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Was the Last Supper A Passover Meal?

Y shua!*rri(ed!in!+erusa#e, Last! Su00er Y shua Y shua %ies )uried S0i/es! 1ur/hased To,-! Y shua! %is/o(ered! 2isen 3,0ty 4!%ays!o&!Testing!La,YHWH s! "a#endar 35a/t#y!3!%ays!and!3!6ights














7!%ays!o&!'n#ea(ened!)read Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed

$regorian! "a#endar Feast!o&! 'n#ea(ened! La,-! )read! Sa/ri&i/ed 41asso(er!Mea#


Wa(ing!o&! FirstFruits

Alternate # 1 The Last Supper Was a Passover Meal

Alternate # 2 The Last Supper Was Not a Passover Meal

Wee.#y Sa--ath Feast Sa--ath $regorian! "a#endar He-rai/! "a#endar First!Fruits Last!Su00er 4/12/11

Test!1!7!35odus!128196 Now the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 This month shall e yo!r eginning of months" it shall e the first month of the year to yo!# $ %peak to all the &ongregation of 'srael, saying( )On the tenth of this month e*ery man shall take for himself a lam , a&&ording to the ho!se of his father, a lam for a ho!sehold# + And if the ho!sehold is too small for the lam , let him and his neigh or ne,t to his ho!se take it a&&ording to the n!m er of the persons" a&&ording to ea&h man-s need yo! shall make yo!r &o!nt for the lam # . /o!r lam shall e witho!t lemish, a male of the first year# /o! may take it from the sheep or from the goats# 0 Now yo! shall keep it !ntil the fo!r teenth day of the same month# Then the whole assem ly of the &ongregation of 'srael shall kill it at twilight 1 etween the e*enings2 There are two e*enings in 3e rai& tho!ght( One e*ening is after high noon, when the s!n egins its setting# The se&ond e*ening is at s!nset, when the s!n is elow the hori4on# 5etween the e*enings6 wo!ld e a o!t $(77 8M at the time of the %pring 9easts in 'srael#

9La,-!is!identi&ied!on!the!10 th th 9La,-!is!e5a,ined!&or!-#e,ish!&ro,!the!10 !to!the!14 th 9The!#a,-!is!sa/ri&i/ed!no!#ater!than!the!14 th 9The!#a,-!is!sa/ri&i/ed!<-et=een!the!e(enings>!=hi/h!is!#i.e#y!30,!on!the!14 :!?ust! as!the!sun!is!nearing!a!&e=!hours!-e&ore!sundo=n 9 @&!Yeshua!is!the!1asso(er!La,-!then!the!<Last!Su00er>!/ou#d!not!ha(e!-een!a! )i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#!4Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readAB!!Yeshua!/ou#d!not !eat ! o& !!!!!e ! th 1asso(er!and!-e!the!1asso(er!at!the!sa,e!ti,eB

1ass Fai#


Test!2!7 E,od!s :2(;<:+ ; Then they shall eat the flesh on that night" roasted in fire, with !nlea*ened r ead and with itter her s they shall eat it# :7 /o! shall let none of it r emain !ntil mor ning, and what remains of it !ntil morning yo! shall !rn with fire# :: And th!s yo! shall eat it( with a elt on yo!r waist, yo!r sandals on yo!r feet, and yo!r staff in yo!r hand# %o yo! shall eat it in haste# 't is the LORD-s 8asso*er#:2 )9or ' will pass thro!gh the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the first orn in the land of Egypt, oth man and east" and against all the gods of Egypt ' will e,e&!te =!dgment( ' am the LORD# :$ Now the lood shall e a sign for yo! on the ho!ses where yo! are# And when ' see the lood, ' will pass o*er yo!" and the plag!e shall not e on yo! to destroy yo! when ' strike the land of Egypt# :+ )%o this day shall e to yo! a memorial" and yo! shall keep it as a feast to the LORD thro!gho!t yo!r generations# /o! shall keep it as a feast y an e*erlasting ordinan&e#

9The!1asso(er!is!eaten!on!the!14 4$oing!into!the!15 A 9The!1asso(er!is!eaten!=ith!un#ea(ened!-read!and!-itter!her-sB 9The!1asso(er!is!eaten!in!haste!#ea(ing!nothing!ti##!,orningB 9The!&irst-orn!o&!@srae#!is!<1assed!o(er>!on!the!night!o&!the!15th 91asso(er!is!s#ain!on!the!14 !and!the!1asso(er!is!eaten!right!as!the!14 !ends! th going!into!the!night!o&!the!15 B 9 @&!Yeshua!is!the!1asso(er!La,-!then!the!<Last!Su00er>!/ou#d!not!ha(e!-een!a! )i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#!4Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readAB!!Yeshua!/ou#d!not ! eat ! o& ! the 1asso(er!and!-e!the!1asso(er!at!the!sa,e!ti,eB!
th th



