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8 theSun | MONDAY OCTOBER 26 2009

news without borders

Female journalist to be
flogged over TV show
RIYADH: A Saudi female “It’s a punishment for all after Saudi airline sales
journalist said on Saturday journalists through me,” said clerk Mazen Abdul Jawad
that a court has ordered her to Yami by telephone. was convicted of offensive
receive 60 lashes for working “They just said the chan- behaviour and sentenced to
at a television network that nel was illegal. But the Saudi five years in jail and 1,000
aired the sexual confessions minister of information him- lashes on Oct 7 for his ap-
of a man. self appeared on LBC a couple pearance on the LBC show
Rozana al-Yami said a of weeks ago,” she said. Bold Red Line, in which he
judge in the Red Sea town of Saudi judges base their talked about picking up girls
Jeddah dropped all charges rulings on strict Islamic and having sex with them.
that she had been directly syariah law, but it was not Three friends who ap-
involved with the episode of a immediately clear how the peared on the show with him
programme on LBC, a Saudi- judge in this case reached were given two-year terms
owned Lebanese network, in the verdict. and 300 lashes each, while a
July. Yami, 22, until recently cameraman who helped film
However, Yami said the a reporter for the Arabic the episode was sentenced to
judge sentenced her to 60 women’s magazine Roaa, two months in jail.
lashes for having been a said she did not know when Abdul Jawad’s lawyer Su-
part-time employee for LBC’s her sentence would be car- laiman al-Jimaie expressed
Saudi operations. The judge ried out. She does not plan an shock at Yami’s sentence
mentioned LBC had lacked appeal, saying she feared she because she had nothing to
the appropriate operating could end up with a harsher do with him or the episode of
licence, she said without sentence. the programme he appeared
elaborating. Her sentencing comes in. – AFP

that El Nino will soon dominate East African

weather and possibly unleash disastrous
Week Ending Oct 23
flooding across a region where millions of
people are still going hungry.

Still evolving Euro fireball

HUMANS are continuing to evolve despite advanc- THE twilight sky in parts of northern Europe was
es in medicine that some believed were sheltering illuminated for a few brief seconds on Oct 13 by
the species from the forces of natural selection, an exploding fireball. The disintegrating meteor
according to a new study. Research sponsored created a sonic boom followed by low rumbles
by the National Evolutionary Synthesis Centre in that rattled windows across the region. Amateur
Durham, North Carolina, examined data taken photographer Robert Mikaelyan had the presence
during a 60-year study of more than 2,000 North of mind to capture a few remarkable images of the
American women. They analysed traits important meteor as it broke into pieces.
to human health and the effects these traits had on
their children over the participants’ life spans. Writ- South Seas rumblings
ing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of GEOLOGISTS in the South Pacific island na-
Sciences, the team says it was able to estimate tion of Vanuatu raised the alert status for the
the strength of those traits in natural selection, and volcano on Gaua due to a surge in activity over
predict how each might evolve in the future. the past two weeks. Some living near Mount
Garat report ash has been falling on their crops
Disaster shift and the smell of sulfur is strong in the air. Gaua
THE Kenyan Meteorological Society an- residents have been warned that rivers flow-
nounced that the season of “short rains” has ing down the flanks of the volcano that there
arrived, finally ending a protracted drought. is a potential for mudslides. – Universal Press
But the country’s chief meteorologist warned Syndicate

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