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Erendust has joined the chat AzryaSeverance: ((Welcome. please post a entrance.)) Erendust: ((posting give me a bit.

)) AzryaSeverance: ((Alright. Ta e your time.)) Erendust: ! As an envoy "rom the #siris clan she $ould ma e her $ay to the palace o" her "athers ne$ alliance. She $ould to$er over the guards $ith her hieght $hich she enjoyed a bit as they had to loo up to her. A smile $ould spread across her "ace as she made her $ay "urther into the palace. She $ould ma e her $ay to the main hall and loo "or $ho $as incharged $hile %amali $as out. She $ould t$iddle $ith the long loc s o" her red hair $hile she roamed the halls observeing all and eeping her guard up. &or you never no$ $hat lays ahead in ones travels. She $ould see the young $oman sitting upon the throne and she $ould bo$ her head to the $oman. And $ith A "irm but gentle tone she $ould spea .! 'ello i am a "riend o" %amali(s and i have come to spea $ith ones o" her realm to see $hat they are li e. AzryaSeverance: Sensing the ne$ presense) her golden gaze moved up$ard $atching ever so care"ully as a $oman appeared in the distantce. %eeping hersel" seated and calm) she $aited "or the $oman to approach and then spea . *o$ing her head bac as she closed her eyes. She soon adressed the "emale. 'er voice soothing as she spo e. +Welcome. ,t is al$ays a pleasure to meet a "riend o" my mothers. , am Azrya Severance.+ Erendust: ,t is a pleasure to meet you Azrya Severeance. , hold the ran o" a -ueen in my "athers ingdom but you may just call me Eren. So tell me ho$ do you treat your guards and pets i" you have them. , am trying to see ho$ di""erent or simuliar our ingdoms are.! She $ould remain standing in "ront o" the young $oman loo ing about the room ta eing in the beauty o" the stone $alls $ith their simplicity.! AzryaSeverance: +Alright Eren. , soon $ill hold the ran o" .ueen as $ell.+ She said be"ore rising her head once more. +#ur guards are treated $ith respect. As "ar as pets) $e do not have pets. ," one person has one) that is their responsibility but as a ingdom) $e have none.+ Erendust: So $ill you ta e over the palace or $ill your mother remain/ Erendust: , only as this "or it $as she and my "ather $ho made the alliance. 0uest1%yosu e has joined the chat 0uest1%yosu e: -ueen Azrya2 3'e bo$s his head and neels as he $ent inside "or propouse o" his duty as guard o" %ingdom 3 0uest1%yosu e: 3'e stops at his position and turns head to side "acing the strange $oman that he did not sa$ be"ore . 'e $ould loo at her carre"ully as he li"t an eyebro$

3 + And $ho you might be ) 4ady / + Erendust: !she $ould notice the male come in and $atch him as he goes to bo$ be"ore Azrya. She $ould guess he is a guard "or the ingdom here. She $ould raise an eyebro$ as he "aced her. She $as not "ond o" males at the moment. *ut she $ould not give him any more notice then a slight nod o" her head.! AzryaSeverance: +5y mother $ill still be the empress. ,n ours) there are di""erent ran s and the .ueen $ill have certain abilities and tas s to do.+ She said as she crossed one leg over the other. 6oticing one o" the guards coming in) she turned her attention to him) bo$ing her head. +0reetings) %yo.+ She said as she placed a hand in her lap. Erendust: ,t seems li e the same structure as $e have it seems. , get stuc $ith doing this type o" $or getting to no$ the ne$ alliances o" ours it does get tiring and boring. 0uest1%yosu e: +, hope your hatred has "ade a$ay 4ady Azrya ) i didnt $ant to reach in this situation ) trough i(m the one $ho complain here about my o$n mista e ) that i cant accept being just a "riend and i(m blind loving you + 3'e spo e as he $atches the "amle ) carre"ull ready "or any threat ) he $ould move hand to grab his s$ord 3 AzryaSeverance: 6odding she smiled. +7es , do believe that $ill be part o" my tas s.+ 0uest1%yosu e: +4i e you said ) i assume too much ) indeed .... i assume that you could love me . *ut that $as only dreams turned to ashes + AzryaSeverance: A heavy sigh escaped her lips. +%yo) no$ is not the time "or this. , do not $ish to hear this tal right no$. We have a honored guest and you are ma ing things a$ $ard.+ She loo ed at Eren. +, do apologize.+ Erendust: !She $ould $atch the conversation going on $ondering i" there $as more to the t$o people in the room. crossing her arms she $ould eep her eyes "ocused on the male since it seemed his hand li ed to be a little to close to that s$ord o" his.! Erendust: ,t is alright Azrya. This is part o" $hat i observe is ho$ the $hole o" the ingdom $or s together. We have our "air share o" this type o" things continue. AzryaSeverance: +, see $ell , hope $hen you are done observing) you leave $ith the "eeling o" honor and respect to our ingdom being your ally.+ She stood and $al ed over to the "emale. Erendust: ,t $ill be your duty to do as i do soon enough Azrya. , dont ever get o""ended $ith these things i learned long ago it is just a $aste o" energy. And i "eel i $ill leave just "ine as i entered. AzryaSeverance: A smile "illed her lips. +, do hope so and ,m glad it $as not a bother to you. ,s there anything , may o""er you/ Are you thirsty/ #r perhaps hungry/+ Erendust: , could ta e some $ater i" you have some. , am a succubus so i mostly "eed