Test!3!735odus!12815920 :. %e*en days yo! shall eat !nlea*ened read# On the first day yo! shall remo*e lea*en from yo!r ho!ses# 9or whoe*er eats lea*ened read from the first day !ntil the se*enth day, that person shall e &!t off from 'srael# :0 On the first day there shall e a holy &on*o&ation, and on the se*enth day there shall e a holy &on*o&ation for yo!# No manner of work shall e done on them" !t that whi&h e*eryone m!st eat>that only may e prepared y yo!# :? %o yo! shall o ser*e the 9east of @nlea*ened 5read, for on this same day ' will ha*e ro!ght yo!r armies o!t of the land of Egypt# Therefore yo! shall o ser*e this day thro!gho!t yo!r generations as an e*erlasting ordinan&e# :; 'n the first month, on the fo!rteenth day of the month at e*ening, yo! shall eat !nlea*ened read, !ntil the twenty<first day of the month at e*ening# :A 9or se*en days no lea*en shall e fo!nd in yo!r ho!ses, sin&e whoe*er eats what is lea*ened, that same person shall e &!t off from the &ongregation of 'srael, whether he is a stranger or a nati*e of the land# 27 /o! shall eat nothing lea*ened" in all yo!r dwellings yo! shall eat !nlea*ened read#-6

9Cerse!15!i,0#ies!that!the!7!days!o&!'n#ea(ened!)read!-egins!at!the!1asso(er! th ,ea#:!=hi/h!is!,inutes!-e&ore!the!15 4dus.A!and!e5tending!7!days!unti#!the!/#ose! st o&!the!21 B!The!Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)read!41asso(er!Mea#A!is!the!sa,e!day!that! th YHWH!-rought!@srae#!out!o&!3gy0t:!=hi/h!=as!the!15 th 9Cerse!18!states!that!in!the!e(ening:!?ust!-e&ore!sundo=n!or!at!o&!the!14 :!ti##!?ust! st -e&ore!sundo=n!on!the!21 !is!the!7!day!0eriod!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readB 9We!.no=!that!@srae# s!-read!=as!un#ea(ened!-e/ause!they!had!to!rush!it!at!the! th th th (ery!end!o&!the!14 !day!into!the!15 !dayB!!*s!the!sun!&ades!out:!&ro,!the!14 !to! th the!15 :!'n#ea(ened!)read!-eginsB!! 9 @&!Yeshua!is!the!1asso(er!La,-!then!the!<Last!Su00er>!/ou#d!not!ha(e!-een!a! Y not )i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#B!! eshua /ou#d ! ! eat ! !the!1asso(er!and!-e!the!1asso(erB

Test!4!7!!35odus!12821:27 2: Then Moses &alled for all the elders of 'srael and said to them, 8i&k o!t and take lam s for yo!rsel*es a&&ording to yo!r families, and kill the 8asso*er lam # 2? 't is the 8asso*er sa&rifi&e of the LORD, who passed o*er the ho!ses of the &hildren of 'srael in Egypt when 3e str!&k the Egyptians and deli*ered o!r ho!seholds#-6

9The!#a,-!is!re&erred!to!as!<the!1asso(er>!4#a,-!is!not!e(en!in!the!te5tA 9The!sa/ri&i/e!is!a#so!re&erred!to!as!<the!1asso(er> th 9)oth!o&!these!o//ur!on!the!e(ening!o&!the!14 :!?ust!-e&ore!sundo=nB 9Te/hni/a##y:!that!a#so!,eans!that!=hen!the!sa/ri&i/e!is!eaten!=hen!the!sun!goes! th th do=n!on!the!14 !going!into!the!15 :!the!,ea#!/ou#d!then!-e!/a##ed!<the!1asso(er>! -e/ause!that!is!=hat!they!are!eating!as!de&ined!in!the!a-o(eB That!-eing!said:!de0ending!on!the!/onte5t:!the!#a,-:!the!sa/ri&i/e:!or!the!,ea#:!the! th th th 14 !and!the!15 !/an!-e!re&erred!to!as!the!1asso(erB!!@n!addition:!on!the!15 :!the! a/tua#!<a/t>!o&!the!<1ass!D(er>!o//urred!=hen!the!ange#!<1assed!D(er>!@srae#B!! This!,ight!-e!=hy!the!ter,!<1asso(er>!see,s!to!-e!used!to!re&er!to!either!one!o&! th th these!days!in!the!6T:!as!either!the!14 :!15 !or!-othB

Test!6!7!35odus!12829930 2A And it &ame to pass at midnight that the LORD str!&k all the first orn in the land of Egypt, from the first orn of 8haraoh who sat on his throne to the first orn of the &apti*e who was in the d!ngeon, and all the first orn of li*esto&k# $7 %o 8haraoh rose in the night, he, all his ser*ants, and all the Egyptians" and there was a great &ry in Egypt, for there was not a ho!se where there was not one dead#

