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lL ls unknown lf morphologlcal abnormallues
of Lhe hlp are compauble wlLh llfe-long hlp
funcuon and avoldance of osLeoarLhrlus (CA).
Cur purpose was Lo lnvesugaLe Lhe
prevalence of radlographlc ndlngs conslsLenL
wlLh developmenLal dysplasla of Lhe hlp
(uuP) and femoroaceLabular lmplngemenL
(lAl) ln senlor aLhleLes wlLh well-funcuonlng

3)02(.$ )(* 42.5'*$
652 3/27),2(%2 '8 9#: 4'/:5',';#%
<=('/>),#02$ #( ) 9#;5,? <%072
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!"#$% '()*+%,( -./ '%01*2 3$4+,( 50)/ 67*40*( ',89 -./
:*%%* ;0+$%791 -./ -98* <= '()*+%,( -6 '>;/
?$2 @+9A$1B$ -./ :911 C+9#8%,( 5'D;/ ;0+9%7,40*+ != 5*7*+% -.
ulsclosures are llsLed ln Lhe AACS program and webslLe. 1here are no conlcLs wlLh Lhls Loplc.
A72/),, 9#:
auenLs wlLh CA were more llkely Lo have
radlographlc feaLures of lAl
C8 3.7, 93 Cl 1.6 - 8.8, p=0.003
Male pauenLs were more llkely Lo have
radlographlc feaLures of lAl
C8 10.7, 93 Cl 3.4 - 21.1, p<0.001
B/2)C*'D( '8
A< =? 5#:
B/2)C*'D( '8
$&=E2%.$ D#.5
LaLeral CenLer Ldge Angle
(LCLA) < 20
+)> F<-
Alpha angle (AA) >30 on lrog-
Leg LaLeral '/ A vlews
3#(%2/ F<-
LCLA > 39, AceLabular lndex
(Al) < 0 )(*G'/ cross-over slgn
1nnls Crade 2 '/ 3
33 Male, Mean Age 67 yrs (30-91 yrs)
93 Caucaslan
3 hlps excluded (prlor 1PA or lx)
HIJK nauve Plp x-rays
were revlewed from 346
Senlor ALhleLes aL Lhe
PunLsman World Senlor
Cames (SL. Ceorge, uLah)
1)*#';/):5#% 42)$&/2$ )(* <$$'%#).2* +&.'L$ .'
"2.2/>#(2 3/27),2(%2 '8 9#: 3).5'>'/:5',';?

Morphologlc abnormallues (91), parucularly lAl
(82), were more prevalenL Lhan anuclpaLed ln
Lhese senlor aLhleLes.
8aLe of radlographlc osLeoarLhrlus was relauvely
low (16) buL sLrongly correlaLed wlLh lAl.
Whlle radlographlc prevalence of lAl ls hlgh (82)
only 20 of lAl hlps showed slgns of 1nnls grade
2 or 3.
Whlle lAl and dysplasla have hlsLorlcally been
assoclaLed wlLh developmenL of early CA, Lhls
sLudy suggesLs LhaL Lhere may be oLher facLors,
such as geneucs and carulage Lype, whlch may
play a [olnL preservlng role desplLe presence of
paLhomorphology ln Lhls serles of hlgh
funcuonlng senlor aLhleLes.
91 of hlps had
radlographlc feaLures
of paLhomorphology
PlsLogram shows dlerenL hlsLorlcal cuLos yleld
varled prevalences of cam lAl.

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