Good Friday

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Good Friday

Walk through Good Friday at St Pauls, Roundshaw; taking an opportunity to pray, reflect and take part in interactive worship activities. You can walk round the various stations alone, with friends, or as a family. For those that find it helpful, we will keep silence from 9 10.30: but not ask for silence from 10.30 - 12 noon

6th April Hosted by Cell-o-Tape

Welcome to the Service, especially those who are visiting us or here for the first time. ~~~~~~~ Please do join us for tea and 13th April coffee after the service. Morning Worship 10.30 am There is a welcome desk in the Mark 14 foyer with more information breathe 6.30 pm about the churchs activities

Holy Communion Mark 13: 1-27

AGM Business
As our Springfield AGM fast approaches on the 27th April, please do consider joining the electoral roll if you are not already on it. This is the official membership of the Church of England and entitles you to vote and stand for a place on the PCC, the Deanery Synod, or as a church warden. The roll is open to those whose regular church is Springfield, are 16 or over and have been attending for 6 months or more. The current electoral Roll and forms are available on the welcome desk as well as nomination forms for PCC, Deanery Synod and Church Warden
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson 020 8404 6064 (day off Saturday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby 020 8763 4222 (day off Friday) Children & Families Minister: Sue Bosley 020 8773 4787 Youth Minister 07531 017 789 Church Office 020 8647 3410 Safeguarding

St Pauls, Roundshaw

Maundy Thursday Passover Supper

17th April, 7.30pm, Wallington Girls School Come and join in our Passover Supper to recall Jesus' last supper with his disciples. We will share a Passover Meal together, learning, as we go, why the meal is significant, why Jesus celebrated it, and how it remains a key symbolic meal for us as Christians now. This is a church family event, so there are lots of preparations you can help with: both food and equipment. Do check the list on the welcome desk and sign up there or there is a blog post with a response form on the church website.

April 7th 10.30 - 12 Cafe Connect April 7th @ 8.00 pm Cell Leaders meeting Trinity Centre April 12th @ 9.30 am MSM course April 13th @ 6.30 pm breathe @ St Pauls April 17th Maundy Thursday Meal April 18th 9 am - 12 noon Good Friday @ St Pauls April 20th @ 10.30 am Easter Sunday Baptisms April 27th @ 10.30 am Springfield AGM April 30th @ 7.45 pm Parenting Course Youth Zone, Phoenix Centre May 17th Leaders Day Away July 26th - August 1st New Wine Shepton Mallett

Pray for our church family

next Sunday evening from 6.30pm at St Pauls A spirit filled worshipful time of prayer and ministry, when we can take our time to hear from God and share and practise using the gifts of the Spirit. Do join us.

Passover Parts
Calling all Youth! Come and be part of our church family celebration of the Passover Supper. There are speaking parts we would love you to read out, that explain the history of the supper and why we are sharing it. Last year, everyone really appreciated this and found it a blessing. To learn more and to get involved please meet in the main hall straight after the Sunday morning service today and next week with Donna

Please pray for: Those we have on our hearts who are unwell and undergoing treatment, for Gods touch and healing on their lives Will & the staff team that God would speak to them as they lead the church Roadrunners & their leaders as the year 6 young people prepare to move up to join our youth. Tear Fund: for all the work that they are doing in the war torn regions of the world
For prayer chain requests, please contact :

Lent Reflection
Each week Donna will be writing a reflection to help us in our journey towards Easter. This period of Lent helps us consider our faith and helps us to reflect on Jesus. Her second reflection is "Confession: Love is (not) blind" and can be found on the website:

Parenting Course
Sarah Miller and Sue Bosley are running a parenting course for parents of children aged 5-11. It starts on Wednesday 30th April at 7.45pm in the youth zone at the Phoenix Centre. Collect a flyer today for you and/or a friend and talk to Sarah & Sue

Cupcake RUSH
Next Sunday, 13th April, after the morning service Heidi & Ian Fowkes-Smith will be selling cup cakes: raising money to spend on RUSH when they visit Kakamega later this year. Dont forget your wallet!

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

She will pass on any pastoral matters as appropriate

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