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The short story that I ha e rea! a"! a"a#y$e %s The Ne&'#a&e( Th%s short story )as )r%tte" *y G+y !e Ma+,assa"t(Three e#e-e"ts that I %!e"t%.y %" th%s short story %s &hara&ters/,#ots a"! -ora# a#+es( 0%rst#y/ .or the &hara&ters e#e-e"t the -a%" &hara&ter o. the story %s Math%#!e Lo%se#( There are t)o -%"or &hara&ter Math%#!e h+s*a"!/ Lo%se# a"! Math%#!e1s .r%e"!/ Ma!a-e 0orest%er( Be.ore the #oss o. the "e&'#a&e/ Math%#!e %s a "at+ra##y 2%.te! )o-a" )%th *ea+ty/ 2ra&e a"! &har-( She &o"sta"t#y #o"2s .or the #%.e o. the r%&h a"! e#e2a"t( Th%s 2et her %"to tro+*#e )he" she #oss the *orro)e! "e&'#a&e a.ter the *a##( A.ter #ost %t she .e## +"ha,,y a"! !%s&o"te"te! )%th her #%.e( Math%#!e )as a#so -ater%a#%st%&( She %s ,rete"t%o+s )o-a" a"! year"s to *e )ea#thy( She #% es %" a .#at )h%&h %s sha**y a"! s%# es)are a"! or%e"ta# ta,estry( She *e#%e es that -ater%a# ,ossess%o" )%## -a'e her ha,,y +".ort+"ate#y the rea#%ty that the Math%#!e #ose e eryth%"2( The other &hara&ter o. Math%#!e %s +"2rate.+#( Th%s ,art o. &hara&ter )e &a" see )he" her h+s*a"! 2% e a s+22ests that she )ear "at+ra# .#o)er *+t she s&o..s at h%s h+s*a"! %!ea( She .ee#s she %s *or" to e"3oy a## !e#%&a&%es a"! #+4+r%es %" #%.e( Math%#!e a#so ,ro+! )he" she )ear%"2 the "e&'#a&e( She %s a 2reat s+&&ess at the *a## a"! .e## so ,ro+! that she re.+ses to )a%t .or a &a* o+ts%!e the M%"%ster as she asha-e! o. her -o!est )ra,s o. &o--o" #%.e( B#%"!"ess &hara&ter%st%& sho)s )he" she %s *#%"! to her o)" stre"2th( We see a" %"!%&at%o" o. th%s stre"2th %" her !eter-%"at%o" to ,ay o.. her !e*tsa"! the" -a'e s+&h a !rast%& &ha"2e %" or!er to !o th%s( Ho)e er/ Math%#!e %s too .oo#%sh to a&&e,t her stre"2ths a"! +se the- to e"&ha"&e her #%.e( Her st+**or""ess *#%"!s her to rea#%ty a"! so/ she %s a#)ays +"ha,,y( She a#so a%" a"! se#.5&e"tre!( It sho)" )he" she rea&h at the *a## )%th her h+s*a"!/ a## ,eo,#e #oo'e! at her *ea+ty/ she .e## that she %s a 2reat s+&&ess/ .or2ett%"2 a## %" the tr%+-,h o. her *ea+ty( The 2oo! th%"2s that )e &a" .o##o) .ro- her a"! her h+s*a"! %" th%s story %s h+-*#e a"! har!)or'%"2 att%t+!e( Th%s &hara&ter sho)s )he" the !%a-o"! "e&'#a&e has #ost/ her h+s*a"! as's Math%#!e to )r%te to her .r%e"! to say that the &#as, %s *e%"2 -e"!e!( They )a"t t%-e to )or' so-eth%"2 o+t(The" they 2o .ro- 3e)e##er to 3e)e##er a"! .%"a##y .%"! a s%-%#ar "e&'#a&e( To ,ay *a&' the !e*t/ they has to )or' har! a"! *e&o-e e e" ,oorer a"! she "o #o"2er #oo's yo+"2 or *ea+t%.+#/ she a#so ha e res,o"s%*#e a"! !eter-%"e! att%t+!e( She sa%! she -+st ,a%! the !rea!.+# !e*t *e&a+se she '"o)s she -a'e a -%sta'e( Math%#!e !oes "ot rea#%$e that she has s+&h a 2oo! h+s*a"!