Ew Routines

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Routines & Ideas

Table Of Contents

Electronic Wallet Routines Truth Teller (Angelo Carbone) .................................................................................. 6 Credit Detector (Angelo Carbone) ......................................................................... 8 Pic N Mix (Angelo Carbone) ................................................................................. 10 3ree Choice (Angelo Carbone) ............................................................................ 11 Ever thin! "n "ts Place (Michael Weber) .............................................................. 13 Dinner Date (Peter Nardi) .......................................................................................... 17 Colour S #bols (Peter Nardi) ................................................................................ 18 The Menu (Peter Nardi) .......................................................................................... 20 The Wa!er (Peter Nardi) ....................................................................................... 22 Personal Posessions (Peter Nardi) ......................................................................... 23 On $er Ma%est &s Secret Service (Peter Nardi) .................................................... 24 Tele'hone Notes (David Berglas) .......................................................................... 26 (ohnn Cash (John Archer) ................................................................................... 27 David )lass Routine 1 (David Klass) ....................................................................... 31 David )lass Routine * (David Klass) .......................................................................... 34

Section 1


Routines & Ideas

Pee+ Wallet Routines Ti#e ,or Su# Sho''in! (Angelo Carbone) ............................................................. 39 Mental Exchan!e (Angelo Carbone) ...................................................................... 42 Te#'us ,u!it (Angelo Carbone) ............................................................................... 44

Section *


Routines & Ideas

Truth Teller
Angelo Carbone

Effect: Four spectators are on stage. A table is stage right with the agician. !he agician ta"es out his wallet. #e states inside the wallet are three lo$alt$ cards and one credit card. %& course' o& the &our cards ( the credit card has ore )alue. !he agician places his wallet on the table and wal"s to the opposite side o& the stage. #e as"s the spectators one b$ one to wal" to the table' open the wallet and re o)e an$ card - either a lo$alt$ card or the credit card. !he$ are to hide the card in their poc"et close the wallet and wal" bac" to their standing spot on the stage. *agician a"es sure he has his bac" to the wallet at all ti es. %nce this is done' the agician approaches the spectators one b$ one and as"s Did you take my credit card? !he spectator can either lie or tell the truth no atter what card the$ ha)e. !he agician is able to deter ine who too" the credit card. Example: To spectator one: Did you take my credit card? Spectator sa$s No. *agician thin"s and then sa$s You told the truth. You did NOT take the credit card is that correct? +pectator sa$s Correct. To spectator two: Did you take my credit card? +pectator sa$s ,Yes. *agician thin"s and then sa$s You ust told a lie. You did NOT take the credit card. !i"ht? +pectator sa$s Correct. To spectator three: Did you take my credit card? +pectator sa$s Yes. #a"ician thinks as he is not sure. #o$es on to the last spectator. To spectator %our: Did YO& take my credit card? +pectator also sa$s Yes. *agician thin"s again. Finall$ he sa$s to the spectator ,-ou were telling a lie. and turns to the


Routines & Ideas

third spectator and sa$s You told the truth. You took my credit card. 'lease take it out o% your pocket and show e$eryone. +pectator does so. As a "ic"er the agician sa$s' (ctually ) can "o one step %urther and points to the other three spectators and sa$s You took the Tesco card* you took the +oots card and you took my "ym mem,ership card. 'lease show e$eryone. Method: !hree lo$alt$ or non-ban" cards are re0uired plus a credit card. !he three lo$alt$ cards are in the special poc"ets and the credit card is in the opposite un-gi ic"ed poc"et as the card has a agnetised strip. When the cards are re o)ed 1ust re e ber which spectator too" which card and that is all there is to it. !he rest is presentation. I& there is no )ibration or the pre)ious )ibration re ains the sa e when the spectator is re o)ing a card' that eans that that the credit card has been ta"en. *a"e sure the spectators are spread apart to &ill the stage and to a"e the wal" 0uite a bit to the table in order &or 12 seconds to pass to distinguish the )ibrations. !he agician can )erball$ cue when each spectator is to wal" to the table in order to distinguish and control the ti ing.


Routines & Ideas

Credit Detector
Angelo Carbone

Effect: Four wage en)elopes are on a table. !he agician hands his wallet to a spectator who is behind the table and the agician turns his bac". )nside my wallet you will %ind three loyalty cards and one credit card. ) would like you to remo$e any card and place it into an en$elope. !epeat this %or each card please and seal the en$elopes. One ,y one. Ne-t mi- them up and lay them in a row. *agician turns to &ace the &ront and passes his hand o)er each en)elope tr$ing to sense what is where. In the end he places his hand on one en)elope and states it contains the credit card. 4n)elope is opened and sure enough inside is the credit card. Method: !he en)elopes are ar"ed. 4ach en)elope has a large 0uestion ar" drawn upon it on both sides. 4ach 0uestion ar" is slightl$ di&&erent to the others. 4ither the curl stops short at positions 1 o5cloc"' 2o5cloc"' 3 o5cloc" and 4 o5cloc" or other ar"s are used. !he en)elopes are stac"ed one on top o& the other ( one on top' &our on the botto . !hree lo$alt$ cards are in the gi ic"ed poc"ets and the credit card is on the opposite side o& the wallet. When the &irst card is re o)ed &ro the wallet' the spectator will naturall$ ta"e the top en)elope and place that card in that en)elope. !he second card re o)ed will be in the second en)elope and so &orth. !he agician "eeps tabs at what point is the credit card re o)ed and what nu ber en)elope the spectator is currentl$ at. I& there is no )ibration then $ou "now the credit card in the opposite poc"et has been re o)ed. I& the credit card was the second card to be re o)ed &ro the wallet' then it


Routines & Ideas

has gone into the en)elope ar"ed two. I& it was the last card to be re o)ed' it has gone into the &ourth en)elope. !o the spectator all en)elopes loo" the sa e. !he agician si pl$ loo"s &or the hidden ar" to &ind the correct en)elope and places his hand upon it.


Routines & Ideas

Pic N Mix
Angelo Carbone

Effect: Four spectators are on stage in a row. !he wallet and a pen are handed to the &irst spectator and the agician turns his bac" the entire ti e. !he &irst spectator is instructed to re o)e A8- business card &ro the wallet and using the bac" o& the wallet to rest upon' to draw an$ picture on the blan" re)erse o& the business card. %nce done' the$ are instructed to hold onto the card and pass the wallet and pen to the ne9t spectator who does the sa e - re o)es a card' draws a picture etc. When e)er$one has drawn a picture and whilst the agician still has his bac" turned the last spectator nearest the agician is as"ed to hand the wallet and pen to the agician :behind his bac"; as it is no longer needed. !he agician puts the in his poc"et. !he spectators are as"ed to pass their cards to one person at the end who shu&&les the cards. 8ow the agician &aces the and as"s &or one card - an$ card. #e is able to tell which person drew which picture - all &our o& the . Method: Four business cards with blan" bac"s are inside the poc"ets o& the wallet. All &our business card are secretl$ and in)isibl$ assigned a nu ber &ro 1 to 4. !hese ar"s can be nail nic"s' printing errors' cut corners etc. When the wallet is handed to the &irst spectator' the )ibrations in&or s as to which card has been re o)ed :eg the second one; and that nu ber is assigned to the &irst spectator. Repeat &or the other cards and spectators. When the cards are bac" in the agician5s possession' all that needs to be done is &ind out what the secret ar" is and recall which person too" that card and pretend to guess who drew the picture on the card ( guessing correctl$ o& course. Repeat &or re aining three people. 8ice plus is the$ "eep the cards with the agician5s details on it.


