7507 Is Knowledge Necessary On Earth ? .... Commandments of Love ....

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through Bertha Dudde 7507

Is knowledge necessary on Earth? .... o!!and!ents o" lo#e ....

$o knowledge needed "or the !atur%ng o" souls shall &e w%thheld "ro! you. 'h%s %s why (y Gos)el %s )rocla%!ed to you* the d%#%ne teach%ng o" lo#e* s%nce you need to )ract%ce lo#e "%rst %n order to &e a&le to actually understand the add%t%onal knowledge you rece%#e )erta%n%ng to (y lo#%ng care "or your souls+ sal#at%on. 'hus (y Gos)el "%rst )rocla%!s (y two co!!and!ents o" lo#e "or God and your ne%gh&our* and %" you l%#e u) to these you w%ll also &eco!e rece)t%#e "or add%t%onal %n"or!at%on* "or then your s)%r%t w%ll co!e al%#e and %t w%ll %nstruct you "ro! w%th%n, that %s* %t w%ll grant you the understand%ng e#en %" the knowledge* wh%ch or%g%nated "ro! (e* %s g%#en to you &y outs%de sources. -o#e* howe#er* co!es "%rst* and no a!ount o" e.tens%#e knowledge w%ll &e o" use to you %" you don+t )ossess lo#e* %n that case you can &e called s)%r%tually dead. On the other hand* a )erson who l%#es a l%"e o" lo#e won+t need e.tens%#e knowledge .... /e w%ll !ature through h%s way o" l%"e and suddenly atta%n real%sat%on when he e.changes the earthly world "or the s)%r%tual k%ngdo!. $e#ertheless* s)%r%tual knowledge %s also &ene"%c%al on earth %" %t %s correctly ut%l%sed* %" the hu!an &e%ng wants to )enetrate s)%r%tual correlat%ons* %" he would l%ke to get the r%ght %dea a&out (y re%gn and act%#%ty .... For then he w%ll learn to lo#e (e e#er !ore and constantly des%re to %ncrease h%s knowledge* &ecause

%nstruct%ons wh%ch co!e "orth "ro! (e arouse h%s s)%r%tual a))et%te. 0nd thus you hu!ans are &e%ng addressed &y (e* &ecause only I* as the Eternal 'ruth Itsel"* can con#ey knowledge to you wh%ch corres)onds to the truth .... 0nd I know where (y Word %s taken to* where %t w%ll !eet the r%ght understand%ng aga%n .... and I know where lo#e %s &e%ng )ract%sed and who tr%es to l%#e accord%ng to (y w%ll. 0nd thus they w%ll rece%#e knowledge wh%ch %s a))ro)r%ate to the%r !atur%ty o" soul* to the%r des%re "or truth and the%r conduct. 0nd each )erson %s at l%&erty to use th%s knowledge at h%s own d%scret%on .... he can !ake use o" %t &y )ass%ng %t on or th%nk a&out %t %n great de)th h%!sel"* and he can %ncrease %t %" he str%#es "or %t d%l%gently and w%th good w%ll. 'hen he w%ll rece%#e constantly !ore s)%r%tual %n"or!at%on* and he w%ll grate"ully acce)t the g%"ts "ro! (y hand &ecause h%s soul w%ll &e !atur%ng and h%s knowledge w%ll &e grow%ng .... For a dead s)%r%t does not des%re to know anyth%ng a&out the s)%r%tual k%ngdo!. $e#ertheless* no1one should "eel de)ressed %" he does not ha#e a lot o" s)%r%tual knowledge to show "or. 0s long as he l%#es on earth accord%ng to (y w%ll* as long as he "ul"%ls (y two co!!and!ents o" lo#e and thus tr%es to sha)e h%!sel" %nto lo#e he w%ll &eco!e %llu!%nated w%th l%ghten%ng s)eed as soon as he enters the s)%r%tual k%ngdo!* and then he w%ll &e and re!a%n &l%ss"ully ha))y* "or he w%ll also understand %n a "lash and real%se all correlat%ons !ost clearly .... But he !ust l%#e accord%ng to (y w%ll* "or no1one can &e s)ared the "ul"%ll%ng o" (y co!!and!ents o" lo#e* they are the !ost %!)ortant %n earthly l%"e* they are the "oundat%on o" (y Gos)el* wh%ch %s con#eyed to you t%!e and aga%n* regardless o" &y what !eans. By !erely tak%ng the co!!and!ents o" lo#e to heart and a%!%ng to co!)ly w%th the! you w%ll also "ul"%l your task %n l%"e and hel) your soul to !ature. 0nd th%s Gos)el can &e )resented to you %n all )laces* you !erely need to acce)t %t w%th the w%ll to hear (e (ysel"* you !ust des%re and recogn%se (e (ysel" %n (y Word and &eco!e rece)t%#e when (y Word sounds w%th%n you* when I

address you %n order to %n"or! you o" (y w%ll .... For (y Gos)el* the good news and doctr%ne o" 2al#at%on* w%ll only e#er %n"or! you o" (y w%ll* wh%ch cons%sts o" !ot%#at%ng you %nto &e%ng lo#%ngly act%#e and o" show%ng you the e""ects o" a l%"e o" lo#e* so that your soul w%ll !ature and you w%ll &eco!e &l%ss"ully ha))y .... 'hen the knowledge* wh%ch those o" you who des%re %t and wh%ch you now !ay rece%#e* w%ll also !ake you ha))y .... 3ou w%ll learn to lo#e (e %ncreas%ngly !ore* you w%ll also learn to look u)on the ne.t )erson as (y ch%ld and your &rother* you w%ll lo#e h%! too and thus slowly change your nature %nto lo#e* wh%ch %s and w%ll re!a%n your earthly task o" l%"e unt%l you ha#e &eco!e )er"ect* unt%l you un%te w%th (e %n lo#e and thus re!a%n un%ted w%th (e "or all etern%ty ....


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