o"" o" the li"e energy o" people. AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +As you $ish.+ She then held up her hand and placed her thumb to her lips. *itting into the "lesh) her canines po ed into it causing a little bit o" blood to come "orth. 'olding out her hand) a drop "ell to the "loor and she spo e. +, call unto you) come "orth) *oogie.+ She said as the drop splattered on the "loor and soon disappeared and a blac light started to shine. About a "e$ minuets later) a t$o "oot voodoo doll stood there stretching. +7ou called unto me/+ 'e as ed. 'is voice $as a bit robotic and yet sounded $arm. +7es boogie) please) go "etch our guest some $ater.+ The doll nodded and then ran o"". A "e$ moments passed and soon he came bac $ith a small serving trey on his hand and then held his hand up to Eren. +7our $ater my lady.+ 'e said respect"ully. Erendust: !She $ould grab the cup o" $ater "rom the doll. She $as a little preple8ed at the $ay Azrya had done to get her $ater. ," it had been her she $ould have just $ent and got the $ater hersel". but to each their o$n.! Than you Azrya 9oes it not use more energy to call "orth the doll then to have $al ed and gotten the $ater. AzryaSeverance: She shrugged. +, suppose. , can see your point) but to call him) is nothing "or me as "ar as losing energy.+ Erendust: , just pre"er not to use my abilities unless needed "or e$mergencies. , am old school i guess $hy use magic "or things my body can do just "ine. AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +7ou have a very good point.+ Erendust: And it eeps my body in shape you dont get abs li e these sitting around doing nothing. AzryaSeverance: She chuc led. +, $ould assume not. ," you could) everyone $ould have them.+ Erendust: 7ep. Erendust: , $or ed hard "or them. so i do all i can manually to eep them up. AzryaSeverance: 7es , can imagine it being di""icult but it al$ays "eels good $hen you $or hard "or something and the results are $hat you $ant. Erendust: :ery true. , do alot i dj i train in T; battle so i eep busy along $ith the duties "rom my "ather and running my o$n ingdom. AzryaSeverance: Wo$) that does sound li e a busy schedule. 'o$ do you eep your sanity in it all/ Erendust: ,t gets over$helming but i handle it just "ine. ,t just sho$s the po$er i hold in my ailities. AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +, see. Well , hope to be able to hold that ability as $ell.+

