Television Programmes

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Tv programmes

SHOWS & PROGRAMMES: ENTERTEINMENT Quiz Show: Game or competition in which contestants must answer questions to win a prize. Concurso de preguntas. Example: Atrapa un millon. Game show: a television programme where people score points by doing things or playing games. Concurso de pruebas. Example: La partida de TV3 Reality TV: television programmes about ordinary people who are filmed in real situations, living their everyday life. (Reality) Example: Gran Hermano Talent Show: A programme in which people compete to show who is the best at singing, dancing Concurso de talentos Example: La voz Chat show a programme in which a well-known person interviews famous people. Programa de entrevistas Celebrities Gossip Show: A tv programme which gives information about the private lives of famous people. Cookery programme: A tv programme which shows you how to cook dishes. Programa de cocina. Example: La cocina de Carlos Arguiano Childrens programme: A tv programme designed especially for children. Programa infantil. Example: Club Super Tres Commedy programme: A type of programme which makes you laugh. Programa de humor. Example: El club de la comedia; Crackvia Sports Programme: A kind of programme which gives you information about sports. Example: Hat Trick Bara Music Programme: A programme about music. Programa de msica Example: RAC 105

INFORMATION PROGRAMMES The news a programme that tells you whats happening around the worl. Las noticias. The weather forecast: a TV programme that gives information about the weather and temperatures for a period of time in the future. El tiempo Documentary: a television programme that gives facts and informations about a real

subject. (history, science, biographies..) Documental . Example: National Geographic

FICTION PROGRAMMES Sitcom a TV programme in which the same characters regularly appear in funny situations from ordinary life. Serie de humor Ex. Two Men and a Half.. La que se avecina

Drama series: A tv programme in which the same characters live a different adventure in each episode. All stories are quite serious and involve crimes, dramas.. Serie (no de humor). Ex: CSI, Castle, House Soap Opera: a daily or weekly tv programme with a continuing story. The location is always the same and there are a lot of characters. The story is usually about dramatic love. Telenovela /Culebrn Example: Violetta. Film: a series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story. Pelcula Cartoon: a film made using characters and images which are drawn and which is usually funny. Dibujos animados

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