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(Under Jurisdiction of Bilaspur Court only)

in ii in i, iaia a sa, , li (sana) sr aas
Regd. Office : Seepat Road, P.B.o. !", Bilaspur (C.#.) $ %&' ""!

-i;i,ii,i,ini,-i,,,ss li /,az,za

Recruitment of Mining Sirdar

South Eastern Coalfields Limited, a Mini Ratna Company in energy sector of the country, invites application
for filling up of the vacancies of Mining Sirdar in Technical & Supervisory Grade C as under!"

SN Name of Post Grade
1 Minign Sirdar
T & S
Gr. C
Rs.19035.02 342 200 112 46 700

For the above post, the pay and allowances will be admissible as per National Coal Wage Agreement (NCWA)-
The above poss !i"" #arr$ ann%a" in#re&en ' 3( o) basi# pa$ on progressive basis a"ong !ih oher a""o!an#es &
bene)is s%#h as *nn%a" +eave, Cas%a" "eave, Si#- "eave, S.*, /.*, Gra%i$, 0roviden 1%nd & 0ension as per
Co&pan$2s R%"e, 1ree &edi#a" )a#i"iies )or se") & dependen )a&i"$ &e&bers, Conve$an#e Rei&b%rse&en, 3o%se
Ren *""o!an#e in #ase 4%arer is no provided as per #o&pan$2s nor&s.
The se"e#ed #andidaes #an be posed in an$ *rea56ni5 0ro7e# o) S8C+.
i9 The n%&ber o) va#an#ies sho!n above are indi#aive in na%re & &a$ eiher in#rease or de#rease a
he dis#reion o) Manage&en.
ii9 Reservaion o) poss )or SC5ST5 :;C <non #rea&$ "a$er9 !i"" be as per Gov. o) =ndia g%ide"ines.
iii9 The :;C #andidaes !ho be"ong o >Crea&$ +a$er? are no eni"ed )or #on#ession ad&issib"e o
:;C@AC+ #andidaes.


() Mi#im$m Esse#tia" *$a"ificatio#
0os5Grade ReB%ired 4%a"i)i#aion
Mining Sirdar
T&S >C?
1. Mari#%"ae or eB%iva"en eCa& )ro& an$ re#ogniDed ;oard o) 8Ca&.
2. Sirdar2s #o&peen#$ Ceri)i#ae iss%ed )ro& .GMS .hanbad
Mining and Mine S%rve$ing #eri)i#ae <Three $ears9 iss%ed )ro& re#ogniDed
insi%e & :ver&an2s #o&peen#$ #eri)i#ae iss%ed )ro& .GMS .hanbad,
i) he$ are !i""ing o !or- as Mining Sirdar
3. /a"id 1irs *id Ceri)i#ae
4. /a"id Gas Tesing Ceri)i#ae
i9 Regarding va"idi$ o) #eri)i#ae, he #ir#%"ar no.1 o) 2001 daed 07.03.2001 iss%ed b$ .GMS sha"" be a-en
ino #onsideraion.
ii9 Candidaes !hose res%" o) he essenia" &ini&%& B%a"i)i#aion reB%ired is a!aied sho%"d no app"$.

+) A%e Limit , !e"a-atio#
The #andidaes &%s have #o&p"eed 1E $ears o) age & a"so sho%"d no be &ore han 30 $ears o) age as on
0550452014. 3o!ever, he %pper age "i&i as &enioned above is re"aCed b$F@
i9 05 $ears )or SC&ST #andidaes
ii9 03 $ears )or :;C #andidaes <Aon Crea&$ +a$er9
iii9 *ge "i&i sha"" no be a bar )or .epar&ena" #andidaes & #andidaes o) oher s%bsidiar$ #o&panies
o) Coa" =ndia +i&ied )%")i""ing a"" e"igibi"i$ #rieria. 3o!ever, heir app"i#aion sho%"d be )or!arded
ho%gh proper #hanne".

