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Research4Life Train the Trainers Workshop

Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina 1- 3 April 2014 PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES Day 1: Tuesday, 01 April 2014 08:30 09:30 Registration/Opening Ceremony Welcoming and opening remarks Objectives of workshop & introductions TEA/COFFEE BREAK Module 1 Resources and Internet Searching Types and sources of information Internet search tools, gateways and databases, search engines Searching techniques and strategies (Boolean and Advanced) Practical exercises Module 2 Health Information on the Internet Evaluating Health Information on the Internet Free health resources on the Internet E-journal sources Managing Internet resources Practical exercises LUNCH Module 3: HINARI & OARE Web Sites HINARI and OARE overview Registration/logging into R4L Programmes Finding e-journals by title, subject, language and publisher Practical exercises Module 4: Research4Life Programmes Similarities (Web interface) Differences (Search tools) Summon search engine (the future) Practical exercises TEA/COFFEE BREAK

09:30 10:00 10:00 11:00

11:00 12:15

12:15 01:15 01:15 02:30

02:30 03:30


Day 2: Wednesday, 02 April 2014 - HINARI USERS 08:30 10:00 Module 5.1 How to Use PubMed Connecting to HINARI/PubMed Other NCBI options (Bookshelf) Display options Printing, saving and email options Practical exercises TEA/COFFEE BREAK

10:00 10:30

2 10:30 11:30 Module 5.2 Using Filters in PubMed/Advanced Search Filters by publication date, age, date, language, type of research, publishing group, author or journal title Practical exercises Module 5.3 History and Advanced Search Using History in PubMed Advanced Search Practical exercises Accessing full-text articles (review) LUNCH Module 5.4 Using the MY NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) MY NCBI and how to register Setting up filters in My NCBI Saving Searches & Email Alerts Practical Exercises Module 6: E-book Resources for HINARI & OARE Users (groups reconvene) Definition and capability HINARI/OARE E-book resources Internet E-book resources Practical exercises Module 7: Review of R4L Programs Additional training modules HINARI/OARE the Basics Access Problems and Solutions Dos and Donts of HINARI/OARE TEA/COFFEE BREAK

11:30 12:15

12:15 01:15 01:15 02:15

02:15 03:15

03:15 3:30


Day 2: Wednesday, 02 April 2014 - OARE USERS 08:30 10:00 Module 5.1 Environment Issues & Policy Index (EBSCO) Keyword Search; Results and Citation page Printing, Saving and Email options Personal Profiles and E-mail Search Alerts Practical exercises TEA/COFFEE BREAK Module 5.2 Environmental Science and Pollution Index (CSA) Quick/Keyword Search Results/Records View Pages Open, Save & Print Search results Create Alerts & Advanced Search Practical exercises LUNCH

10:00 10:30 10:30 12:15

12:15 01:15

3 01:15 02:15 Module 5.3 SCOPUS (Elsevier) Search page, Results & Refine Search pages Download, PDF, Export, Print & E-mail options Create Alert & Advanced Search Practical Exercises Module 6: E-book Resources for HINARI & OARE Users (groups reconvene) Definition and capability HINARI/OARE E-book resources Internet E-book resources Practical exercises Module 7: Review of R4L Programs Additional training modules HINARI/OARE the Basics Access Problems and Solutions Dos and Donts of HINARI/OARE TEA/COFFEE BREAK

02:15 03:15

03:15 3:30


Day 3: Thursday, 03 April 2014 08:30 10:00 Module 8: Advocacy for HINARI & OARE Marketing Strategies for Programs Review of concepts Group exercises Training Users on HINARI & OARE TEA/COFFEE BREAK Module 9: Reference Management Software (Zotero) Downloading software (to laptops) Overview of features Practical exercises Module 10: Authorship Skills Plagiarism & Copyright Copyright overview, guides and resources Plagiarism background, guidelines and examples LUNCH Module 11: How to Read, Write and Publish a Scientific Paper Practical exercises Structured abstracts & Keywords assignment Practical exercises - Selection of journal for submission of article Module 12: Other Authorship Skills Resources Web-bibliography Frequently Asked Questions Closing Ceremony

10:00 10:30 10:30 11:30

11:30 12:15

12:15 01:15 01:15 02:45

02:45 03:00

03:00 03:30

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