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1) Aggression means feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behavior.

In response to frustration, individuals may resort to aggressive behavior in attempting to protect their self-esteem. Example of such conduct is that, I throw my Cell Phone on the street, because I found that I got B in Anthropology in my BBA Program. Aggression- In response to frustration, individuals may resort to aggressive behavior in attempting to protect their self-esteem. Real life Example is: I broke the mirror of dressing table while I found that I didnt pass the written exam of Dhaka University.

2) Rationalization means People sometimes resolve frustration by inventing plausible reasons for being unable to attain their goals. Example of such conduct is that, I could not perform in the cultural program of FIVDB (Friends in Village Development, Bangladesh), because of not having enough time to practice. Rationalization- People sometimes resolve frustration by inventing plausible reasons for being unable to attain their goals. Real life Example is: I could not attended the exam of Basic Bank Limited because of my Graduate Convocation Program.

3) Regression means an individual may react to a frustrating situation with childish or immature behavior. Example of such conduct is that, I was not allowed to go on a trip for spring break in Saint Martin, so I throw a temper tantrum and scream on my parents.

4) Withdrawal means frustration may be resolved by simply withdrawing from the situation. Example of such conduct is that, in 2008 almost every friends of mine leaves this country for higher education. Being influences by them I became frustrated and wanted to leave this country for higher education. But my family never wanted to let me go in foreign country. At last I withdraw my wish to go abroad and decide to admit in IUB. Withdrawal- Frustration may be resolved by simply withdrawing from the situation. Real life Example is: Four Years ago some close friends of mine went to Dhaka for higher education. I also wanted to be with them in Dhaka for higher education. But my family never wanted to let me go in Dhaka. At last I withdraw my wish and decide to admit in Chittagong IUB for Undergraduate program.

5) Projection means an individual may redefine a frustrating situation by projecting blame for his or her own failures and inabilities on other objects or persons. Example of such conduct is that, sometimes while playing cricket if I become unable to make runs, I put all the blames on the Bat by saying that this Bat is bullshit.

Projection- an individual may redefine a frustrating situation by projecting blame for his or her own failures and inabilities on other objects or persons. Real life Example is:

6) Daydreaming or fantasizing, enables the individual to attain imaginary gratification of unfulfilled needs. Example of such conduct is that, I have a dream to visit Solomon Temple in Israel, because I have heard a lot of mysterious things about this Temple. But this dream of mine cant be fulfill, because Im a Muslim and Muslims are not allowed on the land of Israel.

Daydreaming or fantasizing, enables the individual to attain imaginary gratification of unfulfilled needs. Real life Example is: I have a dream to become the President of United State. But this dream of mine cant be fulfill, because Im not an American by born, and to become a president of USA it is essential to become a citizen of USA by born.

7) Identification means People resolve feelings of frustration by subconsciously identifying with other persons or situations that they consider relevant. Example of such conduct is that, I was frustrated while Im seeking for a laptop with Gaming Graphics. Because in 2012 there was no laptop in the market with 2 Gigabyte Gaming Graphics. But when I saw the online advertisement of AMD Redon, HP laptop with 2 Gigabyte Gaming Graphics, I felt that my problem is solved. I become influenced by their online advertisement and bought that laptop. Identification- People resolve feelings of frustration by subconsciously identifying with other persons or situations that they consider relevant. Real life Example is: I love eye shadows, I become frustrated when I found that there is no such Branded eye shadows with gel glitter in Chittagong. But when I came to Dhaka and saw the advertisement of MUA Branded eye shadow with gel glitter, I felt that my frustration is come to end. I become influenced by their advertisement and bought some.

8) Repression means individuals avoid the tension arising from frustration by repressing the unsatisfied need. Example of such conduct is that, Im a car fan, I love

cars. When I see that my friends are driving Mercedes Benz, BMW cars I feel frustrated and wish if I have such kind of cars. But I repress this unsatisfied need by saying to mind is that, its not a big deal. Car is a medium of transportation and I have a Toyota car for transportation purpose. Repression- individuals avoid the tension arising from frustration by repressing the unsatisfied need. Real life Example is: When I see that my friends are wearing branded shoes like, Christian Louboutin, Alexander Mcqueen. I feel frustrated and wish to have such kind of shoes. But I repress this unsatisfied need by saying to mind is that, I will buy those shoes when I get a handsome job.

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