.) Se"ectio# /rocess0 The se"e#ion &ehodo"og$ !i"" #o&prise o) !rien es and inervie!. The #andidaes
shor "ised in he !rien es on"$ !i"" be e"igib"e o appear )or inervie!.
Written test! 8"igib"e #andidaes !i"" be reB%ired o appear )or an ob7e#ive $pe !rien es a an$ one o) he
es #eners a ;i"asp%r. 8Ca# s#hed%"e o) !rien es !i"" be disp"a$ed on S8C+ !ebsie <!!!.se#".gov.in9
in d%e #o%rse.
Interview! Candidaes shor "ised on he basis o) heir per)or&an#e in he !rien es !i"" be #a""ed )or
inervie! and he ini&aion !i"" be given o he #andidaes hro%gh S8C+ !ebsie <!!!.se#".gov.in9 in d%e
i9 Ao T*5.* sha"" be paid )or aending !rien es 5 inervie!, ho!ever, SC5ST #andidae #a""ed )or inervie!
!i"" be paid o & )ro se#ond #"ass rain )are b$ shores ro%e )ro& he address o) #orresponden#e o ;i"asp%r
on prod%#ion o) i#-e <provided he disan#e rave""ed b$ rai" ea#h !a$ eC#eed 30 GMs9.

ii9 *"" he #andidaes are reB%esed o re&ain %pdaed a ea#h sep o) he se"e#ion pro#ess b$ visiing o%r
!ebsie !!!.se#"

4. 1ea"t23Medica" fit#ess:$
*ppoin&en o he above poss !i"" be s%b7e# o he #andidae being &edi#a""$ )i as per he sandards
pres#ribed )or he pos b$ he #o&pan$. The se"e#ed #andidaes !i"" have o %ndergo &edi#a" eCa&inaion b$
he #o&pan$2s *%horiDed Medi#a" ;oard & he )ina" *ppoin&en 5 Hoining !i"" be s%b7e# o he Medi#a"
1iness Ceri)i#ae so iss%ed b$ #o&pan$2s *%horiDed Medi#a" ;oard on"$.


4) 1o5 To A//"6
Candidaes )%")i""ing he above #rieria #an app"$ hro%gh an$ one o) he &odes i.e. :n"ine or :))"ine.
3o!ever, app"i#ans !ho are per&anen e&p"o$ee !or-ing in Govern&en, Se&i@Govern&en, 0%b"i# Se#or
6ndera-ing or !or-ing in an$ o) he s%bsidiar$ #o&pan$ o) Coa" =ndia +i&ied sho%"d app"$ hro%gh o))"ine
&ode on"$ and heir app"i#aion sho%"d be sen hro%gh proper #hanne".

