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April 5-6, 2014

Sat., Apr. 5 8:00a 5:00p Sun., Apr. 6 8:30a 11:00a Mon. Apr. 7 8:00a Tues. Apr. 8 8:00a 11:00a-FCV Wed., Apr. 9 8:00a Lenten Weekday/St. Vincent Ferrer/First Saturday +Catherine Rogers (Amy & Jeff ONeil) +Giovanna Mosca (M/M Vincent DiSante) Fifth Sunday of Lent +Louise Cardenell (Family) People of the Parish St. John Baptist de la Salle +Joseph Agriesti (Rose Ann Clifford) Lenten Weekday +Helen Demnan (Gina Ginnetti) +Teresa Nguyen (Msgr. Missimi) Lenten Weekday +Roger Schorr (Rob & Krista Joseph)


Sunday, Apr. 6 6-COFFEE & DONUTS FOLLOWING MASSES 8:30a Mass - Church 9:30a Rel. Ed (K-5th)-PLC 9:30a St. Vincent De Paul Mtg.-VH 11:00a Mass - Church 12:00N Expectant Mothers Blessing-Church 2:00p Baptism Class-PLC 6:00p Your Call to Greatness Study-VH 6:00p ImPact (6th-8th)-PLC Monday, Apr. 7 7:00a 8:00a 7:00p Tuesday, Apr. 8 8:00a

First Monday Eucharistic Adoration-CH Mass - Church Lenten Stations of the Cross-Church

Thurs., Apr. 10 Lenten Weekday 8:00a +Dec. Members Sliemers Family (Jack & Rose Sliemers) Fri., Apr. 11 Lenten Weekday/St. Stanislaus 8:00a +Norma Stratman (Family) Sat., Apr. 12 5:00p Lenten Weekday People of the Parish


Wednesday, Apr. 9 8:00a Mass-Church 6:00p Fast, Pray, Give Lenten Study-PLC 7:00p Knights of Columbus Mtg.-VH Thursday, Apr. 10 8:00a Mass - Church 7:30p Choir Rehearsal-VH Friday, Apr. 11 8:00a 4:30p

Sun., Apr. 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 8:30a +Luigi Rotolo (Mafalda Rotolo) 11:00a +Lucia Ciotola (Ernest & Rita Melaragno) 107 Envelopes Recd; 762 issued 21 Loose Checks Mar. 29-30 Loose Cash 24 Automated Giving 3/25/14 Total
Thank you to all who support the work of God

$3,409.00 1,345.00 664.48 3,700.00 $9,118.48

Mass - Church Lenten Fish Fry Dinner #6 #6-PLC

FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH EUCHARISTIC ADORATION will be held Monday, April 7 at 7:00a in the
Church. Arrive at 7:00a and stay through Mass or come for any portion. WELCOME to ELYSE CAROLINE FEAMSTER & WILLIAM GREGORY CORNWELL who were recently baptized at OLV and through the Sacrament of Baptism became members of Gods family. Betty Buttress, sister of Rose Boerger, died recently. Please pray that God may grant eternal rest to Bettys soul and consolation to her family.

Saturday, Apr. 12 9:00a First Communion Retreat-PLC 1:00p Confirmation Retreat-PLC 5:00p Mass - Church Sunday, Apr. 13 13-Palm Sunday 8:30a Mass - Church 8:30a CGS-Atrium 9:30a Rel. Ed (K-5th)-PLC 11:00a Mass - Church 1:00p CLOW-VH

Business Meeting April 9 Rosary at 7:00p Followed by business meeting

The Knights Corner

Fish Fry #4 Served 673 dinners (633 Adults; 40 Children) For a profit of $3,474 Thank You for Your Support!

The Measure Up Campaign will be held on Saturday, May 3. John Drake is leading the Campaign again this year. Please mark your calendars. We need some help with kitchen clean-up after the fish fry dinners. If you are available please come to the kitchen around 6:45 7:00p on Fridays during Lent. The cleanup should not take very long.


