Obsession (Emmett and Bella)

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This is the continuation of

obsesion it’s not mine BUT IS SO

you can’t readed

Emmett P.O.V.

Bella seemed a little nervous about having to talk with my parents about the
fight at school. I wasn't at all worried. I figured we would just get the 'we are
very disappointed in you' speech and we would be on our way. Bella walked
into the living room first and stopped dead making me run into her. "What's
wrong?" I looked around her and was shocked to see Rosalie and her parents
sitting on the couch. I swallowed loudly and followed Bella into the living room.
This little conversation just got much bigger and I was terrified about what
Rosalie was going to say.

Rosalie didn't look to happy to be here either and she looked awful. Her eye
was red and swollen and her bottom lip was busted. She looked like she had
been crying. I sat on the couch with Bella next to me and couldn't bring myself
to look at Rosalie's parents. As much as I hated Rosalie her parents had always
been very nice to me, welcoming me into the family. There was an awkward
silence where no one knew what to say, finally my dad started speaking.

"Ann, Robert it's a pleasure seeing you two again, I just wish it was under better
circumstances." The Hales nodded their heads in agreement but said nothing. "I
have not had a chance to speak to Emmett and Bella about the incident today-"

"Is that what we're calling this, an incident?" Rosalie screeched.

"Rosalie," Robert hissed, "let Carlisle speak."

"No, this is ridiclous! That bitch attacked me, she should be in jail. It must be
nice to have the chief of police as your daddy."

Bella remained calm at Rosalie's outburst, but her fists clenched. I rubbed her
back hoping to calm her down, it wouldn't do any good to have them go at it
again. Esme and Ann looked upset at Rosalie's outburst but said nothing.

"I'm sorry Rosalie. I didn't mean to make it sound like what happened to you
was merely an incident." Carlisle said.

Rosalie snorted. "So now you guys are trying to act all nice? Last time I came
over here you yelled at me and made me leave."
"Now wait just a minute" Esme yelled. "If I remember correctly young lady last
time you were here you said some awful things, you were down right nasty."

"Rosalie this is the last time I'm going to tell you to keep your mouth shut. Open
it again without thinking and you will go and sit in the car." Robert warned.
Rosalie crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, it took everything in me
not to bust out laughing, she was always such a hot head.

"I'm sorry for her out busts Carlisle, Esme. Look we're here because we want to
try and resolve this. I know school is almost over and the kids are going to go
their separate ways, but we still live in this town and I don't want there to be any
animosity between our families. We love Alice like a daughter, and Emmett has
always been one of our favorites. We got Rosalie's side of the story and as
much as I love my daughter I also know how she is and I'm sure she is not
telling the whole truth."

"Well Robert rest assured whatever outcome falls from this you guys will still be
part of our family. Jasper is very special to us. Like I said I have not yet had an
opportunity to speak with my son and Bella so I don't know everything that
occurred, but we are very disappointed in them and a punishment will be
handed out to the both of them." Carlisle said.

"Do you speak for Bella also?" Ann asked.

"Yes, I already talked to Charlie and he was okay with me handling this tonight.
He wanted to be here but he could not leave the station. I will fill him in on all
the details later."

Ann hesitated before speaking, "I was not under the impression that Emmett
and Bella were that close. I guess I'm just surprised that her father would be
okay with you handing out her punishment."

Esme smiled, "Bella and my son are very close Ann. She is a part of this

"I love Bella Mrs. Hale. We are very serious and committed." Up until this point I
had kept quiet but I wanted them to know how serious I was about Bella. Ann
had been very vocal in the beginning of my breakup with Rosalie. She had
wanted us to get back together just as much as Rosalie did, maybe even more
so than Rosalie.

Ann smiled, "I'm sorry Emmett we just always had such high hopes that you and
Rosalie would work out your differences and get back together. You guys were
very much in love and I know that me and Robert were not the only ones who
thought you guys would end up getting married. Rosalie was always out looking
for that perfect dress for when you finally decided to ask her."

I could feel the tension radiating off of Bella and I couldn't believe that Rosalie's
mom would say these things in front of my girlfriend. I was about to say
something when my mom decided to speak up.
"I don't think this is very appropriate to talk about in front of Bella," Esme
responded as she pointed towards Bella. "But if you really want to bring this up I
never thought that Rosalie was good for Emmett and I knew that they would
never get married. Emmett is very happy with Bella as is our whole family and it
won't come as a shock when he finally proposes to her."

Mama Bear was out and she was fierce. My mom was a very subdued and non-
confrontational person but if you talked about someone that she cared about,
especially her children her hackles rose and her claws came out. She would
defend Bella just like she would if someone was talking about me, Alice or

"Dear, I don't think that-"

"No Carlisle! I am all for keeping the peace but I am not going to let anyone
come into our home and disrespect one of our children, and Bella is one of our
children." Esme threw a glare at Ann.

Ann was pretty shocked and opened and closed her mouth a few times before
she finally turned towards Bella. "I did not mean any disrespect Bella."

"None taken." Bella mumbled. I pulled her in close and placed a kiss on her
temple before whispering in her ear. "I'm sorry baby, I love you." She smiled
and whispered that she loved me too.

"I think that we need to get back to the topic at hand. Bella can you tell us what
happened between you and Rosalie today?" Carlisle asked.

