until a girl walks away from them that it s almost foreign to walk away first , but truth is approaching ten girls a night is easy. Plowing is easy. Walking a way from a girl who your history dictates is not a good prospect takes guts. Yet

this is what you must do. It stings when a pretty girl takes offense to one of my tests in an otherwise solid interaction, but I have the history of all my ban gs at my back, reminding me that I m making the right decision. Continuing to talk to a girl who fails your test is the same as putting her on a pedestal, meaning you definitely won t fuck her. The irony is that more that I walk away, the more girls I fuck. Study your previous bangs, identify a handful of tests to sprinkle in your early game, and then follow them to make one-night stands as common as getting number s or kisses was for you in the recent past. A sign you re doing it right is when a ll your bangs start to look like copies of each other, as if you ve cracked the co de and developed a template that works powerfully well for your game and persona lity at your current location. This is what has happened to me. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now Do You Want To Read More Cont --------------One Night Can Change Everything April 27, 2011Game, LifebloodRoosh My second visit to Rio didn t start off so well. I couldn t find an apartment, I had trouble making friends, and I got dumped by a girl that I wanted to develop a r elationship with. I was struggling with Portuguese and not making headway with t he new night venues I was experimenting with. I hit bottom on New Year s Eve. What should have been a magical celebration on Cop acabana beach was lonely and depressing. I talked to one girl for two minutes. I couldn t even drown my sorrows because the vendors ran out of beer, so I went hom e after the fireworks and slept. All the things that made Rio magical during my first visit was gone, and I had to confront the reality that it was time to star t from scratch. I didn t want to go out on New Year s Day, let alone talk to another human being. I just wanted to stay home in my favela shack and reminisce about Colombia and the nice pussy I was banging there before I left. But I knew that absolutely nothin g would happen if I stayed home, so I cleaned myself up and went out to the same bar where I was successful a couple years prior. I bombed. I couldn t make headway with any girl and by the time I got to ten appro aches I wanted to kill myself. I couldn t believe that things had so quickly turne d against me, and wondered if this was the same city I remembered. Was I complet ely wrong about singing its praises? Should I not have told other guys that Braz il was a magical paradise? It was so bad that I started considering a trip to Ar gentina. I paid my bar tab and was on the way out when I saw a cute girl who looked like she was Middle Eastern. At that moment I can t stress how much I didn t want to appr oach her. I didn t think there was a point because of all the failures that preced ed it, but something told me to just say a few words then get the fuck out of th ere. I asked her if she was Brazilian and she answered that she was, but that he r father was from Lebanon. We got into a conversation and when I joked if she li ked hairy men, she said yes. She also liked Americans, having lived in the States for several months.

I didn t bang her that night. I weaseled my way into her room but couldn t even get off one article of clothing. The bang happened on the next date and we ended up dating for about a month, which when you re abroad feels like forever. During that time I connected with my Danish roommate, pursued my nightlife niche, made soli d progress with my Portuguese, and settled into a pleasant work and exercise rou tine. Most importantly, a little tide of girls began rolling in. That Brazilian girl was day zero of four months of happiness in Brazil that made me forget abou t the Colombian girls I was messing with. She was the beginning of a memorable p eriod of my life that made me hate Argentina for the month I ended up staying th ere afterwards. No matter how bad things get, all it takes is one girl, one night, to get you ba ck on track. I don t care how many rejections you ve sustained beforehand, or how ma ny dozens of girls have recently flaked on you, but that one special meeting, wh ich you cannot predict, will pick you up and give you the confidence you need to keep getting more and better. If life is full of peaks and valleys and you re in a deep slump, it s just a matter of time until you get out of it, yet it s not enoug h to merely go out. You can t sit quietly in the dark corner of the bar for two ho urs and think you ll be thrown a bone. You must work hard, consistency and continu ally, approaching and persisting every night to your maximum capability until yo ur head hits your pillow. I understand that I have to put in the work to get the rewards. I don t go out for just a drink I stay out until either I hook up, I m exhausted, or there are literally no women on the streets. I ve lost count how many times I pulled when all hope wa s lost, when no previous girl was digging me, when any average man would have lo ng since given up, and when I already mentally identified the porn clip I would be masturbating to. If I didn t talk to that Brazilian girl after I had already de cided I was finished, my time in Rio would ve been much different. If I didn t alway s persist like a machine until my head hits the pillow, my whole life would be d ifferent. You re walking home after a brutal night out where you can t even hold your head hig h, but then you see a girl walking in the opposite direction. Approach her with everything you got. She may change everything. This night may change everything. Read Next: 7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Game Right Now ----------------------------------The Dark Side Of Game March 30, 2009GameRoosh Sleeping with a ton of women has some mental consequences that aren t ususally tal ked about. Here are four things that I have noticed: Inability to view women as equal human beings. My default opinion of any girl I meet is worthless dirty whore until proven otherwise. When so many girls have open ed their legs up for me so quickly and easily, it s hard for me to respect them (a nd their opinions or ideas) like I would a family member or close friend. I thin k this is leaking out into other areas of life as someone pointed out to me that I seem to read books written only by men. Decreasing ability to sympathize and empathize with the female condition. Becaus e I learned early on that talking to a girl about her problems or issues is the fastest way out of her pants, it s become habit for me to simply nod or say That su cks when a girl has a genuine problem, even one that I can help solve. I have no desire to help a girl out with her life, and I don t care if she falls flat on her

