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VOCABULARY REVIEW Define the following terms.
1. quadrupedal 2. australopithecine 3. Lucy

MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.

1. To determine whether a fossil primate was a hominid, paleoanthropologists look mainly at whether the specimen a. had a large cranial capacity. b. had a pelvis. 2. The fossil primate Lucy a. b. c. d.
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c. was found in Africa. d. was bipedal.

had a cranial capacity about the same as that of a modern human. was about as tall as a chimpanzee. was a quadrupedal hominid. was a bipedal prosimian.

3. Fossil evidence regarding hominid evolution indicates that hominids a. b. c. d. acquired bipedalism before they developed a large brain and speech. developed a large brain and speech before becoming bipedal. acquired bipedalism, a large brain, and speech at the same time. lost the ability to walk upright when they evolved a large brain and speech.

4. Australopithecus robustus and A. boisei differed from A. afarensis by having a. a smaller cranial capacity. b. smaller teeth. c. a heavier skull. d. modern humans as descendants.

5. Research on human evolution clearly shows that a. b. c. d. different species of hominids lived at the same time. humans evolved along a single line of increasingly humanlike forms. several hominid forms arose, all of which evolved into modern humans. humans evolved from a different ancestor than the one that produced the hominids.

6. Two fossil finds of 1995 that shed light on the evolution of bipedalism included a. b. c. d. Australopithecus Australopithecus Australopithecus Australopithecus afarensis and Australopithecus boisei. anamensis and Ardipithecus ramidus. anamensis and Australopithecus boisei. afarensis and Ardipithecus ramidus.
Modern Biology Study Guide 89




SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.

1. How did the discovery of Australopithecus afarensis change many ideas about the evolution of humans?

2. What evidence besides fossil bones indicates that some very early primates were bipedal?

3. What evidence suggests that Australopithecus robustus and A. boisei were not ancestral to modern humans?

4. Critical Thinking Why is the human evolutionary tree sometimes described as a bush?

5. Critical Thinking How might the evolution of bipedalism have increased the fitness of early hominids?
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d e

1. The diagram below summarizes one model of australopithecine evolution. Use the information in the following statements to fill in each box in the diagram with the name of the appropriate species. Australopithecus boisei lived at about the same time as A. robustus. A. africanus was ancestral to A. robustus. A. anamensis may have given rise to A. afarensis. A. africanus evolved from A. afarensis.

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Section 17-2 Review

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