Bella sat up straight and squared her shoulders. "Well really it's been building
up all school year, ever since I started dating Emmett. At first Rosalie would just
glare at me then she started calling me nasty names. At one point she taped
pictures of her and Emmett on my locker." I was really hoping that Bella did not
mention the sex tape, my mom and dad would not be happy about that. "At
every party we would go to Rosalie would try and trap Emmett any where she
could and tell him how he was to good for me and he needed to get back with
her, tell him that she could do things for him that I couldn't. Today it just boiled
over, I couldn't take it anymore. She walked by smirking and said hi to him and I
just exploded."

"You beat my daughter up because she said 'hi' to Emmett!" Ann yelled.

Bella flinched, "like I said it's been building up all year. When me and Emmett
were on a break she would look at him suggestively, lick her lips and then smirk
at me. She was always saying things about me to her friends, calling me trash,
whore. Saying that the only reason Emmett was with me was for the sex and
when he got tired of me he would go back to her." I was rubbing her arm
soothingly. I hate that she had to talk about this in front of everyone.
"This is ridiculous!" Ann yelled, throwing her arms around. "My daughter did
nothing wrong. She said hi to Emmett and that girl attacked her for it."

By now my mom was standing with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her
face. "Ann I think you need to watch the tone of your voice while in my home." I
was a little worried that this was going to turn pretty ugly when there was the
sound of a throat clearing. We all looked to see Edward standing with his hands
stuffed in his jeans and his head down.

"What's wrong Edward?" Carlise asked.

"Um, nothing. I just have something to add to the conversation." He turned to

look at me with a slightly panicked look on his face. "Emmett I think it's time that
you told everyone the reason that you and Rosalie broke up." Rosalie was
about to object but one look from her father had her back to pouting.

"Bro, I don't think that's necessary." Edward was not even comfortable talking
about this with me, I did not want him to have to rehash this in front of not only
our parents but Rosalie's also. "It doesn't have anything to do with this."

He shrugged, "maybe not, but it does show the kind of person that Rosalie is. I
mean if she is capable of kissing your brother then she is capable of messing
with your and Bella's relationship."

My mother's hands flew to her mouth, "what? Edward what are you talking

"This is such bullshit!" Rosalie screeched. She got up and stormed towards
Edward. I don't know what she was planing but Bella got up and stood between
her and Edward. "If you even think about touching him Rosalie, I swear to you
that you will have matching black eyes by tomorrow."

Robert grabbed Rosalie's arm, "that's enough Rosalie. I told you to keep your
mouth shut. Go and sit in the car and me and your mother will finish here."
Rosalie was about to protest. "I said now young lady." She huffed and stormed
out of the house.

We were all quiet for a moment, too shocked to say anything. "Edward tell us
what you meant." Esme spoke first.

"One night I was upstairs doing homework when Rosalie came in my room. I
was shocked but didn't really think anything of it. Until she sat in my lap and
kissed me. It freaked me out I pushed her off and ran downstairs to tell Emmett,
he broke up with her and she's been giving him problems ever since."

"Yeah mom. Why do you think Edward wanted to go to that school out of the
blue? He was so embarrassed about it that he couldn't even stay here. I tried
talking him out of it, telling him that it wasn't his fault but he wouldn't listen to
My parents were shocked, my mom had tears in her eyes. "Well honestly I don't
even know what to say." Robert said. "Edward I'm sorry for my daughter's
behavior and I'm sorry that you felt that you had to leave to get away from her. I
have talked with Rosalie and she won't be pressing charges. I will also be
having a talk with her about everything that I've heard tonight. Right now I think
you guys have a lot of things to discuss and we need to get Rosalie home, she
has some explaining to do."

My dad shook Robert and Ann's hands and led them to the front door, my mom
wouldn't even look at them. "Edward, sweetheart, why didn't you tell us?" She

"I'm sorry mom. I was embarrassed and I just had to get away." He sat next to
her and took her hand. When my dad walked back into the room he pretty much
summed up the whole evening. "Well that was interesting." He said.

I snorted and Bella started laughing, after a moment we were all laughing.
When the laughter subsided my mom was pulling Bella off the couch and pulling
her into a hug. "I want to apologize for what Ann said earlier Bella, it was
uncalled for. I just want you to know that we love you very much and we know
how perfect you are for our son."

"Thank you Esme. Thank you for sticking up for me."

"Any time sweetheart. No one is going to miss with any of my kids."

"Let's wrap this up. It's getting late and after this bizarre evening I'm ready for
bed." My dad stood from the couch also and gave me and Bella both a stern
look. "I really wish you guys would have come to us and told us the problems
that you were having with Rosalie. Bella as much as I understand the frustration
you must have felt fighting is not the answer. Emmett you should not have let it
get this far. You are just as responsible. So starting now you guys will only be
seeing each other in school, prom being the exception. Emmett you will drop
Bella off right after school then come straight home."

My mouth dropped open in shock. I was not expecting anything like this. How in
the Hell was I going to survive without Bella after school? How was I going to
get in my daily ratio of sex if our contact was limited to school? I opened my
mouth to protest but my dad held a hand up in warning. "I don't want to hear it
Emmett. This is your guy's punishment. It could be worse. Since your
punishment starts now you need to take Bella home. Also I know how long it
takes to get from here to Bella's so don't try and take any extra time."

The ride to Bella's house was silent. I held Bella's hand trying to figure out how I
was going to survive this. School was almost over so the punishment wasn't
long but just knowing that at the end of the summer I had to leave is what made
it so terrible. I wanted to spend every waking moment with her and now I
wouldn't be able too. I kissed Bella throughly and promised her that I would find
a way around the punishment. She had the same thoughts running through her
head that I did in mine. We didn't have a lot of time together but I was going to
do what ever I had to do to make sure that we spent every moment we could
with each other.

