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SUBJECT SYLLABUS CHEMISTRY (Specialisation Field Mathematics and SCIENCE) Unit Education Grade Topic Core Competency CC 1 : High

School : XI : Colloidal System :

: Living with and practice the teachings of their religion

CC 2 : Living the honest behavior and practice , discipline , responsibility , caring ( mutual assistance , cooperation , tolerance , peace ) , polite , responsive and proactive , and show attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social environment and the nature and position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world CC 3 : Understand , implement , and analyze factual knowledge , conceptual , procedural , and metacognitive based on his curiosity about science , technology , arts , culture , and humanities with an insight into humanity , national , state , and civilization -related causes of phenomena and events , and applying procedural knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents and interests to solve problems CC 4 : Processing , reasoning , and presenting in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of the independently learned in school , acting effectively and creatively , and be able to use the method according to the rules of science

Basic Competition
1.1. Recognizing the regularity of hydrocarbon properties, thermochemical, the rate of reaction, chemical equilibrium, solutions and colloids as a manifestation of the greatness of Almighty God and the knowledge of the existence of the order as a result of human creative thinking that truth is tentative. 2.1. Demonstrate scientific




Time Allocation

Learning Resources

Observing (Observing) System Seeking information from various sources to read / colloidal hear / observation of colloidal systems, the The nature properties of colloids, colloid-making and the role of the of colloids in daily life colloidal Preparation Looking for examples of colloids contained in everyday life. of colloidal The role of colloids in Ask (Questioning) daily life Asking questions related to differences in true solution, colloids and suspensions, colloidal and

3 week x - Chemistry Task Book for Create a concept map of the hour lesson XI grade colloidal system, colloidal properties, manufacture and - Worksheets role of colloids in the colloid everyday life and presented it - Various other Designing the experiment of sources making colloidal Observation

behavior (curious, disciplined, honest, objective, open, able to distinguish fact and opinion, tenacious, conscientious, responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments and discussions are realized in everyday behaviors. 2.2. Demonstrate cooperative behavior, polite, tolerant, peace-loving and caring environment and saving in the use of natural resources. 2.3. Shows the behavior of responsive and pro-active as well as wise as a manifestation of the ability to solve problems and make decisions 3.15 Analyzing the role of colloids in life by properties 4.15 Applying the idea / ideas to modify colloid manufacture experience makes several types of colloids.


systems contained in the life (cosmetics, Scientific attitude in pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs etc.) conducting experiments and Why does the dirty dishes because the oil must be presentations, for example: washed with soap? see the scale of the volume / temperature, using a flashlight (Tyndall effect), how to use a Collect data pipette, weigh, active, Discuss the results of reading about colloidal cooperative, communicative, system, colloidal properties, manufacture and role responsibility, and care for the of colloids in the colloid everyday life environment, etc.) Designing experiments and present the results of making colloidal designed to harmonize Portofolio Experimenting manufacture of colloidal The report trial Observe and record the experimental data Discuss materials / substances in the form of colloids in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, The written test description Understanding of the colloidal foodstuffs, etc. system, colloidal properties, and the manufacture of Associate (associating) colloidal Analyze and conclude the trial data Connecting with the colloidal properties of colloidal systems Discussion and information about colloidal hydrophobic liofob Communicating (Communicating) Present a summary of the results of the colloidal system, colloidal properties, manufacture and role of colloids in the colloid everyday life Creating reports and presenting experiments using proper grammar Communicating the role of colloids in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, foodstuffs, and others.

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