face. Decreasing patience to work things out. I don t give a girl more than one chance t o act right because it s so easy to find a new whore at the bar. My ability to stay in a long-term relationship, putting up with its natural ups and downs, is evapo rating as I adopt the mentality of a dictator, with my bitch the subservient who must attend to my needs without making any mistakes. Over the years my temper h as greatly shortened. Decreasing view of sex as a beautiful act of love. Sex is a mechanical means for me to relieve the pressure building up in my sack and nothing more, one small s tep above jerking off with my tight-gripped hand. I do not feel any closer to a girl when I pump her, and most of the time I respect her less because my opinion of her as a worthless dirty whore who probably likes being choked was proven co rrect. The only way I see to reverse these consequences is to step out of the game comp letely and go through a massive cold streak that makes me value a woman again, t o see her as something important that I need. Since I don t see this happening, th e odds that I will meet a new girl who I genuinely care for and maybe even love will be about the same as me winning the grand prize of a scratch ticket lottery game. And I m fine with that. For now. --------------That Sinking Feeling October 28, 2013 by CH Stomach dropping. A pressing, radiating hollowing on the innerside of your solar plexus. Eyes widening to surprise-shaped orbs, drinking in threat. Face burning with bloodrush. Clammy hands, racing brain. If you ve ever lost a girl s attention to another man, you know that feeling. It cou ld be a first date who unexpectedly sing-songs an encomium about some guy who s be en on her mind, or a girlfriend you ve started dating whose eyes dart around the r oom checking out other men as if you re blind and can t notice her distraction, or a more established girlfriend who betrays a wobbliness of the knees and a yearnin g in the voice when an ex-boyfriend joins your company. You re losing her, and that sinking feeling is your bioalert system letting you kn ow she s slip slip slippin away. What do you do? When it happens, the advice from players with icy game in their veins is usually a variant of the following: - Flirt with another girl. Act indifferent. You demonstrate high mate value by m aintaining state control and refusing to get flustered by the imminent threat of another man or your woman s emotional straying. Re-establish your attractiveness by signaling preselection from other women, and unlimited options which you thre aten to act upon. In other words, make her come back to you, like an iron filling to a magnet.* This advice is given because it works. No doubt about that. But the problem is t hat certain conditions are needed for practical application of the advice. One, you need other single women around with whom to tactically flirt. Two, you have to be a borderline psychopath to be able to remain so coldly unaffected by the w hirlwind of emotions emanating from your limbic engine room. That kind of eerily cold indifference to romantic outcome is either innate, or developed from years