The next few weeks flew by in a flurry of desperate almost animalistic sex. My
father was sticking to his guns about not letting me see Bella outside of school
and Charlie was sticking with him. So when ever the opportunity presented itself
we went at it. Quickies in between classes, we both hadn't ate lunch in weeks
more worried about skin time, sex in the jeep, in the bathrooms at school,the
janitors closet. We never made it to prom -got all dressed up- Bella looked
beautiful and all it took was her running her hand up my thigh and we never got
out of the car. I did win Prom King along with Rosalie winning Prom Queen but
neither of us were there to collect, me buried balls deep in Bella and Rosalie
hiding at home cause her face was all fucked up. We missed out on all of the
after parties because we both had to go straight home after the dance.

I had tried to talk numerous times to my dad but he wouldn't budge. I began
working on my mom laying the guilt trip on her about me leaving for school and
not being able to see Bella as much, she would have cracked but my dad
figured out what I was doing and put a stop to that shit real fast. Thank god I
had unlimited minutes on my cell phone because every minute that we weren't
together we spent talking to each other. If there was one good thing to come out
of this fucked up situation it was finding out that my Bella was a pro at phone
sex. Her soft breathy moans, whispering my name and just imagining her biting
her lip had me blowing my load in a matter of minutes.

So now it was the day of my graduation. School was over. Before meeting Bella
it was all I wanted. To be done with this small town life, move on to bigger better
things, but now I found myself wishing that I had another year. I wanted to blow
off U of M and go to a local college but Bella fought me tooth and nail. She was
scared that thirty years down the road I would look back on my life and resent
her for missing my one big chance. I told her that she was crazy that I could
never feel that way about her but a small part of me thought that she might just
be right. So I would be leaving for Ann Arbor in two short months and Bella
would be staying here for another fun filled year at Forks High.

Walking up to receive my diploma was as heartbreaking as it was wonderful. I

smiled at the flash of the camera as Alice took about a thousand pictures.
Momentarily blind I almost fell down the stairs all to the laughter of my family.
My mom and dad had matching smiles on their faces, so proud of their first born
and the accomplishment of finishing high school and moving on to the next step
of life. Edward was trying to grab the camera out of Alice's hands much to her
dismay and Bella my sweet beautiful Bella had tears streaming down her face. I
caught Charlie's eye and he grinned and put his arm around Bella trying to
comfort her.

When the last name was called, when all the speeches were done I made my
way to Bella as fast as I could pushing people out of my way. Jared tried
stopping me but I just pushed past him needing to comfort my girl. I pulled her
into my arms lifting her off of her feet and squeezing her as hard as I dared.
"What's wrong?"

"Nothing? Then why are you crying?" I asked.

"I'm just happy Emmett. I'm proud of you." She said.

I snorted, "you're cying cause you're happy?"

She hit me pretty hard for a girl and laughed. "Yeah, I'm crying cause I'm happy.
You know, you look good in that gown." She said while winking.

I was just about to see if we could maybe escape to the bathroom for a couple
of minutes when Charlie slapped me on the back offering his congratulations. I
shook his hand and hugged the rest of my family. All thoughts of bathroom sex
quickly fled my mind once my mom mentioned dinner. We were all ushered into
cars so we could begin the ride to Port Angeles for dinner. I was so fucking
happy to get to spend some time with Bella today even if we weren't alone, just
spending time with her outside of school made me happy. I drove Charlie and
Bella in my Jeep while Alice and my parents rode with Edward in his Volvo.

"So son how does it feel to finally be done with High School?" Charlie asked.

I grinned, "well pops," Charlie scowled not liking the name I had taken to calling
him recently. "It's good, yeah it feels pretty damn good." Bella hit me in the back
of the head telling me to watch my mouth.

"So are you ready for college? Ready for college football? You have a lot of
pressure on you son, a freshman starting at Quarterback. That's a big deal."

I laughed, "oh I'm ready. I'm not nervous. The one thing that I'm sure of is that
I'm good at football, so no worries." I got hit in the back of the head again. "Ow,
what's that for?"

"Football is the only thing you're sure of?" Bella questioned.

"Sorry sugar pie. I meant football and Bella are the only things that I'm sure of."
She grinned. "Better?" I smiled when she nodded yes.

Dinner was perfect. While Charlie and my parents were engrossed in

conversation I had my wicked way with Bella. I slid my hand up her thigh and
cupped her sex. Trying to hold back a moan -she was warm and wet- I pressed
the heel of my hand against her clit rubbing in circles. She jumped and tried
squeezing her legs closed. "No, no no baby." I whispered in her ear.

Her breathing had picked up, she turned to me and gave me a look of fear. "Are
you serious Emmett?" She whispered furiously. "With our parents here?"

I wiggled my hand and managed to slip a finger into her panties. She sighed
happily and opened her legs up giving me full access. I slid first one then two
fingers in her keeping up a slow steady pace. She was so wet that is was really
hard not to just throw her on the table and fuck her senseless in front of my
family. I increased the speed and was about to slip a third finger in when she
tensed up and grabbed my hand pulling my fingers out.

She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "as much as I'm enjoying that it's a
little awkward having you finger me in front of our family so quit it."