Routines & Ideas

3ree Choice
Angelo Carbone

An e&&ect utilising the double ended wallet openings. Effect: A spectator is as"ed to re o)e one o& three red bac"ed pla$ing cards &ro the agician<s wallet. !he other two cards are shown to be di&&erent and $et the chosen card atches a blue bac"ed prediction card which has been inside the wallet the entire ti e. Method: An$ three di&&erent red bac"ed cards are placed into the gi ic"ed credit card poc"ets one card per poc"' eg= &our o& clubs' "ing o& hearts and se)en o& dia onds. !wo blue bac"ed cards with the word >R4?I@!I%8 written across each bac" are also needed. %ne o& these cards should atch the &ace o& the card in poc"et <one< and the other blue bac"ed card should atch the &ace o& the card in poc"et <three<. >lace the prediction card that atches the &irst card in an e pt$ notes section o& the wallet. >lace the other prediction card that atches the third card in the other secret notes section o& the wallet. *a"e sure $ou "now the orientation o& the wallet so $ou "now which prediction card is in which end. -ou will "now which is the top opening end and which is the botto opening end based on the relation to the poc"ets where the red bac"ed cards are. !o per&or ' open $our wallet and point to the )isible cards as $ou state that inside are three &ace down cards inserted into the poc"ets. #and the open wallet to a spectator and turn $our bac" and as" the to re o)e an$ card without loo"ing at the &ace. 8ow depending on which card is re o)ed' e9ecute the actions below=



Routines & Ideas

I& the )ibrations tell $ou the &irst card :&our o& clubs; has been re o)ed' tell $our spectator to sit on the card or hide it &ro )iew and close the wallet. !urn to &ace $our spectator and state that earlier on $ou put a prediction card - the &our o& clubs' inside $our wallet. >ic" up the wallet and re o)e the correct prediction card &ro the notes section. +how that there is nothing else in the notes section - no other prediction cards. !urn the card o)er to show it is indeed the &our o& clubs. 8ow re o)e the re aining two red bac" cards and show that the$ are both di&&erent and not the &our o& clubs. Finall$ as" the spectator to re)eal their selection. It is indeed the &our o& clubs. I& the )ibrations tell $ou the third card :se)en o& dia onds; has been re o)ed' tell $our spectator to sit on the card or hide it &ro )iew and close the wallet. !urn to &ace $our spectator and state that earlier on $ou put a prediction card - the se)en o& dia onds inside $our wallet. >ic" up the wallet and re o)e the correct prediction card &ro the notes section. +how that there is nothing else in the notes section - no other prediction cards. !urn the card o)er to show it is indeed the se)en o& dia onds. 8ow re o)e the re aining two red bac" cards and show that the$ are both di&&erent and not the se)en o& dia onds. Finall$ as" the spectator to re)eal their selection. It is indeed the se)en o& dia onds. I& the )ibrations tell $ou the second card :"ing o& hearts; has been re o)ed' tell $our spectator to place that card &ace down on the table and re o)e a second card &ro the wallet - again without loo"ing at it<s &ace' and table that one also. As" the to close the wallet and to co)er the two &ace down cards with the wallet. !urn to &ace $our spectator. -ou now "now what card is still le&t in the wallet so state that earlier on $ou put a prediction card in the wallet - the Ainsert na e o& card still in walletB which $ou belie)e will atch the card still le&t in the wallet. !urn to &ace $our spectator and re o)e the correct prediction card &ro the notes section and show no other prediction cards re ain inside the wallet. +how the &ace o& the prediction card and one b$ one turn o)er the tabled &ace down cards to show that the$ do not atch the prediction cards. +tate the$ could ha)e le&t behind an$ card in the wallet. Finall$ re o)e the &inal red bac"ed card &ro the wallet to re)eal that it atches the prediction card. Make sure prediction cards are wedged in firmly and cannot fall out. Alternatively you can have folded pieces of paper as your predictions instead blue backed cards.



Routines & Ideas

Everything In Its Place

Michael Weber

@op$right 2211 *ichael Weber

%ne o& the challenges o& the now-classic CDisa @abaretC routines is the sense o& the spectators that their choices are e9tre el$ li ited in nu ber. !he co bination o& >ro*$stic<s technolog$ and a bit o& snea"$ subtlet$ allows the spectators a &ar larger nu ber o& ite s &ro which to choose. Effect: !he Wonder-Wor"er re o)es his bill&old' openl$ re o)es all the cash'and hands the wallet and its re aining contents to a e ber o& his audience. CInside $ wallet $ou will see an$ di&&erent thingsE credit cards' I? cards' photographs. -ou will also see so e s all en)elopes' the "ind the$ gi)e $ou to protect the data strip on $our A!* card. I a going to show $ou the $sterious wa$ the$ can control who gets what' e)en though the entire process is out o& their control. I a going to turn $ bac"' in return' I a going to as" $ou to pla$ &air. What we are going to tr$ and achie)e together is alread$ i possible to begin with' so I would hate &or $ou to a"e a ista"e and be e barrassed. >lease ta"e an$ one o& the ob1ects $ou can see - re o)e that ob1ect' and now place that in one o& the en)elopes and seal it' then drop it in the place where the bills usuall$ go.C !his procedure is repeated with three other spectators' as the$ ta"e an ob1ect' seal it in an en)elope and place the sealed en)elope in the bac" o& the wallet. !he wallet and its contents are returned to the per&or er who now opens the &irst three en)elopes and correctl$ identi&ies which ite was selected b$ which person. !o conclude this ps$cho etric de onstration' the per&or er is able to na e the ite selected b$ the last person without opening the en)elope.



Routines & Ideas

Method: Instead o& trac"ing the ob1ects' the >ro*$stic technolog$ is used to identi&$ which en)elope is selected b$ each o& the spectators. !a"e &our s all pa$ en)elopes. -ou ha)e a choice as whether $ou want to go &or co pletel$ opa0ue en)elopes' in which case $ou will need to tear the open to identi&$ the contents' or se i opa0ue en)elopes which will loo" totall$ opa0ue &ro the audience point o& )iew' but which will allow $ou to identi&$ the contents through the paper o& the still sealed en)elope. I& $ou choose to use co pletel$ opa0ue en)elopes' $ou will need to secretl$ ar" the in so e wa$' I suggest the subtle use o& a pair o& nail clippers and tri ing one corner on each o& the en)elopes in a uni0ue wa$. !his per its a Csight andFor touchC based identi&ication o& which en)elope is which. >lace the &irst three en)elopes in the three ChotC slots on the le&t side o& the wallet. -ou will not be trac"ing which ob1ect is selected' $ou will be trac"ing which person selected which en)elope. *a"e three Cnu ber &ourC ar"ed en)elopes and tuc" the out o& sight in the large bac" poc"et o& the wallet where the bills are usuall$ "ept. Fill the right side o& the wallet with si9 or se)en )er$ di&&erent ob1ects which will &it inside the en)elopes. >lace the two to a slot' o)erlapping' so a part o& each o& the is clearl$ )isible in a single glance. >lace so e bills in the bac" o& the wallet and $ou are read$ to begin. Re o)e $our wallet and openl$ ta"e out the one$ and place it in $our poc"et. !his ser)es two use&ul purposes= &irst' it lets the audience "now that this is about ob1ects' not one$' so it will pre)ent digging that slows the process. +econd' it is a wa$ o& letting the see that this is Cno nonsenseC and $ou are not going to gi)e the a chance to a"e things di&&icult &or $ou. It is a silent de onstration o& control o)er the proceedings. As $ou put $our one$ awa$' this is a per&ect ti e to switch on $our recei)er i& $ou ha)e not done so alread$. #and the wallet to the &irst spectator. As" the to loo" o)er all the ob1ects in the wallet and to re o)e %8G- one o& the . C>lease do not ta"e ore than one' because I want to a"e sure each o& $ou has an e0uall$ &air selection to choose &ro .C !his co ent in&or s the that i& the$ ess around' the$ are not being un&air to $ou' the$ are being un&air to the other participants. It does not atter which ob1ect the$ select' because as soon as the$ tell $ou the$ ha)e so ething' $ou tell the to Cta"e out an en)elope' seal $our ob1ect inside' and place the


