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Portfolio By: Andrew Parry

Andrew Parry

111 W. 7th S. #1310 Rexburg, ID. 83440


Table of Contents
Brochure Logos Imaging Montage Business Card Web Page Event Ad Flier Letterhead

Description: Date:
3/29/14 My brochure is a two fold brochure that meets up in the middle forming into one picture.

Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

Objectives: Process:

Learn to organize a layout correctly Use InDesign to put in photos and other sources

The process took quite awhile. I had to really mark out exactly where the folds had to be in order for the print to meet perfectly where I wanted it to. Using Illustrator I was able to create the logo used on the back of the brochure, while the photos were almost all taken by myself while using photoshop to edit them and give them the look they have. I also used the picture of the family, which was taken from the internet, but was cut and prepared for indesign via photoshop. In Indesign I put all of the pictures together in a collage type manner falling behind the family cut out I made, while using the the pen tool to create the shapes on either end. With those shapes I put a blue circle in the middle to create repetition. I also used a text wrap on my text around those shapes in order to make it look fun and professional. For the photo I used the quick selection tool in Photoshop before choosing refine mask in order to only keep the family and not the rest of the photo.

For these logos I wanted something for my photography that might stick out and be recognizable as mine to other people. I wanted it to be clear that it has to do with photography but remind them who it is that they belong to.


Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin

Adobe Illustrator CS6

Objectives: Process:

Learn how to use illustraor effectivly to create logos

Of all the tools in which I used, the pen tool was perhaps the most frequently used. It allowed me to form my own text for the first logo, and the camera. In the second almost all of it was the pen tool as well and in the third, beside a use of the shapes tool and text, it was entirely formed by means of the pen. I made sure before I even considered working on them in illustrator to sketch out the designs and then on illustrator they came to life.

I took a picture of the avengers Lego men. Of those Lego men I focused on the figurine of Captain America, and patterned the rest of the poster after him. Instead of a star I placed the picture in the middle of Captain Americas shield. I wanted to keep the overall design simple and easy to follow so I wrapped the text around the shield putting a good sense of balance and repetition into the poster.


Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin

Adobe Photoshop CS6


To take images of different styles Learn photoshop Create an ad with photoshop


I began by editing the photo a tad in order for it to look good. Once done I placed it into the project, located in Photoshop. I then used a few tools to create the poster. I created to the circles with the circle tool, and the text I was able to form around the shield using warp text. I was able to get the photo inside the circle using the cover mask tool. I was able to align the circles so that each layer is a half inch in width on the parts that show.

Description: Date:
2/15/14 I wanted to have my son reaching up as though he were grabbing the leaves. By his reaching it shows his innocence and love for life, just as God loves us.

Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin

Adobe Photoshop


Learn to manage Photoshop layers. Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks. Use filters. Apply appropriate typography.


I took the background and masked it before putting the picture of my son in. Once he was in I used the fill and opacity tools to blend him in with the background. I followed the same plan with the other pictures and some filter with the leaves to change their appearance.

Business Card
I wanted this simply to help people think two things, vacuum and Carpet, which goes together quite well. I created the logo with friendly blue and teal colors in order to please the eye of the audience, while letting the B pop out in order give people the urge to know what it stands for, leading them to Barnet Enterprises.


Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin

Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator


Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.


I started with several sketches of the logo and then little by little brought the sketch to life in illustrator. I then transferred my work over to InDesign where I created the business cards using the shapes and pathfinder tools. I also created the stationary, keeping it simple but forming a good fun, stationary design.

Web Page
I wanted my html design to reflect the logo. Pondering on this I decided to make it almost feel like you could simply stick your hand around the logo itself as though it were a cutout. Between the logo and the headings, I felt that this was portrayed quite well..


Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin TextWrangler Adobe Photoshop

Program(s)/Tools: Objectives:

Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page. Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Design a web page using HTML to display a logo and content. Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS. Identify hex colors for web design. Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.


The process was not complicated, simply time consuming. It took going back and forth between CSS and Photoshop to match up the correct colors and then understanding what colors and fonts go to the body and headings.

Event Ad
Description: Date:
2/1/14 This ad is designed to go off the colors of the Seattle Seahawks. The idea being to get people involved knowing it has to do with football.

Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin


Microsoft Word Epson Scanner (PDF converter)


Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design Use text boxes for layout in Word. Insert and edit images in Word.


Using Microsoft word I was able to create this advertisement for a fundraiser. I used various tools including the different shapes tools, which allowed me to do different things with my background. The tool I really learned to use and develop was the color tool. Using the eyedropper helped me develop my color scheme and try different things. My favorite tool, however, became the rearranging tool. It was a lifesaver being able to easily maneuver things from the back and front.

The flyer presented above is an advertisement for a leadership conference that would be taking place on October 21. It is geared towards students graduating and preparing for the real world. I wanted this flyer to look professional and aesthetically pleasing.



Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin

Adobe InDesign


Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography. Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout. Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links intact.


I created this flyer using Adobe InDesign. At first I had no idea what I was doing and the first product looked horrible. Once I started messing around with the program a little I discovered little tid-bits that helped me put together a flyer I could be proud of. Through InDesign I was able to learn about the fade and color tools work and how they can really set up or destroy your design. The line tool, though not difficult to use can actually be very reliable and professional. Deciding the type was perhaps the hardest part. Coming up with a good type that stands out as professional and aesthetically appealing takes time and work. Once chosen the size of the font can be tricky as you want certain words to stand out above the rest but you dont want it to be to overbearing. Last, I have always been horrible with alignment and other tools that portray as such, however, Learning how to use it to its advantage really helps to get parts of the flyer into the position you want them. It gives the flyer class

I wanted this simply to help people think two things, vacuum and Carpet, which goes together quite well. I created the logo with friendly blue and teal colors in order to please the eye of the audience, while letting the B pop out in order give people the urge to know what it stands for, leading them to Barnet Enterprises.


Comm 130 Section 02 Caryn Esplin

Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign


Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Use the basic tools of Illustrator & InDesign.


I started with several sketches of the logo and then little by little brought the sketch to life in illustrator. I then transferred my work over to InDesign where I created the business cards using the shapes and pathfinder tools. I also created the stationary, keeping it simple but forming a good fun, stationary design.

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