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4 theSun | MONDAY OCTOBER 26 2009

news without borders

Liow in limbo
KUALA LUMPUR: While Datuk Seri Liow Tiong
Lai’s appointment as MCA deputy president by
the party’s central committee (CC) had placed him
as the next in line to take over the presidency, his
Ka Chuan: CC blessings most vital party did not want outside interference, a Ka Chuan stressed that it was not his inten-
stand he shared and supported. tion to stand in the way of the greater unity
political future is now uncertain.
The health minister is labelled as the leader Press Digest “The proper way (to greater party unity) plan but he hoped to be remembered to have
of 22 CC members who signed a letter demand- by Kong See Hoh should have been to first call a CC meeting, or stood up to say what needed to be spoken up
ing that Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat step down as even an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) in a challenging time for the party.
president in the Oct 15 CC meeting following the if necessary, to seek the approval of the party’s “I do not want the future generations to
Oct 10 extraordinary general meeting (EGM). FORMER MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri highest decision-making body, before briefing regard this generation of party members as
Liow’s clarification that the letter was only to Ong Ka Chuan says it is unfair to both the party prime minister and Barisan Nasional chair- ignorant and not having stood up to uphold
express their opinion, and not to topple Ong, is and Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak for party man Najib. This is to protect and uphold the the dignity and image of the party,” he said.
unconvincing. The greater unity plan brokered by president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat to seek the party’s dignity,” he said. He said both Tee Keat and Soi Lek should
Ong and former deputy president Datuk Seri Dr prime minister’s blessings before announcing Ka Chuan felt that all Najib wanted to see be bold enough to fulfil their political integrity
Chua Soi Lek has not only dashed Liow’s dream the “greater unity plan”, giving the impression was a united MCA and a unity plan achieved and uphold moral uprightness, and pointed out
to helm the party, his political future is now un- that Najib is intervening in the party’s affairs. through internal channels based on sincerity that the split and chaos in MCA was caused by
certain. Ong is said to have planned the political He said the unity plan, which saw Tee Keat and setting aside personal gain or loss would the personal conflicts of two leaders.
manoeuvre as Liow was seen as “betraying a and former deputy president Datuk Seri Dr also receive the prime minister’s blessings. Ka Chuan said after having agreed to hold
friend” for his alleged attempt to take over the Chua Soi Lek agreeing to work as a team, was He also said the wishes of the central the EGM and declared that they would abide
party leadership. irrational and it had yet to receive the blessings delegates in the recent EGM should not have by the decisions made, they should fulfil their
CC member Datuk Ti Lian Ker did not mince and support of the central committee (CC), the been taken lightly. moral obligations and uphold integrity. They
his words in his criticism of Liow. Naming him as Chinese press reported yesterday. He felt that the delegates’ decisions should have a duty to bring unity and stability back
the leader of the “third force” in the party, he said “No blessings are more important than the have been abided by, or at least the party cen- to MCA.
Liow was now being perceived as an “evil man”. blessings of the CC,” Ka Chuan said in a state- tral should have give acceptable reasons as to He said it was every member’s wish to see
While the detail of the greater unity plan is ment on Saturday. why the decisions taken in the EGM could not an end to the infighting and the party united
not immediately known, it is learnt that it will be He said Tee Keat has often stressed the be implemented. again.
similar to the MCA peace plan that ended the
infamous “Team A-Team B fight” in 2003, with
supporters of both factions being given key party
positions, including in the CC and state liaison line-
Smear campaigns must stop, says Tiong Lai
ups. If this happens, it would greatly undermine KUALA LUMPUR: MCA deputy president Datuk smear campaigns. If they want the unity plan to Although he did not go into the details of the
Liow’s faction, which may see some, particularly Seri Liow Tiong Lai says there appears to be no work, then they must stop doing this.” he said. report, it is believed he was referring to Datuk Ti
appointed CC members, losing their positions. end to smear campaigns and bad-mouthing Asked who was behind the smear cam- Lian Ker’s allegation of a third force within the
According to Ti, who played an integral role in despite feuding members agreeing to bury the paigns, Liow did not name anyone except to say party which rejected MCA president Datuk Seri
bringing Ong and Chua together, the situation is hatchet to resolve the leadership crisis for the that there was a report in a newspaper on Ong Tee Keat and his former deputy Datuk Seri
more complicated for Liow now as supporters of sake of the party. Saturday of a MCA central committee member Choi Soi Lek in the extraordinary general meeting
both leaders no longer trust him. – Bernama “There are quarters still going on with their levelling accusations. on Oct 10.