"nline #ode!-
Candidaes are reB%esed o read he #o&p"ee insr%#ion here%nder be)ore app"$ing. 8"igib"e #andidaes need
o app"$ hro%gh S8C+ !ebsie !!!.se#" "nline Application will be open $rom %&'&%'%&() till
%*'&+'%&() (midnight) Candidates are re,-ired to have a valid personal email I. The e&ai" =. sho%"d
be -ep a#ive i"" he enire re#r%i&en pro#ess ges #o&p"eed. Ao #hange in e&ai" =. !i"" be a""o!ed on#e
/tep (! 0egistration
i9 +ogin o !!!.se#"
ii9 Go o >Re#r%i&en?
a. 0"ease ener an e&ai" id )or regisraion. 8&ai" id and pass!ord as provided d%ring regisraion !i""
be $o%r "og@in id and pass!ord.
b. The na&e and e@&ai" id provided d%ring regisraion #anno be #hanged 5 #orre#ed "aer and !i""
appear on he app"i#aion )or&. 0"ease ens%re o )i"" in he #orre# na&e as per $o%r &ari#%"aion
#. 1assword 1olicy! 0ass!ord sho%"d have &ini&%& siC #hara#ers !ih a"eas one a"phabe, one
n%&eri# #hara#er and one o) he )o""o!ing #hara#ers I ' J K ( L M N F O P Q R < 9 S T U
d. ;e)ore pro#eeding )or Regisraion, p"ease read he Ter&s and Condiions and a##ep.
/tep %! 2ogin
a. 0"ease ens%re ha pop %ps are no b"o#-ed in bro!ser seingsQ i) i is b"o#-ed p"ease ens%re o a""o!
pop %p )or his sie.
b. C"i#- on "ogin ;%on and ener he 8@&ai" id and pass!ord as %sed d%ring regisraion in he pop@%p
!indo! boC.
#. *)er s%##ess)%""$ "ogging in o he on"ine re#r%i&en pora", he sie !i"" disp"a$ he #%rren
openings and poss app"ied so )ar.
d. C"i#- on C%rren :pening on "e) side and #he#- )or he adverise&en and he poss agains he
e. The #andidae &%s ens%re ha he$ are &eeing he e"igibi"i$ #rieria agains he pos.
/tep +! 3ow to $ill the online application
a. ;e)ore )i""ing he on"ine app"i#aion )or&, p"ease ens%re he )o""o!ing do#%&ens are read$.
S#anned re#en #o"or passpor siDe se") aesed phoograph.<:piona"9
*"" ed%#aiona" & pro)essiona" &ar-s shee and per#enages o) &ar-s.
b. 0"ease #"i#- on he re"evan pos )or !hi#h $o% are going o app"$.
#. Sar )i""ing he app"i#aion !ih Aa&e, 1aher2s Aa&e, Moher2s Aa&e , *ddress < presen &
per&anen 9, dae o) birh, gender e#., se"e# he &ini&%& reB%ired ed%#aiona" & pro)essiona"
B%a"i)i#aions )ro& he drop boC and se"e# VWes2 or VAo2 )or #o&p"ian#e.
d. The phoo %p"oading is opiona", ho!ever i) $o% have s#anned #op$ p"ease %p"oad.
e. *)er #o&p"eion o) )i""ing o) app"i#aions, he s$se& generaes he app"i#aion =. a"ong !ih )i""ed
app"i#aion <0.19 !hi#h !i"" a"so be &ai"ed o app"i#an regisered &ai" boC.
/tep )! Final /tep
a. 0rin he app"i#aion )or&, pase re#en #o"o%r passpor siDe se") aesed phoograph & a"" oher
re"evan do#%&ens. X1or "is o) do#%&ens o be en#"osed, p"ease see he S". Ao.07Y. =n#o&p"ee on@
"ine app"i#aions or on@"ine app"i#aions re#eived a)er he d%e dae !i"" be re7e#ed.

"$$line #ode!-

Candidae &a$ a"so app"$ :))"ine. 1or :))"ine app"i#aion, he pres#ribed app"i#aion )or& a"ong
!ih e&p"o$&en noi#e #an be do!n"oaded )ro& S8C+ !ebsie i.e. !!!.se#"

7) S$&missio# Of A//"icatio#
i9 Candidaes )%")i""ing a"" he e"igibi"i$ #rieria sho%"d send proper"$ )i""ed app"i#aion in pres#ribed )or&a or
0.1 *pp"i#aion )or& generaed :n"ine a"ong !ih a"" he re"evan do#%&ens in a sea"ed enve"ope o >The
Genera" Manager <Manpo!er9, Seepa Road 0os ;oC Ao 60 So%h 8asern Coa")ie"ds +d ;i"asp%r CG
495006? hro%gh 0egistered 1ost'/peed post only so as to reach on or be$ore &*&)%&(). Application
will not be accepted by hand or thro-gh co-rier or via ordinary post
ii9 *pp"i#aion sen oher han in pres#ribed )or&a or in#o&p"ee app"i#aion or !iho% a"" he en#"os%res sha""
be re7e#ed.
iii9 *pp"i#ans !ho are per&anen e&p"o$ee !or-ing in Govern&en, Se&i@Govern&en or 0%b"i# Se#or
6ndera-ing or !or-ing in an$ o) he s%bsidiar$ #o&pan$ o) Coa" =ndia +i&ied sho%"d app"$ thro-gh
proper channel only
iv9 Aa&e o) he pos app"ied )or & he &ode o) app"i#aion sho%"d be #"ear"$ &enioned on he enve"ope
#onaining app"i#aion )or& in ;+:CG +8TT8RS. =n #ase o) on"ine &ode, app"i#aion =. sho%"d a"so be
&enioned. 1or e.g.
a. 0os *pp"ied )or Z #ining /irdar
b. 0os *pp"ied )or- #ining /irdar
:A+=A8 <*pp"i#aion =.9
8) 9o""o5i#% doc$me#ts m$st &e se#t a"o#% 5it2 t2e com/"ete a//"icatio# form0
i9 Se") aesed "egib"e phoo#opies o) ed%#aiona" #eri)i#aes in#"%ding Mari#%"aion #eri)i#ae and Mar-shee,
<10S2953igher Se#ondar$ Ceri)i#ae and Mar-shee, .ip"o&a Ceri)i#ae and Mar-shee, :her Ceri)i#aes .
ii9 Candidaes sha"" s%b&i a proo) o his e))e# ha he .ip"o&a5degree5#eri)i#ae5oher esi&onia"s5=nsi%e
is re#ogniDed b$ he Govern&en o) =ndia.
iii9 T!o !indo! enve"ope o) 24.5 [ 11.4 #& or 10 C 4.5 =n#h siDe.
iv9 1o%r nos. addiiona" se") aesed passpor siDe #o"o%r phoograph si&i"ar o he phoograph pased on he
app"i#aion )or& !ih na&e #"ear"$ !rien on he ba#- side.
v9 Se") aesed "egib"e phoo#opies o) "aes Case Ceri)i#ae )or SC5ST5:;C <non@#rea&$ "a$er9 #andidae
iss%ed b$ an$ o) he )o""o!ing a%horiies.
a9 .isri# Magisrae 5*ddiiona" .isri# Magisrae5 Co""e#or5 .$.Co&&issioner5
C"ass Sipendar$ Magisrae5Ci$ Magisrae5S%b@.ivisiona"
Magisrae5Ta"%-a Magisrae58Ce#%ive Magisrae5 8Cra *ssisan Co&&issioner.
b9 Chie) 0residen#$ Magisrae5*dd". Chie) 0residen#$ Magisrae5 0residen#$ Magisrae.
#9 Reven%e :))i#er no be"o! he ran- o) Tehsi"dar.
d9 S%b@.ivisiona" :))i#er o) he *rea !here he #andidae and5or his )a&i"$ nor&a""$ resides.