Erendust: 7ou must treat all e.ually not "luant a thing and no$ $hen not to go to "ar $ith people in your care. Erendust: , eep mysel" "rom "lirting $ith anyone in the ingdoms i help run. AzryaSeverance: Ta ing mental notes) she nodded. +Alright. , shall use this advice and put it to $or .+ Erendust: 9ont lead people on $ith promotions or threaten to ill them. Erendust: thin ing o" other things Erendust: 9ont eep trouble ma ers in your realm it just cuases drama. Erendust: 'avent you been getting advice on these matters already. AzryaSeverance: 4istening) she nodded and then loo ed at her. +6ot yet. 5e and my mother have not been able to sit do$n and tal .+ Erendust: , $ill admit i have heard rumors about ho$ people not o" the royal "amily are treated li e dirt or not respected $ell. AzryaSeverance: She loo ed at her curiously. +, see. Well its my $ord against theirs) but , have never seen such act but that is something you $ould have to "ind out "or yoursel".+ Erendust: True but i have seen nothing $rong "rom you so it is probaly hear say. i hate that stu"". 0uest1%yosu e: Spea ing o" that 0uest1%yosu e: Sience $hen a stranger is more important then a guard / 0uest1%yosu e: And i(m not tal ing about this 4ady 0uest1%yosu e: ,(m tal ing about that guy( 0uest1%yosu e: When Empress allmost thre$ me in pits o" 'ell 0uest1%yosu e: coz i $as trying to encounter him AzryaSeverance: She raised a bro$. +What guy/+ 0uest1%yosu e: , "orgot his name ) it happen < days ago 0uest1%yosu e: When i $as on duty Erendust: !she $ould raise an eyebro$ at the mention o" a guard being threaten to be thro$n in the pits o" hell.! 0uest1%yosu e: Who claimed having demonic po$ers and he got booted a"ter i le"t ) because my authority $as nothing

AzryaSeverance: She then loo ed to Eren. +, than you "or the compliment.+ She then loo ed at yo. +, do not no$ or remember the incident but my mother $ouldnt have done it just randomly. So you $ill have to as her.+ 0uest1%yosu e: 7ou $as here too 0uest1%yosu e: have you "orgot you tryed to spea to him / AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +5any di""erent beings pass through here and , try to remember them all but some slip a$ay. 'e is one o" them.+ Erendust: , remeber most $ho $al through my doors. 0uest1%yosu e: 'e $anted to "ight me and as ed : +, guess that guy is a nobody + 0uest1%yosu e: And i claimed that i am a nobody ) $hile Empress threat me $ith death 0uest1%yosu e: but thats o ay 0uest1%yosu e: i still do my job 0uest1%yosu e: and duty Erendust: hmmm Erendust: $ell i must go soon rl calls. AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +Alright. ,ts been pleasent spea ing $ith you.+ 0uest1%yosu e: +Ta e your time 4ady Eren + Erendust: =leasure spea ing $ith you. And i" this guard $as threaten li e that "eel luc y he has stayed around. 0uest1%yosu e: +,(m a man $ho eep his promise and $ord+ 0uest1%yosu e: +4ady Azrya no$ns it better+ Erendust: *ut i" you "eel disrespected or un$anted dont stay in the place. 0uest1%yosu e: Thats $hat i(m gonna tal $ith Empress 0uest1%yosu e: $hen shes on 0uest1%yosu e: i $ant to ma e things clear 0uest1%yosu e: i "eel un$anted anymore 0uest1%yosu e: everyone thro$s poisoned $ords at me Erendust: Then spea $ith your Empress.

Erendust: What do you say to his claims Azrya. AzryaSeverance: She "olded her arms. +'e "orgets his place at times.+ She then loo ed at the "emale. +5y mother is very respectable) she $ould help any$ay) even her enemy. 'e has over stepped his bounds several times and yes he has been spo en to harshly.+ 0uest1%yosu e: +Thats right ... +my place+ ... as nothing but a guard or a trash to be compared $ith + Erendust: ," he has been such a problem "or you $hy have you ept him/ AzryaSeverance: +,t is not my place to remove him. 5y mother last time he caused problems) something else that $as more important came up. Another ingdom $aged $ar on us and $e had a delema to "i8.+ 0uest1%yosu e: +Tell me Azrya 0uest1%yosu e: you $ould remove me i" you had the po$er 0uest1%yosu e: thats all i $ant to hear 0uest1%yosu e: a"ter all i $ent though all this "or you Erendust: ," you could $ould you remove him. Erendust: And $hat is he tal ing about saying "or you. AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +7es.+ She loo ed at the "emale. +'e has "eelings "or me. , told him) i do not "eel the same) that , $anted to stay "riends. 'e as ed to tal to my mother to join our ingdom) so , brought him to her. #n that night) he as ed "or the position he $anted) and then $ent on ho$ he "elt "or me) and mentioning he $anted my hand. ,n our ingdom) the royal "amily cannot be $ith gaurds. This has been e8plained to him. 'e brought another $oman in here and as ed "or her hand as $ell. So you can see $hy , $ould not $ant to return these "eelings he has $hen one day he $as proclaiming "or me) and then another the ne8t. 'e has been disrespect"ul and my mother got upset $ith him "or being disrespect"ul but has yet to remove him because o" the problems that have occured plus she is a "orgiving person so she probably is giving him one more chance.+ She then loo ed at yo. +%yo) you have said you have done all o" this "or me) but , no$) a "e$ days ago) you $here in a relationship) , $as told you $here and loo ed mysel" and it said all over your in"ormation you $here. So havent you moved on/ So ho$ can you still claim things "or me and yet be around others/+ 0uest1%yosu e: +, did not as hand o" another $oman ) your brother 9rascus $anted us to marry + 0uest1%yosu e: +, just $anted her to join our "amily + AzryaSeverance: +%yo) $hen she entered this ingdom) you brought her in"ront o" my mother and as ed her "or her hand. There $here several others here to $itness this.+

