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Hurrying up the final activity Just five minutes till the end of the class, so just two minutes

more for that activity One minute! Thirty seconds!Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, a half, a quarter, an eighth, a sixteenth, stop!! Just finish that sentence/ exercise/ paragraph/ question and then put your pens down Packing up/ Finishing the last activity Put your books and pencils away/ in your bag Okay, time up. Close down all the programmes but dont turn the computers off Put your books away. Pack your things away. You may pack away now Tidying up/ Putting the room back in order Can I have all the dictionaries/ colouring pencils/ Playdoh back please? Can you make sure you clear your desks/ put all your rubbish in the bin as you leave? Can the last person to leave please turn off the lights and shut the door? Can someone collect all the dice? Can you go back to your original places/ put your chairs and desks back where they were? Can you put all the chairs and tables back into their original places? Can you collect the pictures/ texts off the walls? Be careful not to pull off the paint from the walls Put the/ your on my desk/ in the box as you leave Make sure you havent forgotten anything Whose book/ eraser/ ruler/ dictionary/ pencil case/ coat/ hat/ scarf is this?/ Has someone forgotten a? Dont worry, Ill clear up/ put the posters on the wall/ put it somewhere where the glue/ paint can dry Not time to stop. The bell hasnt gone yet./ I dont remember hearing a bell There are still two minutes to go. We still have a couple of minutes left. The lesson doesnt finish till five past. Your watch must be fast. One more thing before you go. Wait a minute/ Hang on a moment/ Just hold on a moment/ Stay where you are for a moment/ Just a moment, please. / Just a sec/ Just a second/ Wait for it! (Go) back to your places/ Where are you going?/ Where do you think you are going?/ Dont you think you are jumping the gun? As we still have a couple of minutes left, well You cant go until you all Why are you packing your bags already? Did anyone tell you to pack your bags?/ Did I say you can go? I thought not Patience! Nearly time to stop Five minutes to the end of the test. (If anyone has finished early you can leave/ please sit quietly until everyone has finished) Okay, just one more time and thats it. Okay, (this is the) last time This is the last round of the game, (so if you get a point it will be a draw and if you dont the other team will win) Did any groups finish the game? Before we go, we just have to Oh, whoops. Thats the bell already/ Is it that time already? Before you go, we have to Itll only take a minute We dont have time to do the whole thing, so well just do this exercise/ line/ section/ tapescript and then stop Time to stop Well, only one team can win so there doesnt seem to be much point in going on

Thats all for today Weve run out of time Is that the bell I hear? Well, you can all stay here and carry on speaking if you like Its almost time to stop. Im afraid its time to finish now. Well have to stop there. Theres the bell. Its time to stop. Thats all for today. You can go now. The other class are waiting to get in, so wed better make a move Its break time/ Lets take a break. (Please be back at 10:45) That is the end of the test. Pens and pencils down please. Make sure you have written your name on the front/ on every page. Ill come round and collect the papers/ Please hand your papers in as you leave. No speaking until all the papers are in, please If no ones won the game, the person with most cards/ the person nearest the last square is the winner Sorry if everyone didnt get a chance to play Summarizing and reviewing the class Youve done really well today We didnt have time for the roleplays/ a free speaking activity/ to go through the homework, so well do that next week Lets go through what weve studied today one more time Lets tick the things on the lesson plan on the board that we did/ that you can now do Do you feel more confident about the test/ using the Present Perfect Continuous now? I think youll find what we studied today really useful when you study abroad/ use English at work/ write essays, especially The aims of todays lesson were, so I think we achieved Well, I didnt expect to (be talking about) but it was very useful/ interesting, I reckon Feedback on the lesson Did you have fun today? What was your favourite part? Do you want to play the same game next week/ in the next lesson? Do you feel more confident (about that language/ skill/ paper) now? Do you feel like youve improved? Do you think that will be useful (when you go abroad/ in your work/ in your studies)? Do you need any more practice of that (or not)? Talking about the next lesson Well do the rest of this chapter next time. Well finish this exercise next lesson. Weve run out of time, so well continue next lesson. Well continue this chapter next Monday. The next class starts at 5 oclock Well practice that one more time next week Right, I think we have no more problems with the passive now. Next week we will move onto Todays lesson was hard work, so well do something a little easier/ a bit more fun in the next class Its been mainly grammar today, so next week well do more skills work/ vocabulary/ speaking I was pleasantly surprised by how easy you all found that. Ill have to think of something m ore difficult for next week! When is the next lesson? Did I tell you (all) that the next lesson is in the main hall/ in the Self Access Centre? So, remember next week is a holiday. So Ill see you in two weeks/ the week after next Oh yes, youre right, theres a holiday. In that case, Ill see you the week after next