1. Ti&e"$ re#eip o) app"i#aion sha"" be he so"e responsibi"i$ o) he app"i#an. +ae re#eip d%e o posa" de"a$
or de"iver$ o) orn 5 da&aged app"i#aion sha"" no be enerained.
2. *pp"i#ans !ho are per&anen e&p"o$ee !or-ing in Govern&en, Se&i@Govern&en or 0%b"i# Se#or
6ndera-ing or !or-ing in an$ o) he s%bsidiar$ #o&pan$ o) Coa" =ndia +i&ied sho%"d app"$ thro-gh
proper channel and have o prod%#e 4No "b5ection Certi$icate6 a he i&e o) =nervie!, )ai"ing !hi#h he$
!i"" be barred )ro& appearing in he =nervie!.
3. The #andidaes sho%"d ens%re !hi"e app"$ing ha he$ )%")i"" he essenia" e"igibi"i$ #rieria and oher
reB%ire&ens pres#ribed )or he pos )or !hi#h he$ are app"$ing and ha he pari#%"ars )%rnished b$ he&
are #orre# in a"" respe#s. =n #ase, i is dee#ed a an$ sage o) re#r%i&en pro#ess ha he #andidaes do no
)%")i"" he essenia" e"igibi"i$ #rieria and 5or do no #o&p"$ !ih oher reB%ire&ens and 5or he has )%rnished
an$ in#orre# 5 )a"se in)or&aion or has s%ppressed an$ re"evan in)or&aion 5 &aeria" )a#<s9, his5her
#andida%re is "iab"e o be re7e#ed. =) an$ o) he above shor#o&ings is5are dee#ed, even a)er appoin&en,
his5her servi#es are "iab"e )or s%iab"e a#ion in#"%ding er&inaion and prose#%ion.
4. The Co&pan$ reserves he righ o re7e# an$ app"i#aion !iho% assigning an$ reason !hasoever.