@n!the!,idd#e!o&!the!night!on!the!15 :!the!0#ague!on!3gy0t!&irst-orn!stru/.:!and! 0assed!o(er!@srae#B The!1asso(er!,ea#!started!on!the!14 !and!e5tended!into!the!15 !=hen!death! <0assed!o(er>!those!0rote/ted!-y!the!-#ood!o&!the!#a,-B!!The!Last!Su00er!=as!on! th the!e(ening!o&!the!13

th th

Test!5!7!35odus!12831934:39 $: Then he &alled for Moses and Aaron y night, and said, Rise, go o!t from among my people, oth yo! and the &hildren of 'srael# And go, ser*e the LORD as yo! ha*e said# $2 Also take yo!r flo&ks and yo!r herds, as yo! ha*e said, and e gone" and less me also#6 $$ And the Egyptians !rged the people, that they might send them o!t of the land in haste# 9or they said, Be shall all e dead#6 $+ %o the people took their do!gh efore it was lea*ened, ha*ing their kneading owls o!nd !p in their &lothes on their sho!lders# $A And they aked !nlea*ened &akes of the do!gh whi&h they had ro!ght o!t of Egypt" for it was not lea*ened, e&a!se they were dri*en o!t of Egypt and &o!ld not wait, nor had they prepared pro*isions for themsel*es#

9Dn!the!night!o&!the!15 :!@srae#!=as!issued!the!/o,,and!to!#ea(e!3gy0tB!!*##!o&! their!dough!=as!un#ea(ened!-e/ause!they!#e&t!so!Eui/.#yB!!This!-e/a,e! th un#ea(ened!/!on!the!15 B th 9This!a#so!suggests!that!the!(ery!end!o&!the!14 !going!into!the!&irst!&u##!day!o&!the! th st 15 !-egan!the!7!days!o&!un#ea(ened!-read!and!#asted!unti#!the!end!o&!the!21 B!!! 9The!-read!Yeshua!ate!at!the!Last!Su00er!=as!<artos>!=hi/h!is!the!$ree.!=ord! used!/onsistent#y!in!the!LFF!and!6T!&or!#ea(ened!-readB!!The!)i-#i/a#!1asso(er! Mea#!4Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readA!reEuired!un#ea(ened!-readB!!3ating!#ea(ened! -read!=ou#d!-e!!a!/o,,and,ent!and!thus!/onsidered!sinB!!Yeshua!did! not!sinB


Test!6!7!35odus!1383:6 Remem er this day in whi&h yo! went o!t of Egypt, o!t of the ho!se of ondage" for y strength of hand the LORD ro!ght yo! o!t of this pla&e# No lea*ened read shall e eaten# 0 %e*en days yo! shall eat !nlea*ened read, and on the se*enth day there shall e a feast to the LORD# ? @nlea*ened read shall e eaten se*en days# And no lea*ened read shall e seen among yo!, nor shall lea*en e seen among yo! in all yo!r C!arters#

9The!day!that!=e!are!to!re,e,-er!in!=hi/h!=e!#e&t!3gy0t!is!the!15 B!!%ire/t#y! atta/hed!to!this!date!is!the!/o,,and,ent!to!not!eat!#ea(ened!-read!as!the!start!o&! th a!7!day!0eriod!to!not!eat!#ea(ened!-readB!!6o!,ention!o&!the!day!o&!the!14 !is!in! the!te5t:!-ut!noted!a-sentB!!@,,ediate#y!&o##o=ing!the!/o,,and!is!a!/o,,and,ent! to!e5tend!the!eating!o&!on#y!un#ea(ened!-read!&or!7!days:!strong#y!i,0#ying!that!the! th th start!o&!the!7!days!is!on!the!15 !and;or!at!the!(ery!end!o&!the!14 !=hen!the!sun! setsB!!3ither!=ay:!=e!are!!a-out!a!s0an!o&!#ess!than!an!hour!and!is!a!,atter! o&!de-ate!as!to!the!e5a/t!,inute!as!it!re#ates!to!the!sun!setting:!dus.:!-et=een!the! th th 14 !and!the!15 B th th 9 The!e(ening!o&!the!13 !going!into!the!14 :!=hi/h!=as!the!ti,e!o&!the!<Last! Su00er>!/ou#d!not!ha(e!-een!a!)i-#i/a#!1asso(er!Mea#B