Routines & Ideas

sealed en)elope in the bac" o& the wallet be&ore handing e)er$thing to spectator nu ber two.C !his process "eeps e)er$thing on trac" and in $our control. 8o slow spectators' e pt$ en)elopes or needless gathering and i9ing when the process is done. !his is repeated with spectators two and three. 4ach ti e' $ou will "now which en)elope the$ ha)e used to contain their selected ob1ect. When the &ourth spectator gets the wallet the$ will tell $ou the$ do not ha)e an en)elope' to which $ou repl$ Cthere are a bunch o& the where the bills usuall$ go' did $ou &ind the HC !he$ will repla$ the$ did. C>ut $our ite in one o& the ' seal it up and place it with the other three' and then hand e the e9tras and the wallet.C -ou ha)e 1ust acco plished an$ things= !he spectators and the audience "now that there were an$ ob1ects &ro which to choose' and the$ now watched as the last spectator too" one o& an$ en)elopes to conceal his selection. It will be clear to the that $ou are not trac"ing the ob1ects or the en)elopes. -ou also now ha)e 4D4R-!#I8I in $our possession and control' eli inating the occasional &rustration which occurs when $ou get a Cpla$&ulC spectator who wants to i9 things up and challenge $ou. >lace the e pt$ en)elopes in $our poc"et' allowing $ou to shut o&& the power on $our recei)er. #old up the wallet so the audience can see the an$ ite s still )isible inside as $ou sa$ C $ 1ob is to ta"e the en)elopes' one b$ one' and loo" at which ite was selected. I will then tr$ to use $ specialiJed sense o& insight to correctl$ identi&$ which person chose that ob1ect.C !a"e all &our en)elopes out o& the wallet' gi)e the a i9' and place three o& the bac" inside. 8otice which corner is clipped so $ou now "now which spectator chose the ob1ect inside. !ear o&& the end o& the en)elope and pee" inside. +ince these are $our ob1ects' $ou should be able to identi&$ it instantl$. -ou now begin to a"e so e co ents about the t$pe o& person who would ha)e ade this choice. For e9a ple' CA great choice. *$ sense is that this was selected b$ so eone who loo"s &or )alue in others and in li&e. !he$ are so eone that others trust with their sa&et$ and their secrets. And $ short ti e obser)ing each o& $ou a"es e thin" that this ight be $ou...Ginda. >lease tell us which ob1ect $ou decided uponHC C!he Disa @redit @ardC announces Ginda. C49actl$KC $ou proclai ' as $ou re o)e the Disa @ard &ro hand to than" Ginda as $ou send her bac" to her seat. the en)elope' e9tend $our



Routines & Ideas

8otice that this series o& steps allows $ou to do a CreadingC on an ob1ect that the audience still has not seen' retaining the $ster$. When $ou as" Ginda to na e the ob1ect' $ou are also creating the i pression that i& $ou correctl$ lin"ed the ob1ect to the person' that $our CreadingC had to be accurate as well. At no ti e are $ou in a position where $our are allowing the spectator the opportunit$ to re1ect $our CreadingC or ess around with the all-i portant o ent o& denoue ent. Re o)e two ore o& the re aining en)elopes and do a dual reading o)ing bac" and &orth sa$ing Cthis person is so eone who... while this person is di&&erent because he or she ight...C !he$ na e their ob1ects and $ou re)eal $ou were correct twice again. I& I a using two en and two wo en on stage' I li"e to start with one o& wo en' then the two en together' concluding with the re aining wo an. -ou are now standing on stage with $our &inal spectator' inside $our wallet is the last en)elope' the contents o& which $ou now "now due to a process o& eli ination. While $ou were re o)ing the en)elopes each ti e' &or the i9' replace ent and selections' $ou were also ta"ing a secret )isual in)entor$ o& which ob1ects $ou could see. A&ter $ou ha)e re)ealed the contents o& the &irst three en)elopes' $ou now L8%W the onl$ re aining ob1ect' and $ou "now it is in the en)elope in $our wallet. CI "now -%M selected whate)er is in that last en)elope' but I a not going to open it and loo" inside. I a not e)en going to ta"e the en)elope out o& $ wallet. In &act I a going to "eep the en)elope in $ wallet and "eep the wallet in $ poc"et. +o the onl$ wa$ to "now which ob1ect $ou decided upon is to ta"e out the wallet' ta"e out the en)elope' tear it open and loo" inside. %r' I could lea)e the ob1ect inside the en)elope' lea)e that en)elope inside $ wallet and lea)e $ wallet inside $ poc"et and tr$ to "now what $ou selected b$ loo"ing in here...C as $ou indicate the spectator<s head. >ic" up a piece o& paper and a pen as $ou gi)e the sa e "ind o& reading $ou o&&ered &or the &irst three participants' C*$ sense o& $ou is so eone who loo"s up to strong wo en in $our li&e. -ou are inspired b$ a"ers' doers' care ta"ers and care gi)ers....C #old the paper against $our bod$ so no one can see what $ou ha)e written as $ou as"' CFor the &irst ti e' would $ou please re)eal to all o& us' the one thing $ou "now that no one else "nows' the na e o& the ob1ect $ou thought o&' the ob1ect $ou selected...C CIt was a photograph o& a bab$C replies $our spectator as $ou turn the piece o& paper to re)eal' in large letters CNAN- >#%!%.C -ou send her bac" to her seat with $our than"s and $ou are now standing on a stage &ree o& props and clutter' read$ to proceed with $our ne9t iracle.
:All tele)ision' internet' &il and other recorded per&or ance rights reser)ed;



Routines & Ideas

Dinner Date Peter Nardi

!his e&&ect uses the pee"' the electronic card section and a one ahead to create a ultiple prediction based around a ro antic dinner date. Set Up: Irab $oursel& 3 restaurant business cards. I use one &ro a @hinese restaurant' an Indian restaurant and an Italian restaurant. !hese cards are place in the sensor slots. -ou will also need a &ew o& $our own business cards. he !outine: 49plain to $our spectator that the$ are going to ha)e a i aginar$ dinner date. -ou as" the to thin" o& so eone the$ would li"e to ha)e a date with. #and the a business card and ha)e the write the na e o& the person on the bac". !he card is ta"en bac" sight unseen and placed into the pee" slot. Re o)e 3 business cards doing $our pee" at the sa e ti e. While $ou are placing the card into the wallet a"e re&erence to the 3 business cards. -ou turn $our bac" and ha)e $ou spectator select an$ o& the restaurants and close the wallet. :$ou now "now which restaurant the$ ha)e chosen; -ou are now in the great position o& being 2 ahead. I will either use this &or a 3 wa$ prediction :one ahead routine; &a)ourite restaurant guest. eal' @hosen



Routines & Ideas

Colour Sy bols
Peter Nardi

!o set up. !a"e 3 business cards and on the bac" o& each one $ou write the &ollowing.

