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Award winning newspaper
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No. 4872 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

October 26, 2009

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» Teoh’s family wants 2nd post-mortem p6 » MCA’s mountain of two tigers p4 borders

Good vibes pg18

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PAS divided on
working with
Umno: Najib
Bosses held accountable
HUA HIN (Thailand): Prime Minister Datuk
Seri Najib Abdul Razak said the latest develop- by Terence Fernandez Among the observations of this year’s A-G’s “If their ministry or department is men-
ment in PAS showed that the party is divided report which raised eyebrows is Kolej Kema- tioned unfavourably in the A-G’s report, then
on the issue of cooperation with Umno. hiran Tinggi Mara Balik Pulau’s purchase it will affect their overall performance score of
“There are certain quarters who give PETALING JAYA: All ministry secretaries- of two laptops for RM42,320 each, when the the KSU (secretaries-general) or D-G and can
more importance to politics than the interest general and directors-general will be made market price is only between RM5,350 and affect promotions and increments,” he said.
of the ummah,” he told a news conference accountable for the abuses, negligence, mis- RM6,500. “Even if the mistake is done by the despatch
at the end of the 15th Asean Summit here management and excesses conducted by and Ismail said that at times it may be hard to boy, as the heads (of the ministry or depart-
yesterday. within their respective ministries and depart- put the blame of questionable purchases on ment), the buck stops with them and they
“We appreciate those who see Umno as ments. one individual who may claim he was only must be held accountable.”
representing the Malays, as a party which has Director-General of Public Services Tan following orders. He said such actions were taken against
done a lot of good deeds in the struggle of the Sri Ismail Adam said all those implicated in “But if we have enough evidence, he will several officials last year following the 2007
ummah and in taking care of the interests of the 2008 Auditor-General’s Report will be have to pay back the money as he put the A-G’s report, where they ended up being
other races.” penalised. ministry or department at a financial disad- “pulled” or in layman’s terms “cold-storaged”
He said the existence of the two groups Apart from having their careers stalled, vantage,” he said. or passed over for promotion.
manifested in the latest call for an extraordi- those who approved purchases at inflated He said the repayment could be deducted Ismail, however, declined to pinpoint the
nary general meeting (EGM) by PAS spiritual costs will be made to pay the surcharge. from their salaries or from their gratuity or individuals, saying it was sufficient that those
leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat to rid “For example, if the actual cost of the item even pension. in the service knew who they were.
the party of “problematic leaders”. is only RM1 but the ministry paid RM600 for it, Ismail said that since 2008, the A-G’s re- “But the public must also know that we are
Najib said one group in PAS rejected any then the individual who approved it will have port had become part of the criterion of Key not sitting idly by when reports of mismanage-
form of cooperation with Umno although it to repay the ministry or Treasury RM599,” Performance Index (KPI) for all 38 secretaries- ment of public money are exposed,” he said,
was for the interest of Malay and Muslim Ismail told theSun. general and their directors-general. adding that just like last year, anti-corruption
unity. investigators will be brought in to probe all
Another group of leaders, who were will- SAIFUL HIZAM MANSOR/THESUN
ministries and departments implicated in the
ing to find ways to enhance unity among 2008 A-G’s report.
the ummah, were more inclined towards He also said none of them had been or
cooperating with Umno. would be transferred as has been the public
“What type of cooperation is not defined perception.
but they don’t want to see disunity,” he said. “We keep them there and rehabilitate them
Asked whether Umno would discuss if we can, otherwise you are only transplanting
with PAS, Najib said it would be difficult to the problem,” he said.
do so as long as there was no consensus in The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis-
the party. sion (MACC) said in a statement that, as a mat-
“Let’s wait and see the development in ter of course, they go through the A-G’s report
PAS,” he said, adding that any discussion thoroughly to identify elements of corruption,
would not be fruitful if it only involved certain misappropriation or abuse of power in the
leaders and not the party as a whole. management of public funds, and appropriate
On the “greater unity plan” announced by action is taken against those responsible.
MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to
resolve the crisis in MCA, Najib said he had
advised the top leaders of the party to find a
solution to the crisis as soon as possible. Royal bathing ceremony
“It looks like they accepted the solution
based on the two groups working together
as a team because there is no single group
T HE Datuk Seri Amar di-Raja presents Negri
Sembilan Yang di-Pertuan Besar Tuanku
Muhriz Tuanku Munawir and his consort the “air
which obtained a majority or 50% of the bedak limau” (powdered lime water) for the bath
support based on the EGM results,” he yesterday. Steeped in the state’s royal tradition,
said. it is the most significant ceremonial proceeding
“Like it or not, they should accept the before the installation of Tuanku Muhriz as the
fact.” 11th ruler of Negri Sembilan today.
He said that only through working as a
team could both leaders represent the whole » Full report Page 2
in MCA. – Bernama

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