1ass Fai#


Test!7!7 Le*iti&!s 2$(A<:2 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, :7 %peak to the &hildren of 'srael, and say to them( )Bhen yo! &ome into the land whi&h ' gi*e to yo!, and reap its har*est, then yo! shall ring a sheaf of the firstfr!its of yo!r har*est to the priest# :: 3e shall wa*e the sheaf efore the LORD, to e a&&epted on yo!r ehalf" on the day after the %a ath the priest shall wa*e it# :2 And yo! shall offer on that day, when yo! wa*e the sheaf, a male lam of the first year, witho!t lemish, as a !rnt offering to the LORD#

The!day!a&ter!the!=ee.#y!!Sa--ath!is!the!day!o&!First!FruitsB!!This!=ou#d!ha(e!-een! th on!the!18 B Y shua!=as!our!<First!Fruits>!and!had!to!rise!at!the!onset!o&!this!dayB

Test!8!76u,-ers!98294 Let the &hildren of 'srael keep the 8asso*er at its appointed time# $ On the fo!rteenth day of this month, at twilight, yo! shall keep it at its appointed time# A&&ording to all its rites and &eremonies yo! shall keep it#6 + %o Moses told the &hildren of 'srael that they sho!ld keep the 8asso*er# . And they kept the 8asso*er on the fo!rteenth day of the first month, at twilight, in the Bilderness of %inai" a&&ording to all that the LORD &ommanded Moses, so the &hildren of 'srael did#

*//ording!to!35odus!12:!the!0ro/ess!o&!=hat!S/ri0ture!de&ines!as!#a-e#ing!<the! th 1asso(er>!-egins!=ith!the!sa/ri&i/ing!o&!<the!1asso(er>!4#a,-A!on!the!14 We!a#so!.no=!that!the!<1asso(er>!,ea#!is!eaten!?ust!as!the!sun!goes!do=n!on!the! th th 14 :!in!=hi/h!the!,a?ority!or!a##!o&!the!,ea#!is!at!the!start!o&!the!15 B This!=ou#d!,ean!that!the!<Last!Su00er>!on!the!e(ening!o&!the!13 ;14 !=ou#d!ha(e! &ai#ed!to!-e!a!)i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#!4Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readA

th th

Test!9!7!!6u,-ers!28816918:!25 :0 )On the fo!rteenth day of the first month is the 8asso*er of the LORD# :? And on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast" !nlea*ened read shall e eaten for se*en days# :; On the first day yo! shall ha*e a holy &on*o&ation# /o! shall do no &!stomary work# 2. And on the se*enth day yo! shall ha*e a holy &on*o&ation# /o! shall do no &!stomary work#

Se(era#!things!are!/#ear#y!stated!hereB!!Dn!the!14 !day!<the!1asso(er>!-egins:! =hi/h!=e!.no=!is!the!<1asso(er>!sa/ri&i/e!o&!the!<1asso(er>!#a,-!around!30,!on! th the!14 B The!,ea#!4&eastA!is!eaten!on!the!15 :!?ust!as!the!sun!goes!do=n!on!the!14 B th *gain:!s/ri0ture!,!,ention!o&!the!7!day!0eriod!in!dire/t!re#ation!to!the!15 !dayB!!! th st The!&irst!day!o&!the!7!days!is!on!the!15 B!!The!#ast!day!=ou#d!-e!on!the!21 !ending! nd ?ust!as!the!sun!=ent!do=n:!-eginning!the!22 B This!=ou#d!,ean!that!the!<Last!Su00er>!on!the!e(ening!o&!the!13 ;14 !=ou#d!ha(e! &ai#ed!to!-e!a!)i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#!4Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readA
th th th th



Y shua!,ust!-e!in!the!to,-!&or!3!days!and!3!nightsB!! "on/e0t!o&!$ood!Friday!destroyed!right!hereB

$A 5!t 3e answered and said to them, An e*il and ad!ltero!s generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will e gi*en to it e,&ept the sign of the prophet Donah# +7 9or as Donah was three days and three nights in the elly of the great fish, so will the %on of Man e three days and three nights in the heart of the earth#

@n!+ohn!1189!Y shua!de/#ares!that!there!are!t=e#(e!hours!that!de&ine!a!dayB!!'sing! His!de&inition!o&!a!day!reEuires!36!hours!o&!day#ight!4and!/on(erse#y:!36!hours!o&! nightA!to!)i-#i/a##y!satis&y!the!3!day!and!3!night!0ro0he/yB

Test!11!7!Matthe=!27862964 02 On the ne,t day, whi&h followed the Day of 8reparation, the &hief priests and 8harisees gathered together to 8ilate, 0$ saying, %ir, we remem er, while 3e was still ali*e, how that de&ei*er said, )After three days ' will rise#- 0+ Therefore &ommand that the tom e made se&!re !ntil the third day, lest 3is dis&iples &ome y night and steal 3im away, and say to the people, )3e has risen from the dead#- %o the last de&eption will e worse than the first#6