"ard #: @ircle- red @ross - $ellow !riangle - green +0uare - blue +tar - Nlac"

"ard $: @ircle- $ellow @ross - green !riangle - blue +0uare - blac" +tar - Red

"ard %: @ircle- green



Routines & Ideas

@ross - blue !riangle - blac" +0uare - red +tar - -ellow -ou will also need 5 atching coloured pens.

I also ha)e a prediction with a red circle' blue triangle & $ellow star !o per&or .... !a"e the pens and la$ the out on the table. #a)e $our spectator re o)e one o& the cards. Ne&ore he loo"s at the card directing hi to pic" up a pen :now depending which card the$ choose $ou will direct the to pic" the pen which will atch $our prediction;. ie. i& the$ choose card 2 sa$ o" be&ore $ou loo" at the card pic" up the blue pen and draw whate)er s$ bol is ar"ed blue. -ou now do this &or the other 3 cards and $ou ha)e a &antastic 3 wa$ prediction.



Routines & Ideas

The Menu
Peter Nardi

!his is

$ &a)ourite routine to do on the hop.

!o set up $ou need 5 business cardsFslips o& paper and a pen.

&n slip one write the following: Iarlic *ushroo s +alad @o&&ee

&n slip two write: >rawn @oc"tail Fillet +tea" Ice @rea

&n slip three write: +oup Roast @hic"en Apple @ru ble



Routines & Ideas

&n your prediction write the following:

My 'erfect Menu Iarlic *ushroo s Fillet +tea" Apple @ru ble

>lace the 3 slips in the 3 poc"ets :the slip with the starter &orce in poc"et 1' &orce course poc"et 2 etc.;


I hand $ spectator a s all pad and e9plain the$ are going to pla$ the part on $ waiter. I put $ &olded prediction down on the table. Which $ bac" is turned I as" $ spec to re o)e an$ o& the slips and as soon as I "now which one has been chosen :lets ta"e the &irst to be chosen is slip 3; I would sa$ whene)er I go to a restaurant I &irst thing I go &or is the pudding. Whiche)er pudding $ou ha)e on that paper I would li"e $ou to i agine eating it. %h that5s per&ect I thin" I5ll ha)e that. #a)e the write the pudding down on the pad. 8ow do the sa e &or the other two courses. !he$ ha)e now chosen a 3 course eal &or $ou. -ou can now either re)eal what the$ chose b$ reading their ind and then re)ealing the prediction or 1ust go straight &or the prediction. .) ha$e also per%ormed this at a Chinese restaurant and ) circled the %orce items on the menu %or the re$eal.



Routines & Ideas

The Wager
Peter Nardi

>ut 3 notes o& ascending )alue in the sensor slots :&or e9a ple I< this routine using a O5' O12 & O22 note; %n the inside o& the &olded O12 note write the wallet.

going to describe

essage $ou will lea)e the O12 in the

-ou will also need to put the &ollowing notes in 1 side on the shogun O5 & O12. #a)e a business card attached to the notes sa$ing so ething li"e $ou will choose these notes. %n the other side o& the shogun put O22 & O12 with a business card stating the sa e as abo)e. %pen the wallet and show the three &olded notes. 49plain that $ou belie)e $ou are good at reading people. In &act $ou are so con&ident that i& $ou get it wrong the$ can "eep the one$. #a)e $our spec ta"e a note out o& the wallet while $our bac" is turned. Iet $our reading and then as" the to re o)e another note. When both notes ha)e been chosen as" &or the to be held in the specs &ists so $ou can<t see then. At this point read their ind and tell the e9actl$ what notes the$ chose. %" this could ha)e been a luc"$ guess. +o now re)eal $our prediction pro)ing $ou "now all along which notes would be chosen.



Routines & Ideas

Personal Posessions
Peter Nardi

!his is a great little i pro ptu routine to per&or

on three people.

+et up 3 cards one with the word "e$s' one with the word cash' and one with the word phone. :$ou can change the ob1ects on the cards; i& I< per&or ing to people I "now I will not use phone or watch and I should "now what watchFphone etc. the$ ha)e an$wa$; While $our bac" is turned ha)e one o& the specs :$ou need to "now which one; re o)e one o& the cards as a receipt and place the corresponding ite on the table. Necause o& the signal $ou will "now what ite he is putting down. Repeat this with the other specs. 8ow be&ore $ou turn round ha)e the ite s i9ed. 8ow turn bac" pic" up one o& the ite s' go in to per&or ance ode and &ind the ob1ects owner. I& $ou "now the na es o& $our participants be&orehand $ou could write three predictions. -ou need to "now who will be the last spectator to ta"e an ob1ect and ha)e his na e written on all the cards with a di&&erent ob1ect. Ie it will be 1ohn<s one$' it will be Pohn<s phone etc. #a)e these cards in di&&erent poc"ets. As soon as $ou "now which ite Pohn chose and be&ore $ou turn round re o)e the correct card &ro $our poc"et. >lace the card on the table and pic" up the &irst ite and get into per&or ance ode.



Routines & Ideas

!n "er Ma#esty$s Secret Service

Peter Nardi

!his is a &un routine $ou can ha)e set up and read$ to go at a drop o& %dd Pobs #at. Setup: !a"e 3 o& $our business cards and on the bac" o& each one $ou are going to write a hit an<s na e' a weapon and a hit location !he ones I use are as &ollows.

"ard #: 8a e. RaJor Weapon. "ni&e #it Gocation. Ital$

"ard $ : 8a e. Nuc"shot Weapon. Iun #it Gocation. Gondon

"ard %: 8a e. Diper


Routines & Ideas

Weapon. >oisoned dart #it Gocation. >aris

-ou will also need to set up a >rediction. -ou should write so ething along these lines. -ou need to tra)el to >aris and intercept the hit an :code na ed RaJor; be&ore he has had a chance to co plete his tas". >lease use e9tre e caution as the weapon o& choice will be a gunK Iood Guc" on $our ission.

This will also work well as a Cluedo presentation !oom* /ictim* 0eapon.



Routines & Ideas

Tele%hone Notes
David &erglas

%ne o& the ost i portant things about using this wallet is a"ing sure it co es across as being totall$ uni portant &or an$ o& the a&&ects $ou will per&or . ?on5t stress &ocus on it or on the contents inside it. I agine $ou ha)e 4 photographs in the wallet. 3 will be in the electronic sections and 1 in a non-electronic slot on the other side o& the wallet. Get us i agine= 1 Q gun 2 Q shoe 3 Q bee 4 Q saw

With the wallet $ou "now ha)e the abilit$ to "now which %R?4R the photographs will be ta"en out o& the wallet and co it these to e or$. A si ple stor$ lin"ing the ob1ects together will allow this' such as a shoe :2; being sawn :4; in hal& and then a bee :3; being shot b$ a gun :1;. -ou could use one spectator to ta"e each photograph out one at a ti e and then as" the to write the on a board &acing the in the order the$ ha)e been ta"en out. -ou then show a pac" o& cards with not less than 12 and not o)er 32 ob1ects F photographs on the . -ou la$ all o& the cards out into 2 rows' and can use the Nerglas agicians5 choice ethods' to get the spectator to pic" the ob1ects that ha)e been selected &ro the wallet in the +A*4 order to which the$ ha)e been ta"en out o& the wallet. !his is e9plained in the *ind and *agic o& ?a)id Nerglas boo"' but essentiall$ $ou are tr$ing to a"e selections see totall$ &air' when $ou are controlling the outco e. >utting the target ob1ects in odd positions &or e9a ple' on one line' allows $ou to eli inate Rchoose one line5 ( o" so we will "eep Fget rid o& that line. @hoose oddFe)en. %" we will use $our choice' the e)en cards. Fro a cle)er use o& the agicians choice' $ou get the correct cards selected in the correct order. !his order then startling is shown to atch the board o& chosen wallet ite s' in the sa e order.



