Green Building Materials

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Green Building Materials A Guide to Product Selection and Specification2nd

Edition Ross Spiegel, Shelton, CT and Dru Meadows, Tulsa, OK WHY TO BUY
The architect s !uic" reference guide to understanding# selecting and specif$ing green %uilding &aterials# no' updated throughout to address (EE) re!uire&ents*

Author biography
+oss Spiegel# +A# ,-S.# --S# ---A, is Senior Spe i!i ation "riter with the Conne ti ut based ar hite tural#engineering !ir$ Flet her%Tho$pson, In o! Shelton, CT& 'e has been a $e$ber o! the Constru tion Spe i!i ations Institute sin e ()*+, where he has ser,ed in nu$erous positions on the hapter, region and Institute le,els& In ())-, Ross was appointed as CSI.s liaison to the /&S& 0reen 1uilding Coun il, a position he ontinues to ser,e in today& Ross ser,ed on the /&S& 0reen 1uilding Coun il.s 1oard o! Dire tors and is urrently hairing the Steering Co$$ittee !or the Coun il.s International 0reen 1uilding Con!eren e 2 34po& )ru Meado's# A.A# -S.# --S is o!ounder o! the 0reenTea$, a strategi en,iron$ental onsulting !ir$, that e,aluates and spe i!ies $any new and alternati,e building $aterials& She is also hair !or ASTM International.s Co$$ittee on Sustainability in 1uilding

.SB/012 5%-*(%*55+)%.SB/032 )*+%5%-*(%*55+)%5 .n Store )ate2 February 6, 7558 Pu%lication )ate2 ,e%ruar$ 24# 2115 Price2 /S9 +5&55 CAN9 (56&)) : ;7&;5 Pages2 68+ <esti$ated= Season2 "inter 7558 Tri& Si6e2 *%(#7 4 )%(#- in& ,or&at2 Cloth Pre7ious .SB/2 5%-*(%7)(66%( /u&%er of .llustrations2 8 Photos2 12"> 5 Color>5 8 )ra'ings2 12"> 7 Color>5 Su%9ect2 <AR75= 1uilding Design ,ield2 AR0D55 <Ar hite ture and Design= )iscipline2 AR?555 <Ar hite ture= Su%discipline2 AR?(55 <Ar hite ture= -ourse2 AR5755 <Constru tion Methods and Materials= Product (ine2 <@(= Ar hite ture#3ngineering )iscount Group2 <-A= Aro!essional<AB> 1F'KR/@,ISC6= Boo"store -ategor$2 <ARC55)555= ARC'IT3CT/R3#Methods 2 Materials Editor2 <(;)= Cu$$ins, M& Mar"eting Manager2 <--= Mayhew, Dustin Pu%lisher2 <@(= A$anda Miller EA/2 )*+5-*(*55+)5 UP-2 *76+(7*7;-)8 Mar"et +estrictions2 "orld Rights +ights2 Full Rights> Audio, Anthology#Condensed, 1ooE Club, All 3le troni , Translation, 7nd Serial, Mail Order, (st Serial, Reprint, Mer handising, TF#Fil$G

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H 3$phasiIes pro ess and pro edure, thereby o!!ering ar hite ts, spe i!iers and other design pro!essionals a solid !oundation in sustainable design $aterials and how they an be sele ted and in orporated into any proJe t& H /pdated throughout to o!!er in!or$ation on B33D reKuire$ents and how they an be integrated into the spe i!i ations pro ess H In ludes new se tions on Co$$issioning and Constru tion "aste Manage$ent H Authors are national e4perts on green building $aterials and $ethods& H A,oids relying solely on $anu!a turer.s data !or e,aluation and re o$$endations

About the topi #te hnology

Spe i!i ations are ontra tually reKuired, detailed des riptions o! the $aterials and worE$anship reKuired in a building& 0reen building $aterials are reated using en,iron$entally% ons ious $ethods, and $any ha,e re y led ontent&

