TBWS15 12

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ChE 450 Chemical Process Design and Analysis I Fall, 2013

Washington State University Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering Richard L. Zollars

Problem 15.12, Turton, Bailie, Whiting and Schaewitz For a new process., the following process streams must be cooled or heated. Stream No. 1 2 3 4 (10 BTU)/hrF 2 4 3 2

Temperature In F 400 300 90 170

Temperature Out F 320 100 310 310

Use the MUMME algorithm for heat-exchanger networks and a minimum approach temperature of 10F. a. Determine the temperature interval diagram. b. Determine the cascade diagram, the pinch temperatures and the minimum hot and cold utilities. c. Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers above and below the pinch. d. Determine the heat-exchanger network above the pinch. e. Determine the heat-exchanger network below the pinch. SOLUTION a. The temperature interval diagram would look like the following Stream # 1 3 (10 / ) 2 400 2 4 A 320 300 0 C 180 100 0 170 D 90 20 80 3 3 4 2 390 160 310 290 0 -120 -100

b. The cascade diagram would look like

A 160 160 B -100 60 Hu 60 C -120

D 80

Cu 80

The pinch point occurs between zones C and D. The pinch temperature would be 180F (hot) and 170F (cold). The minimum utilities would be a hot utility of 60 103 BTU/hr and a cold utility of 80 103 BTU/hr. c. First note that in zone C two cold streams, streams #3 and #4, both streams have to be heated by a single hot stream, stream #2. Therefore, stream #2 has to be split to heat both streams #3 and #4. The minimum number of exchangers above the pinch is given by the diagram

Hu 60 60

1 160

2 480

160 360
120 3 420 4 280

Below the pinch the following diagram could be drawn.

2 320 240 4 240 80 Cu 80

Thus there are four exchangers above the pinch and two below the pinch for a total of six heat exchangers. d. Above the pinch both stream #2 have need to be split. Thus, the heat exchanger network above the pinch would look like the following. Stream # 1 (103 / ) 2 400 2 4 A 320 300 0 C 180 100 0 Hu = 60 400 3 320 300 2 180 1 180 360 2 300 170 120 1 170 760 230 290 60 4 D 310 0 290 760 3 170 80 90 20 3 3 4 2 390 160 310 -100

290 0



e. The heat exchanger network below the pinch would look like the following. Stream # 1 (103 / ) 2 400 2 4 A 320 300 0 C 180 100 0 180 5 120 Cu = 80 100 This would give a heat exchanger network that looks like the following schematic. We can also develop the composite T Q diagram for this using the minimum hot and cold utilities. The table of values appears below the schematic of the heat exchanger diagram. The composite curves follow on the next page. 6 D 90 20 170 80 B 310 290 0 -120 3 3 4 2 390 160 -100


170 5


400 Hu 310 4 290 300 90 2 170 300 180 230 310 3 1 180 170 4 3

120 6 320 100 Cu

Temp (F) 100 180 300 320 400

Hot Streams H (103 BTU/hr) 0 320 480 0 160

Cumulative 0 320 800 800 960

Temp (F) 90 170 290 310 390

Cold Streams H (103 BTU/hr) Cumulative 0 0 240 240 600 840 100 940 0 940

Problem 12, Chapter 15




Temperature (F)

250 Hot 200 Cold



50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Cumulative Enthalpy (BTU/hr)

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