I grinned and shrugged my shoulders not sorry but not about to push my luck. I
brought my fingers up to my mouth and licked them. Bella almost choked on the
sip of coke she took, I started laughing as everyone was asking if she was okay.
The rest of dinner went by without incident and the ride home was quiet. Charlie
allowed Bella a couple of minutes to say good bye and got out of the jeep so he
could get to bed.

Bella made her way to the front seat and as soon as Charlie walked into the
house and closed the door she attacked me. "I can't believe you did that
Emmett. Starting something that you know we couldn't finish in the restaurant."
She attached her lips to my neck and starting licking and biting while her hands
fumbled with my belt on my pants. She made quick work of the button and
zipper and I helped her pull them down. "Slid your seat back." As soon as the
seat was back Bella was on my lap, she grabbed my cock placing it at her
entrance and she lowered herself down.

We both moaned once she had me fully sheathed inside her. I gripped her hips
helping her start a fast frantic rhythm. She had her arms wrapped around my
neck and was digging her nails into my flesh. It didn't last long and it wasn't
sweet and slow but fuck did it feel good to come inside her. Once we were
finished she jumped off my lap and got her clothes straightened while I pulled
my pants back up. She gave me a quick kiss before opening the door. "Don't
ever do that again Emmett." She slammed the door and stormed up to her
house slamming that door too.

I laughed, she was cute when she was trying to act mad. And if that's the
punishment for making her mad, while let's just say I would be trying to make
her mad often. I drove home with a goofy grin on my face which turned into a
satisfied smile when Bella sent me a text saying good night and she loved me.

I loved having the house to myself. No parents to nag at you about cleaning
your room or drinking right from the milk carton. Not having to listen to Edward
and Alice bicker and then make up mere seconds later. But the best thing about
having the house all to myself is the ability to have Bella bent over the side of
the couch while I fuck her from behind. I bent over her sucking on her neck
leaving a nice red mark that was sure to be purple later -no doubt Bella would
be pissed about that, but I just couldn't find it in me to give a shit at the moment.

Her cries of pleasure were getting more loud and desperate. I could feel my
own orgasm only moments away and wanting her to get off first I applied light
pressure to her clit while I sucked her ear lobe into my mouth biting gently.
"Come on Bella. Give it to me. Come for me now." I can honestly say that her
laughter was not what I was expecting. Screams of my name, moans and
proclaims of me being a sex god sure but not laughter.

She was laughing hysterically I stopped so I could figure out what the fuck was
going on. "What the fuck are you laughing about?" Her whole body was
shaking. I pulled out and spun her to face me only to see tears streaming down
her face. "What the fuck Bella? What's so funny?" I was getting a little pissed off
only Bella would start laughing during sex. If I wasn't totally confident about my
status as a sex god I would be a little worried by now since she was holding her
stomach doubled over in laughter. I just stood there gawking at her not knowing
what to do.

She finally calmed down enough to stand upright and look me in the eye. She
was still giggling when she said, "seriously Emmett! Come for me. Come now.
What the fuck do I look like? I don't come on command."

"Jesus Christ Bella," I yelled. "Only you could make me feel like a moron during
sex. I can't b-"

My mouth shut abruptly once Bella dropped to her knees and grabbed my cock
giving a few rough strokes. "I'm sorry baby, let me make it up to you," she
purred. Then my beautiful girl slowly sucked my cock into that beautiful wet
mouth of hers. She stroked the part of my cock that she couldn't fit into her
mouth. I had to restrain myself from roughly grabbing her hair and slamming my
cock down her throat. Bella gave the best blow jobs, I'm not quite sure if it's
because I love her so damn much or if she's really just that fucking good but her
mouth felt amazing. She was licking, sucking, using her teeth just how I like, but
it wasn't enough I needed to be inside her, I needed to fill her.

I pulled out, pleased to hear her whimper and dragged her ass down to the
floor, knowing I wouldn't be able to make it to the couch. I draped her leg
around my shoulder and went straight for the promised land. All the stupid
fucking cliches float through my mind once I'm inside Bella -she feels like
heaven, clean sheets and fucking rainbows and sunshine- she just feels so
damn good. I groan and pick up the pace. I get up on my knees now with both
of Bella's legs flush against me her feet right by my face. I can't help myself so I
start kissing and licking on Bella's feet -she has a foot fetish but doesn't like to
admit to it- and that's all it takes. She screams and her walls tighten around my
cock and I explode. It feels so fucking good that my vision starts to blur and I
think I'm about to pass out.

I collapse next to her and pull her into my arms kissing her all over her face
because I just love her so goddamn much. Once our breathing is normal and
I'm not in jeopardy of passing out I suggest some food. She laughs because
apparently food and sex are all I ever think about. "But baby," I say whining,
"you wear me out. I'm hungry. I need to replenish all the energy it takes to fuck

"Christ Emmett! No one can ever mistake you for a romantic. Five minutes ago I
feel like I'm in a porno and now you're begging for food."
"Whatever. You love me." She smiled cause of course I'm right. "Let's order a
pizza so we can get back to the sexin."

Now it was her turn to whine. "Emmett no. We've been stuck in your house for a
month. You come pick me up we come back here and we have sex the whole
time. I want to go out. Take me out."

"Okay, Okay. We'll go get a pizza. Sheesh woman stop with the yapping."

"I swear if I didn't love you so much I would hit you."