Im on holiday next week, so theyll be a cover teacher/ replacement teacher Well start the next lesson by../ with the next persons presentation Were finishing this lesson a little early/ late, so the next lesson will start at 9:35 Please dont be late for the second lesson Please apologise to your next teacher for me making you late Youd better hurry to your next lesson (but no running in the corridors) Weve finished the book! So, next lesson well do some revision before the final test at the end of term And that is the end of Unit 3. Next week well do a little revision and start unit 4 Homework, extra work, preparing for the next lesson, and self-study For homework please/ Id like you to/ can you The same point comes up in your homework/ Youll feel a lot more confident about that when youve done your homework, which is Im going to give you one more chance to do the homework from last week, so anyone whos already done it can enjoy their free time If you feel like you need more practice, you can do practice at home by I think we all need some more practice of that, so for homework This is your homework for tonight. Prepare the next chapter for Monday. Dont forget your homework. Take a worksheet as you leave. And the homework is nothing! Do exercise 10 on page 23 for homework/ Your homework is exercise 10 on page 23/ The homework for tonight is exercise 10 on page 23 If anyone needs any extra practice, I suggest doing exercise 11 and 12 as well There is no homework tonight. I forgot the check the homework/ We didnt have time to check the homework, so well have to do that next time As you have a long holiday/ a big test coming up, Im going to give you a bit more homework than usual So, the homework is exercise A. And B. And C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J Okay, Im joking. Just exercises A and B The people who missed the beginning of the lesson/ the last lesson might also want to do I told you about your homework earlier, and it is? Tonight/ before the next lesson/ before next week/ at the weekend, Id like you to Remember the last piece of homework/ writing/ the last project? Well, I want you to do something like that/ something similar, but Please revise that for homework and well use that language in the next lesson/ next week/ in the test This homework is a bit long/ difficult, so Ill give you till this time next week to finish it Final chit chat What are your plans for the weekend? The weekend starts here! Youll all be wanting to get home to watch the big match Does anyone know the weather forecast for tomorrow? So, apart from your homework what are your plans? End of the first lesson Well, it was a pleasure meeting you (all)/ it was nice to meet you (all) That lesson was mainly just to get to know each other, so next week well start using the book/ start talking about TOEIC I want to finish each lesson by standing up and saying goodbye to the class and the teacher, so End of the last lesson Your English has really improved this week/ term/ year, so make sure you dont forget it! It was a pleasure teaching you I hope that youve learnt a lot, and I hope to see you again some day Good luck in your future studies/ work/ lives

So, its the end of term/ the week/ the year/ this level Final greetings Goodbye/ Bye/ Bye bye/ See you/ See you, then/ See you then See you later See you tomorrow See you next weekend Goodbye, everyone. See you next Wednesday. See you tomorrow afternoon. See you in room 7 after the break. Stand up so we can all say goodbye When I say Goodbye everyone, you have to say Goodbye teacher, goodbye everyone. I will then say You can now go and you have to say Thank you, teacher. You can then leave, but quietly of course. Okay. Right, lets practice a couple of times. Goodbye everyone Instructions for leaving Please dont make any noise in the corridor (as the other classes have tests) Dont forget your bags/ coats/ projects/ posters Pick up a worksheet/ questionnaire/ note for your parents/ timetable for next term on the way out Try not to make any noise as you leave/ No shouting/ No speaking in the corridor Line up for the leaving drill. Todays question is Can you guess how many fingers? Get into a queue/ line up next to the door Form a queue and wait for the bell. Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working. Remember how much trouble you got into last week for making noise in the corridor The front door is locked at this time of night, so please use the back door Does everyone know where the bus stop is? Can everyone remember the way out of the building? Rushing out Can I leave you to clear up? Its just that my train is leaving in 10 minutes I have to go now, but feel free to stay and chat if you like Im afraid theres another class in here in five minutes, but we can continue talking outside in the corridor The janitor will be around in ten minutes to lock up, so wed better make a move/ wed better go/ weve got to shoot Im afraid I dont have time to answer extra questions today (but Ill arrive early for the next lesson/ Ill be in the teachers room this afternoon and you can ask me then) Well all miss our bus/ train if we dont leave soon As they are leaving See you next week/ tomorrow/ on Wednesday/ next term/ after the holiday/ later/ this afternoon Enjoy your break Merry Christmas Have a good time in [if they have told you where they are going] Have a good weekend- You too Have a good holiday. Enjoy your vacation. Have a nice trip I didnt notice your new shoes because you were sitting down Wrap up warm, its cold out there! Bye Jane. See you Mr Fernandez. Have a good weekend Catch you later! Take care Have a good one

If anyone sees Jun before the next lesson, can you tell him what the homework is? Bon voyage

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