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VOCABULARY REVIEW Explain the following hypotheses of the evolution of modern humans.
1. multiregional hypothesis

2. recent-African-origin hypothesis

MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.

1. The oldest hominid fossils to be found along with stone tools are the fossils of a. Australopithecus robustus. b. Australopithecus boisei.
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c. Homo sapiens. d. Homo habilis.

2. Paleoanthropologists infer that Homo habilis ate meat, because they have found a. b. c. d. tool marks on animal bones discovered near H. habilis fossils. fossilized meat in the stomach of H. habilis. pictures of prey animals on the walls of caves inhabited by H. habilis. that the cranial capacity of H. habilis is the same as that of other carnivores.

3. Paleoanthropologists infer that Neanderthals wore clothing made of skins, because they have found a. b. c. d. pieces of clothing near Neanderthal fossils. cave drawings depicting Neanderthals wearing clothing. stone tools that were probably used to scrape animal hides near Neanderthal fossils. bone needles used to sew clothing.

4. The hominid species with the largest cranial capacity was a. Homo habilis. b. H. erectus. c. H. sapiens (Neanderthal). d. H. sapiens (Cro-Magnon).

5. The hominid species with the most-sophisticated tool-making abilities was a. Homo habilis. b. H. erectus. c. H. sapiens (Neanderthal). d. H. sapiens (Cro-Magnon).

Modern Biology Study Guide





SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.

1. What was the earliest Homo species that has been discovered, and what two major traits did it have that distinguished it from australopithecines?

2. Describe the position that Neanderthals hold in the hominid phylogenetic tree.

3. Explain how mitochondrial DNA evidence supports the recent-African-origin hypothesis.

4. Critical Thinking Some scientists hypothesize that Neanderthals were eliminated by modern Homo sapiens through direct aggression or the spread of disease. In what other ways might modern H. sapiens have contributed to the disappearance of Neanderthals?

STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Use the figure to answer the following questions.
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1. The diagrams below represent two hypotheses concerning the evolution of modern humans. Label each diagram according to the hypothesis it represents.
Europe Africa Asia Australia Europe Africa Asia Australia


1,000,000 years ago

2. What do the horizontal arrows in the left diagram and the short horizontal bars on the ends of the branches in the right diagram represent?


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