5. The de#ision o) S8C+ Manage&en !i"" be )ina" & binding on a"" #andidaes on a"" &aers re"aing o
e"igibi"i$, a##epan#e or re7e#ion o) he app"i#aion, se"e#ion o) #andidae e#. Ao enB%ir$5#orresponden#e
!i"" be enerained in his regard.
6. The Manage&en reserves he righ o Revise 5 Res#hed%"e 5 Can#e" 5 S%spend he re#r%i&en pro#ess, i) he
need so arises, !iho% assigning an$ )%rher noi#e or reason hereo), he de#ision o) he &anage&en sha""
be )ina" and no appea" sha"" be enerained.
7. *pp"i#aions !hi#h are in#o&p"ee in an$ deai" or !iho% signa%re5phoograph or !iho% an$ o) he
reB%ired en#"os%res or re#eived a)er he "as dae )or re#eip o) app"i#aions !i"" be re7e#ed and no
#orresponden#e in his regard !i"" be enerained.
E. The #andida%re o) he app"i#an !o%"d be provisiona" & s%b7e# o s%bseB%en veri)i#aion o) #eri)i#aes
9. =) a #andidae #hooses on"ine &ode o) app"i#aion, hen he$ are advised in heir o!n ineres o app"$ &%#h
be)ore he #"osing dae and no o !ai i"" "as dae o avoid he possibi"i$ o) server )ai"%re 5 7a&.
10. S8C+ does no ass%&e an$ responsibi"i$ )or he #andidaes no being ab"e o s%b&i heir app"i#aion !ihin
he "as dae on a##o%n o) he a)oresaid reasons or )or an$ oher reason be$ond he #onro" o) S8C+.
11. =) here is an$ variaion be!een he 8ng"ish & 3indi versions o) he *dverise&en, 8ng"ish version &a$ be
reaed as a%heni#.
12. *n$ reB%es )or #hange in Caegor$ <Genera"5SC5ST5:;C@AC+9, on#e )i""ed in he :n"ine5:))"ine
app"i#aion )or&, !i"" no be #onsidered and a##ording"$ #on#ession5re"aCaion app"i#ab"e !i"" no be
13. *n$ ReB%es )or #hange o) address !i"" no be enerained.
14. Candida%re is a"so "iab"e o be re7e#ed i) here is an$ di))eren#e5variaion )o%nd in #andidae2s na&e5 his
)aher2s na&e, s%rna&e or dae o) birh in his ed%#aiona"5pro)essiona"5#ase #eri)i#aes5app"i#aion.
15. *pp"i#ans )%")i""ing he e"igibi"i$ #rieria !i"" on"$ be #a""ed )or \rien 8Ca&inaion and heir ad&i #ard
!i"" be sen.
16. Ao #orresponden#e !i"" be enerained !ih he #andidae no #a""ed )or !rien es5no se"e#ed )or inervie!.
17. .epar&ena" #andidaes & #andidaes o) oher s%bsidiar$ #o&panies o) Coa" =ndia +i&ied )%")i""ing a""
e"igibi"i$ #rieria sho%"d app"$ hro%gh proper #hanne". *ge "i&i sha"" no be a bar )or he&. 3o!ever heir
app"i#aion sho%"d be )or!arded ho%gh proper #hanne".
1E. Res%" o) s%##ess)%" #andidaes in !rien eCa&inaion !i"" be p%b"ished on S8C+ \ebsie !!!.se#"
19. Candidaes are advised o reain adeB%ae n%&ber o) si&i"ar phoographs aa#hed in he app"i#aion )or& )or
)%%re re)eren#e.
20. Those !ho !i"" B%a"i)$ in he !rien eCa&inaion !i"" be reB%ired o appear in 0ersona" =nervie! )or !hi#h
inimation #a"" !i"" be sen o he& hro%gh S8C+ \ebsie !!!.se#"
21. SC5ST #andidaes #a""ed )or inervie! !i"" be paid o and )ro se#ond #"ass Train 1are b$ shores ro%e )ro&
he address o) #orresponden#e o ;i"asp%r CG on prod%#ion o) Rai"!a$ Ti#-e <provided he disan#e
rave""ed b$ rai" ea#h !a$ eC#eed 30 GMs9.
22. *n$ )or& o) #anvassing or bringing eCraneo%s press%re !i"" "ead o disB%a"i)i#aion and !i"" render he
#andidae ine"igib"e )or se"e#ion.
23. *n$ disp%e sha"" have #ivi" 7%risdi#ion a ;i"asp%r.

I#1"07AN7 .A78/
( /-bmission o$ "nline application will commence $rom

% 2ast date $or "nline application

%*'&+'%&() (midnight)
+ 2ast date o$ receipt o$ the hardcopy o$ applications applied "$$line as well as
printo-t o$ online applications along with s-pporting doc-ments sent by
0egistered 1ost'/peed 1ost only
&*'&)'%&() (* 1#)

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