Routines & Ideas

(ohnn Cash
(ohn -rcher

I ha)e to ad it' I was 0uite e9cited about recei)ing the e-Wallet and wasn<t surprised when it arri)ed at what a great 1ob @raig Filicetti and ?arius Siatabari ha)e done with it. !he ain two things I want &ro an$ prop I decide to use is innocence and reliabilit$ and the e-Wallet &its the bill :pun intended; 122T I ha)e had a routine bubbling in $ head &or a while but ne)er had a &itted $ little wish list. 8ow I do. ethod that &ull$

I lo)e the routines where ob1ects are chosen and placed in )arious poc"ets onl$ to be di)ined b$ the audience. it<s a 1o$ to watch And$ 8$ an per&or his <?ead Sone< and a"e it pla$ so big or to watch the &un that Iraha Polle$ gets &ro his +noo"er ball routine. #ope&ull$ this routine will gi)e $ou a lot o& &un and also pla$ big. I wanted to tr$ and ta"e the e&&ect with the e-Wallet past a three choice routine. It relies on a little bit o& dual realit$' actuall$ it<s ore li"e the audience &ill in the blan"s with their own realit$' but lets not argue about that. It is a stageFplat&or e&&ect which sees the per&or er handing his wallet to a spectator' this in itsel& is a o ent &or co ed$ and intrigue. I re&er to the ban"notes in this routine as dollars :U; but ob)iousl$ it can easil$ be translated to pounds :O; or other currencies. Read on and hope&ull$ it will a"e sense. he Effect: As the audience percei)e it. !he agician as"s a spectator to 1oin hi on stage. A&ter a suitable set-up b$ the agician about his accounting s"ills' abilit$ to read a spectator or the power o& crop circles he hands the +pectator his wallet and turns his bac". !he spectator is instructed to re o)e ban"notes &ro the wallet and to place the )arious poc"ets without letting an$one see what happens. in



Routines & Ideas

!he *agician re o)es a &olded prediction &ro an en)elope that has been in &ull )iew throughout the per&or ance and hands it to the spectator to hold. !he agician now tells the spectator e9actl$ what he has done= one$ &ro the

V First he correctl$ states that the spectator didn<t re o)e all o& the wallet. !he spectator con&ir s that he did indeed lea)e so e

one$ in the wallet.

V 8e9t he tells the spectator how an$ notes were ta"en and placed in each poc"et. For e9a ple two U5 bills were placed in the right trouser poc"et. A U12 bill and two U5 bills were placed in the Ge&t trouser poc"et and a U22 and a U12 bill were placed in the 1ac"et poc"et. !he spectator con&ir s each stage. V As a &inale the spectator is as"ed to open up the prediction and show what is written in large letters. It clearl$ reads C-ou will ta"e e9actl$ U/2 &ro $ walletC Method: %b)iousl$ $ou should be holding the the speci&ics. ethod in $our hands but let e run $ou through

-ou are going to use the three trans itting co part ents o& the wallet plus a nontrans itting section too which I will re&er to as <&our< . In co part ent one :which trans its 1; place 2 9 U5 bills. !hese should be &olded together in a bundle. In co part ent two :which trans its 2; place a U12 and 2 9 U5 bills. !hese should also be &olded together in a bundle. In co part ent thee :which trans its 3; place a U22 and a U12 bill.. Again these should be &olded together in a bundle. In co part ent &our :which doesn<t trans it and is on the other side o& the wallet; place 2 9 U22 bills. !hese should also be &olded together in a bundle.



Routines & Ideas

+o= 1 Q U12 total 2 Q U22 total 3 Q U32 total 4 Q U42 total -ou also need a large 4 wa$ en)elope' an$ possibilities out there I use a double ended one with a di)ider in each side. !his should contain the &ollowing 4 separate predictions. C-ou will ta"e e9actl$ U72 &ro C-ou will ta"e e9actl$ U62 &ro C-ou will ta"e e9actl$ U32 &ro C-ou will ta"e e9actl$ U/2 &ro $ walletC $ walletC $ walletC $ walletC

!o per&or a"e sure $ou ha)e the recei)er turned on and in a position where $ou get a clear reading. When $ou gi)e the spectator :lets call hi Alan; $our wallet gi)e hi these instructions. C%" Alan i& $ou open up $ wallet $ou will see lots o& cash in the )arious co part ents o& the wallet. !here are lots o& other things li"e credit cards business cards etc but we are not concerned with the ' 1ust the one$C !#I+ I+ I8!48?4? !% IID4 !#4 AM?I48@4 A8 I*AI4 %F A 8%R*AG WAGG4! RA8?%*G- FIGG4? WI!# @A+# 4!@. CWhat I want $ou to do Alan is to re o)e a portion o& one$ &ro the wallet. ?on<t thin" too hard 1ust ta"e a single bunch o& bills out o& the wallet. ha)e $ou done that AlanHC AIAI8 !#I+ I+ I8!48?4? !% *I+G4A? !#4 AM?I48@4 +GII#!G- I8!% !#I8LI8I A8- A*%M8! %F *%84- @%MG? N4 !AL48 NM! 4WMAGG- L44>+ AGA8 !% R4*%DI8I PM+! %84 NA!@# %F *%84- FR%* A @%*>AR!*48!. %b)iousl$ $ou should new get a reading o& 1'2 3' or no reading eaning 4.

8ow depending on what reading $ou get will depend on which poc"et $ou tell the to place the one$ in. !his eans that $ou ne)er ha)e to re e ber where the$ put the one$ since 1 alwa$s goes in the right trouser poc"et' 2 in the le&t trouser poc"et 3 in the rear trouser poc"et and 4 in the 1ac"etFshirt poc"et.