"Ah baby, you hit me all the time but since you hit like such a fucking girl I can
take it." She didn't even dignify that one with an answer. We got up and threw
on some clothes and within twenty minutes we were sitting in a booth ready to
place our order. I ordered a large with the works and waited for Bella to place
her order, she asked for a water. "Aren't you hungry? Bella we haven't ate all
day, you need to eat something."

"I'll have a couple slices of yours."

"Like hell you will. Order your own."

"I don't know what your weird obsession with pizza is but it's fucked up. I'm not
going to order another pizza so I can have one or two pieces. Get over it. I'm
eating some of yours." She sent the waitress off while I huffed and puffed. I can
eat a large to myself. It's not an obsession I just really like pizza and I can eat a
lot of it.

"Aww did I upset my Emmy Bear?" She poked me in the chest. That stupid
fucking nickname. Ever since Alice called me a teddy bear Bella has since
started calling me Emmy Bear. She said that shit in front of the guys and they
have yet to let it go. I might end up having to kick Newton's ass. I was sitting
sideways in the booth so I pulled her so her back was against my chest and I
started tickling her. She was laughing loudly and trying to pull away from me
when Jared walked into the restaurant with none other than Rosalie. Rosalie
took one look at us and high tailed it to the other end of the restaurant sliding
into a booth with her back to us. Jared made his way over sitting down across
from us.

"Hey man, long time no see. Seriously I haven't seen you since graduation.
What the fuck have you been doing?"

"Just spending some quality time with my girl." Our waitress brought our order
and I dug right in making sure to give Bella the smallest piece. She glared at me
and threw the small piece on my plate going for the biggest piece. I smiled and
kissed her cheek, "I love you." She returned the kiss and started eating.

"Man you guys make me sick. You're to lovey dovey for me." Jared said.
"Well you could always go to your own table." I said as I sprayed the table with
food. Bella looked at me with disgust and told me to eat with my mouth closed.
Jared was laughing, commenting on how we were like an old married couple.
"You're just jealous." I said.

"No way in hell am I jealous. No offense or anything but I'm not ready to be tied
down to one piece of ass. There's to much variety out there. I need to sample it
all before I have to do the whole grown up thing."

"So you and Rosalie aren't together?" Bella asked.

Jared laughed loudly causing some of the other diners to glare at us. "Bella
sweetheart. Rosalie is not dating material. I always tried telling Emmett that, it
took him long enough to figure it out."

"Okay, let's get a couple things straight here. First don't ever call Bella
sweetheart or I'll have to kick your ass. Second let's not talk about me and
Rosalie. I'm eating and that shit just makes me sick."

Jared laughed, "understood. Anyways, I'm having a party tonight and it would
be great if you and Bella could stop by, or the whole group. We're all leaving
soon and it would be cool if we could all hang out at least one last time. I know
you want to hole up with Bella but your friends miss you."

"We'll see. If Bella wants to we will." Jared said good bye and walked to his
table sitting across from Rosalie. We finished up eating and left the restaurant. I
waved to Jared on the way out and we made our way back to my house. We
were laying on my bed with her back to my chest. "Do you want to go?" She

"Honestly, I don't care either way. You were complaining earlier that we haven't
been going out so if you want to go we will."

"I wasn't complaing, I was just joking. But it might be nice for you to see all of
the guys before you leave. How about we go for a couple of hours and we can
leave if it sucks." I agreed even though I really could care less if we went or not.
I mean it wasn't like I would see any of the guys again. I had no plans on
keeping in touch with any of them. I might see them at holidays when everyone
was back visiting family but other than that Bella and my family were the only
people I was worried about keeping in my life. We were both exhausted so we
decided to try and get a couple hours of sleep before the party.

We woke around nine, rolled out of bed cleaned up a little and left to go pick up
Mike. The party was in full swing once we got to Jared's. "Honestly I don't know
why I let you guys talk me into coming to these things." Mike said.

"Just relax Newton. You never know maybe you'll have fun, you know get laid." I
"Worry about your own sex life Emmy Bear." He jumped out of the Jeep and
took off running before I could threaten his life for calling me that again.

"I swear I'm going to kick that kid's ass one of these days." I yelled loud enough
hoping that he would hear me. I picked Bella up and threw her over my shoulder
and walked into the house with her yelling and punching me in the back. "The
party can officially start!" I yell and smack Bella's ass. She is not happy when I
put her down and proceeds to punch me in the chest. "No foreplay right now
baby. We'll have time for that later." She grunts some obscenities at me and
stomps away with Mike following behind her. I'm about to give chase when most
of the guys from the football team crowd around slurring greetings.

I'm about six beers and a couple of shots in when Rosalie saunters up and
begins to suck Jared's face off. I roll my eyes and start scanning the crowd
looking for Bella and Mike. I find them hopping around, I'm assuming that they
are trying to dance but Bella strangely looks like she's having a seizure. One of
the things that I absolutely love about Bella is that she doesn't give a shit what
other people think about her. She's having fun and that's all that she cares
about. She catches my eye and I smile, she returns it and pulls Mike towards

She looks at Rosalie with disdain before she wraps herself around my body and
places a chaste kiss on my lips. "Are you having fun?" She asks. I shrug. "It's
better now that you're here. How about you are you having fun?" She smiles,
"yeah, but I'm ready to go and I think Mike has had his fill of these assholes." I
agree for the most part with the asshole statement and we say our goodbyes.
Bella drives since she's the only sober one, after she drops Mike off she drives
us back to my house.