( Th%s %s *e&a+se she %s *#%"!e! *y her !es%re to #% e #%'e the r%&h( She %s "ot &o"te"te! )%th )hat she a#rea!y has( Ho)e er/ )e sho+#! "ot 3+!2e her too harsh#y( She .ee#s .r+strate! *y her -arr%a2e *e&a+se she &a""ot e4,ress her "at+ra# 2%.ts o. 6*ea+ty/2ra&e a"! &har-1( Mo"s%e+r Lo%se# %s a #o e#y ,erso"( He #o es h%s )%.e/ Math%#!e ery -+&h *+t &a""ot 2% e her the #%.e she )a"ts as he has "o )ea#th or stat+s( He %s )%##%"2 to 2% e +, h%s ,#eas+res #%'e *+y%"2 a h+"t%"2 2+" 3+st )a"t to -a'e Math%#!e ha,,y( Se&o"! &hara&ter %s a*o+t h%s ho"esty( H%s ho"esty -a'e h%- a" a!-%ra*#e ,erso"( Th%s %s sho)" %" the #% es o. the Lo%se#s( Tho+2h ,oor/ the Lo%se#s are ho"est ,eo,#e( He .%"a"&%a# r+%" )he" Math%#!e

#oses the *orro)e! "e&'#a&e( Ho)e er/ they )or' har! to re,ay a## the !e*ts %"&+rre! %" re,#a&%"2 the "e&'#a&e( Lo%se# a#so ,at%e"t ,erso"( It sho)" )he" he retra&es he ste,s( He 2oes to the ,o#%&e hea!7+arters a"! "e)s,a,ers o..%&es to a re)ar! to a"yo"e )ho .%"! h%s !%a-o"! "e&'#a&e a"! 2o to &a* &o-,a"%es *+t .%"!s "oth%"2( The #ast &hara&ter %s Ma!a-e 0orest%er( She %s a so&%ety #a!y a"! )ea#thy ,erso"( She %s Math%#!e1s .r%e"! .ro- the &o" e"t s&hoo#( She %s )%##%"2 to #e"! Math%#!e a &hea, "e&'#a&e *+t %s %rr%tate! )he" Math%#!e ret+r"s %t #ate( She %s "ot a &#ose .r%e"!/ tho+2h at the e"! she see-s to .ee# ery sorry .or Math%#!e( The a+thor !oes "ot te## )hether she )%## "o) ,rese"t the "e&'#a&e to Math%#!e s%"&e Math%#!e has )or'e! so har! to ,ay .or %t( We !o '"o) that %" a## those years Ma!a-e 0orest%er has "ot %s%te! Math%#!e( Th%s sho)s they !o "ot ha e a &#ose .r%e"!sh%,( The #ast &hara&ter%st%& %s a*o+t her sy-,athet%& att%t+!e( The se&o"! e#e-e"ts that I a"a#y$e %" th%s short story %s a*o+t -ora# a#+es( We &a" .%"! -a"y ty,es o. -ora# a#+es s+&h as )e sho+#! a#)ays *e ho"est( It te##s +s )he" Math%#!e )as a.ra%! to te## Ma!a-e 0orest%er that she ha! #ost the "e&'#a&e( I. Math%#!e ha! *ee" ho"est )%th Ma!a-e 0orest%er/ she )o+#! "ot ha e ha! to 2o thro+2h te" years o. har!sh%,( We sho+#! th%"2s that o+r #%.e %s "ot a*o+t *ra"!e! 2oo!s/ Math%#!e has the )ro"2 a#+es %" #%.e( She th%"'s that she )%## *e ha,,y )he" she has -ore -o"ey a"! -ore a!-%rat%o" .ro- so&%ety( L%'e Math%#!e/ she so-et%-es th%"' that %. they ha e a #ot o. *ra"!e! 2oo!s/ they )%## *e res,e&te! a"! a!-%re!( A## ,eo,#e ha e to #%a*#e to ,ay o+r !e*ts( The Lo%se#s s#a e .or te" years to re,ay a## the%r !e*ts( Th%s sho)s -ora# stre"2th( The%r har!)or' %s a&t+a##y -ore a!-%ra*#e the" Math%#!e1s so&%a# s+&&ess at the *a##( S%-%#ar#y/ )e ha e to ,ay o+r !e*ts e e" )he" %t h+rts to !o so( O. &o+rse/ )e sho+#! try to o ers,e"! %" the .%rst ,#a&e( A .r%e"! a#so he#,s at a## t%-es( Ma!a-e 0orest%er %s )%##%"2 to #e"! her "e&'#a&e to her .r%e"! Math%#!e( We !o '"o) )hether she )o+#! ha e a##o)e! Math%#!e to ,ay .or the "e&'#a&e o er a ,er%o! o. t%-e/ %. Math%#!e ha! to#! her the tr+th( I. Math%#!e ha! *ee" ho"est )%th Ma!a-e 0orest%er/ she )o+#! ha e .o+"! o+t that the "e&'#a&e )as "ot )orth a #ot o. -o"ey( Perha,s Ma!a-e 0orest%er )as "ot rea##y a tr+e .r%e"! a.ter a##/ s%"&e she !