WAC - We Googled You

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An analysis of the case !

We Googled You
A report submitted to ! Prof. Madhusri Shrivastava! ! In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the ! Written Analysis and Communication course !

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! By ! D Srirama Samdhathri - 2013PGPUAE012 !

On the 1st of April, 2014.

Memo of Transmittal!
To: Prof. Madhusri Shrivastava! From: D. Srirama Samdhathri, 2013PGPUAE012! Date: 1 st April 2014!

Subject: Submission of the Written Analysis and Communication report on the case We Googled You! Dear Madam,! As per your instructions, I have prepared a report analysing the dilemma faced by Fred Wensten, the CEO of Hathaway Jones on hiring Mimi Brewster, and the course of action that can be taken.! It is recommended that Fred hire Mimi for Hathaway Jones China operation, given the strong credentials and skills of Mimi.! The following pages present a detailed analysis of the situation, an evaluation of the different alternatives available, recommendation, the plan of action and a contingency plan.!

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Executive Summary:!

This case depicts dilemma of Fred Westen, CEO of Hathaway Jones, who is planning to expand the company in China, whether or not to hire Mimi Brewster. Mimi, according to him is the most suitable candidate for the business expansion. But, her strong credentials become questionable after Fred leans from Virginia Flenders, the vice president of human resources, finds out through Google results that Mimi had been actively involved in a non-violent protest against China in the past.! It is now for Fred to decide what should be done about hiring Mimi, keeping the benefits and losses of hiring/not hiring a potential candidate.! It is recommended that Fred should hire Mimi for China operations ignoring her online history, as Mimi, according to Fred is the most suitable candidate for the job.!

Table of Contents:!

Executive Summary:! Situation Analysis! Problem statement! Options! Criteria! Evaluation of Options! Recommendation! Action Plan! Contingency plan! 3! 5! 5! 5! 6! 6! 7! 7! 7!

Situation Analysis!

Fred Wensten, CEO of luxury apparel retailer Hathaway Jones has planned to expand the rm into China, knowing that the luxury goods market in China was growing by 70% annually. Mimi Brewster, the daughter of Fred`s old roommate, John Brewster, wanted to be part of the plan.! "! Mimi has majored in modern Chinese history and graduated cum laude from Berkeley. Adding to this, Mimi had grown up in China and spoke Mandarin and a local dialect. This impressed Fred and he told Mimi that he would arrange some interviews.!

Virginia Flanders was the vice president of human resources at Hathaway Jones. For new recruits, she would to scan the rst 11 pages of Google results and on Page 9 for Mimi, she found out that Mimi had been a leader of a non- violent but vocal protest group against the World Trade Organization. On searching further, Virginia found a story featuring a photo of Mimi sitting outside China`s San Francisco consulate protesting China`s treatment of a dissident journalist. Virginia showed these articles to Fred, implying that Mimi could be a trouble for the company in its Chinese operations.! ! Now, Fred is in dilemma whether to hire Mimi or not.!

! ! ! !

Problem statement!
What should be done by Fred about hiring Mimi, a potential candidate whose history when checked dint turn up very impressive?!

1. 2. 3. 4. Hire Mimi as lead for the project, ignoring her online history! Do not hire Mimi.! Hire Mimi, not as the lead for the project, but as a regular team member! Hire Mimi, and give her another position in the organisation, but not in China!

! !

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hiring a potential candidate ! Legal issues arising from hiring Mimi.! Reputation of the company in China.! Impact on Hathaway Jones growth in China.! Support of Chinese government for Hathaway Jones.!

Evaluation of Options!
1. Hire Mimi as the project lead, while ignoring her online history: A candidate like Mimi, with good credentials can deliver a very good result, and hiring her as a project lead, will leave her with more responsibility and perform better. History of the candidate would not have a great impact on the kind of work she would be doing in China. Hiring a potential candidate would increase the growth potential in China. But, due to access of the information across the globe, support from the Govt. of China is a question; also there is a possibility of having an impact on the companys reputation.! 2. Do not hire Mimi: If Mimi is not hired, there could be an opportunity loss for the company as a substitute with similar skills is difcult to nd, and hence a not so positive impact on the growth of the company in China. On the other hand, with this step taken, there wouldnt be any impact on the reputation of the company, and also a support from the government can be expected.! 3. Hire Mimi, not as the project lead, but as a regular team member: If Mimi is hired as project lead, full responsibility of Chinese operations cant be imposed on Mimi, and hence, complete skill set of Mimi cant be utilised. Also, there is a possibility of having an impact on the companys reputation.! 4. Hire Mimi, and give her another position in the organisation: Exercising this option will benet the company with her creativity and skills required in the apparel business and will also make sure that a good candidate is not lost. Since she is not given the responsibility of Chinese actions there will be no harm caused to reputation of the company in China#

! !
Options Hiring Potential Candidate Huge Positive impact Legal issues arising from Mimi Possibly negative Reputation of the Company in China Neutral Impact on Hathaway Jones Growth in China Huge Positive impact Support of Chinese govt. for Hathaway Jones Possible negative impact Hire Mimi as lead for the project, ignoring her online history Do not hire Mimi. Hire Mimi, not as the lead for the project, but as a regular team member Hire Mimi, and give her another position in the organisation, but not in China!

Negative impact Neutral Positive impact


Possible Possible negative impact positive Huge Positive impact Possible negative impact

Possible Neutral negative impact

Positive impact



Possible Possible negative impact positive impact

! ! !
Fred should hire MIMI as the project lead, while ignoring her online history. This help the company leverage on bring Mimis skills and expertise in the companys expansion plan in China.!

Action Plan!
1. Fred should set up a meeting with Mimi along with Virginia and know what Mimi has to say about it and accordingly design her job responsibilities.! 2. To minimize the political and legal reaction in China, Mimis history should not be disclosed.!

Contingency plan!
In case of any political and legal reaction, it should be discussed with Mimi, and she should be relocated to another country. This way a potential candidate is not lost, and at the same time, a platform would be laid for Hathaway Jones in China.

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