0uest1%yosu e: +, as ed her i" she can join the ingdom as guard + Erendust: Well i must go no$ and it has been a peasure spea ing $ith you. AzryaSeverance: She shoo her head. +# ) yo. ," you say so.+ She sighed. 0uest1%yosu e: Ta e your time Eren AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +,ts been a pleasure as $ell.+ 0uest1%yosu e: ,t(s hard $hen you love someone to be threated as a puppy Erendust: 7ou both have a good day and it seems the t$o o" you may need to spea and clear this up. AzryaSeverance: She nodded. +, shall try and you have a $onder"ul day as $ell.+ Erendust: Than you. AzryaSeverance: 7our $elcome. Erendust has le"t the chat AzryaSeverance: She loo ed at him. +Are you satis"ied no$/+ *orje has joined the chat AzryaSeverance: +7ou probably just ruined the reputation o" this ingdom single handedly.+ She said as she "olded her arms. +, $ill say this no$) , do not "eel that $ay "or you. , do not $ish "or you other than "riendship) , do not $ish "or your hand) or anything. , have tried this the nice $ay but apparently thats too mean. So maybe you $ill understand this. , am not going to have a grudge) , do not hate you. , do not $ish to even e8press those "eelings because they are not $orth the e""ort.+ She said as she closed her eyes. +7ou e8aught me.+ 0uest1%yosu e: +:ery $ell then ) thats all i $anted to hear + AzryaSeverance: +And then) to top it all o"") you disrespected my mother. 5y mother $ould not have done those things) i" you had not been disrespect"ull yoursel". , do not remember the male or the other day) but i" you $here in trouble then you $here. She does not get mad "or no reason.+ She narro$ed her eyes. +," you do not li e it here) then do as suggested and leave.+ 0uest1%yosu e: 7ou dont remember coz you $as ignoring me 0uest1%yosu e: or too bussy 0uest1%yosu e: to reply 0uest1%yosu e: , disrespect mysel" "or o""ering all my respect to others /

AzryaSeverance: +7es , $as busy. , do that. , get busy. , do not al$ays give one person all my attention. , $as never e8pected to give you and only you my attention.+ She placed a hand to her "orehead as she let out a e8aughted breath. +Why dont you understand.+ *orje: !Steps heavy and loud $ould li e a cloc every hour ma e the air rumble creating an "orce that could be "elt by the stumach even.The door even opend $ithout him having to use his hands ma ing a nice path$ay "or him to $al through.,n his hand he held a ratherly large battle a8e $hich also leaned upon his right shoulder.The commotion he heard "rom the distance $as rather disturbing as such $ith a s$ing o" his battle a8e "rom his shoulder he $al ed into the room $ith the thrones loo ing $ith deadly eyes to$ards %yo.+0reetings lady Azrya.+'is voice no$ $as respect"ull)but it $as a"ter that it got $orse.+%yo.+Though he did give him a nod as greeting his voice sounded li e a snap almost an attac on its o$n.! 0uest1%yosu e: 5aybe you are right ) i(m in this situations because i respected you more than mysel" . Trough my o$n "eelings cant be tamed or controlled + AzryaSeverance: She sighed as she closed her eyes and then loo ing do$n. +6o) i" you respected me) all o" this $ould not have happened.+ She said and then turned to$ard *orje. +0ood evening *orje.+ She placed a hand on his shoulder. +,ts o .+ She said as she closed her eyes. +, give up. Say $hat you $ant %yo. , do not "eel a point in spea ing to you anymore. , $ill just let my mother deal $ith you.+ 0uest1%yosu e: Any$ay ) i $ill tal to Empress %amali and e8plain her that i(m not $anted anymore in this %ingdom . , put my duty be"ore my "eelings ) though ... i" there is no hope "or someone li e me ) i shall just dissapear+ *orje: ,n the time i have around you %yo i have noticed t$o things.7ou are terrible at your job and being a respect"ull person as $ell>#n top o" that incredibly annoying and ?>;@ you act li e a little bitch!"ro$ns! 0uest1%yosu e: Annoying / 0uest1%yosu e: Aust because i spea my mind loud *orje: 6o being pushy. AzryaSeverance: She loo ed at borje. +*orje) thats enough.+ She said "irmly. +There is no point. =lease do not $aist your breath.+ She said as she turned a$ay "rom them. +Aust let it go. What is the point.+ 0uest1%yosu e: , made a promise to Azrya that i $ont bother her anymore + 0uest1%yosu e: +So "ar i ept my promise+ *orje: 7et the moment i $al in i see you already brea ing that promise

