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EEG-02/ BEGE-I02

Bachelor's Degree Programme (BDPI

ASSIGNMENT (for July 2013 and January 2014 sessions)


The Structure of Modern English

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School of Humanities Indira Gandhi National Open lJniversity Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-1 10 068

Elective Course in English-02 (EEG-02y(BEGE-102)

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Dear Student,

You need to attempt one assignment for the Elective Course in English-02. This assignment is Tutor Marked (TMA) and carries 100 marks. The TMA is concerned *uinly with assessing your application and your understanding of the course material. It aims to teach as well as to assess your performance. Instructions: Before attempting the assignment please read the following instructions carefully.

l. 2. 3' 4'

Read the detailed instructions about the assignments given in the Programme Guide for Elective

your response sheet(s).

Write your RollNumber, Name, Full Address and Date on the top right corner of the first page of

Write the Course Title, Assignment Number and the Name of the Study Centre you are attached to in the centre ofthe first page ofyour response sheet(s).
set for it

Do not plan to take the terminal examination for the course if you have not done the assignment first. You will not be permitted to do so.

The top of the first page of your response sheet should rook like this:

Name: Address Course Title: Assignment No: Study Centre
5. 6. 7.


Use only foolscap size paper for your response sheets and tag all the pages carefully.

Write the relevant question number with each answer.

You should write in your own handwriting. submission: Remember to keep a copy of your assignment with you and to take a receipt from your Study Centre when you submit the assignment. The completed assignment should be sent to the Coordinator at the Study Centre allotted to you. Last Date for Submission of Assignment is:
For June Exam

31't March

For December Exam Good luckl


Note: Rernember the submission of assignment is a precondition for appearing in the exomination. tf you do not submit the ossignment on time, you will not be ollowed to oppear in the examination.


- EEG-02/BEGE-1 02
Assignment Code: [EG-02IBEGE-102/

TMA/2013-14 Max. Marks: 100

Answer all the questions

Write short notes on the following:


i ii iii iv 2a i ii iii iv v 2b 2c

Word stress and sentence stress Content words and grammatical words Compounding in English Aspect in English

Mark the stress in the following

address (verb) bucket capital discipline engineer

words: vi vii viii ix x

forgive record (noun) record (verb) absent (adjective) absent (verb)

What is the phonetic difference between vowels and consonants? Discuss, giving

Give the phonetic symbols for the following description of the English consonants. The first one is done for you.


i ii iii iv v vi 3a i ii iii iv v 3b

Voiceless bilabial plosive / p / Voiced alveolar fricative Voiced alveolar nasal

Voiced labiodentals fricative Voiced dental fricative Voiceless velar plosive

Divide the following words into their constituent




unsuited regroup

Discuss the difference between inflectional and derivational morphology, giving



Identify the root, prefix and suffix in the following words:

i ii iii

immorality destabilization immodestly


illegitimacy impossibility

Fill in the blanks using

because, so, so that, after, when

He did not buy the They came here .


..... the accident took place is not known. Yama was happy with Nachiketa.. .... he granted him three boons.

reached The time.


he thought it was very expensive. .....they could meet you. ......the programme had ended.

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb given in brackets:
He ... ...his homework; don't disturb him. (do) They always ..... ..their employees on time. (pay) My mother ......home much before I left for college. (reach) i ...... work so I can accompany you. (finish) I...... ........on a novel for the last two years. (work) Write
a note on

different types of negation in English.


Correct the following sentences:

Although she works hard, but she cannot get good marks. His hairs are grey. He gave me a five rupee note. He will not pay unless he is not compelled. I shall see you when I shall come back.

Complete the sentences below, using the correct question tags: We must serve our country, Satish is not coming tomonow,. You are the owner of the elephant I saw yesterday, They were not present She wasn't hurt by the bullet,.

Bir must do somethiflB,... I can't come with you,.. It is raining outside,.

You are making a racket, She doesn't come to college regularly,

Explain the difference between independent and dependent clauses. Give examples of noun, relative and adverb clauses. l0

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