of profligate poon plunder. Most regular guys don t have years of poon plunder under their belts. And most of the time you re out with a girl, there won t be readily available single women withi n eyesight to welcome your counter-attack flirtations. You will be left with you r date/girlfriend, her roaming eyes, and your sinking feeling, and that s it. So, what now? I m about to give the best piece of advice you ll ever hear on this subject. Advice that s worked for me when I most needed it. Here it is. When you feel that sinking feeling: Leave. Don t even tell her you re going. Simply walk out. This is the best BY FAR the best thod for maintaining your aloof indifference in the face of reproductive annihil ation. Get away from the negative stimulus that is impossible for you to properl y manage, and you won t be there to announce your beta insecurity to the world. Le aving in a flash has a second benefit: It frightens your woman. It fills her wit h the fear that you might skip out on her for good, to cash your higher value ma te chips in at a better paying table. Now this won t always work she might stay behind and wind up making out with someo ne else; but if that happens, she was never close to being your woman, so you sa ved yourself wasted investment but when it does work, it works like a MOAB. Plus , you get to enjoy the wonderful, if temporary, feeling of taking the manly init iative and salvaging your dignity. In the latter scenario, she ll come running out, sooner or later, maybe the next d ay, hurling invective, demanding explanation. This is not the time to express th e pain of your romantic disappointment like a lovesick beta. Drive the id shiv i n a little further, with a twist of ambivalence: I felt like going. Do you want m e to slap on a GPS monitor so you can track my whereabouts? Chaser-chasee roles INVERTED. me

Reward good behavior intermittently, punish bad behavior promptly. Her company should now improve. But if it doesn t you have the luxury of timing th e release of your disappointment with her behavior during happy moments when she least expects your ire, and when your state control is set to Maximum Aloofness . There s nothing so psychosocially exhilarating as catching a woman off-guard; it s similar to how a curse is more effective when you lull your foe into complacenc e with calm rebuke and then drop the soulsmashing insult at the very end. *Some players recommend calling a girl out when she mentally strays, sort of an agree & amplify of an unspoken context. For example, Hey, eyes over here you craz y slut. At least wait until I m gone before you throw yourself at another man. CH d oes not agree with this strategy. It sounds workable on paper, but the reality i s quite different; you re more likely to come across butt-hurt than bemused. Share this: ------------------------I bang my first 23 year old Romanian street racer OCTOBER 26, 2013 15 COMMENTS Girls are designed to derail the train. It s common to project our own thoughts and values onto others and to assume they share our outlook. The manosphere is full of much chortling at female rationalis

ations and solipsism such as how career women think men should value them for th eir intelligence, status and travel stories simply because that s what the women v alue in men. It s true. We men do have our own projection too though. Men are so c ompletely notch-centric that we don t fully appreciate how little women care about getting a new lay. They really don t care if an interaction doesn t lead to sex. Th ey can walk away at any time. It s only with tight game that you can get them inve sted enough to want to see it through. A girl s default programming towards sex with a new man is non-neediness. She will happily toss a spanner into the works at most inopportune moments because she s imply doesn t care if it all breaks down. A young hot girl will never run out of s uitors. This Romanian girl was a hardcore derailer, worse than a band of WWII Uk ranian partisans. She did the full inventory of derailments: Don t reply to messages Divert conversations into dead ends Leave the country Try to provoke arguments Try to annoy me so much I delete her number Cancel or reschedule dates WWII-era cockblocks WWII-era cockblocks In my new book I go into detail on what I call playing silly buggers . It s not a shi t test per se. She s not testing me for my value. This Romanian girl absolutely ad ored me and was like a meek little kitten in person, totally under my spell. But once she had the seperation of Whatsapp between us she became a derailment mach ine. So this was a long battle . full of emotional highs and lows and then I won. G o me. It begins on Oxford Street three months ago when the sun is shining and the stre ets are rammed with 7s. As I pick my way through a crowd I catch the faintest of IOIs from a slim brunette going the opposite direction. She s separated from me b y about five feet and seven people but I m alive to it and catch that sideways fli cker of her eyes. I open with something accusatory for an easy hook. We chat fiv e minutes and it s electric. She s a cat (more categorisation in my book) and lappin g up the sexual energy so I bounce for the idate outside a nearby pub. We are pr opped up against the outside wall in mid-afternoon sunshine so I can easily test kino, build rapport and within an hour I ve kissed her. It seems so on I m looking for the SDL. We move to a second bar and I m seeding the extraction then . ring ring ring. Her boss calls to demand she attend a client dinner a couple of hours lat er. Everything fizzles. We swap numbers. This sort of thing This sort of thing As I walk her back to Oxford Circus she begins her silly buggers by crossing the street ahead of me and stomping along the pavement with a haughty expression wh ile I hold my line on my side of the street. I ve seen this game before. She wants to covertly induce me to following her. Nope, not me. After a few texts I quick ly figure out her psychology. She loves to rub up against a guy s manhood. Interme diates are easily confused by this because it s pretty rare to find a girl who pro actively and consistently does it and thus they mistake it for a shit test. Shit test: Your value is in doubt so she throws you a test and your answer allow s her to better place your value. The rub: She enjoys the feeling of masculine dominance so she pushes a button pr ecisely to trigger a slap down, because she loves the thrill of being slapped do wn. In dysfunctional form The Rub is why battered women provoke violence from abusiv e boyfriends. This girl wasn t that bad, just a naughty minx. As we move to Whatsa pp I see her profile picture is walking a rottweiler and she sends me a photo of her on the back of her cousin s superbike. Yes, her psychology is clear she likes bad boys. Curiously there s a twist to her make-up because she s also very intellig ent and has a real job that requires real administrative skill. She lets on she s read alot of the classics and surprises me a little with her historical and geog raphical knowledge.