Routines & Ideas

-ou continue this procedure o& ha)ing a <bunch o& bills< re o)ed twice ore and $ou ha)e the placed in the appropriate poc"ets depending on the signal $ou recei)e :or not;. %b)iousl$ one bunch o& bills re ains in the wallet. Whate)er bunch is re aining $ou can now ta"e out the appropriate Cprediction &ro the en)elope &or the spectator to hold. +o' i& 1 re ains re o)e the U72 prediction' i& 2 re ains the U62 prediction etc... -ou can now tell the poc"ets. e9actl$ how uch the$ ha)e' what deno inations and in what

W#48 -%M FI8AGG- #AD4 !#4 >R4?I@!I%8 %>484? A8? R4A? %M! *AL4 !#4 *%+! %F !#4 !I*4? *I+?IR4@!I%8 >4R#A>+ +A-I8I +%*4!#I8I GIL4= CRe e ber be&ore I started all this I ga)e $ou a prediction to holdHC *A8- %F !#4 AM?I48@4 WIGG !E(R4*4*N4R !#I+ GA!4R A+ IF !#4 >R4?I@!I%8 #A? N448 IID48 A! !#4 D4R- +!AR! %F !#4 R%M!I84. )otes: I "now that so e o& $ou a$ be reluctant to use a <non signal< as part o& the routine' pre&erring to be de&inite that e)er$thing is wor"ing as it should. I can see that this a$ be a worr$ &or $ou' though I ha)e such con&idence in the wor" o& @raig Filicetti that I a happ$ to ta"e what I consider a )er$ s all ris". I& $ou are still concerned then $ou can still per&or the routine using onl$ 3 co part ents and use a bold blu&& a&ter all the one$ has been ta"en b$ sa$ing so ething along the lines o&= CIt<s interesting' I thin" $ou onl$ too" cash &ro cards put $ou o&&C. one side o& $ wallet' a$be the credit

?on<t pla$ this as a 0uestion 1ust a"e it a state ent and the spectator will assu e that he issed seeing an$ cash in the other side o& the wallet' the audience will assu e that it was 1ust a choice he ade that $ou were so ehow aware o&. -ou a$ ha)e realised that the prediction could contain all o& the spectators actions :how uch in each poc"et etc;. I wouldn<t be te pted to include all o& that' as in $ opinion it wea"ens what has gone be&ore. I would suggest that $ou "eep the prediction as a "ic"er purel$ to add a punch$ end to the routine. #a)e &un' Pohn.



Routines & Ideas

David )lass
Routine 1

12 audience mem,ers are needed3. I5 going to turn $ bac" and the &irst thing that I would li"e each o& $ou to do is to ta"e a pen. Get e "now when $ou all ha)e one. %L' now on the table $ou will notice $ wallet. Pa es I5d li"e $ou to ta"e $ wallet and open it. Inside $ou will see 3 business cards. I5d li"e $ou to re o)e 1ust 1 card and then pass the wallet to Iar$. Iar$ I5d now li"e $ou to ta"e a business card out. Finall$' Pohn can $ou please ta"e to last card out o& the wallet and then place the wallet bac" on the table. Right' each o& $ou now ha)e a pen and a business card. What I would li"e each o& $ou to do is to now please write the na e o& so eone that $ou are close to on $our card. It can be a relati)e' &riend' lo)ed one or a$be e)en a wor" colleague but please a"e it so eone $ou can )isualise in $our ind and so eone that $ou ha)e a connection with. >lease let e "now when $ou ha)e all done this. When $ou ha)e &inished please put the pens bac" on the table. Iar$ and Pa es can $ou now please gi)e $our cards to Pohn. Pohn when $ou ha)e all 3 cards I want $ou to e9a ine the please. I want $ou to a"e sure that the cards are all the sa e. 4)en i& the$ were ar"ed there is no wa$ that I could "now who too" which card as $ bac" has been turned the entire ti e. I want $ou to chec" that the in" that ca e &ro thic"ness. I want $ou to who5s. each o& the pens is the sa e colour and

a"e sure that there is no wa$ that I could possibl$ "now who5s card is i9 the up and place all 3

When $ou ha)e &inished chec"ing the can $ou please cards &ace down on the table. #app$H >er&ect.



Routines & Ideas

%L' so we ha)e 3 business cards with 3 na es on the other sides and we ha)e clari&ied that is no wa$ that I could "now who wrote which na e. !o begin with I a going to place one o& these cards &ace down bac" in $ wallet.

8ow' &or the re aining 2 :pic" up one o& the cards;. In a o ent I a going to show each o& $ou the na e on this card. I& this is the person that $ou wrote down I want $ou to )isualise that person clearl$ in $our ind' but don5t sa$ a word. :show the card to each person a couple o& ti es;. Iar$ I belie)e that @hristine is the person $ou ha)e so e connection with ( a I rightH :Iar$ con&ir s $ou are correct;. !han" $ou )er$ uch Iar$. 8ow &or this card here. Pohn and Pa es I a going to show $ou this card in a o ent. When I do so I want $ou to sa$ ,this is the person I "now.. 8ow one o& $ou will be l$ing and the other will be telling the truth. Re e ber' whether this is the person $ou "now or not please sa$ ,this is the person I "now.. Pohn is this the person $ou "nowH :Pohn answers; ,this is the person I "now.. Pa es is this the person $ou "nowH :Pa es answers; ,this is the person I "now.. Pohn' $ou are l$ingK Pa es this is the person $ou "now correctH :Pa es con&ir s $ou are correct;. Fantastic. %L' so that 1ust lea)es $our card Pohn. 8ow I "now the card in $ wallet is $ours but at no ti e ha)e we loo"ed at it. Pohn I want $ou to thin" o& this person. I want $ou to )isualise the in $our ind. !hin" o& their hair' their &ace e)er$thing about the . Iet a )er$ clear i age in $our ind. I now want $ou to i agine $ou are calling out to the . !he$ are &ar awa$ and $ou are shouting their na e. Pohn' I thin" I ha)e it. Is the na e $ou are thin"ing o& Gouise. :Pohn con&ir s $ou are correct;. !han" $ou )er$ Set up: 3 business cards in wallet. !hese are to be ar"ed )er$ dicretel$1' 2 & 3. !he$ are placed into the wallet so that $ou get a 1 signal i& card ar"ed 1 is re o)ed. -ou will get a 2 signal i& card ar"ed 2 is re o)ed and $ou will get a 3 signal i& card ar"ed 3 is re o)ed.



Routines & Ideas

Method= As each card is re o)ed $ou now "now who is holding which ar"ed card. -ou will there&ore "now who has written each na e. It is )er$ i portant that $ou re e ber the order. For the &inal re)elation. -ou place one o& the cards into the wallet and get $our pee". -ou ust also re e ber this na e &or the cli a9 o& the routine.



Routines & Ideas

David )lass
Routine *

+et up= -ou will need 3 bills o& di&&erent deno inations. As I a in the ML we will describe the e&&ect using a O5' O12 & O22. !a"e the O5 and on one side o& the note write C I predict that $ou will ha)e the O5C. %n the O12 note write C I predict that $ou will ha)e the O12C. Finall$' on the O22 write C I predict that $ou will ha)e the O22C. !r$ to use a pen that is easil$ )isible but doesn<t bleed through the notes. 8ow &old each note so that the writing is on the inside and place each o& the wallet. 8ow ta"e a piece o& paper and write the &ollowing on it= ,!he lad$ will be gi)en the O5 note. !he gentle en will be gi)en the O12 note. And I will be le&t holding the O22.. 8ow' &old this piece o& paper' to hide the writing and then place this into the wallet. !outine: ?o we ha)e so eone with a trustworth$ &ace here tonight :&or co ed$ e&&ect loo" around the audience and struggle to &ind so eone;. %" that was a tough decision' sir what5s $our na eH Pohn' $ou loo" trustworth$ would $ou please 1oin e on stage. 4)er$one please gi)e Pohn a huge round o& applause :Pohn now 1oins $ou on stage;. into the



Routines & Ideas

Pohn I was loo"ing &or so eone I could trust because I a a&ter $ wallet :re o)e wallet and gi)e it to Pohn;. Pohn' I a now going to turn $ bac". What I want $ou to do is now open the wallet. Inside $ou will see three bills o& di&&erent )alues - correctH

now going to as" $ou to loo"