9The!day!a&ter!Y shua!died:!the!1harisees!re/ei(ed!0er,ission!to!0#a/e!guards!at! the!to,-B!!The!1harisees!=ere!/on/erned!a-out!de/e0tion:!so!they!=ou#d!ha(e! done!this!as!soon!as!0ossi-#e:!0erha0s!as!soon!as!the!sun!=ent!do=nB!!@n!that! th /ase:!it!then!=ou#d!-e!the!ne5t!day:!the!15 9The!guards!=ou#d!ha(e!-een!0ut!into!0#a/e!near#y!the!sa,e!ti,e!Y shua!=as! th 0#a/ed!in!the!to,-!on!the!15 B th 96ote!that!+ohn!re&eren/es!the!14 !as!the!< %ay!o&!1re0aration> th This!,!sense!sin/e!the!14 !is!,ost#y!a!day!a-out!0re0aring!&or!the!1asso(er! th Feast!that!ha00ens!at!sundo=n!going!into!the!15 B!!Thus:!the!<Last!Su00er>! th th o//urred!at!the!-eginning!o&!the!<%ay!o&!1re0arationB>!413 ;14 A

Test!12!7!Mar.!15825:!33:!34 2. Now it was the third ho!r, and they &r!&ified 3im# 20 And the ins&ription of 3is a&&!sation was written a o*e( $$ Now when the si,th ho!r had &ome, there was darkness o*er the whole land !ntil the ninth ho!r# $+ And at the ninth ho!r Des!s &ried o!t with a lo!d *oi&e, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sa a&hthaniE6


Y shua!died!at!30,!on!the!14 B!!This!is!e5a/t#y!the!sa,e!ti,e!that!the!1asso(er! La,-!=ou#d!-e!sa/ri&i/ed;s#ainB



1ass Fai#


Test!13!7!+ohn!128192:!12915 : Then, si, days efor e the 8asso*er , Des!s &ame to 5ethany, where La4ar!s was who had een dead, whom 3e had raised from the dead# 2 There they made 3im a s!pper" and Martha ser*ed, !t La4ar!s was one of those who sat at the ta le with 3im# :2 The ne,t day a great m!ltit!de that had &ome to the feast, when they heard that Des!s was &oming to Der!salem, :$ took ran&hes of palm trees and went o!t to meet 3im, and &ried o!t( 3osannaF ) 5lessed is 3e who &omes in the name of the LORDF-The Ging of 'sraelF6 :+ Then Des!s, when 3e had fo!nd a yo!ng donkey, sat on it" as it is written( . 9ear not, da!ghter of Hion" ehold, yo!r Ging is &oming, %itting on a donkey-s &olt#6

9Cerse!1!esta-#ishes!the!ti,e!&ra,e!as!6!days!-e&ore!the!1asso(erB!!This!/ou#d!-e! th re&erring!to!<the!1asso(er>!sa/ri&i/e!at!30,!on!the!14 :!or!the!<1asso(er>!,ea#!at! th th the!end!14 ;start!15 B th th 96!%ays!0rior!to!the!15 !=ou#d!-e!the!9 B!!Here!is!states!that!they!,ade!hi,!a! su00er:!i,0#ying!that!the!sun!?ust!=ent!do=n:!=hi/h!=ou#d!then!-e!in!&a/t!9e5a/t#y!6! th days!0rior!to!the!1asso(er!,ea#!at!the!start!o&!the!15 B th Cerse!12!then!states!that!the!ne5t!day!4the!10 A!Y shua!arri(ed!in!+erusa#e,B!!This! =ou#d!-e!a//ording!to!the!/o,,and,ent!that!the!#a,-!=as!to!-e!identi&ied!and! th tested!&or!4!days:!starting!on!the!10 B!!Y shua!is!&u#&i##ing!that!ro#e!0er&e/t#y:!as!=e##! as!the!0ro0he/y!that!He!=ou#d!ride!in!on!a!don.eyB!!This!=ou#d!a#so!,ean!that!the! <Last!Su00er>!/ou#d!not!ha(e!-een!a!)i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#B
th th

Test!14!7+ohn!138192 : Now efore the 9east of the 8asso*er, when Des!s knew that 3is ho!r had &ome that 3e sho!ld depart from this world to the 9ather, ha*ing lo*ed 3is own who were in the world, 3e lo*ed them to the end#2 And s!pper eing ended, the de*il ha*ing already p!t it into the heart of D!das 's&ariot, %imon-s son, to etray 3im,

The!Last!Su00er!=as!as!the!13 !ended!and!the!14 !-egan:!as!the!sun!=ent!do=nB Cerse!one!esta-#ishes!that!the!Last!Su00er!ended!-e&ore!the!Feast!o&!the! 1asso(erB!!35odus!12!esta-#ishes!that!the!#a,-!is!/a##ed!the!1asso(er!and!that!it!is! th eaten!on!the!15 !as!the!Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readB This!(erse!/on/#udes!that!+ohn!.ne=!that!the!Last!Su00er!=as!not!the!1asso(er! Feast:!that!in/#udes!the!un#ea(ened!-read:!#a,-:!and!-itter!her-sB