MCA’s mountain of two tigers

analysis by Ng Kee Seng Whether the Ong-Chua alliance was brokered cious time. The battle to uphold justice, transpar- by someone or genuinely worked out by both ency and accountability must continue unabated.
leaders is now secondary. I personally will soldier on with the earlier relent-
IN politics, sometimes principles have to be They must display sincerity in wanting to sta- less efforts to get to the bottom of the Port Klang
temporarily set aside, not chucked away, for the bilise MCA for its political survival and the general Free Zone (PKFZ) debacle. In fact, more resources
greater interest of members and the party. interest of the Chinese community. At least, the can now be focused on fulfilling public expecta-
The reality of politics is the existence of com- EGM and the subsequent developments in the tions on this issue.
rades who only work for their own selfish interest. party have been an eye opener for both Ong and “Yesterday (Thursday) marked the beginning of
And when there are too many of them, principles Chua. MCA’s overdue integration process. This is one of
have to be set aside in a political battlefield. It is also a blessing in disguise for them – for the unfinished jobs that I mentioned earlier. This
Both MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat they should now have an idea who their true is one of the processes and that we need to put
and his former deputy Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek friends are. They will find themselves losing more in our full commitment to make it work.
are similarly strong principled characters. Both will should they renege in their declaration to jointly “Towards this end, both Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi
call a spade a spade, and that’s where strength work for the party and community. Lek and I have agreed to set aside our differences
becomes weakness when exploited by traitors. After Thursday’s Ong-Chua press conference and work towards a common goal. Our top prior-
They have realised that they were betrayed in in the party headquarters, the medical doctor- ity now is to win back support for MCA in time for
the 10/10 EGM, especially by opportunists who turned-politician Chua was quoted as saying: “At the next general election.
call themselves friends or allies but when it comes some point, infighting must come to an end or “I am also confident that Datuk Seri Liow Tiong
to the crunch, they flee. politicians would risk losing public support and Lai and other central committee members will
The opportunistic factions in MCA quietly their party would become irrelevant. close ranks and see the rationale behind the need
convinced their hardcore supporters, including “For the greater good of the party, we have for an inclusive MCA.”
those the Chinese popularly describe as “ren shi no choice. My view is that he (Ong) has half the MCA members and the public will now ob-
ni, gui ye shi ni” (literally translated as “human is support and I have half the support. So for the serve and judge both leaders’ sincerity in words
you, devil is also you”), to seize the EGM situation sake of the party, we have to work together.” and actions. The challenge now for Ong and Chua
and tilt the scales on Ong and Chua so as to pave Ong’s immediate task is not only to work with is to debunk the Chinese idiom “yi shan bu nen
the way for “friends” to ascend. Chua but also to resolve his current woes and cang er hu” (two tigers cannot stay on the same
Now the traitors are caught off-guard and position which he had described as “zhon pan qin mountain).
are having sleepless nights instead. They had li” (being deserted in a mutiny). For now, the bruised tigers have no other
dismissed any possibility of Ong, 52, and Chua, 62, Ong wrote in his blog on Friday: “We in MCA, choice but to bury their differences to make their
joining forces after a year of intense bickering. myself included, have unfinished business. More joint-effort work because they cannot afford
They are now in a position which another effort needs to be put in to win back public support another “battle” which will spell their political
Chinese idiom accurately describes – “hu li wei for MCA in time for the next general election. demise. For the turncoats will then return with
ba lu chu lai le” (the fox’s tail is showing). “MCA cannot afford to lose much more pre- greater force and vengeance.

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