Ola Template

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Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name

Operating Level Agreement (OLA) Template

About this template
This template provides a consistent format for all Operating Level Agreements (OLAs) between internal units of ITS. It addresses responsibilities and procedures for these internal units, whose purpose is to provide IT services and support to the !S! communit". The ob#ective of the OLA is to present a clear, concise and measurable description of the service provided. The OLA template is maintained b" IT Services. If "ou have suggested changes to the template, please contact IT Services.

How to use this template

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Template rev. 7/7/11

2205652 1.!oc

Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name

Operational Level A reement !OLA" #$ %TS Servi&e 'roviders For 1Servi&e name2
Effe&tive Date(

Do&)ment Owner(
Version Version Date evision ! Description Author

Approval Approver +Ls S3T Title Approval Date

A reement Termination Approver +Ls S3T Title Termination Date

Ot*er A reement +ef.(

ITS and !ampus OLA

Template rev. 7/7/11

Last Update: <<date>>

Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name Table of Contents Operating Level Agreement (OLA) Template"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""# Operational Level Agreement (OLA)4 Service 5ame...............................................................................................% Operational Level Agreement (OLA)4 Service 5ame...............................................................................................* # $eneral Overview"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" % & 'ervice and (harges"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" % &.% Scope.....................................................................................................................................................................* &.& !harges (if applicable)..........................................................................................................................................* &.( Service +ependencies and nderpinning !ontracts.............................................................................................* &.* Assumptions..........................................................................................................................................................* ) *arties esponsible"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" % % 'ervice *rovider e+uirements ( oles and esponsibilities)"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", , -ncident and 'ervice e+uest *rocessing"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" . 6.% Service .e7uests...................................................................................................................................................8 9or$ .e7uests (if applicable):Standard Service .e7uests.....................................................................................8 5on,standard Service .e7uests:Ad,hoc 9or$ .e7uests........................................................................................8 6.& Service !hange .e7uest........................................................................................................................................8 6.( Incident 3anagement............................................................................................................................................8 5ormal Incident /rocessing....................................................................................................................................8 3a#or Incident ;andling.........................................................................................................................................< 6.* /roblem 3anagement...........................................................................................................................................< 6.6 Service 3aintenance:!hange 3anagement..........................................................................................................< 6.8 Service )'ceptions................................................................................................................................................= . eporting""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /

Template rev. 7/7/11

Last Update: <<date>>

Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name

$eneral Overview
This document represents an Operational Level Agreement (>OLA?) between the service providers to document the wor$ing relationships and response times for supporting 1service name from service catalog or elsewhere2. This OLA shall remain valid until revised or terminated. The p)rpose of this Operational Level Agreement (>OLA? or >Agreement?) is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent service support and deliver" b" the Service /rovider(s). The oal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for service provision between ITS units. The ob,e&tives of this Agreement are to4 /rovide clear reference to service ownership, accountabilit", roles and:or responsibilities. 3atch perceptions of e'pected service provision with actual service support @ deliver".


'ervice and (harges

&"# &"& &") 'cope Place the technical description of the service here. (harges (if applicable) 'ervice Dependencies and 0nderpinning (ontracts These services are necessar" elements of the service_name service to function as documented. )ach of these services has an OLA. (If an OLA e'ists, a lin$ will be provided. If an OLA does not e'ist, the units listed are "our primar" units for contacting). Additionally, describe the dependency as best as possible. 5etwor$ (5TS) A Network available for service_name during specified hours of operation -ac$ups (!ore Tech) +ata !enter ;osting (!ore Tech) Bendor support (Name, if any) Add other dependent services or underpinning contracts Assumptions The bullets below are generic. Add assumptions specific to the service. Service_name is clearl" documented in the service catalog. This document represents the current configuration to support the Service_name service. !hanges to the service_name service are handled as pro#ects, which is outside the scope of this document. Cunding for ma#or upgrades:updates will be negotiated on a service,b",service basis.


