Annex Xi: (Stipulations in Exemption of Sections 356C (2), 356E and 356F of M.S. Act)

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To the Notification (Stipulations in exemption of Sections 356C(2), 356E and 356F of M.S. Act)

Prevention of Pollution
1. For the purpose of prevention of pollution of sea by oil: 1.1. Every Type 3 & 4 River-Sea Vessel of 400 GT and above shall be provided with a holdin tan! of s"ffi#ient #apa#ity$ for oily bil e water. The oily bil e enerated in the %a#hinery spa#es shall be #olle#ted in the holdin tan! and periodi#ally dis#har ed to shore re#eption fa#ilities. S"itable per%anent arran e%ent with a standard dis#har e #onne#tion is to be provided for this p"rpose. The %ini%"% #apa#ity of afore%entioned holdin tan! shall be 1 %3. 1.&. Every Type 1 & & River-Sea Vessel 'irrespe#tive of si(e) and every Type 3 & 4 River-Sea Vessel below 400 GT$ shall be provided with s"itable fi*ed or portable holdin tan!'s) with #o%patible p"%pin arran e%ent for dis#har in to shore re#eption fa#ilities. 1.3. Standard +is#har e ,onne#tion - To enable pipes of re#eption fa#ilities to be #onne#ted with the ship-s dis#har e pipeline for resid"es fro% %a#hinery bil es and fro% the holdin tan!$ as spe#ified in #la"se 1.1 above$ both lines shall be fitted with a standard dis#har e #onne#tion in a##ordan#e with the followin table$ na%ely.Standard di%ensions of flan es for dis#har e #onne#tions . +es#ription /"tside dia%eter 1nner dia%eter 3olt #ir#le dia%eter Slots in flan e +i%ension &10 %% 2##ordin to pipe o"tside dia%eter 143 %% 5 holes && %% in dia%eter e6"idistantly pla#ed on a bolt #ir#le of the above dia%eter$ slotted to the flan e periphery. 7lan e thi#!ness 3olts and n"ts. The slot width to be && %% &0 %% 5$ ea#h of &0 %% in dia%eter and of

6"antity$ dia%eter s"itable len th The flan e shall be desi ned to a##ept pipes "p to a %a*i%"% internal dia%eter of 1&0 %% and shall be of steel or other e6"ivalent %aterial havin a flat fa#e. This flan e$ to ether with a press"re of 5 !8a. as!et of oil-proof %aterial$ shall be s"itable for a servi#e

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2. For the purpose of prevention of pollution of sea by sewa e: &.1 Every Type 3 & 4 River-Sea Vessel of 400 GT and above and Type 3 & 4 Vessels of less than 400 GT whi#h are #ertified to #arry %ore than 10 persons shall be e6"ipped with one of the followin sewa e syste%s$ na%ely.'i) a sewa e treat%ent plant$ of the type approved by the ,entral Govern%ent$ after ta!in into #onsideration the standards and test %ethods and disinfe#tin syste%$ approved by the ,entral developed by the 1nternational 9ariti%e /r ani(ation: or 'ii) a sewa e #o%%in"tin Govern%ent$ provided that s"#h syste% shall be fitted with s"#h fa#ilities for te%porary stora e of sewa e when the ship is less than three na"ti#al %iles fro% the nearest land: or 'iii) a holdin tan! of s"#h #apa#ity as %ay be spe#ified by the ,entral re ard to the Govern%ent$ for the retention of all sewa e$ havin The %ini%"% si(e of the holdin for%"la.9ini%"% #apa#ity of the holdin tan! ; 50 <trs * =o. of persons * 1 day 8rovided that s"#h holdin tan! shall be #onstr"#ted in s"#h a %anner as %ay be spe#ified by the ,entral Govern%ent and shall have %eans to indi#ate vis"ally the a%o"nt of its #ontents. &.& Every Type 1 & & River-Sea vessel irrespe#tive of si(e$ when vessel inside the brea! waters of port$ all toilets shall re6"ired to be lo#!ed and lo entry be %ade in ships offi#ial lo boo!. 2ll ships #rew shall "se shore toilets d"rin the said period. 2lternatively$ these vessels %ay be provided with arran e%ents as pres#ribed "nder para &.1 of this 2nne*. &.3 Standard dis#har e #onne#tion for Type 3 & 4 River-Sea Vessel of 400 GT and above and Type 3 & 4 Vessels of less than 400 GT whi#h are #ertified to #arry %ore than 10 persons > To enable pipes of re#eption fa#ilities to be #onne#ted with the ship-s dis#har e pipeline$ the line shall be fitted with a standard dis#har e #onne#tion$ in a##ordan#e with the followin table$ na%ely.Standard di%ensions of flan es for dis#har e #onne#tions.. !escription /"tside dia%eter 1nner dia%eter 3olt #ir#le dia%eter Slots in flan e !i"ension &10 %% 2##ordin to pipe o"tside dia%eter 1?0 %% 4 holes 14 %% in dia%eter$ e6"idistantly pla#ed on a bolt #ir#le of the above