Ten minutes later we are laying in bed. I'm almost asleep when she timidly
clears her throat. "Can I ask you a question?" She's running her fingers through
my hair and I can hardly think straight. "Hmmm," I murmur. "Did it bother you to
see Rosalie and Jared kissing?" That wakes me right up. I look into her eyes to
see that she looks slightly worried. "Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Well Jared's your friend, and as many problems that Rosalie has caused us
she is your ex and I thought it might upset you to see your friend sucking her
lips off."

"Hey, don't think that. It doesn't bother me, at all. Rosalie's a bitch and I'm
happy that she's sunk her claws into someone else and has finally left us alone.
I would have felt bad if it was anyone else besides Jared knowing how Rosalie
is, but Jared's only in it for the sex so there's no way that she can screw him

"Don't you find it kind of strange that she's so obsessed with you and now she's
all over your friend. It wouldn't surprise me if she was only doing it to make you
"Who cares why that crazy bitch does what she does. I don't like talking about
her or thinking about her. I'm fucking exhausted and drunk, let's go to sleep. I
love you." I burrow my face into her neck. I'm awake enough to hear Bella
mumble that she loves me too before we both fall asleep.

Today was the day that I would be making the over two thousand mile drive to
Ann Arbor MI. When my dad printed out the maps it said it was going to take
around thrity eight hours to get there. I was not looking forward to the long drive.
What made it worse was that I would be making the trip by myself. My family
wanted to come, to help me get settled in but I thought it would be harder for me
and also for Bella if she made the long trip there just to make the long trip back
without me. I was already running late, I wanted to leave early in the morning so
I could drive most of the day and night before having to stop off at a hotel. It
was already after noon and I was still laying in bed with Bella clinging to my

She had her arm draped over my stomach with her head laying on my chest.
She kept insisting that she was fine but I could feel the small tremors going
through her body and hear the sniffles she would make every so often. I wanted
to stay just one more day. I was already tired, -not getting much sleep last night-
and I couldn't drag myself away from the crying girl laying in my arms. But the
longer I stayed the harder it would be to leave, both for me and for Bella. I
tightened my arms, squeezing her hard and kissed her on the top of her head.

I sat up bringing her with me. She tightened her arms around me and started
visibly shaking. "No, no no no. Please don't go yet Emmett." She sobbed. I
closed my eyes trying to fight off my own tears, it would do no good for her to
see me cry. I needed to be strong for the both of us. This would work, we would
be fine. I might be over two thousand miles away but it wouldn't be for long. She
would finish her last year of school and then join me in Michigan and we would
look back on this brief separation knowing that it would make us stronger as a
couple. Or at least that's what I kept telling myself, when in reality I was terrified.
I loved Bella and nothing could change that but it also didn't mean that this
wouldn't be hard or put a strain on our relationship.

"Bella," I croaked. I stopped and cleared my throat, I needed to be strong.

"Bella, I have to get going. It's a long drive and I'm already running behind." She
sat on my lap straddling me and I got a quick look at her face before she leaned
her forehead against mine. Her eyes were red and puffy from the days of crying
that she had done, even now tears were leaking from her eyes and running
down her face. I had no idea how I was going to make myself get in that car and
leave her behind especially since she was so upset about this. I promised
myself that I would never hurt her again. I knew that this was not my fault, -I
wasn't hurting her on purpose- but I was still upset that she was hurting and I
wanted to fix it but the only way to do that was to stay and I couldn't do that.

"Please just stay one more day. Please!" She pleaded. "You can leave
tomorrow. I just want one more day with you." She pushed me down until I was
laying on my back, she molded her body to mine, burrowing her face into my
neck. We stayed like that for at least another twenty minutes until there was a
soft tentative knock on my door. Bella started sobbing louder after hearing the
knock knowing that she had to let me go. "Emmett, you need to get on the road
son." My dad called out. "I'll be right there dad," I yelled.

"I can't do this Emmett. I can't survive without you here. I won't make it, I just
won't." I held her face in my hands. I hated that our last moments spent together
were gut wrenching and heart breaking. Even with her swollen eyes and a
runny nose she was beautiful and I would miss her so much. I wiped the tears
from her eyes only to replaced by more. "Baby," I whispered. "I don't want to
leave you. I really don't, this is so hard for me. But everything is going to be
okay. You're going to be okay. We will get through this. I love you so much. I
need you to be strong for me. Can you do that for me? Please?"

She answered me with a fierce desperate kiss. I returned it with just as much
desperation knowing that this was our last kiss for a while. I think I would miss
kissing Bella the most. The sex was amazing between us, always has been but
kissing her had to be a favorite of mine. Her lips were soft and she was so
responsive, always letting me know how much she was enjoying the kiss with
moans of pleasure. Our mouths opened at the same time, tongues reaching
and touching tentatively. She acquiesced and let me take control, I tilted her
head so I could deepen the kiss. She cried the whole time, I could feel her tears
on my face but I didn't stop kissing her, couldn't stop kissing her. I needed this. I
needed to feel this connection with her now. She had plans to visit me in a
couple of weeks with my sister and brother but I didn't think I could wait that
long to feel her lips on mine again.

I slowed the kiss down, -to much more of that and I wouldn't be able to get out
of the bed at all today. I kissed her lips once more chastely then I grabbed her
by the hips and lifted her off of me. I got off of the bed and reached out my hand
without looking at her. Once she grabbed my hand I led her from the bed and
my room, down the stairs to where my family was waiting for us. My mom was
already crying and in the arms of my dad while Alice was being comforted by
Edward. I had said goodbye to Jasper and Mike last night, -they thought it
would be better to just have family around for today. Bella had both arms
wrapped around my waist with my arm around her shoulders, it made it hard to
walk but she needed to be close to me and honestly I needed it too.