By now I m rubbing my hands in glee. She can only be attracted to men who have she dloads of bad boy dominance as well as well-rounded intellectual sophistication . and how often does a girl find both in one man? My prediction turns out right sh e can t stop messaging me and is like a moth drawn to a flame. The whatsapp messag es are tremendously entertaining for me with a constant stream of her poking her head up and me slapping it down. Logistics interfere horribly though and her bu siness trip ends before we get a Day 2. She tells me she doesn t like London and w ill not return. Bugger. This news comes when I m in a run of extremely bad luck of sets collapsing due to forces beyond my control. I write her off but the banter is good enough that I m happy to keep the text messages going. I get a few semi-naked selfies. She tells me she s had dirty dreams about me. I wa nt to move things further along into authentic communication and deep rapport bu t part of her derailment is to hold things in a fizzy banter-ish mode. She s const antly breaking rapport and avoiding connection. Ok, I m not going to force it. I ve basically reached the point where the only reason I m chatting to her is to test o ut new material and to pester her for naked photos. And then she gives me the ne ws: I m coming to live in London. Game on. Of course it was never going to be that easy. She claims her boss is constantly making her work late, and she has trouble house-hunting. Finally I get her out a week after she arrives. It goes great and she s bubbling with sexual energy. We h ave a civilised tea and then a pint, make-out but she hits me with another my-bo ss-needs-me-back-now evasion. Two weeks pass then she tells me she s leaving Londo n soon. Bugger. It s such a pain to arrange things but finally we agree on Whatsap p to meet on Friday. Some of my recent sets Some of my recent sets She tries one more derailment by messaging me an hour before the date along the lines of can we postpone till next week. I swear I nearly throw my phone at the ne arest woman. I take deep breaths, compose myself, then tell her off. No, we won t postpone and it s too late to do so. So we meet in Camden. And predictably, it s completely on. I walk her around the market a bit, we have s ome street food then a coffee in the upstairs of a secluded souk. I have her tit s in my mouth there and every fibre of her being is screaming fuck me . So I walk h er to the bus stop. I m not going back to your place she pipes up but gets on the bu s anyway. Back in my house it takes about half an hour of battling until finally I fuck her. It s not fast but it s definitely furious. A very hot young minx. I m ple ased with this one. Learning points Spot the difference between a shit test and the rub. Strong leading remains essential when going for the close. Even in the texts bef ore the sex date you may have to push hard with your logistics. ----------------------------

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