operation of the ship$ n"%ber of persons on board and relevant fa#tors. tan! %ay be obtained by followin

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dia%eter$ slotted to the flan e periphery with the slot width of 14 %% 7lan e thi#!ness 15 %% 3olts and n"ts. 6"antity and 4$ ea#h of 15 %% in dia%eter and of dia%eter s"itable len th The flan e shall be desi ned to a##ept pipes "p to a %a*i%"% internal dia%eter of 100 %% and shall be of steel or other e6"ivalent %aterial havin a flat fa#e and this flan e$ to ether with a s"itable as!et$ shall be s"itable for a servi#e press"re of 500 !8a. 7or ships havin a %o"lded depth of 0 % and less$ the inner dia%eter of the dis#har e #onne#tion %ay be 34 %%. &.4 +is#har e of sewa e > S"b@e#t to the provisions of #la"se &.1 above$ the dis#har e of sewa e into the sea is prohibited$ e*#ept "nder the followin na%ely.'i) the river-sea vessel has in operation a sewa e treat%ent plant$ whi#h has been type approved by the ,entral Govern%ent: or 'ii) the river-sea vessel is dis#har in #o%%in"ted and disinfe#ted sewa e "sin s"#h syste% as spe#ified in #la"se &.1 'ii) above$ at a distan#e of %ore than three na"ti#al %iles fro% the nearest land$ provided that the sewa e that has been stored in holdin tan! shall not be dis#har ed instantaneo"sly b"t at a %oderate rate when the ship is en ro"te and pro#eedin at not less than fo"r !nots: or 'iii) the river-sea vessel is dis#har in sewa e that has been stored in the holdin tan! as spe#ified in #la"se &.1 'iii) above$ at a distan#e of %ore than si* na"ti#al %iles fro% the nearest land$ provided that the sewa e that has been stored in holdin tan! shall not be dis#har ed instantaneo"sly b"t at a %oderate rate when the ship is en ro"te and pro#eedin at not less than fo"r !nots. #. For the purpose of prevention of pollution of sea by arba e: 3.1. Every river-sea vessel$ irrespe#tive of si(e$ shall be provided with a Garba e 9ana e%ent pro#ed"re developed by the ,o%pany in line with 9er#hant Shippin '8revention of 8oll"tion by Garba e fro% Ships) R"les &00A. 3.&. 7or every s"#h river-sea vessel$ arba e s"#h as plasti#s$ paper prod"#ts$ ra s$ lass$ %etal$ bottles$ #ro#!ery and si%ilar ref"se sho"ld be se re ated and periodi#ally dis#har ed to re#eption fa#ilities and the re#ord of the sa%e sho"ld be %aintained in the 8oll"tion 8revention Re#ord 3oo!. #ir#"%stan#es$

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Pollution Prevention %ecor& 'oo( 4.1. Every river-sea vessel$ irrespe#tive of si(e$ shall be provided with a Pollution Prevention %ecor& 'oo( for re#ordin 4.&. the transferBdis#har e of oilBoily water$ sewa e and arba e in line with ,la"ses 1$ & and 3 of above. The 8oll"tion 8revention Re#ord 3oo! as a %ini%"% shall re#ord disposal of followin . 4.&.1. 8ortB<o#ation of transferBdis#har e 4.&.&. +ate & Ti%e of transferBdis#har e 4.&.3. C"antity of transferBdis#har e 4.3. Dhenever any oilBoily water$ sewa e or "ntil the ne*t s"rvey. Gen"ine arba e is transferred to a shore

re#eption fa#ility$ the re#eipt fro% the re#eiver is to be !ept on board at least

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