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Worksheet A Ability to produce wealth and wisdom How can we ask properly? Mathematics can help us to generate wisdom.

Wisdom that is needed to establish an income generating activity (IGA). Mathematics is created by God in our brain to think well. These are the thinking tool empowered by the Set theory. We have the following thinking tool: 1. Subset 2. Superset 3. complement set 4. union set and 5. intersecting set. Give this list to each group as a guiding question: 1. Subset ask: o o o o o o What comes to your mind in that word? What is the element of the word? What composes the word? What is the smaller part of it? What is the part of the word? What are the examples of it?

2. Superset ask: o o what kind of a word is that? Where that it belongs? What are the other thing like that? What is the opposite of that? What is the partner of that? What is the other word for that? If I combine this word from that word, what will I think? If I like that term and that condition what will be those things? If I will look at this thing in this angle what will it be? How can I do it without doing that?

3. Complement set ask: o o o o

4. Union Set ask: o o

5. Intersecting Set ask: o o

o o Question word: 1. What? 2. Who? 3. Where? 4. When? 5. How? 6. Why?

How can I more even if I have less? What is the relationship of this two words?

Discuss how asking properly lead to a good idea. Fredrik Haren will motivate us to create new idea from the 2 true story below. From snake to success A missile manufacturer is thinking of another missile. They try to think out of the box so they imagine that what if they are in the dessert. What can they see in the dessert? Someone said a sidewinder. This is a snake who can detect a pray by feeling its body temperature. They have now a proper question: What if we make a missile capable of feeling the heat from an enemy engine? Idea: They developed the highly successful heat-seeking missile. Therefore just ask properly Broken monitors One of the cafs in an international European airport was often full. The problem was that people sat nursing their coffees for a long time as they waited for their planes to depart. The caf asked itself: How can we encourage our customers to vacate the tables more quickly? Idea: They turn off the flight monitor in the caf. This made people worry about missing their flights, which led to them looking for monitors that worked, thus leaving the empty tables. When the caf had enough empty tables, the flight monitor s suddenly started working again to attract new customer.

Therefore ask properly.

Formulating a question in different ways can help you look at a problem from different angles.

The question have can be ask in different form and that kind of question will give us more idea in searching the appropriate income generating activity. See inside us there are a nonexpensive way to be successful, we just need to be led by God and to answer proper question. Answer the Mathematics thingking tool exercise. This activity will widen the imagination of the caregivers.

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