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Leading Edge Academy DEP

Students- This is a part of your Trimester DEP information that will be looked over by your parents, teachers, and administration. This is an opportunity for you to self-reflect on your academic progress and to evaluate how you are being prepared in relation to our academy pillars. Course Academic Reflection


Im extremely proud of myself as manga project. I learned how to draw certain features in manga format while having fun.

Language Arts

Learning about where my family came from was really fun and interesting. Our immigration project in ELA gave me a chance to learn what it was like to be an immigrant.


In math we did a real life project. We found the slope of a ramp and checked to make sure it met the safety standards. I was able to practice my slope skills in a real life situation.


During our Ultimate Frisbee unit I learned good sportsmanship because in Ultimate the players are the referees. Im proud of my Organization Ladders in science because I learned how the circulatory system works and how the different types of cells have different jobs.


Social Studies

In social studies we learned about the terrible mistake of keeping Japanese descendents in internment camps. I learned what life was like to be among those unfortunate people.


In technology I learned how to use imovie. Imovie was a unique way to share your thoughts in a way that looked professional. Leading Edge Academy Pillar Connections


Connections made this Trimester Give Concrete Examples In technology we worked on the a cell is like... project. Working in groups made me stronger at building partnerships and a better leader.

Building Partnerships/Shared Leadership

Critical Thinking/Innovative Problem Solving

In Algebra this year we solved a real life issue on safety of ramp slopes. We had to create an equation and use our critical thinking and problem solving skills to figure out how steep the ramp was and if it met the safety ramp requirements.

Technical Savvy

This year in technology we used the newest version of Google Earth to create the paths that our ancestors followed to give us our life in America. I learned how to use a new tool that I know Ill use in the future.

Appreciate Cultural Diversity

In Social Studies we had a unit on Japan. Japan had many interesting things that the U.S. doesnt have. We learned about their beliefs and how they practice them.

Global Thinking

This year in Social Studies we watched a video on Israel. The people who lived there thought of things such as violent different than us. I learned that not every country has a safe environment like the U.S.

Academic Goal: I would like to get principal's list all three trimesters. Make sure to turn in all my projects and homework on time If there is extra credit offered, take it Behavioral Goal: I would like to not use my warnings in class. Make sure that Im not talking when the teacher is Raise my hand to get out of my seat

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