Test!15!7!+ohn!13827928 Then Des!s said to him, Bhat yo! do, do C!i&kly#6 2; 5!t no one at the ta le knew for what reason 3e said this to him# 2A 9or some tho!ght, e&a!se D !das had the money o,, that D es!s had said to him, 5!y those things we need for the feast,6 or that he sho!ld gi*e something to the poor#

Cerse!29!/#ear#y!esta-#ishes!that!those!in!attendan/e!o&!the!Last!Su00er!/#ear#y! .ne=!that!the!Last!Su00er!=as!not!the!1asso(er!FeastB!!They!/#ear#y!-e#ie(ed!that! they!=ere!sti##!in!the!state!o&!0re0aring!&or!the!&east:!the!e(iden/e!0ro(ided!-y!their! s0e/u#ation!surrounding!the!#ea(ing!o&!+udasB!There&ore!it!=as!?ust!that:!a!#ast! su00er:!!=hi/h!e50#ains!the!#a/.!o&!#a,-:!-itter!her-:!et/B!as!=e##!as!1au#!not! ,entioning!the!Last!Su00er!to!-e!a!1asso(er!SederB @n!addition:!they!a##!s0e/u#ated!that!0erha0s!+udas!=as!#ea(ing!to!<0ur/hase>! things!&or!the!&east:!0ro(iding!e(iden/e!that!a##!in!attendan/e!o&!the!Last!Su00er! a#so!.ne=!it!=as!/urrent#y!not!!a!Sa--ath!in!=hi/h!there!is!no!-uying!or!se##ingB

Test!16!7!Mar.!14812:!14916!4H!Matthe=!26917919A :2On the first day of the 9east of @nlea*ened 5read, when it was &!stomary to sa&rifi&e the 8asso*er lam , Des!sI dis&iples asked him, JBhere do yo! want !s to go and make preparations for yo! to eat the 8asso*erEJ :+%ay to the owner of the ho!se he enters, IThe Tea&her asks( Bhere is my g!est room, where ' may eat the 8asso*er with my dis&iplesEI :.3e will show yo! a large !pper room, f!rnished and ready# Make preparations for !s there#J :0The dis&iples left, went into the &ity and fo!nd things =!st as Des!s had told them# %o they prepared the 8asso*er#

9The!$ree.!<0rotos>!/an!a#so!-e!trans#ated!as!<-e&ore> 9@n!doing!so:!Mar.!and!Matthe=!/an!-e!rendered!<)e&ore!the!day!o&!the!&east!o&! 'n#ea(ened!)read> 9This!,!,u/h!,ore!sense!=hen!e5a,ined!against!the!1asso(er!e(ent!and! 1asso(er!instru/tionsB!!The!1asso(er!#a,-!=as!not!eaten!on!the!sa,e!9day!as!the! 1asso(er!=as!s#ainB 96o=!it!a#so!agrees!=ith!+ohn!138192!and!Torah:!instead!o&!/on&#i/ts th th 9There&ore:!as!soon!as!the!sun!=ent!do=n!on!the!13 !and!-e/a,e!the!14 :!Y shua! instru/ted!His!dis/i0#es!to!0re0are!the!roo,!&or!the!1asso(er!,ea#B This!,eans!that!the!Last!Su00er!=as!sti##!0art!o&!the!<1re0aration!%ays>

Test!17!7!+ohn!19814 :+ Now it was the 8reparation Day of the 8asso*er, and a o!t the si,th ho!r# And he said to the Dews, 5ehold yo!r GingF6

+ohn!/#ear#y!states!that!the!day!Y shua!died!=as!a!0re0aration!day!&or!the! 1asso(er!Feast:!or!Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readB This!=ou#d!,ean!that!the!<Last!Su00er>!on!the!e(ening!o&!the!13 ;14 !=ou#d!ha(e! &ai#ed!to!-e!a!)i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#!4Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readA

th th

Test!18!7!Lu.e!2288913 ; And 3e sent 8eter and Dohn, saying, Ko and prepare the 8asso*er for !s, that we may eat#6 A %o they said to 3im, Bhere do /o! want !s to prepareE6 :7 And 3e said to them, 5ehold, when yo! ha*e entered the &ity, a man will meet yo! &arrying a pit&her of water" follow him into the ho!se whi&h he enters# :: Then yo! shall say to the master of the ho!se, )The Tea&her says to yo!, Bhere is the g!est room where ' may eat the 8asso*er with My dis&iplesE6- :2 Then he will show yo! a large, f!rnished !pper room" there make ready#6 :$ %o they went and fo!nd it =!st as 3e had said to them, and they prepared the 8asso*er#

