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Thisarticledescribeshowtoconvertan.dsldictionarytoStarDictformat. An.dsldictionaryconsistsofthefollowingfiles. MaindictionarycontentDictionary.dslandDictionary.ann. Abbreviationfiles,thefirstfoundpairisused.Optional. abbrev.dslandabbrev.ann Dictionary_abrv.dslandDictionary_abrv.ann Dictionary_abbrev.dslandDictionary_abbrev.dsl DictionaryiconDictionary.bmp.Optional. HereD i c t i o n a r y isadictionaryname.Allfilesmustbeinthesamedirectory. .dslisasourcedictionary,youmayviewanyfilecomprisinga.dsldictionary(excepticon)inatexteditor.Thisarticleexplainshowtoconverta .dsldictionary. LetusassumeyouhaveadictionaryD i c t i o n a r y . d s l andotherfilesyouwanttoconvert. Wewillusemakedict,apartofXDXFproject,toperformconversion. 1.Getmakedictsourcecode Getthelatestsourceofmakedictwiththecommand
s v nc oh t t p s : / / x d x f . s v n . s o u r c e f o r g e . n e t / s v n r o o t / x d x f / t r u n km a k e d i c t

You'llgetmakedictsubdirectorywithmakedictsourcecode. 2.Buildmakedict Inmakedictdirectory:

$m k d i rb u i l d $c db u i l d $c m a k e. . . . . $m a k e . . . $s u d om a k ei n s t a l l

Nowyoushouldhavemakedictinyourpath. 3.Testthatmakedictisavailableinyourpath
$m a k e d i c tv e r s i o n U t i l i t yf o rc r e a t i n gd i c t i o n a r i e s ,0 . 3 . 1 b e t a 1

$m a k e d i c tid s los t a r d i c tg e n e r a t o r o p t i o n' s t a r d i c t _ v e r = 3 . 0 . 0 'w o r k d i r/ o u t p u t / p a t h/ p a t h / t o / d s l / f i l e . d s l

Here idslinputformatdsl ostardictoutputformatstardict workdirworkingdirectory,adirectorywerenewStarDictdictionarywillbecreated.Ifomitted,thecurrentdirectoryisused.

generatoroption'stardict_ver=3.0.0'passstardict_verparametertogenerator.Whenpassed,theresultdictionarywilladheretoStarDict 3.0.0fileformat.Bydefaulttheformatis2.4.2. 5.Resultfiles AfterconversionyoushouldfindstardictDictionary3.0.0directoryinyourworkingdirectory,itcontainsthenewdictionary.It'sreadytobeused inStarDict.

U n k n o w nt a r g e tl a n g u a g eU n k n o w n L a n g u a g e .I g n o r i n g . F o rt h el i s to fs u p p o r t e dl a n g u a g e su s el i s t s u p p o r t e d l a n g u a g e sm a k e d i c to p t i o n ,y o un e e dE n g l i s hl a n g u a g en a m ec o l u m n . C O N T E N T S _ L A N G U A G En o td e f i n e d . T os p e c i f yC O N T E N T S _ L A N G U A G Eo nc o m m a n dl i n e ,u s el a n g _ t oo p t i o n . F o re x a m p l e ,p a r s e r o p t i o nl a n g _ t o = E N G . F o rt h el i s to fs u p p o r t e dl a n g u a g e su s el i s t s u p p o r t e d l a n g u a g e sm a k e d i c to p t i o n ,y o un e e da l p h a 3c o d ec o l u m n .

makedicthavetoknowsourceandtargetlanguageofthedictionaryitconverts.Normallyadsldictionaryspecifiessourceandtargetlanguage atthebeginningofthefile:
# I N D E X _ L A N G U A G E" S o u r c e L a n g u a g e " # C O N T E N T S _ L A N G U A G E " T a r g e t L a n g u a g e "

Occasionallythisinformationismissedornonstandardidentifiesareused.Inthiscaseyouhavetospecifythelanguagemanually.Therearea numberofoptions. 1.Overridethesource(ortarget)languagewithcommandlineoption.Forexample:

$m a k e d i c tid s los t a r d i c tp a r s e r o p t i o nl a n g _ f r o m = L N G/ p a t h / t o / d s l / f i l e . d s l

HereLNGisthealpha3(bibliographic)codeofthelanguageaccordingtoISO6392Standard.Allstandardlanguagecodesarebuild intomakedict.Youmaylisttheminvokingmakedictwithlistsupportedlanguagesoption. lang_fromnameofthesourcelanguage,lang_tonameofthetargetlanguage. 2.Createalanguagefiledescribingyourspecificlanguages. Thisapproachcomesinhandywhenyouhaveanumberofdictionariesusingnonstandardlanguagenames.Invokemakedictlikethis:

$m a k e d i c tid s los t a r d i c tl a n g u a g e f i l el a n g u a g e f i l e . t x t/ p a t h / t o / d s l / f i l e . d s l

Languageslistedinyourlanguagefile.txtwillbeaddedtothelistofstandardlanguagesmakedictalreadyawareof. Formatofthelanguagefile.txtisasfollows:
s p a | e s | S p a n i s h C u s t o m N a m e e n g | e n | E n g l i s h C u s t o m N a m e a p a | | A p a c h el a n g u a g e s

fileencodingutf8 Eachlinedescribesonelanguage(notmore). Emptylineareignored. Alanguagemaybedescribedinanumberoflinesthusintroducingalternativelanguagenames. Alllinesdescribingonelanguageshouldhaveidenticalfirstandsecondfields,onlythethethirdfield(Englishlanguagename)maydiffer. Eachlinecontainsthefollowingfields: alpha3(bibliographic)code,alpha2code,Englishlanguagename alpha2codemaybeblank. Fieldsareseparatedwith'|'. HereSpanishCustomNameandEnglishCustomNamearecustomnamesofSpanishandEnglishlanguagesastheyappearin.dslfiles.

DictionariesforABBYYLingvo12andearlierversionsoftheprogramusedcustomcharscodefortranscriptioncharacters.Youcaneasily checkthatyourself,opena.dslfileinatexteditor,moveto[ t ]-[ / t ] tags.Whatyouseehardlyremindsatranscription.makedicttakescare ofthat,itconverttranscriptioncharscodestonormalUnicodecharacters. Sincex3version,LingvostartstousenormalUnicodecharactersintranscription,theconversionisnolongerneeded.Unfortunately,makedict cannotdetectautomaticallyiftheconversioninrequiredorno.Theconversionisturnonbydefault,todisableit,passparseroption

no_ipa_translation=yesoptions.Infact,youmayuseanynonblankstringinsteadof"yes",makedictonlychecksiftheoptionisassignedtoa nonblankvalueornot.


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