"I'm gonna go say bye to my mom," I whisper in her ear. She nods and
reluctantly lets go of me. My mom starts to cry harder once I engulf her small
frame in a hug. She's so small yet so strong. She holds this family together and
it's hard seeing her cry. "Hey now. No crying." I say. I can hear Alice crying also
and I motion for her to come join us. Once I have them both in my arms we stay
like that until they calm down and the tears subside. We are a very close family
and I know it's going to be a big adjustment on both sides once I'm so far away.
My mother loves taking care of us. I knew it was going to be particularly hard on
her now that I had to feed myself and take care of all of the things that she
normally would do for me. Not that I couldn't do them she just enjoyed doing it
for me.
"I'm so proud of you sweetheart." My mom is now smiling and wiping the tears
off of her face. I smile back and thank her. "Are you sure you don't want us to
go with you Emmett? It's a long drive by yourself. I'm a little worried about you
driving all that way alone."

"I'll be fine mom. I think it's easier to say the goodbyes now." I didn't need to say
how I thought it would be easier for Bella my mom already knew and she
agreed. She walked over to Bella pulling her into her arms while I said bye to
my dad and Edward. "Are you all set son? Have you got everything packed?"
My dad asked. I nodded, "yeah, everything is in the car already. And anything
else that I need I'll just buy when I get there." I basically just packed clothes,
cds, some movies my iPod and laptop. I figured anything else, like toiletries and
any furniture I would just buy so I didn't have to haul a bunch of shit there. It
would make it easier since I was moving by myself.

"Good, good," my dad said. "Listen I want you to check in with us. While you're
on the road, when you stop for the night and then when you get to your dorm
room. And don't hesitate to use the credit card for anything that you need." I
assured him that I would be fine and I would not hesitate to use the credit card.
He gave me a hug and went to offer some comfort to the girls who were
huddled in a circle, though I think Bella needed the most comfort right now. I
hugged Edward slapping him on the back making him jerk forward a little.
Laughing I said, "sorry bro."

"Don't worry about it. You never did know your own strength." He laughed with
me. I looked towards Bella and knew that I needed Edward to promise me
something. "Edward, watch over her for me. Please. This is going to be hard for
her, and I just.....I...just please look out for her." I started getting choked up and
cleared my throat trying to cover it up. Edward wasn't fooled, he put an arm
around my shoulder, "don't worry bro. She's my sister, of course I'll look out for
her. You don't even need to ask that."

"I do need to ask. You have to promise me also that you'll kick any guys ass
that tries talking to her. With me not here I know they are going to try and move
in on her. Or you can just keep a list and when I'm home I'll make the rounds
and kick their asses. Actually I like that idea better." We both laughed at that
and then I knew it was time for me to get going. I said my last good bye to
everyone and walked outside with Bella following behind me. My family stayed
in the house so I could have a couple minutes alone with Bella before I left.

I was leaning back against the Jeep. I pulled her into my arms breathing in the
sweet scent of Bella when Charlie pulled up in the cruiser. "Hey son, I'm glad
that I caught you before you left. I wanted to say bye." He shook my hand and
pulled me into a short hug. Charlie wasn't a very affectionate man so it
surprised me a little when he hugged me. "Be careful on the road. Make sure
you stop and rest and don't drive until you're so tired you can barely see the
road. Stop and find a place to stay." I grinned, "don't worry pops, I'll be fine." He
grumbled at my use of 'pops' and told us he was going to go inside so we could
be alone.
"So this is it. You're leaving me." She was hysterical. "Bella." She wasn't
listening to me just going on about how I was leaving her. "Bella!" I yelled. I
shook her a little to try and get her attention. She finally calmed enough to listen
to me. "You make it sound like we're breaking up or something. I'm not leaving
you. I'll never leave you. I'll call you in a little bit." She was slowly working
herself up again and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to leave her like this
but I couldn't get her to calm down. She had her arms wrapped tightly around
my neck and was crying hysterically. Crying and pleading with me not to leave.
Telling me that she couldn't live without me. I couldn't keep the tears at bay any
longer and they started falling. I was trying to sooth her, rubbing her back and
whispering how much I loved her and that everything was going to be fine.

"It's not going to be fine," she yelled. She pushed away from me and began
pacing back and forth. "It's not going to be fine," she repeated. "You're going to
forget about me. You're going to find some new girl to replace me and I'll die
here without you." She yelled. I tried reaching for her but she dodged my
attempts. She looked so scared and angry at the same time.

"Stop being ridicoulous Bella," I said. "You know I'm not going to find another
girl. I have no interest in anyone except for you. Stop doing this. This is not how
I want to say goodbye to you." I pulled her back into my arms, she tried pulling
back but I wouldn't let her. She was trying to hit me in the chest with her fists
while still yelling that I was going to forget about her. Charlie finally came out
and pried her out of my arms. The rest of my family was standing on the porch
stunned at Bella's behavior. I knew that she was just scared and was lashing
out but it hurt that she could even think that anyone could ever replace her.

"Emmett please! Don't go." She pleaded. Charlie was whispering in her ear, for
all the good it was doing. He was holding her back, his arms wrapped around
her. I took a step towards her. "I'll leave tomorrow. It's okay Bella, don't cry
anymore. I'll stay until tomorrow." I was crying now too, I just couldn't leave her
like this. "No Emmett!" Charlie said. "It will be worse if you leave tomorrow. You
just need to get in the car and go. Bella will be okay."