PALM SUNDAY, April 13 -

Masses Saturday, 5:00p, Sunday, 8:30a & 11:00a. Palms will

be blessed and distributed at each Mass. Prior to the 11:00a Mass, please assemble in the area between Church & the PLC; palms will be blessed & a procession to Church will follow if weather permits. WEDNESDAY, April 16 - Confessions 7:00-8:00p. HOLY THURSDAY, April 17 - Mass of the Lords Supper, 7:00p, including washing of the feet. Following Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be carried in procession to the altar of reposition. The Church will be open until 11:00p for private adoration. Please plan to spend some time with the Lord. GOOD FRIDAY, April 18 - Solemn Liturgy, 2:00p including reading of The Passion, Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion. A special collection will be taken for the upkeep of the holy places in the Holy Land. Stations of the Cross, 7:00p. Confessions after each service, until all are heard. HOLY SATURDAY, April 19 - Easter Vigil Mass, 8:00p, including Blessing of Fire, Blessing of the Easter Candle, adult Baptism and Confirmation and reception of RCIA candidates into the Church. EASTER SUNDAY, April 20 - Masses 8:00a, 9:30a, 11:30a.

5:00p Saturday, April 12

Extraordinary Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Ushers: Char Catt, Camille Cenci, Michelle Fishpaw, Maria Krantz, Linda Mazzitti, Patti Olson Karin DeLaurentis, Megan Springer Annie Nelson, Harper Nelson, Sophia Nelson Steve Tarini, Nancy Tarini, Renee Williams, Camille Cenci

8:30a Sunday, April 13

Extraordinary Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Ushers: Mary Blubaugh, Pat Hadler, Terrie Harlor, Paul Milsom Jean Bogen, Michael Murphy William Mason, Jack Mason, Allison OBrien Anthony DiSante, John Frary, Elaine Broderick, Tom Murphy Rob & Crystal Dyckes, Jesse & Elaine Oddi, Katie Foley, Randy Harlor, Karen Hutson

Eucharistic Ministers To the Homebound:

11:00a Sunday, April 13

Extraordinary Ministers: John Frericks, Krista Joseph, Charlie McShane, Joy Russell, Kati Russell, Jim Shannon Ann Gabriel, Jeff Jones Taylor Beight, Matthew Berner, James Shannon Richard Broderick, Fred Lombardi, Tony Polletta, Mark McPherson Cookie Rezabek, Donna McGrath, Debbie Sanese

Lectors: Servers: Ushers:

A collection will be taken on Good Friday at the 2:00p solemn liturgy for the upkeep of the holy places in the Holy Land.

Collection Counters:

James Tillman representing Diocesan Publications (our Bulletin Publisher) will be at the parish soon. He will be renewing present advertisements and seeking new ones. If interested, please call the parish office, or you may contact James directly at 614-203-7538 or We feel this is an excellent service and that the sponsors get good coverage with their ads. THANKS TO YOU and DIOCESAN PUBLICATIONS, the bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Dorothy Lang, Eloise Miller, Elizabeth Rusnak, Irene Clay, Patricia Baumann, Patricia Sheehan, Eric Ray, Reid Hudson, Jada Brady, William Reed Orban, Jake Koch, Casey Browning, Eloise McAllister, Betsy Holland, Isabella Karst, Margaret Richards, Jim Young, Elizabeth Kessler, Andrew Johnson, Frank Michael, John Farrell, JoAnn Riepenhoff, Cynthia Carson, Mary Bass, Steve Hall, Amy Peters-Thomas, Rich Miller, Rosemary Myers, Ashley Ulbricht, Scott Foreman. Please remember in your prayers others who are not on this list.
(Please notify the parish office of any changes.)


April 5-6, 2014

The Donkey

When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings The devil's walking parody On all four-footed things. The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will; Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour; One far fierce hour and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet.

This poem, "The Donkey" by G.K. Chesterton, tells of the joy of being the honored donkey to have carried the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem on his back. The people waved palms at Jesus and bowed to Him and praised him. Five days later the same crowd that honored Him with palms, crucified Him; but one week later Jesus our Lord, Savior and Redeemer rose from the dead.


SPECIAL MUSIC FOR EASTER During the 9:30 and 11:30a masses, a brass quartet and timpani will accompany our singing. During the 11:30a mass, the choir will sing Handel's "Hallelujah" chorus. Carol Ann will play a majestic organ piece (Widor's "Toccata") after all masses.

