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CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !

!se scantron 882-" # What area of the brain goes through significant development during the adolescent years? a# myelination $# cere$ral corte% c# cor&!s callos!m d# &re'rontal corte% How many hours of sleep do older adolescents require for optimal functioning? a# ( )o!rs &er nig)t* t)ey need to go to $ed later and to slee& later in t)e morning $# 8 )o!rs &er nig)t* t)ey need to go to $ed earlier and to get !& earlier in t)e morning c# +-8 )o!rs &er nig)t* t)ey need to go to $ed later and to slee& later in t)e morning d# ( )o!rs &er nig)t* t)ey need to go to $ed earlier and to get !& earlier in t)e morning Which of the following STIs can be fatal? a# A,D- and c)lamydia $# A,D- and genital )er&es c# A,D- and )!man &a&illoma .ir!s d# A,D- and gonorr)ea Which of the following terms relates to the knowledge that people have about their own thinking processes, and their ability to monitor their cognition? a# m!lti-tasking $# memory c# metacognition d# 'ormal o&erational t)o!g)t ll of the following are reasons why children from a lower socioeconomic status !S"S# do not do as well in school as children from middle or high S"S e$cept a# c)ildren 'rom middle and )ig) -"- gro!&s are $orn 1it) genetically s!&erior ,2 &otential# $# c)ildren 'rom lo1 -"- gro!&s o'ten lack s!''icient n!trition and may )a.e more )ealt) &ro$lems# c# c)ildren 'rom lo1 -"- gro!&s o'ten attend inade3!ate or lo1 &er'orming sc)ools# d# c)ildren 'rom lo1 -"- gro!&s o'ten li.e in cram&ed conditions and lack ade3!ate s&ace and learning tools 4$ooks5 com&!ter5 etc#6 to do t)eir )ome1ork# drienne is a %&'year'old girl who is searching for her identity( Which of the following would not be an e$ample of the search for her self'concept? a# s)e 1o!ld descri$e )ersel' in terms o' &)ysical c)aracteristics $# s)e 1o!ld )a.e a $roader .ie1 o' )ersel'5 and $e a$le to see .ario!s as&ects o' )ersel' sim!ltaneo!sly c# s)e 1o!ld look at )ersel' 'rom a &syc)ological &ers&ecti.e d# s)e 1o!ld $e a$le to consider $ot) )er .ie1s and t)e .ie1s o' ot)ers






CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-" +# )uring adolescence, all of the following are true e$cept a# adolescents increasingly rely on t)eir 'riends and &eers as so!rces o' in'ormation# $# societal &ress!res 'or t)em to make decisions regarding ed!cation and occ!&ational decisions are )ig) d!ring t)e identity-.ers!s-identity-con'!sion stage# c# t)eir de&endence !&on ad!lts declines# d# adolescents lack s!''icient $rain de.elo&ment to make in'ormed decisions# Which of the following adolescents is most likely to suffer from ma*or depression? a# 8ati.e American 'emale $# Ca!casian American male c# A'rican American male d# Ca!casian American 'emale The rate of adolescent suicide in the +(S( has ,,,,, in the last -. years( a# do!$led $# tri&led c# 3!adr!&led d# remained t)e same Why do adolescent boys succeed in committing suicide more often than adolescent girls? a# $oys attem&t s!icide more 're3!ently t)an girls $# $oys enco!nter more serio!s e&isodes o' ma9or de&ression t)an girls c# $oys e%&erience more social stigma 'or attem&ting s!icide t)an girls d# $oys tend to !se more .iolent means like g!ns to attem&t s!icide Which of the following is not an alarm or sign of adolescent suicide? a# &reocc!&ation 1it) deat) in m!sic5 art5 'ilm5 literat!re or .ideo games $# constant 1earing o' $lack or dark clot)ing c# sc)ool di''ic!lties d# loss o' a&&etite or e%cessi.e eating divide between parents and adolescents in attitudes, values, aspirations, and world views is known as a# a!tonomy# $# mat!rity# c# conscience# d# generation ga&# When adolescents and their parents disagree, it is usually regarding a# &olitical a''iliation# $# moral disagreement# c# m!sic &re'erence or style o' dress# d# adolescent:s career c)oice#






CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-" /# ccording to psychologist /udith Smetana, what is the most likely reason for more conflict between adolescents and their parents in the earlier stage of adolescence compared to the later stage of adolescence? a# adolescents: demands 'or s&ending money $# inade3!ate academic &rogress c# adolescents: re'!sal to &artici&ate in 'amily acti.ities and res&onsi$ilities in t)e )ome d# de'initions o' and rationales 'or a&&ro&riate .s# ina&&ro&riate cond!ct Se$ual segregation in which boys interact primarily with boys and girls primarily interact with girls is called a# $order 1ork# $# gender segregation# c# co)ort e''ect# d# se%!al clea.age# What developments lead to the change in the way adolescents view the opposite se$? a# &eer &ress!re $# onset o' &!$erty ca!ses mat!ration o' se% organs 1)ile at t)e same time societal &ress!res indicate it is a&&ro&riate 'or romantic in.ol.ement to $egin c# mem$ers)i& o' cli3!es or cro1ds d# im&ro.ement o' &arent-adolescent relations)i& When researching the opinions of college men and women regarding high status in high school, college men said that ,,,,,,,,,, was the primary reason for a high school girl0s high status, and college women said that ,,,,,,, was the primary reason for a high school girl0s high status( a# )ig) grades/intelligence* clot)es $# &)ysical attracti.eness* grades/intelligence c# general socia$ility* general socia$ility d# &o&!larity 1it) $oys* &)ysical attracti.eness n adolescent delinquent who is raised with little discipline or with harsh, uncaring parental supervision is called a!n# a# 9!.enile delin3!ent# $# cond!ct disorder# c# o&&ositional de'iant# d# !ndersociali;ed delin3!ent# Statistics show that ,,,,,, of all arrests for serious crimes involve a person under the age of %1( a# 7< $# 20< c# 2< d# 0<






CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-" 20# ccording to the te$t, the term 2hooking up,2 to adolescents, means getting a cell &)one# getting com&!ter internet a .ag!e term t)at co.ers e.eryt)ing in.ol.ed in dating 'rom kissing to se%!al interco!rse# d# getting online to gam$le or &lay .ideo games# a# $# c# dolescents who are gay or lesbian find it difficult to date because of all of the following e$cept a# t)ey may 'ace )omo&)o$ic &re9!dice# $# t)ey 'ind it )ard to 'ind &artners $eca!se ot)ers 1)o are gay or les$ian may not o&enly e%&ress t)eir se%!al orientation# c# t)ey may 'ace )arassment# d# t)ey do not '!lly acce&t or !nderstand t)eir o1n se%!ality or se%!al &re'erence# The age at which adolescents have se$ual intercourse for the first time is ,,,,,,,,, and ,,,,, have had se$ before the age of 3.( a# increasing* 20< $# declining* 00< c# declining* 80< d# increasing* /0< The average age at which adolescents first have se$ual intercourse has been steadily ,,,,, over the past 4. years, and about ,,,,,,,,,,, adolescents have had se$ual intercourse before the age of a# increasing* one in 'o!r* 20 $# declining* one in t)ree* ( c# increasing* one in 'i.e* 2 d# declining* one in 'i.e* 0 )espite the fact that the average age in which adolescents report they have engaged in se$ual intercourse for the first time is declining, the number of adolescents who say they have never had se$ual intercourse has ,,,,,,,,, nearly ,,,,,,,, from %55% to 3..%( This is largely due to a# decreased* 30<* $etter access to $irt) control# $# increased* 0<* res&onse to t)e t)reat o' A,D-# c# decreased* 0<* $etter access to $irt) control# d# increased* 00<* religio!s and moral reasons# ccording to current norms, if se$ual intercourse occurs within the conte$t of a long' term, committed, or loving relationship, it is called a# do!$le standard# $# marriage# c# engagement# d# &ermissi.eness 1it) a''ection#

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CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-" 27# The model of development that seeks to identify the way that individuals take in, use, and store information is called a# concrete o&erational t)o!g)t# $# memory# c# 'ormal o&erational t)o!g)t# d# t)e in'ormation &rocessing &ers&ecti.e# 2+# ccording to information processing e$planations of cognitive development during adolescence, one of the most important reasons for advances in mental abilities is the growth of a# myelination in t)e $rain# $# ne!ral connecti.ity in t)e &re'rontal corte%# c# memory ca&acity# d# metacognition#

28# When an adolescent0s newly sophisticated metacognitive capability enables him6her to construct elaborate scenarios about others0 thoughts, this is known as a# 'antasy# $# adolescent egocentrism# c# sc)i;o&)renia# d# 'ormal o&erational t)o!g)t disorder# 2(# Which of the following is a type of thinking that is evident in both early childhood and adolescence? a# concrete o&erational t)o!g)t $# egocentrism c# imaginary a!dience d# &ersonal 'a$le 30# Which of the following is a term that relates to an adolescent0s belief that his or her own behavior is a primary focus of others0 attentions and concerns? a# adolescent egocentrism $# 'ormal o&erational t)o!g)t disorder c# &ersonal 'a$le d# imaginary a!dience 3 # "gocentrism leads to distortion in thinking7 the notion that one0s e$periences are unique, and this may lead the adolescent to develop a# mental illness# $# imaginary a!dience# c# 'ormal o&eration t)o!g)t disorder# d# &ersonal 'a$le#

CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-" 32# ccording to "rikson, the period during which teenagers seek to determine what is unique and distinctive about themselves is called a# sel'-disclos!re# $# identity-.ers!s-identity-con'!sion stage# c# sel'-esteem stage# d# sel'-conce&t stage#

33# "rikson believed that because of the pressures related to the identity versus identity confusion stage, many adolescents a# )a.e t)e o&&ort!nity to '!lly e%&erience adolescence $e'ore t)ey mat!re and mo.e on to yo!ng ad!lt)ood# $# $ecome &syc)ologically scarred 'or li'e and '!lly mat!re# c# &!rs!e a =&syc)ological moratori!m= d!ring 1)ic) t)ey take time o'' 'rom !&coming res&onsi$ilities o' ad!lt)ood to e%&lore alternati.e roles and &ossi$ilities# d# regress &syc)ologically to an earlier time in t)eir or c)ild)ood 1)ere li'e 1as sim&ler# 3/# 8sychologist /ames 9arcia suggests that adolescent identity can be seen in terms of two characteristics, which are a# ind!stry and 1it)dra1al $# in'eriority and asserti.eness c# identity acce&tance and identity re'!sal d# crisis or commitment 30# ccording to /ames 9arcia, the status of adolescents who commit to a particular identity following a period of crisis during which they consider various alternatives is called a# identity 'oreclos!re# $# identity ac)ie.ement# c# moratori!m# d# identity di''!sion# ccording to /ames 9arcia, the status of adolescents who prematurely commit to an identity without adequately e$ploring alternatives is called a# identity di''!sion# $# identity 'oreclos!re# c# moratori!m d# identity ac)ie.ement#


CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-" 3+# ccording to /ames 9arcia, the status of adolescents who consider various identity alternatives, but never commit to one or never even consider identity options in any conscious way is called a# identity di''!sion# $# moratori!m# c# identity 'oreclos!re# d# identity ac)ie.ement# The desire to have independence and a sense of control over one0s life is called a# mat!rity# $# adolescence# c# ad!lt)ood# d# a!tonomy# divide between parents and adolescents in attitudes, values, aspirations, and world views is known as a# a!tonomy# $# mat!rity# c# conscience# d# generation ga&# Se$ual segregation in which boys interact primarily with boys and girls primarily interact with girls is called a# $order 1ork# $# gender segregation# c# co)ort e''ect# d# se%!al clea.age# llison is well liked by the other members of her swim team, but not well liked by other adolescent girls in her homeroom class( llison would be considered a# contro.ersial# $# &o&!lar# c# re9ected# d# neglected#




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If a person is attracted to another person of the same se$, this is a# )eterose%!ality# $# $ise%!ality# c# ase%!ality# d# )omose%!ality +

CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-"


lan is a very masculine young man who e$cels in typical male'oriented activities( Still, he is se$ually attracted to other men( :or lan, being attracted to other men is his a# gender identity# $# se%!al attraction# c# se%!al orientation# d# )omose%!ality# In the last %. years, the number of teenagers giving birth has ,,,,,,,, by a# risen* 20<# $# risen* 30< c# dro&&ed* 30< d# dro&&ed* 0<
What is the term for parents who are controlling, punitive, rigid, cold, and whose word is law? a# a!t)oritati.e $# in.ol.ed c# a!t)oritarian d# &ermissi.e What is the term for parents who provide la$ and inconsistent feedback and require little of their children? a# a!t)oritarian $# a!t)oritati.e c# in.ol.ed d# &ermissi.e What is the term for parents who are firm, setting clear and consistent limits, but who try to reason with their children, giving e$planations for why they should behave in a particular way? a# a!t)oritarian $# &ermissi.e c# in.ol.ed d# a!t)oritati.e What type of parents show almost no interest in their children and demonstrate indifferent, re*ecting behavior!s#? a# &ermissi.e $# a!t)oritati.e c# a!t)oritarian d# !nin.ol.ed






CD 38 / Psy 38 Adolescence -- Parenting Home Work FALL 20 2 --- !se scantron 882-"
/(# 8arent style that includes parental warmth, proactive teaching, calm discussion during disciplinary episodes, and interest and involvement in their children and peers0 activities is called a# a!t)oritarian &arenting# $# a!t)oritati.e or s!&&orti.e &arenting# c# in.ol.ed &arenting# d# &ermissi.e &arenting# 9aurice is a child of authoritative parents( He is likely to grow up e$hibiting all of the following characteristics e$cept a# sel'-asserti.eness# $# 1it)dra1n $e)a.ior and lo1 socia$ility skills# c# moti.ation to ac)ie.e# d# likea$le and coo&erati.e $e)a.ior# ;andy and 9andy are the children of authoritarian parents( They are likely to grow up e$hibiting all of the following characteristics e$cept a# little socia$ility# $# )ostility# c# 'riendly and coo&erati.e $e)a.ior# d# de&endency !&on t)eir &arents#


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