Clockwork Empires Fact Sheet October2013

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Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux Developer and Publisher: Gaslamp Games Launch Date: 2014 Players: 1-4 (online and successive multiplayer) ame Description rom t!e "evered minds responsi#le "or t!e critically acclaimed $un%eons o" $redmor comes Cloc!"or! Empires, availa#le "or PC, Mac and Linux in 2014& '!e colony #uildin% sand#ox %ame provides limitless possi#ilities "or t!e player to #alance ( develop a city )!ile tryin% *eepin% a population alive as it is on t!e #rin* o" a spectacular, entertainin% collapse& 'ransported into a marvelously !andcra"ted steampun* dystopia, players ta*e on t!e role o" a +unior ,ureaucrat (Colonial Grade) sent "ort! #y t!e -mpire to t!e "rontier to see* "ame, promotions, and natural resources to "eed t!e ever-!un%ry ma) o" industry and commerce& ame Features: #uild a colony and your character$ each "ith uni%ue histories: '!e colony set in a .ictorian steampun* era, as )ell as t!e lo)er, middle and upper class c!aracters, !ave t!eir o)n memories and un"oldin% "utures )!ic! are s!aped #y t!e player/s c!oices&

Free&form 'oals: -very scenario is )!at t!e player ma*es o" it& 0s t!e player coloni1es an un*no)n land, o#2ectives are !anded do)n #y 3'!e -mpire,4 #ut t!ey may c!oose to ali%n )it! anot!er "actions - or none at all - i" so t!ey desire& Complete c!allen%es to earn 3Presti%e,4 or i%nore t!em - t!ere are re)ards and conse5uences "or eac! action& Cosmic Horror$ Factories$ #oo(e$ Science$ Farmin'$ and more: Complete )it! all t!e elements "or an industrial revolution, a colonial society pus!ed too "ar )ill #rea* do)n and unleas! !orrors suc! as cultists, maraudin% "is!-people, axe murder, and t!in%s dar*er still "rom #eyond t!e stars& Sharin' and Successive )ultiplayer: 6upportin% up to "our players online, or via a turn-#ased 7round ro#in/ successive multiplayer, t!e saved-%ame "ile option encoura%es ot!er player ,ureaucrats to "urt!er diver%e !istories and continue #uildin% and expandin% t!ose colonies&

For more Cloc!"or! Empires information$ please visit: Faceboo!: !ttps899)))&"ace#oo*&com9GaslampGames T"itter: !ttps899t)itter&com9%aslamp%ames *ebsite8 #lo': !ttp899)))&%aslamp%ames&com9cate%ory9cloc*)or*-empires About aslamp ames$ +nc, Gaslamp Games :nc& is an a)ard-)innin% independent %ame studio !ead5uartered in .ancouver, ,&C& ounded #y ;ic!olas .inin%, $aniel +aco#sen and $avid ,aum%art, Gaslamp Games ac!ieved critical success in 2011 "or its ro%ueli*e <PG, $un%eons o" $redmor& ,uildin% on t!e studio=s core principles o" accessi#le entertainment, !umour, and player c!oice, Gaslamp Games )ill release Cloc*)or* -mpires, a narrative-driven colony #uildin% sand#ox %ame "or PC, Mac and Linux in 2014& or more in"ormation visit !ttp899)))&%aslamp%ames&com&

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