Press Pack Final

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Screened aL u-lesuval 2014
20 mlnuLe uocumenLary lm
roduced by uoug Mouram,
Ladderhouse roducuons
Maln CredlLs
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ulrecLor and Camera CperaLor
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ulrecLor of hoLography & Camera CperaLor
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Sound CperaLor and AsslsLanL promouons
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LdlLor and Sound AsslsLanL
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romouons/Markeung and AssoclaLe
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Addluonal CredlLs
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Anchorage Lodge
kaLrlna Penderson

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LlephanL and CasLle
8lchard 8eynolds

WlLh Lhanks Lo
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A sedluous suburbla

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A documenLary looklng aL Lhe people who are worklng ouLslde Lhe esLabllshed sysLem
Lo bend Lhere urban surroundlngs Lo Lhelr wlll. 8e lL knlmng on governmenL owned
land, defaclng properLy wlLh knlued wonders or slmply yearnlng Lo have a colourful
ploL of Lhelr own. 1hese people are quleLly rebelllng agalnsL Lhe apaLhy of Lhe average
day Lo day llfe, and gemng people Lo Lhlnk dlerenLly abouL Lhere local area.

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A documenLary looklng aL Lhe people who are worklng ouLslde Lhe esLabllshed
sysLem Lo bend Lhere urban surroundlngs Lo Lhelr wlll. 8e lL knlmng on
governmenL owned land, or slmply yearnlng for a colourful garden of Lhelr own.
We look lnLo Lhe llves of Lhese people rsL hand, explorlng Lhese people quleLly
rebelllng agalnsL Lhe apaLhy of Lhe average day Lo day llfe, and gemng people Lo
Lhlnk dlerenLly abouL Lhere local area.
Addluonal Synopsls (long)
Wooly Cardens ls a shorL documenLary looklng aL Lhe people LhaL are rebelllng agalnsL Lhe rules
and creaung someLhlng LhaL wlll bend Lhere local surroundlngs Lo Lhelr wlll. We wlll explore
wheLher or noL Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL ls compleLely accepLable or oLherwlse. We wlll hear all
sLorles of boLh of Lhese Lypes of work, and Lhe problems Lhey may face as lndlvlduals or as a
communlLy. We wlll be dlscoverlng wheLher lL ls an acL of rebelllon or wheLher lLs slmply
Lhese people crylng ouL Lo make a change Lo Lhelr envlronmenL. uurlng Lhe documenLary, we
wlll explore boLh Lhe lndlvldual aspecLs of guerrllla gardenlng and knlmng, and how
someLhlng llke Lhls can brlng a communlLy LogeLher.

8lchard 8eynolds: 1he founder of Cuerrllla Cardenlng. Pe has a number of ploLs locally Lo
where he llves, ln Lhe LlephanL and CasLle area of London. Pe seLup a moblle gardeners unlL
close Lo hls home, where Lhe local communlLy can come LogeLher and garden LogeLher

kaLrlna Penderson: lounder of ArL sLop, a local knlmng workshop communlLy. knlmng all
sorLs Lo go ouL on Lhe sLreeLs Lo be yarn bombed ln local orLsmouLh evenLs. She holds many
evenLs all year round, orLsmouLh has a large knlmng communlLy and lLs somewhere where
all ages can go along and en[oy.

Ann uay: Cne of Lhe orlglnal yarn bombers ln Lhe local orLsmouLh area. She has a number of
places where she yarn bombs. Some can be found on Lhe seafronL, near Lhe bench LhaL was
placed for her granddaughLer a few years ago. lL ls an ongolng process and she wlll replace
any knlued works LhaL have wore or need Laklng down.
roducer uoug Mouram - 07808337091

(24/03/14)(Ladderhouseproducuons). All 8lghLs 8eserved

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