*arties esponsible
ist all relevant contact persons. The following Service /rovider(s) are associated with this OLA4 Servi&e 'rovider !Service provider "# !Service provider (# Title - +ole !Title $ %ole# !Title $ %ole# Conta&t %nformation. !&ontact 'nformation# !&ontact 'nformation#

D5OT)4 Availabilit" is defined in Section *, ;ours of !overage, .esponse Time @ )scalations. /hone numbers are not to be used during off,wor$ing hours unless specified in this section.
Template rev. 7/7/11
Last Update: <<date>>

Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name

'ervice *rovider

e+uirements ( oles and esponsibilities)

.esponsibilities and:or re7uirements for all service providers in support of this Agreement include4 3eet response times associated with the priorit" assigned to incidents and service re7uests. Train re7uired staff on appropriate service support tools (cite e)amples for this service* se the Outage 5otification /rocess to notif" !ustomers for all scheduled maintenance via the 3aintenance !alendar, Service !atalog web page and:or a communication to campus via the !ommunication Specialist. /articipate in all service support activities including incident, problem, change, release and configuration management. 3eet SLA metrics as stated in the service_name SLA located Service S A_link Additional re+uirements identified during technical or functional re+uirements gathering, e.g., as part of 'TS, -esign %eview .oard /-%.* process /http0$$its.ucsc.edu$ea$drb$ and https0$$collab.ucsc.edu$its1group1spaces$design1review1board$templates1design1materials*. Service Provider " agrees to provide4 Service Provider ( agrees to provide4 Applications and Project Management (APM) agrees to provide Non1Network Server 2ardware support and configuration, and act as a liaison to the Server 2ardware 3endor/s* for problem reports and incident handling, 45&4PT for the Servers which are hosted in the 36 infrastructure. Non1Network Server 7perating System support and configuration, and act as a liaison to the Server 7perating System 3endor/s* for problem reports and incident handling. Non1Network Server Application Software support and configuration, and act as a liaison to the Server Application Software 3endor/s* for problem reports and incident handling. Provide e)pertise to handle user support cases that the Support &enter needs to escalate to Productivity Tools. Act as liaison to Purchasing to set up support contacts for hardware and software. Support Center agrees to provide 3erification of client eligibility -iagnosis and investigation of problems, incidents and re+uests for information regarding the &ru86ail included using and configuring filters /rules*, spam scanning, client software and the webmail client 9riting end1user documentation, technical descriptions, work1arounds, and support documentation for its technicians &lient software testing and recommendations Account provisioning and testing &oordinates ma:or incident handling. Data Center Operations agrees to provide off1hours support that includes 6aintain and enforce secure physical access to -ata &enter facilities 6onitoring of hardware, software, services and environments 4scalate detected problems$events /via monitoring or physical inspection* to the appropriate parties per procedures established within 'TS and$or procedures established with stakeholders Serve as initiation$coordination point for ma:or incidents Perform and manage system backups Perform and manage manual processing or operational tasks for stakeholders

Template rev. 7/7/11

Last Update: <<date>>

Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name IT Service Manager is responsible and accountable for the full lifecycle and the performance of &ru86ail including -esign and develop robust 'T services to meet client re+uirements %eview, analy8e and make recommendations on improvement opportunities in each lifecycle phase -evelop and maintain the service catalog 6onitor service performance and providing regular reports %etire services

-ncident and 'ervice


e+uest *rocessing

This section validates the supported processes to manage service delivery. 4)ceptions are also documented. 'ervice e+uests Work Requests (if applicable)/Standard Service Requests 9ork re+uests as defined by 6edia Services or Telco. -escribe service re+uests related to this service. 4)amples of this could be application upgrades, 7S patches, architecture changes, consultation about use of the service, setting up mail lists, etc. Non-standard Service Requests/Ad-hoc Work Requests -escribe one1time or limited1time work not documented in the service catalog. 4)amples of this include set up of a 9AP in a classroom for a +uarter, de1install there after. 7r restore email for the &hancellor but not for a student. The point of this is to inform 'TS staff of what kinds of one1offs service providers can provide in order to help set client e)pectations. -escribe how each non1standard service re+uest or ad1hoc work re+uest is to be processed so that it gets evaluated by the most appropriate staff member or service team. ,"& 'ervice (hange e+uest Service !hange .e7uests can be sent to the Service Service 3anager. The service team will review the re7uest to understand the need and shepherd it through the appropriate channel. -ncident 1anagement Normal Incident rocessin! As this te)t becomes standard, please refer to the escalation procedures located in the 'nternal Service &atalog for greater detail on how incidents and service re+uests are processed and escalated. Service /roviders supporting this service will prioritiEe incoming service incidents as low, medium or high priorit" unless the service incident fits one or more of the criteria listed below. Service /roviders supporting this service will prioritiEe incoming incident re7uests as an urgent incident if it meets an" one of the following criteria4 Significant number of people affected. o OrganiEational structure is a multiplier for number of people affected. Ie Significant impact on principal officerFs abilit" to conduct universit" business /ercentage of total tas$s that can no longer be performed b" individuals. Academic and Administrative !alendar deadlines. Significant impact on the deliver" of instruction. Significant or lasting impact on student academic performance. Significant ris$ to law, rule, or polic" compliance.


