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Subject: MSc Supervisor Meeting

Entry Type: Meeting

Start: Mon 19/10/2009 14:00

End: Mon 19/10/2009 16:00
Duration: 2 hours
Mark Heseltine
Chris Gathercole
Darrel Ince


Important points
•Keep to the plan
•Keep in regular touch with supervisors, even if to say no progress
•It's really valuable to write-up as I go along
•Send update every 2 weeks
•Ask Vicky for 1 or 2 good papers as an example

•Phone conference in January
•Later meeting just before presentation
•Intermediate drafts are good - gradually filled out versions
•Only expect 8-10 good referneces
•Classic format
•Literature review
•Statement of what I did/how I did it
•How well it went - key chapter

•At first, build skeleton with section headings and sub-section headings
•Write a brief abstract for each section - even if it will change
•Include a "criteria for success" and review this in, say, chapter 6 "the project was
successful because…"
•For example, I might look at how the ontology-based search is better than the UI-
based search (accuracy, number of hits, etc)

Bayesian Analysis
•Some sort of processing on keywords
•Pick a training set
•Apply algorithm

Cluster analysis
•Clusters would build up around similar products and services
•However, might be too small a data set

Analysis approach
•Do a scan of 4-5 well-defined keywords
•Search needs to include location
•Maybe look at 1000 and categorise them by hand
•Then do a proximity search (but this would require some ontology)
•Ian Witten - data mining book - released a piece of opensource data mining
software called "WEKA"
•Particle swarm approach, possibly, however these are "wild" searches
•Might be worth seeing if we can extract some mechanism to extract the ontology
from the keywords
•First step - look through the keywords

Other places to look

•LREC - proceedings published online, might find something that's already been done
•Gerald Salton's work
•"bag of words" approach - what the words are, what are their frequencies

•Are there successful keywords?

Good books
•Toby Segaran, Programming Collective Intelligence
•Ian Witten, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

•talk to someone from marketing to get a money-driven view of what I am doing
•google Technion - find wikipedia article, woman in darmstadt looking at
•check out "WEKA"
•Look at "particle swarm"
•Look through keywords and categorise 1000 by hand
•Scour LREC proceedings to see if someone's already done keyword disambiguation
•Email Darrel and ask about book on information retrieval, that includes the "bag of
words" approach

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