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Images and Messages

JRN 445 Online Serena Carpenter, PhD Assistant Professor office 344 email via Angel Dates Jul 1 Aug 15

office phone

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course Description

The definition of an image is a collection of signs and symbols (Berger, 2008, p.62). Based on this definition, this course addresses the concept of image from a broader, more critical perspective. This course examines the connections between visual perception, cognition, and communication in contemporary Western society. This is a lecture course that introduces students to theoretical concepts; students should come to a more developed understanding of the potential role of visual media in society. This is an accelerated course, which packs a 15-week semester into a 6-week session. It is expected that you will dedicate an equivalent amount of time per day to this course as you would in an in-person 3-credit, full semester course. Coursework is originated in units, with all major assignments due on Sunday evening at 11:59 p.m. EST. Complete the assignments following the watching of each lecture. Assignments consist of 4 minor and 1 major assignment: 1) personal impact assessment, 2) font poem, 3) photo ethics photo slideshow, 4) good and bad photojournalism assessment, and a 5) 5-7 page final paper.

Course Objectives
To foster your visual intelligence cognitively and critically To increase your visual literacy, which is the ability to interpret and create visual communication To develop intuitive and rational skills that will help you intelligently and ethically produce and consume media messages

Course Materials
Students will need regular access to a computer to access course materials on the ANGEL course management system ( You will also need a digital camera. A phone camera will work for the purposes of this class. NOTE: Since this is an online class, I want to keep all of our correspondence within the Angel system where the class will be held. When a question or concern arises, email BOTH the teaching assistant (Kang Li) and me ONLY through the Angel system.

The weekly discussion board and drop box are under the Lessons tab on Angel and they will go dark at the time the assignments are due that following Sunday at 11:59 p.m.


Grading of assignments will be based on your participation, ideas, work ethic, meeting deadlines, quality of your work, and integration of the readings and lectures. Some grading criteria include: Connecting your work to readings and class discussion Fluency with which reflect visual grammar used in text and lectures Understanding of visual literacy principles presented in readings or lectures Quality writing that expresses clear thinking Writing that is free of typos, spelling errors and poor grammar 90 = 4.0 85 = 3.5 80 = 3.0 75 = 2.5 70 = 2.0 65 = 1.5 60 = 1.0 59 & under = 0

5 Quizzes (10 points ea.) 5 Discussion board posts (10 points ea.) 3 Comments per week (10 points ea.) Personal impact assessment Font poem Photo ethics photo slideshow Good and bad photojournalism assessment 5-7 page final paper 50 points 50 points 50 points 35 points 25 points 35 points 30 points 125 points 400 points


Weekly Quizzes
The online quiz will be on the content of lectures, supplemental material and book readings (available under the Lessons tab on Angel). The quiz will end the on the due date on each Sunday at 11:59 p.m. There will be a total of five quizzes. These quizzes are meant to measure to what extent you have watched the lectures and have read the material.

Weekly Discussion Board

A new discussion forum under the Lessons tab on Angel will end each Sunday at 11:59 p.m. There is a total of 5 discussion posts. These are worth ten points. Thus, it is expected that you seek credible outside material on the web, integrate lecture material, and demonstrate visual literacy.

Discussion Board and Comment Criteria

You will want to make your initial post to the discussion board early in the week, so that you and your classmates will have ample time to respond to each others posts. Discussion board posts and comments are due by Sunday evening at 11:59 p.m. You should make expect to make one original, meaningful post to the discussion board, as well as three responses to your classmates posts. That means four posts per discussion board each week. Your discussion board posts should engage with the topic and demonstrate that you have completed and understood the readings, adapted your own knowledge to the concepts, and reflected lecture material. You must do more than participate; you must contribute. In an online environment, we lose visual cues indicated how others are responding to our words. We dont have facial expressions, eye contact, or body language to guide us. Posts should be

professional and challenge ones understanding of visual communication.

Weekly Assignments
Watch video lectures before completing the assignment. It is important that you apply what you learn from previous lectures. There are total of four weekly assignments: 1) personal impact assessment, 2) font poem, 3) photo ethics photo slideshow, and 4) good and bad photojournalism assessment. The goal of these assignments is to develop your image critiquing skills.

Final Project
Write a five- to seven-page paper critically examining a photograph, collection, or exhibit. The paper is based on your understanding of how to critique images based on the book chapter, mini-assignments, and lectures.

Schedule Date Topics and Readings

Visual Cognition Video Lectures: Visual Cognition; 5 Mind-Blowing Ways Your Senses Lie to You Every Day (and video); Right Brain/Left Brain quiz Assignments: Lecture quiz; Article discussion post; 3 comments Visual Elements Video Lectures: Visual Elements; How do you find a story in a painting? Ted Talk Assignments: Lecture quiz; Personal Impact Assessment assignment; Discussion post; 3 comments Color and Typography Video Lectures: To a T. (Select play button) Color Theory & Typography Assignments: Lecture quiz; Font poem; Discussion post; 3 comments Visual Persuasion Reading: Barrett, T. (2012). Writing and talking about photographs in Criticizing photographs. An introduction to understanding images. New Quantitative research methods for communication York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., pp. 215-269. (54 pages) Video Lecture: Visual Ethics Assignments: Lecture and reading quiz; Photo ethics photo slideshow; Discussion post; 3 comments Photojournalism History Video Lecture: Beware of Images (begins at 4:42-20:33, copy/paste in Quantitative research methods for communication browser); Photojournalism History Assignments: Lecture quiz; Good and bad photojournalism assignment; Discussion post; 3 comments Final paper due Monday August 12th at Noon Video Lecture: No Lecture. Work on final paper.

Week 1 (7/1-7/7)

Week 2 (7/8-7/14)

Week 3 (7/15-7/21)

Week 4 (7/22-7/28)

Week 5 (7/29-8/4) Week 6 (8/5-8/12)

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