Y shua!sent!the!dis/i0#es!to!0re0are!a!roo,!that!they!M*Y!eat!the!1asso(erB!!This! th th is!at!the!end!o&!the!13 !and!the!start!o&!the!14 :!the!sa,e!day!that!the!#a,-!is!to!-e! s#ainB!!This!=ou#d!0#a/e!the!ti,ing!near#y!e5a/t#y!24!hours!-e&ore!the!Feast!o&! 'n#ea(ened!)readB!!)y!0re0aring!the!1asso(er:!they!=ou#d!ha(e!!e5tra/ted!a##! th #ea(en!&ro,!the!roo,!a&ter!dinner!so!it!=ou#d!-e!&u##y!ready!-y!the!end!o&!the!14 :! th entering!into!the!15 B


1ass Fai#


Test!19!7!Lu.e!22814916 :+ Bhen the ho!r had &ome, 3e sat down, and the twel*e apostles with 3im# :. Then 3e said to them, Bith fer*ent desire ' ha*e desired to eat this 8asso*er with yo! efore ' s!ffer" :0 for ' say to yo!, ' will no longer eat of it !ntil it is f!lfilled in the kingdom of Kod#6

Likely a fig!re of spee&h &alled an 3e raism, &ommonly !sed thro!gho!t the Tanakh in 3e rew, and in Aramai& te,ts# in the Kr eek man!s&r ipt << J epith!mia epeth!mhsaJ Other s&holars ha*e noted the !sage here of a polyptoton or fig!re of spee&h, where the same root word is !sed with different infle&tions or forms# The word epeth!mhsa 1h is long JaJ so!nd2 is in the Kreek aorist tense whi&h indi&ates a one<time a&tion in the past# 't sho!ld e r ender ed, J at one time in the past ' str ongly desir ed to eat this 1&oming2 8asso*er with yo! efor e ' s!ffer #J As 3e prayed in the garden of Kethsemane, J###if it is possi le, let this &!p pass from Me####J, 3e strongly desired to eat the 8asso*er meal with 3is dis&iples, !t knew that 3e was the 8asso*er Lam and wo!ld s!ffer and die efore the meal was eaten on the following e*ening# The !sage of an 3e raism here indi&ates that either L!ke translated from the 8eshitta original te,t, or that the words were spoken in Aramai&M3e rew 1if the Kreek is the original te,t2, and L!ke rendered the 3e raism in Kreek as est as possi le# in the 8eshitta Ar amai& man!s&r ipt << J r igta r agtaniJ Dr# Keorge M# Lamsa in his translation of the 8eshitta Aramai& has it as J' ha*e desired with desireJ# 't is past tense and !sed in the same manner as the 3e rew eC!i*alent elow# in the 3e r ew eC!i*alent of the 8eshitta << J niksof niksaftiJ The 3e raism is in the Nifal root stem and is a Nifal infiniti*e a sol!te followed y a Nifal :&s perfe&t 1'2 of the root word JkasafJ# 'n Kenesis $:($7, a *ery similar !se of this 3e raism is !sed, Jniksof niksaftahJ e,&ept that the se&ond word is in Nifal 2ms perfe&t 1yo!2# The Kenesis $:($7 !sage is the inter&hange etween Da&o and La an near Mo!nt Kilead when Da&o had left La an with his wi*es and &hildren 1Ra&hel had stolen her fatherIs idols too2# The 3e raism in Kenesis $:($7 is Jyo! longed greatly,J in intensi*e past tense# E,panding the 3e r aism in L!ke 22(:., it means J ' had 1in the past2 str ongly desir ed, or , ' had 1in the past2 longed gr eatlyJ # Literally, it is JDesire, ' had desired# <This means that the Law %!pper6 was not a 8asso*er meal, !t simply a standard 3e rai& dinner#

Test!20!7!+ohn!19831:!42 $: Therefore, e&a!se it was the 8reparation Day, that the odies sho!ld not remain on the &ross on the %a ath 1for that %a ath was a high day2, the Dews asked 8ilate that their legs might e roken, and that they might e taken away# +2 %o there they laid Des!s, e&a!se of the Dews- 8reparation Day, for the tom was near y#

The!day!Y shua!died!414thA!=as!/a##ed!a!0re0aration!dayB!!The!15th!=as!/onsidered! a!Sa--athB!!+ohn!de/#ared!that!the!day!a&ter!YIshuaIs!death!=as!indeed!a!High! Sa--ath!dayB