"I-I can't leave her like this Charlie." I stuttered. "She needs me." My mom
walked towards me and Charlie started dragging Bella towards the house. She
was screaming and kicking, calling my name. I was getting a little pissed that he
was handling her like that. "Charlie, let her go!" I yelled. I was about to go after
her when my mom stopped in front of me and put a hand out to stop me.
"Emmett you need to get into your car and go." She said. "Mom, please move. I
can't leave her like this. I'll leave tomorrow. It will be fine if I stay one more day,
she needs me."

"Emmett do you think it will be any better if you leave tomorrow? She will go
through the same exact thing tomorrow. It's just going to get worse the longer
you drag this out. So for her sake get in the car and go. She will be alright. We
will take care of her."

"No mom. This isn't normal. Why is she acting like this? I need to stay." I was
becoming slightly hysterical myself. "Emmett she's a seventeen year old girl.
When you're that age and add being a girl on top of it everything is so final.
Everything seems like it's the end of the world. Trust me I know. I was once
seventeen myself, it might have been a long time ago but I do remember. She
will be fine, I promise."

I relented and agreed to go after my mom promised me that she would look
after Bella for me. I got into my Jeep and pulled out of our driveway. This was
not how I wanted our goodbye to play out. I knew it was going to be hard but I
never thought it would end up like that. I called the house once I made my first
stop. I wanted to call earlier but I knew my parents wouldn't be happy with me
calling them while I was driving. Edward answered the phone and I immediately
asked about Bella. "She's sleeping Emmett."

"Sleeping? Is she okay?" Edward hesitated and I told him to tell me the truth. "It
was bad Emmett. Charlie couldn't get her to calm down. Dad had to give her
something to help relax her." My heart constricted at that. I wanted to turn
around so badly but knew it wouldn't help anything. "She just fell asleep about
ten minutes ago." He continued, "she's in your bed and Alice is laying with her."
We talked for a couple of minutes and I told him to let everyone know that I was
fine so far. I was making pretty good time and ended up not stopping for a hotel
until after eleven. Once I checked in I called the house again. My dad picked up
and was relieved that I finally stopped for the night. I was hoping to speak with
Bella but she was still sleeping. I was worried about her and told my dad as
much but he assured me that she was fine. That she had been up for a little
while and ate then went back to sleep. Charlie was letting her stay with Alice
knowing that it would upset her to much taking her home.

I woke early and checked out of the hotel so I could get an early start. I stopped
at a McDonald's to get breakfast and a large coffee. I drove all day making as
few stops as I could. I finally found my way to my dorm only after getting lost
about twenty times. I was exhausted once I trudged my way up to my room,
only taking a single bag with me so I had some clothes and a toothbrush,
figuring I would get the rest in the morning. I walked into the room hoping to
relax and call Bella. There was a guy and two girls in the room and I was
already tired and pissed off enough that I didn't want to deal with any bullshit
tonight. "Hey man you must be Emmett." The guy said.

"Yeah," I answered. He got up to shake my hand. "My names Tony. This is

Lucy," he said pointing to a blond. "And this is Marie," pointing at the other girl.
"Nice to meet you guys." I said. I was trying to be pleasant but I really just
wanted to call Bella. "Hey, we're going to go walk around a little bit, get to know
our surroundings. Do you want to come?" Tony asked. "Yeah Emmett, you
should join us." Marie said and licked her lips.

"No thanks. I'm beat and I need to call my girlfriend." Hopefully Marie took the
hint because the way she was looking at me I knew she was going to try and
cause trouble. They left and you could tell that Marie was upset that I wouldn't
go with them. Dumb chicks. Why couldn't they respect when a man had a
girlfriend? I called the house and briefly talked to my dad letting him know I got
in safe and everything was okay. He told me that Bella was at home so I called
her cell phone. I could tell that she had been crying when she answered the

"Hey beautiful," I said. "How are you?"

"I'm okay," she whispered. "How are you?"

"How am I? Well I've been better. I miss you so much. I love you."

"I love you too. I'm so sorry about how I acted."

"Don't apologize. I'm sorry that I had to leave. I didn't want to."

"I know. It's okay, it's better that you left when you did." She said. "How was the
trip there? Are you all settled?"

"The trip was okay. It was long. Honestly I'm so tired that I left most of my stuff
in the Jeep and I plan on getting it tomorrow. I met my roommate." I said.

"Do you like him?" She asked.

"Yeah, he seems nice enough. He's name is Tony. I only talked to him for a
couple of minutes before he left to go check out the surroundings." I didn't know
if I should tell her about the two girls that he had with him especially Marie since
I already knew what her intentions were. I knew that I probably should tell her
because I knew if the situation was reversed I would want to know but she was
already insecure about the situation and I didn't want to make it worse by letting
her know that I wasn't even here five minutes before some girl was ogling me. I
decided to keep it to myself because what ever intentions Marie had I wanted
nothing to do with her, so I wasn't going to upset Bella by even mentioning it.
We talked a couple of minutes, I could barely keep my eyes open I was so tired.

"Emmett," she whispered. "What baby?" She sighed, "we're going to be fine
right?" She asked. "We're perfect Bella. Don't worry about anything." We
exchanged I love yous and hung up the phone. I was too exhausted to worry
about anything. I fell asleep in my clothes on a bed without any sheets.

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