Blogapril 4th

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Scholfields First Grade April 4th, 2014

1ates to +emem%er
Mo da', April 2th+eport Cards !o home Frida', April 11th*ride Assem%l' a d cheese a d re!&lar popcor Frida', April 23thGra dpare ts 1a' 1"1342"50.

Classroom News
Writi !" We are still wor#i ! with writi ! re$iews %&t we are starti ! o&r poetr' & it. ( thi # this is m' fa$orite as m&ch as it is the st&de ts. We are c&rre tl' readi ! from a fa$orite poem %oo# e titled Sho&t) *oems that +oar. We started o&r & it o poetr' with sorti ! words i to $er%s or ad,ecti$es a d the %&ild sill' se te ces to complete o&r se te ces. -&r first poem will %e o e that &ses three $er%s a d three ad,ecti$es to descri%e somethi !. Scholastic News.Natio al Geo!raphic" We did ot ha$e time this wee# to foc&s o either of these. We will pic# them &p a!ai e/t wee# whe we tal# a%o&t pla ts a d their roots. We will %e st&d'i ! the ,o% of roots i pla ts.

6oo# -rders 6oo# -rders are d&e Mo da', April 2th. 7here are a lot of !reat %oo#s i these catalo!s. (f 'o& are i terested i p&rchasi ! %oo#s please se d 'o&r order i or complete 'o&r order o li e)

S&mmer School +e!istratio " (f 'o& are i terested i ha$i ! 'o&r child atte d s&mmer school this 'ear, please ma#e s&re 'o& se d them %ac# i with 'o&r child. Classes fill &p 0&ic#l') (920)3 !"##0# $ 1122

Spelli ! Words for e/t wee#" :ew;

What We Are 8ear i ! Math" We ha$e officiall' completed & it 9. We are fi ished with compariso %ars for a while a d will %e mo$i ! i to tal#i ! a%o&t cloc#s, meas&reme t, a d shapes. 7he st&de ts ha$e wor#ed reall' hard this wee# to !et a %etter !rasp of sol$i ! compariso %ars a d writi ! compariso 0&estio s &si ! the data.

%irthda' ews left ew few

does far !i$e chew ewspaper

What We Are 8ear i ! 1ail' 3"7his wee# we wor#ed o poi t of $iew i a te/t. We lear ed a%o&t how we ca tell whe a stor' is writte i first perso a d whe it is writte i third perso . We &sed the familiar te/t 7he 7hree 8ittle *i!s to help &s with lear i ! this co cept. We the tal#ed a%o&t Fract&red Fair'tales. We lear ed that these tales ca cha !e the poi t of $iew, the setti ! a d e$e the characters.

Assessme ts Comi ! &p With the start of the fo&rth 0&arter a d spri ! comi ! aro& d the cor er so are the assessme ts for o&r st&de ts. ( wa t to !i$e 'o& a te tati$e sched&le of whe we will %e!i the e d of the 'ear assessme ts. *A8S will %e the first assessme t !i$e . 7his will start the fi al wee# i April. ( am pla i ! to ha$e it fi ished %efore we start MA*S testi ! a d the fi all' complete o&r assessme ts with %e chmar# testi ! for readi !.

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