0uest1%yosu e: &rom that day 0uest1%yosu e: nahh ) i $as just trying to see $ho is the visitor 0uest1%yosu e: that $ent in be"ore you *orje: 7ou are a guard.What you are supposed to do is shut up and eep everyone sa"e. 0uest1%yosu e: oh 0uest1%yosu e: so no one cares about a damn guard right / 0uest1%yosu e: li e i(m a machine 0uest1%yosu e: $ith no emotions *orje: 7ou are to serve and protect.6ot $hine and be a little bitch. 0uest1%yosu e: i dont $hine ) i ept my reasons a$ay "rom %amali(s ears AzryaSeverance: %yo) everyone has emotions) but $ith you) you spea and push them on people. 0uest1%yosu e: thats $hat happens $hen people push you 0uest1%yosu e: you have to stand bac and push bac *orje: 7ou are to distracted $ith almost everything and your "eelings., thin you need to ta e your leave and have a brea "rom your job here untill you can "ull"ill your duty. 0uest1%yosu e: stand up3 AzryaSeverance: 6o) im tal ing about pushing your emotions on people. AzryaSeverance: , mean come on) $hat $as the "irst thing you said $hen you entered. 7ou instantly started to tal about your "eelings "or me. 0uest1%yosu e: *ecause i belied in love at "irst sight 0uest1%yosu e: but seems you dont no$ that meaning AzryaSeverance: , am so sic o" hearing ho$ you "eel. , no$ ho$ you "eel and as , have told you) , 9# 6#T "eel the same. So move on. 0uest1%yosu e: Thats $hat i(m gonna do AzryaSeverance: , no$ that meaning) you just $here not it. 0uest1%yosu e: Bight 0uest1%yosu e: at that point

0uest1%yosu e: i recall 0uest1%yosu e0uest1%yosu e : i told you i dont $orth you 0uest1%yosu e: even borje is $itness 0uest1%yosu e0uest1%yosu e : i $ill just ta e my leave ) i(m tired $ith all this battle *orje: 7ou thin i pay attention to you/ 0uest1%yosu e0uest1%yosu e : $ith no one by my side 0uest1%yosu e: An ingdom should be united and care "or theyre pa$ns. 0uest1%yosu e0uest1%yosu e : not using them as replacing tools *orje: 7ou are not even good enough to be a pa$n. AzryaSeverance: !She rubbed her temples.! We do) you just dont no$ ho$ to act. 0uest1%yosu e: Bight.... 0uest1%yosu e0uest1%yosu e : i sa$ that 0uest1%yosu e: Any$ay $ish you $onder"ull li"e 0uest1%yosu e0uest1%yosu e : and the best 0uest1%yosu e: "or i dont bear hatred 0uest1%yosu e0uest1%yosu e : but mysel" *orje*orje : Werent you leaving already/ *orje: Why are you still here/ 0uest1%yosu e: 3Ta es o"" his badge and $al s do$n the hall$ays to the e8it3 *orje: !moves his hand and bec ons!Shoo. AzryaSeverance: She just stood there loo ing do$n as she sighed. 0uest1%yosu e: This is $ho you really are Azrya.. an user... 0uest1%yosu e: 3he "ade a$ay3 AzryaSeverance: A user/ 0uest1%yosu e has le"t the chat

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