Ireat' I now want $ou to re o)e one o& the bills' a"e sure $ou re o)e onl$ one. Get e "now when $ou ha)e one. -ou ha)e oneH I<d now li"e $ou to loo" into the audience and gi)e that bill to a lad$ o& $our choice. Get e "now when $ou ha)e done that. 8ow I would li"e $ou to re o)e another bill ( let e "now when $ou ha)e oneH %" I<d now li"e $ou to gi)e that bill to an$ gentle an o& $our choice. Finall$ Pohn I would li"e $ou to re o)e the last bill and put it in one o& $our poc"ets. @an $ou now put the wallet into another one o& $our poc"ets. :>er&or er now turns bac" to &ace the audience;. %L' let5s recap. Pohn $ou too" three bills. $ wallet while $ bac" was turned and re o)ed the

First o& all $ou ga)e one o& the bills to a lad$ in the audience. @an that lad$ please stand up. *ada $ou are still in possession o& the bill that Pohn ga)e $ou. It is currentl$ &olded in hal&. @an $ou please open it and in a nice' loud clear )oice read what is written on the inside. :the lad$ reads; ,I predict that $ou will ha)e the O5. Wow' e)er$one gi)e Pohn a huge round o& applause. 8ow ne9t $ou ga)e a bill to a gentle an in the audience. @an that gentle an please stand up. +ir $ou are still in possession o& the bill that Pohn ga)e $ou. @an $ou please open it and in a nice' loud clear )oice read what is written on the inside. :the gentle an reads; ,I predict that $ou will ha)e the O12. . A aJingKKK



Routines & Ideas

Finall$ Pohn $ou ha)e the re aining note in $our poc"et. @an $ou please re o)e it and in a nice' loud clear )oice read what is written on the inside. :Pohn reads; ,I predict that $ou will ha)e the O22. 4)er$one' please gi)e Pohn a huge round o& applause. %L' o" $ou don5t loo" )er$ i pressed. Pohn $ou still ha)e $ wallet in another one o& $our poc"ets. @an $ou please re o)e it and open it. Inside $ou will see a letter. @an $ou please re o)e the letter. Pohn let5s recap. ?uring this whole process $ bac" was turned $ou re o)ed three notes &ro $ wallet. -ou then ga)e the to audience e bers o& $our choice and "ept one note &or $oursel&. -ou chose to gi)e the lad$ the O5' the gentle en the O12 and "eep the O22 &or $oursel&. Is that correctH @an $ou please open the letter and read in a nice loud' clear )oice what it sa$s. :Pohn reads letter; !he lad$ will be gi)en the O5 note. !he gentle en will be gi)en the O12 note. And I will be le&t holding the O22. Gadies and gentle en' please gi)e Pohn one last huge round o& applause. 49planation: I don5t reall$ thin" that this needs uch o& an e9planation. As each bill is re o)ed b$ $our helper $ou will recei)e $our reading and "now which bill has been re o)ed. I& the O5 has been re o)ed $ou tell $our helper to gi)e the bill to a lad$. I& the O12 has been re o)ed $ou tell $our helper to gi)e the bill to a gentle an. I& the O22 has been re o)ed $ou tell $our helper to put this bill in their own poc"et. -ou then 1ust pla$ the routine out as abo)e. I& it suits $our st$le $ou could add so e ore co ed$ to the routine. -ou could as" $our helper to gi)e one note to whoe)er the$ &eel is the ost attracti)e in the roo . Another



Routines & Ideas

note could be gi)en to the person the$ belie)e isn5t wearing an$ underwear. %& course $ou will then ga)e change $our letter accordingl$= !he ost attracti)e person here tonight will be holding the O5 . !he naught$ person' wearing no underwear' will be holding the O12. And I will be le&t holding the O22. Also' i& $ou &eel that it would add to the routine' the per&or er could o& course be blind&olded during the whole process. !his routine is o& course based on the brilliant !echnicolor >rediction b$ *artin Gewis. It is a great opener and has lo)el$ built in co ed$ o ents. In this routine abo)e the spectator gets all the credit ( rather than the per&or er' a)oiding the ,loo" how cle)er I a . scenario. !he e9tra co ed$ o ents in the e9planation are based on a &antastic routine b$ Nill Abbott which is in >aul Ro han$5s *ental 4pic @o pendiu boo". I highl$ reco end $ou chec"ing this out. 4n1o$K ?a)id Llass



Routines & Ideas

Ti#e ,or Su# Sho''in!

-n!elo Carbone

Effect: !he agician re o)es a bunch o& paper one$ :bills; &ro his wallet and places the on the table. !he$ are 2 9 O5' 2 9 O12' 1 9 O22' 1 9 O52. A piece o& &olded paper is re o)ed &ro the wallet. %n the paper is a list o& twent$ ob1ects :see below; that can be bought &ro a depart ent store together with the ite 5s price. A business card is also re o)ed &ro the wallet and the spectator is as"ed to thin" o& one o& the ob1ects and to write down how uch it would cost on the bac" o& the business card &or later )eri&ication. !he card is replaced bac" in the wallet sight unseen b$ the agician. !he agician as"s the spectator a &ew ps$chological 0uestions and tries to guess the thought o& ob1ect. #e states that he has co e to an answer and shall co it hi sel& b$ lea)ing the right a ount o& one$ on the table. !he agician pic"s up a couple o& the notes and replaces the bac" in the wallet. #e then pic"s up another note and puts it bac" in the wallet. %n the table is O/5.22. For the &irst ti e the spectator announces what was the thought o& ite the$ wish to purchase. 49ercise weights. !he business card is re o)ed &ro the wallet and turned o)er &or )eri&ication. !he ite 5s price atches e9actl$ how uch has been le&t on the table. Method: Nasicall$' the business card with the a ount on the re)erse is placed &ace down inside the pee" poc"et. A&ter so e ps$chological 0uestioning' the agician pretends he "nows what the thought o& ite is and is read$ to a"e his prediction. !his is ps$chological a good position because apparentl$ the agician "nows what the ite is N4F%R4 he goes an$where near the wallet. In &act he doesn5t and will get the answer as he ad1usts his one$ prediction. !he agician reaches into the tabled pile o& one$ and re o)es


Routines & Ideas

one O5 note and one O12 note and places the bac" into the wallet and as this is done' the business card is pee"ed. !he a ount is now "nown and the agician continues to re o)e notes and replace the bac" in the wallet ( i& needed. I& b$ an$ chance the a ount on the card is O65' then this is a per&ect hit and the choice to re o)e 2 notes was ade be&ore opening the wallet. I& the a ount is lower than O65' then the agician si pl$ goes bac" to the tabled one$ and re o)es so e ore notes to a"e it atch. I& the a ount on the card is ore than O65 then a note or two will need to be re o)ed &ro the wallet and placed bac" on the table and the correct a ount put bac" in. A si ple change o& ind is allowed surel$. !hat5s itK 8ote= I& there is a hidden crib the spectator can write down the shop ite as opposed to its price and b$ pee"ing at the card and "nowing the na e' the agician would "now the price and lea)e that a ount on the table. !his a$ be stronger as what is written on the card is a word' as opposed to a nu ber which is what the prediction is based on. !his creates a little distance between the relationship o& the card to the one$ on the table. +hopping GistFWedding GistFNirthda$ Wish Gist=
1. #eadphones O5 2. Noo" O12 3. ?D? O15 4. >+> Ia eO22 5. !D Aerial O25 6. >ortable Radio O32 7. #air ?r$er O35 8. >+3 Ia e O42 9. >rinter O45 10. Free)iew No9 O52 11. ?D? >la$er O55 42