OLV is looking for someone, or several people, to coordinate and run Vacation Bible School-June 23-26, 2014. If you are looking for a way to serve your parish and "live your faith"...give VBS a thought! Interested?...Questions? us! OLV Religious Education Michelle Fishpaw, DRE 614-486-7678

Student Ministry in April and May For High School Teens Sunday Social - April 6, immediately following 11:00a Mass. Meet in the Teen Lounge! Come HUNGRY! Our Other Spring Date: April 13 (last H.S. gathering) Walking Stations of the Cross Friday, April 18, 2014
All are welcome! St. Joseph Cathedral 212 E. Broad Street Columbus, OH Meet at 7:00a, end early afternoon. RSVP to Holly COOKBOOK ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! Parish Cookbooks should be available for pick-up the week of April 14 Check next week's bulletin for details

Happy Easter!
There will be NO morning and ImPact Religious Education classes on Sunday, April 20. Classes will resume on Sunday, April 27. Have a wonderful and blessed Easter Season Celebration with your families. Glory and Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ who has risen from the grave and now lives in our hearts!

Important April Dates:

For our Second Grade First Communicants, there will be a First Communion Retreat on Saturday, April 12 from 9:00a-12:30p. A Retreat for all the Eighth Graders who will be making their Confirmation will be on Saturday, April 12 from 1:00-6:00p. Sacrament of Confirmation: Tuesday, April 29 at 7:00p First Holy Communion: Sunday, May 4 at 1:30p

SAVE THE DATE!!! Teen Mass will be on May 4th at 6:30p

With the LORD there is MERCY and fullness of REDEMPTION.


April 5-6, 2014

Big Yellow Taxi

They never cease to amaze. For centuries, magicians have dazzled young and old alike. Some believe that magic goes back to 50,000 B.C., when hunters drew animals on walls in hopes they would appear for a kill. As magic progressed, it became associated with witchcraft and the occult. The 16th century saw the development of entertainment magic, and has it developed. Nowadays, illusionists can make the Statue of Liberty disappear right before our eyes. But not all disappearing acts are the stuff of smoke and mirrors. Many things once here are now gone. Hawaii, for some people a little bit of paradise, has been labeled the endangered species capitol of the world. Coincidentally, Joni Mitchells 1970 hit Big Yellow Taxi was set there. She sang about the loss of things dear. The songs jaunty refrain speaks a haunting truth: Dont it always seem to go that you dont know what youve got til its gone; they paved paradise and put up a parking lot. We give up the good for what can never measure up. Sometimes we cannot regain what we have surrendered. Our biggest losses are probably not the tangibles. The sit-down family meal-a time for sharing and binding-is going the way of the dinosaur, replaced by sports, meetings, and whatever else we cram into our days. Much worse is the threatened loss of our religious liberty. It is the most basic of all freedoms, and for a reason. Freedom lies in the ability to pursue what is objectively good and true. At its highest level, freedom is the pursuit of God, the all-good. He gives our lives purpose and meaning, and in Him we find our true happiness. Religious freedom means more than the ability to join an organized religion, more than the ability to hold certain beliefs. It also covers our exercise of those beliefs. Our religious practices are as important as our beliefs, for practices affirm belief. They operate in conjunction with our conscience, the center where God helps us to sort right from wrong so that we may serve Him and our fellow man. Martyrs have willingly surrendered their lives rather than their religious beliefs. Thousands others have died in battle to protect our cherished right. In 2009, President Obama gave a commencement address at Notre Dame during which he spoke about his desire for a sensible protection of conscience. He didnt explain his meaning back then, but it has become clear. Under current federal regulations, employer health-care policies must provide coverage for contraceptives, including drugs that can cause abortions. The HHS mandate exempts religious organizations, but not all religiously orientated ones. And it doesnt exempt forprofit organizations holding those same conscientious objections. The Administration is not backing away from its mandate. Neither are those who oppose it. Scores of lawsuits have been filed. Two are particularly noteworthy.