MarEet des ription

<Alease in lude se ondary $arEets= PrimaryAra ti ing ar hite ts, lands ape ar hite ts, interior designers, spe i!iers, building ontra tors& SecondaryStudents o! ar hite ture, lands ape ar hite ture, interior design, urban planning and design, building onstru tion, as well as planners, ity o!!i ials and building $aterials $anu!a turers


Dohn "iley 2 Sons , In & % Tip Sheet

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Green Building Materials A Guide to Product Selection and Specification2nd Edition

Ross Spiegel and Dru Meadows

About the booE

"hen it o$es to sele ting and spe i!ying green building $aterials, ar hite ts need $ore than innate design sense& They need real% world ad,i e on how to sele t and use nonto4i , re y led, and re y lable produ ts, and how to integrate the$ into the design pro ess to apitaliIe on the $any pra ti al and e ono$i ad,antages o! Lgoing greenL%!ro$ redu ing waste and i$pro,ing energy e!!i ien y to pro$oting proper ode o$plian e and sa!eguarding against liability lai$s& This new edition on 0reen 1uilding Materials is an e4 ellent hands%on guide to today.s newest range o! green building $aterials%what they are, where to !ind the$, how to use the$ e!!e ti,ely, and how to adress B33D reKuire$ents& "ritten by two nationally Enown e4perts on green building $ethods and $aterials, 0reen 1uilding Materials o!!ers in%depth pra ti al in!or$ation on the produ t sele tion, produ t spe i!i ation, and onstru tion pro ess& OrganiIed by CSI MasterFor$at<r= ategory !or !ast a ess to spe i!i in!or$ation&

Are,ious worEs by author#editor <TitleG AuthorG IS1NG Ari eG Aub DateG Net SalesG AublisherG Co$$ents=
Spiegel, Meadows#Green Building Materials, IS1N> 5%-*(%7)(66%(, August ())), * (#7 4 ) (#7, loth, 668 pgs, 9*;, sold sin e pub& date& 7,;(5 opies

Related titles <Add sales in!or$ation=

Mendler#The HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design, 5%-*(%6*)58%), 7555, -(7 pgs&, loth, 9*;, 8,(5( opies sold sin e pub& date& 1rown#Sun, ind, and !ight" #rchitectural Design Strategies, 5%-*(%6-+**%;, 7555, -55 pgs&, paper, 98;, *,7;+ opies sold sin e pub& date& Ander#Daylighting, Second $dition, 5%-*(%787))%-, May 7556, 675 pgs, loth, 9+5, ;7+ opies sold sin e pub& date& Ro Ey Mountain Institute#Green De%elo&ment" 'ntegrating $cology and (eal $state, 5%-*(%(++*+%8, ())*, ;;7 pgs, loth, 9+;, ;,(86 opies sold sin e pub& date& M 'arg#Design )ith *ature, 5%-*(%((-85%?, ());, 75+ pgs&, paper, 9-)&);, (7,))* opies sold sin e pub& date&

Are,ious 3ditions
H 5%-*(%7)(66%( M NN0reen 1uilding MaterialsOO#Septe$ber (*, ()))#/S9 *;&55, CAN9 )*&)), : -7&);#668 pages


Dohn "iley 2 Sons , In & % Tip Sheet

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Green Building Materials A Guide to Product Selection and Specification2nd Edition

Ross Spiegel and Dru Meadows

Table o! ontents
Are!a e A Enowledg$ents to Se ond 3dition A Enowledg$ents (&Introdu tion 7& "hy /se 0reen 1uilding MaterialsP 6& "hat Are 0reen 1uilding MaterialsP -& 'ow Does The Arodu t Sele tion Aro ess "orEP ;& 'ow Does The Arodu t Spe i!i ation Aro ess "orEP 8& 'ow Does The Constru tion Aro ess "orEP *& 0reen 1uilding Materials and 0reen 1uilding Arogra$s +& Con lusion Appendi4 A& Sour es o! Further In!or$ation Appendi4 1& Su$$ary o! 3n,iron$ental Issues in CSI Master!or$at OrganiIation Appendi4 C& Sa$ple Se tions and For$s AAA3NDI? D& Sa$ple Contra ts 0lossary Inde4


Dohn "iley 2 Sons , In & % Tip Sheet

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