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Bob Reiss was a consultant in the game industry and former owner of a game company. He completes his graduation from Harvard Business School in 1956. First he start working for a company of stationary products he incorporated under the name of R&R and start working. He thought that he paid a low salary either than the commission on sales. He was able to know each and everything about market. At that time he knows that the many of stores were selling games more rapidly increasing. He decided to specialize in those products because those products were maximum profit giving. He set up a game manufacturing unit for another company and the unit produced maximum profits in three years. This aspect injected in him very much eagerness to start his own business in the form of a game manufacturing company. He started his own business of Trivia Game. In 1983 Reiss decided to design and market his own trivia game. First of all he needed a theme for the game because he wanted to do something new that is not yet playable by the people. He wants to create innovative games which amuse people who play with it.

The one major characteristic of Toy was its very short life cycle and the other one is its a seasonal product because people only buy toys at Christmas in those days. There were many of the trivia games (such type of games in which there are many of the questions to be asked relating to the different subjects including Science, Sports, etc and daily life as well) in market but Reiss wanted to introduce something new with lots of innovations in it, he also wanted to change the theme of the game from others, his game would have its own rules. When he discussed his thoughts with his friends then one of his friend gave him suggested him Television as a topic, so Reiss got the clue and launched a T.V guide Trivia game. The T.V guide Trivia game was the most successful game of the era and generated a huge amount of capital.

SWOT Analysis:
SWOT stands for Strength, weaknesses,Opportunity,Threats.

1) Strength

2) Weaknesses
SWOT Analysis

3) Opportunity

4) Threats

Reiss set up a game manufacturing and ran it for that company, building a sales of $12,000,000 in the three years. He was able to gain an excellent understanding of the market and by 1959 could start on his own as an independent manufacturer representative in the same industry. The largest one, toy RUs for example, hag a 14%share of the entire market in 1984 and the success of the product was based on less than dozen Retailers. Trivial pursuit in Canada spilled over to the US the large games companies would eventually produce and market their own similar products. In 1983, sales were exceptionally strong, especially for the product that had been promoted through WOM. (word of mouth) Reiss discussed theme idea with his some closest friends in the manufactured representative business he realized that he could add strength and interest in his project by team up with the publishers of TV Guide magazine. The magazine in which the Add of trivia games was publishing was approaches to 18 million copies sold per week.

Reiss know it very well because he did a job in stationary industry and most of the market owners and store keepers knew him very well.
He communicated with the T.V guide magazine authorities and with venture capitalist Kaplan on 50% royalty on per game sold and he even convinced them on his idea.

Lack of advertising budget that was $1 million for their own Trivia games. Reiss estimated that for the first production line he needs $300,000. Sam Kaplan had a sizeable personal net worth, he lend his line of credit to purchase supplies for the initial production. He was not able to approach the advertising budget of the large manufacturers which was surpass $1 million for the trivia games. He started independent business in the market if he started it by doing partnership with the other than their business will be on boom. For this purpose they used Heller Factoring to check the credits, guarantee payment, collect the money and pay Trivia Inc., all for a fee of 1% over sales. Due to lake of finance he didnt do his advertising campaign completely. They were not expanding their product line for the competition in the market. Reiss cannot develop trivia game technically so he hired a professional on 5% to 3% royalty on per game sold. Lack of target marketing was also the biggest factor.

They should develop the Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the existing products. Price was very high in the market because if another person lunch the same product within the market with the minimum price they would had competitive edge. Reiss sold his representative business in to a small American stock exchange company in 1973. The smaller stores carrying the game would be very difficult to collect the money For the collecting of money they used Heller Factoring to check the credits, guarantee payment, collect the money and pay Trivia Inc., all for a fee of 1% over sales. In 1983, Reiss got the point that the interest of people in those days were diverting towards the trivial games rapidly and there was not any big competitor of trivia game so Reiss got the opportunity to design a game and to get success.

A very large manufacturer was becoming dominant in the industry because they could afford very expensive advertising campaign their retailer demanded product that they purchased. When the only Trivial game was in the market in September 1983, two small firms had announced to enter in the market next year and taking order.

If another competitor lunch the same product with the same category that was not only sell on Christmas but also will be sell round the year will gain competitive edge. With the arrival of Trivial Pursuit, other game companies also start introducing Trivia games; there was a big competition among Trivia games. Major customers for the T.V Guide game was retailers, but they are very a few in numbers and present were demanding for expensive T.V advertisement campaigns.

PEST Analysis:
PEST stands for - Political, Economical, Sociological, Technological.



PEST Analysis



Fairly tax stratagies were implement while launching the game by resis.the profit of the game distributed equally among all the members.

Resis aware people through tv guide that if the invest in that game it is expected that the profit is their.the economy factor is very important for every business.

The game was for every person relate to any age gender or any occupation.this is also helful to enhance is very user is an asset for society.every person like that game.

The advertisement of that game was shown all over the that game was become very popular in that era.the use of technology was the main factor that was used.

We read the case study fully and we came to knew about Bob Reiss success story. How he perform business without finance in a very unique and successful way. He prove that a man have skills and have no money will not died with hunger. Bob Reiss is the best example to all who have skills but no finance and want to do a good business.Ideas can be life changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea though many times you'll fail, still, success will continue.

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