Test!21!7!+ohn!2081:!Matthe=!2881:!Mar.!168194:!Lu.e!248193 : Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tom early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had een taken away from the tom # 1Dohn2 : Now after the %a ath, as the first day of the week egan to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary &ame to see the tom # 1Matt2 : Now when the %a ath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Dames, and %alome o!ght spi&es, that they might &ome and anoint 3im# 2 Lery early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they &ame to the tom when the s!n had risen# $ And they said among themsel*es, Bho will roll away the stone from the door of the tom for !sE6 + 5!t when they looked !p, they saw that the stone had een rolled away>for it was *ery large# 1Mark2 : Now on the first day of the week, *ery early in the morning, they, and &ertain other women with them, &ame to the tom ringing the spi&es whi&h they had prepared# 2 5!t they fo!nd the stone rolled away from the tom # $ Then they went in and did not find the ody of the Lord Des!s 1L!ke2

Mary arri*ed on the first day of the week, immediately following the %a ath# They were going to finish preparing /-sh!a-s ody and wanted to e there at first light# They got there at dark# The de ated on how they were going to mo*e the stone# The stone was rolled away after a ig earthC!ake# Bhen it was light they noti&ed that the stone had een mo*ed# All eing said, /-sh!a had &learly already risen#

Test!22!7 1!"orinthians!15820 27 5!t now Nhrist is risen from the dead, and has e&ome the firstfr!its of those who ha*e fallen asleep#

Y shua!=as!our!&irst!&ruits!and!there&ore!He!rose!at!the!(ery!start!o&!First!Fruits

1ass Fai#


Test!23!7 1!"orinthians!58698 0 /o!r glorying is not good# Do yo! not know that a little lea*en lea*ens the whole l!mpE ? Therefore p!rge o!t the old lea*en, that yo! may e a new l!mp, sin&e yo! tr!ly are !nlea*ened# 9or indeed Nhrist, o!r 8asso*er, was sa&rifi&ed for !s# ; Therefore let !s keep the feast, not with old lea*en, nor with the lea*en of mali&e and wi&kedness, !t with the !nlea*ened read of sin&erity and tr!th#

Y shua!is!our!1asso(er!La,-!and!=as!there&ore!sa/ri&i/ed!e5a/t#y!=hen!the! th 1asso(er!La,-!=as!to!-e!sa/ri&i/ed:!a-out!30,!on!the!14 B 'n The Bars of the D ews, Doseph!s re&ords that in the :st &ent!ry, the 8asso*er lam s were sla!ghtered Jfrom the ninth ho!r till the ele*enthJ 1Bars 0#A#$2, whi&h &orresponds to o!r $(77<.(77 p#m# @&!Yeshua!is!the!1asso(er!La,-!then!the!<Last!Su00er>!/ou#d!not!ha(e!-een!a! )i-#i/a#!1asso(er!,ea#!4Feast!o&!'n#ea(ened!)readAB!!Yeshua!/ou#d!not!eat!o&! the!1asso(er!and!-e!the!1asso(er!at!the!sa,e!ti,eB

Test!24!7!Lu.e!2287 ? Then &ame the Day of @nlea*ened 5read, when the 8asso*er m!st e killed#

They l!mped in prep day as part of the days of @5 as many still do today# L!ke states in *erse : it was &alled6 not perhaps y s&ript!re, !t y &!stom 2 8oints( :# The word &ame6 O day6 NAME( 's !sed only in the present and imperfe&t tense and sho!ld e seen as to &ome or go,6 appear6 or e*en etter to enter6 as in to enter into6 DA/( 's !sed to in&l!de the e,tremities of oth parts and is in&l!si*e of a general time6 more &learly defined y the immediate &onte,t# %o when the two of these are pla&ed a&k to a&k we see They were ENTER'NK 'NTO the day of @5 when the 8asso*er m!st e killed#6 This of &o!rse, in perfe&t a&&ord with the torah keeping in mind that the whole feast was l!mped together in&l!ding the :+th tho!gh a&&ording to torah it is separate# On another note of similar &onf!sionP%hemini At4eret 1the last great day2 is often l!mped in with %!kkot as part of and ;th day of %!kkot, tho!gh it is not#

Was the Last Supper A Passover Meal?

Y shua!*rri(ed!in!+erusa#e, Last! Su00er Y shua Y shua %ies )uried S0i/es! 1ur/hased To,-! Y shua! %is/o(ered! 2isen 3,0ty 4!%ays!o&!Testing!La,YHWH s! "a#endar 35a/t#y!3!%ays!and!3!6ights














7!%ays!o&!'n#ea(ened!)read Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed

$regorian! "a#endar Feast!o&! 'n#ea(ened! La,-! )read! Sa/ri&i/ed 41asso(er!Mea#


Wa(ing!o&! FirstFruits

Conclusion : Alternate # 2 - The Last Supper Was Not A Passover Meal

Wee.#y Sa--ath Feast Sa--ath $regorian! "a#endar He-rai/! "a#endar First!Fruits Last!Su00er 4/12/11

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