SQLServer How To Transfer Logins

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Sometimes you need to transfer one or more sql logins from two distinct sql servers here is a fine

e doc that helped me in the task (original doc found at this link)

SQL Server Integration Services Transfer Logins

Category: SQL Server

SQL 200 ! SQL Server "ntegration Services #ransfer Logins #ask "ntroduction In the previous article, database maintenance tasks were introduced. The irst maintenance task was the Trans er !atabase Task which is the most common maintenance task. The ne"t task and last maintenance task to be covered is the Trans er Logins Task which closely resembles and operates much like the Trans er !atabase Task. #e are using Server Intellect and have ound that by ar, they are the most riendly, responsive, and knowledgeable support team we$ve ever dealt with% Scenario Last time a database was being moved to a new server, so in this article the scenario will be moving database logins to an e"isting SQL server. There are several reasons &ust to move or copy the database logins. The most common reason would be to better maintain each SQL server instance especially i the server architecture calls or the same roles on each instance. 'lso, one other bene it o using this task is to make sure the SI!s are all the same in each instance which solves the issue o manually creating the logins on each instance but having di erent SI!s. "mplementation 's with the previous article, a blank package will be needed to complete this task so create a new package and give it an intuitive name. (ind the Trans er Logins Task in the toolbo" and drag it into the work area.

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!ouble click the component to open the con iguration window. +e"t click on the Logins tab to see what needs to be con igured.

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,es, it is possible to ind a good web host. Sometimes it takes a while. ' ter trying several, we went with Server Intellect and have been very happy. They are the most pro essional, customer service riendly and technically knowledgeable host we$ve ound so ar. Like the previous article in the Connections table, create a new SourceConnection and a !estinationConnection to the appropriate SQL server instances. (rom here, there are two available options on what logins to trans er, one being trans er selected logins and the other being trans er all logins or a particular database. -y de ault, the SelectedLogins option is selected. (or this article, leave the option as de ault. Since the SelectedLogins option is chosen, click in the LoginsList bo" to open up a con iguration window to select which logins need to be trans erred.

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.lease note that when selecting the logins manually or selecting all logins rom a database that the database the logins belongs to needs to be present on the destination SQL server instance. /therwise an error will occur when the package is e"ecuted. /nce the logins are selected, click /0. In the /ptions table the two available options is what to do i the login ob&ect already e"ists in the destination SQL server instance and whether to copy the SI!s o the login ob&ect. Since there is a need to make sure the logins are the same rom one instance to another, the I /b&ect1"ists option is set to /verwrite and the CopySids option is set to True.

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#e chose Server Intellect or its dedicated servers, or our web hosting. They have managed to handle virtually everything or us, rom start to inish. 'nd their customer service is stellar. /nce this is completed, click /0. #esting the $ackage It is time to test the package since everything to trans er logins is contained in this one component. 1"ecute the package to trans er the selected logins.

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#hen the package has completed running, open up SQL 2anagement Studio to double check that the logins were trans erred success ully.

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%hat have we learned& #e migrated our web sites to Server Intellect over one weekend and the setup was so smooth that we were up and running right away. They assisted us with everything we needed to do or all o our applications. #ith Server Intellect$s help, we were able to avoid any headaches% 3ow to con igure a Trans er Logins Task. The di erent uses or trans erring database logins.

#hat the di erent trans er options are available whether it is Selected Logins or 'll Selected !atabase Logins.

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