%! "ot &o"ta&t Math%#!e .or te" years( As a r%&h #a!y/ she )o+#! ha e *ee" a*#e to he#, the Lo%se#s( The other -ora# a#+es %s )e sho+#! "ot -eas+re ,eo,#e *y the%r sos%a# stat+s( A ,erso"1s a#+es !oes "ot !e,e"! o" ho) r%&h or ,oor he or she %s( E ery h+-a" *e%"2 %s a#+a*#e %" Go!1s eyes( Bes%!es/ -ora# 7+a#%t%es are -ore %-,orta"t tha" r%&hes or ta#e"t( A#tho+2h the Lo%se#s are ,oor/ they ha e ,at%e"&e a"! ho"esty %" .a&%"2 har!sh%,( 0or the ,o%" o. %e)/ the a+thor +ses the th%r! ,erso" ,o%"t o. %e) to te## the story *+t !oes "ot re ea# a##( We !o "ot '"o) )hy Ma!a-e 0orest%er "e er !%s&o ere! she )as 2% e" a rea# !%a-o"! "e&'#a&e( We a#so !o "ot '"o) %. she )%## ret+r" the !%a-o"! "e&'#a&e to the Lo%se#s s%"&e the #ost "e&'#a&e )as -a!e o. ,aste(

The #ast e#e-e"ts %" th%s short story %s ,#ots( The ,#ots o. the "e&'#a&e %s &hro"o#o2%&a#( The &hro"o#o2%&a# %t -ea" arra"2e! a&&or!%"2 to )he" e e"ts ta'e ,#a&e( The %"tro!+&t%o" *e2%" )%th %"tro!+&e the &hara&ter( Start%"2 )%th Math%#!e/ the &har-%"2 yo+"2 )o-a" )ho )a"te! so -+&h to *e )ea#thy( She -arr%es M(Lo%se# a &#er' at the M%"%ster o. P+*#%& I"str+&t%o" o"#y *e&a+se she %s +"ha,,y )%th her #%.e a"! *e#%e es she !oes "ot sta"! a &ha"&e )%th a"yo"e h%2her %" so&%a# stat+s( The"/ the &o-,#%&at%o" sho)s )he" they 2et %" %tat%o" to a *a## *+t !oes1%t ha e ,rese"ta*#e !ress a"! 3e)e##ery( Her h+s*a"! %s a s%-,#e a"! h+-*#e -a"/ he e er s+22ests to her )%.e to )ear "at+ra# .#o)ers/ *+t Math%#!e s&o..s her h+s*a"! %!ea( Th%s story -a'%"2 %"tereste! at the '#%-a's )he" Math%#!e has #ost the !%a-o"! "e&'#a&e )he" she rea&hes ho-e( Her h+s*a"! retra&es the%r ste,s/ 2oes to the ,o#%&e hea!7+arters a"! "e)s,a,er a"! &a* &o-,a"%es *+t .%"! "oth%"2( The reso#+t%o" a.ter she #ost the "e&'#a&e %s she ha e to se## e eryth%"2 a"! )or' har! to ,ay .or the -%ss%"2 "e&'#a&e .or te" years( A## o. th%s s%t+at%o" has -a!e Math%#!e #oo' o#! *e.ore her t%-e( Last#y/ the e"!%"2 o" th%s ,#ots %s they .%"! o+t the tr+th a*o+t the -%ss%"2 "e&'#a&e a.ter she -eets Ma!a-e 0orest%er a"! #ear"s .ro- her that the "e&'#a&e she ha! #ost )as o"#y -a!e o. ,aste( 0or the &o"&#+s%o" )e &a" see )he" Math%#!e rest#ess"ess -a'es her *#%"! to -a"y th%"2s( She %s "ot &o"te"te! )%th her "at+ra# &har-/ *ea+ty a"! e#e2a"&e( She &a""ot *e sat%s.%e! )%th her h+s*a"!/ )ho %s a '%"!/ 2e"ero+s a"! #o %"2 -a"( She s"eers at the s-a## &o-.orts o. her #%.e( 0%"a##y/ *e&a+se she ,ers%sts %" *e%"2 .oo#%sh/ she #oses her "at+ra# *ea+ty a"! #%tt#e ,r% %#e2es( The %ro"y %s that %t has a## *ee" .or "oth%"2/ *e&a+se the "e&'#a&e that *e!a$$#e! her )as o"#y a" %-%tat%o"(

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