9hen an IT .e7uest tic$et is opened for a customer

Template rev. 7/7/11
Last Update: <<date>>

Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name The Support !enter will respond to the customer and process all new IT .e7uest tic$ets within = business hours. Cor low priorit" incidents, Service /roviders agree to status the Support !enter b" updating the technote in the tic$et ever" negotiate$add the time interval. Cor medium priorit" incidents, Service /roviders agree to status the Support !enter b" updating the technote in the tic$et ever" negotiate$add the time interval. Cor high priorit" incidents, Service /roviders agree to status the Support !enter b" updating the technote in the tic$et ever" = hours until resolved. Cor urgent priorit" incidents, Service /roviders agree to status the Support !enter b" updating the technote in the tic$et ever" & hours until resolved. Ho)rs of Operation
Add HoO Add HoO

Servi&e 'rovider Service provider " Service provider (

"a#or Incident $andlin! 4valuate if your service has any 6' situations. 'f so, complete this section. 7therwise state as such and delete the standard te)t. nder these circumstances, begin 3a#or Incident ;andling4 &ircumstance " &ircumstance (

/%H Team Tech Lead 3a#or Incident !oordinator A ='6 3a#or Incident !oordinator A After ;ours S! Sub#ect 3atter )'pert /30 !omm

Conta&t %nformation Add name and phone )'alted .uler in S! G,'''' Ops G,'''' Add name and phone !ommunication Specialist or sc.updateHucsc.edu

#a&0 )p Conta&t %nformation

Additional information regarding the roles, responsibilities, and process flows of the 3a#or Incident ;andling process is located ;;here<<. ,"% *roblem 1anagement This section is a placeholder for the problem management process. 'f your service has a way of dealing with problems /root cause as opposed to incidents*, note it here. 'ervice 1aintenance!(hange 1anagement All services and:or related components re7uire regularl" scheduled maintenance (>3aintenance 9indow?) in order to meet established service levels. These activities will render s"stems and:or applications unavailable for normal user interaction for the following locations and timeframes4 fill in times Time #e in End S)nda$ /onda$ T)esda$ 1ednesda$ T*)rsda$ Frida$ Sat)rda$


Template rev. 7/7/11

Last Update: <<date>>

Operational Level Agreement (OLA): Service Name Service /roviders for this service follow the !hange 5otification /rocess. This is documented http0$$name. 7ptional0 Service /roviders for this service adhere to a >no change? rule during the following academic calendar4 The wee$ prior to and of finals The first wee$ of the 7uarter &ite other no change e)amples this service adheres to !hanges that the !hange 3anager and:or !hange Advisor" -oard and the service_name Service Team have approved based on fre7uenc" and ris$ are called pre,approved changes. /re,approved changes decided upon for service_name are4 ink to internal service catalog page ,". 'ervice 23ceptions An" deviations from current policies, processes and standards are noted b" the following Service )'ceptions4 /'nsert special e)ceptions related to coverage times and dates= typically the first item is the only item in the list* E2&eption >niversity 2olidays ?iscal @ear &lose 'arameters N$A ast business day in 6ay Covera e No coverage Additional coverage, A0BB a.m. to C0BB p.m. >.S. 4astern time

This Agreement is valid from date. The Agreement should be reviewed at a minimum once per fiscal "earI however, in lieu of a review during an" period specified, the current Agreement will remain in effect. IT Services is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. !ontents of this document ma" be amended as re7uired, provided mutual agreement is obtained from the primar" sta$eholders and communicated to all affected parties. IT Services will incorporate all subse7uent revisions and obtain mutual agreements : approvals as re7uired. 3etrics monitored internall" for this service are listed through out Section 6. .eporting on these metrics will ta$e place /daily, monthly, +uarterly) and made accessible on the internal service web page. This Agreement will be posted to the following location and will be made accessible to all sta$eholders4 Do&)ment Lo&ation( Internal Service !atalog A Service_name service page

Template rev. 7/7/11

Last Update: <<date>>

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