Routines & Ideas

12. i>od ?oc"O/2 13. 49ercise Weights O/5 14. Wireless Router O32 15. ?inner +er)iceO35 16. !D +tand O62 17. Geather Pac"et O65 18. Narbe0ue O72 19. Iarden Furniture O75 20. >ortable ?D? >la$er O122



Routines & Ideas

Mental Exchan!e
-n!elo Carbone

Effect: !he agician as"s a spectator or potential business client i& the$ would li"e to swap business cards. Noth the spectator and agician re o)e their cards &ro their wallets and are 1ust about to e9change the with each other' howe)er the agician interrupts. !he agician tells the spectator to thin" o& an$ two digit nu ber and to write it down on the bac" o& his own business card. As the agician5s hands are &ull ( a business card in one hand and a wallet in the other' he o entaril$ replaces his card bac" in his wallet and with his &ree hand re o)es a pen &ro his poc"et and hands it to the spectator to use. #e then ta"es the spectator5s business card and without loo"ing at the re)erse places it into his wallet. !he agician then tells the spectator that he should ha)e a go at guessing and that he is thin"ing o& two si ple geo etric shapes ( one inside the other and that he will draw it on one o& his business cards. #e re o)es a card &ro his wallet' rests it on the wallet' ta"es the pen &ro the spectator and draws his two shapes. #e then hands his card to the spectator and tells hi to put it in #I+ wallet without loo"ing at the other side. !he agician recaps both are thin"ing o& so ething and both ha)e not seen each other5s cards. 8ow the spectator tries to guess what the agician5s design a$ be. #e a$ get it spot on. #e a$ be partiall$ right or not at all. #owe)er he is not a agician and a agician5s wor" is not eas$. !he agician now guesses the two digit nu ber and a aJingl$ is 122T spot on. A good ental tric" and both parties ha)e swapped business cards tooK Method: !he agician carries a &ew business cards in the notes section o& the wallet ( right where the pee" esh is. When it co es ti e &or both parties to get out their cards' the agician does so but does not hand it out i ediatel$. !he spectator is told that an e9peri ental ga e is about to start and to thin" o& an$ two digit nu ber and to write


Routines & Ideas

down the nu ber. Ne&ore the$ get a chance to use their own pen' the agician states he has a pen. !he agician replaces his business card bac" in the wallet :notes section; to &ree up his hand to get the pen. When the nu ber has been written on the card' the spectator is told to turn it &ace down and the agician places it &ace down into the pee" poc"et. !he agician then states he wants his spectator to pla$ the ga e tooK !he agician states he is thin"ing o& two shapes and will draw the on his business card. As he re o)es his business card' he pee"s through the esh window to see what nu ber is written. #e i ediatel$ draws a circle inside a triangle and hands it &ace down to the spectator who is told to put it in his own wallet. Wallets placed awa$ and thoughts are then re)ealed. As the well-"nown ps$chological shapes o& a circle inside a triangle ha)e been drawn' there is a chance that the spectator a$ be partiall$ correct. #owe)er the agician will alwa$s be correct. It is i portant the agician states wh$ he is going to go into his wallet be&ore he does so. !his is not to arouse an$ suspicion.



Routines & Ideas

Te %us 'ugit
Angelo Carbone

Effect: !he agician introduces a stac" o& his business cards. #e turns o)er the top card to re)eal the blan" underside. Ii)ing a ar"er pen to a spectator' the spectator is as"ed to write on the card a special ti e in their li&e e.g. the ti e the$ were born or the ti e the$ wa"e up in the orning such as 3.15. !he agician turns his head awa$ as this is being done. !he card is turned &ace down and placed aside &ace down on the table and trapped under a drin"ing glass. 8e9t the agician turns o)er the ne9t card in his stac" and draws a picture o& a pig. -es a pig. !he card is turned &ace down and placed into his wallet. !he agician re o)es a high )alued bill &ro the wallet and places it on the table and then as"s 0ould you like to ,et that ) can tell you the time that you wrote down on that card? !he spectator probabl$ replies No. !he agician then li&ts up the glass' pee"s at the underside o& the card and announces the ti e. ) didn4t say ) wasn4t "o to look at it did )? !he card is replaced bac" under the glass. !he agician sa$s Ok ok5 do you want to see somethin" a ,it ,etter than that? Do you know there is a reason why you wrote down a time and ) drew a picture o% a pi". Do you know what that reason is? 0hat do they ha$e in common? A&ter the spectator guesses the agician sa$s 6li"ht is what they ha$e in common. 7a$e you heard o% the e-pression 8 time %lies and when pi"s %ly? !he agician passes his hand o)er the tabled card and his wallet. #e turns o)er the card on the table and it no longer is the ti e card but the card with the pig on it. #e ne9t opens up his wallet' re o)es the card inside and it is now the card with the spectator5s ti e on it. Noth cards ha)e &lown threw the air and swapped places. Method: !he agician has a stac" o& printed business cards all printed side up. Mnderneath the top card on the blan" side' a picture o& a pig is drawn. It has to be )er$ si ple and crude as it needs to be replicated identicall$ later on. !his pre drawn card is on top o& the


Routines & Ideas

stac". !he agician e9ecutes a double li&t and turns o)er two cards as one re)ealing a blan" bac". !he agician holds the stac" in a dealing grip and as"s the spectator to write down a ti e. !he agician turns his head awa$ as this is done. !he spectator writes while the cards are still in the agician5s hand. %nce the ti e is written' the top two cards are turned o)er as one to hide the ti e &ro )iew. !he agician now turns his head to &ace &orwards again. +ituation is the top card has a pig underneath it and the second card down has a ti e underneath it. !he top card is dealt to the table :printed side up; and a glass is placed on it to pre)ent the spectator turning it o)er. !he spectator assu es the card to be their card. 8e9t the agician e9ecutes another double turno)er and draws a picture o& a pig on the newl$ e9posed blan" side. Noth cards are turned o)er as one and the top card is placed into the pee" poc"et o& the wallet' being care&ul not to &lash the underside. !his card is assu ed to be the pig card when in &act it is the ti e card. !he agician ta"es out a high )alued bill &ro the notes section and gli pses at the ti e through the esh. !he one$ is laid on the table as a bet. When the ti e co es to loo" under the tabled card' the agician pee"s under it and pretends to read the ti e but si pl$ announces the ti e he pee"ed in the wallet. !his con)inces the spectator that their card is +!IGG on the table. All that needs to be done now is to per&or a agical gesture o)er the card and wallet and re)eal the cards ha)e swapped places. Some ips: X8e)er put the card to be pee"ed at in the wallet and i ediatel$ pee" at it at the sa e ti e. !his will be too ob)ious. !r$ to ha)e a ti e gap and co e bac" to the wallet later or re o)e so ething &ro it and then pee" at the card. @ut up either another business card or better still a plastic old credit card or lo$alt$ card. @ut out a large window lea)ing onl$ three edges o& the cards ( two short sides and a long side. !his cut up card is placed into the pee" poc"et lea)ing the long edge po"ing out o& the poc"et slightl$. 8ow the card to be pee"ed is inserted abo)e the cut up card which a$ dis iss an$ ideas that $ou could see behind it. In &act' because o& the large cut out' the pee"ed card can still be seen through the esh. A subtle con)incer &or ore deception.


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