The Little Sisters of the Poor have been serving the elderly poor since the mid-19th century French revolutionary era. It was a time of violence and great poverty. A young adult, Jeanne Jugan, heard Gods call but did not know where He was leading. One cold night, she learned. Coming upon a blind, paralyzed old woman, Jugan carried the woman to her own bed. Jugan moved to the attic; she never made it back to her room. God led other elderly to her; young women came to help. A religious order was born out of their love. The Little Sisters deeply believe in the sanctity of all life. Though not required to directly comply with the HHS mandate, they refuse to sign an exemption form that would obligate their health insurer to provide the contraception coverage. For their refusal, the Administration has threatened them with fines of $100 per day, per employee-fines that would severely cripple their ministry. The U.S. Supreme Court has granted a stay protecting them from the fines. For now. David Green started small. In 1970, he ran a miniature picture frame company out his garage. Two years later, he opened his first store with only 300 square feet of retail space. Today Hobby Lobby has 588 stores nationwide and is one of the countrys largest private companies. Devoutly Christian, the Green family operates the store under biblical principles, including Sunday closure. They strongly oppose paying for or providing insurance coverage for drugs that will cause abortions. The Greens want an exemption from the mandate. The Administration refuses. It argues that the for-profit business created by the Greens cannot hold a religious belief-even though the Greens do. And the Administration argues that it has a compelling interest in insuring that women have employer-provided access to contraception. The two cases demonstrate the scary degree to which government officials will go to push contraception and abortion. They would not compel orthodox Jewish deli owners to sell pork even though customers need to eat and many would choose pork. Yet they are willing to coerce violations of fundamental religious beliefs to further their pro-contraception, pro-abortion agenda. So the legal questions give way to a moral one: just who gives us our freedoms-God or government? It comes down to a matter of our natural rights. One of the greatest advances in human history has been the recognition that our basic rights to life and liberty come from God, not man. Government exists to guarantee our Godgiven rights, not to alter or destroy them. Government should protect conscientious belief, not tell us which ones are sensible. For if it can tell us, then we are in far worse trouble than we imagine. It is no a big step from ordering that we must provide contraception to ordering that it must be used. It is happening in China and India right now-with disastrous results. Perhaps this Administration would not do it, but can anyone guarantee what future administrations will do? These cases prove that elections do matter. As the Supreme Court gets set to consider these cases, pray for the wisdom of the justices. Religious freedom is a little bit of Paradise that would be such a mistake to surrender. Lord knows, we dont need another parking lot.

Paul V. Esposito is a Catholic lawyer who writes on a variety of pro-life topics. He and his wife Kathy live in Elmhurst, Illinois and have six children.Paul V. Esposito 2014. Culture of Life. Permission to copy and distribute for pro-life purposes is granted.


Fr. Jared Wicks, S.J., and Msgr. Frank Lane, Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 7:008:30p, Saint Joseph Cathedral, 212 East Broad Street, downtown Columbus, (614) 224-1295, Learn meaningful insights about these two popes prior to their becoming saints on Sunday, April 27, Divine Mercy Sunday. Join HOLY ROSARY/ST. JOHN in supporting the spring fundraisers for the St. John Learning Center. The Learning Center provides G.E.D., computer classes and other types of adult education. Two spring fundraisers are offered this year. Every year, the St. John Learning Center hosts its Spring Luncheon and Style Show at the Worthington Hills Country Club. Join us on Saturday, April 12 for a delicious lunch, style show and vendors. Doors open at 11 am. Lunch begins at noon. Tickets are $35 each or $325 for a table of 10. The St. John Learning Center also has a Kentucky Derby Party fundraiser on Saturday, May 3 from 4:00-7:00p at Scioto Downs. The fundraiser will be in the Clubhouse (adjacent to the casino). Tickets are $40 and include: Derby-themed dinner buffet, complimentary Mint Julep, $5 casino voucher, live broadcast of Derby, hat contest (his & hers), 50/50 raffle & door prizes. To purchase tickets through PayPal, go to or call the St. John Learning Center at (614) 252-3132 for information on other ways to purchase tickets. Applications are being now accepted for the DIOCESAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS ADVISORY COMMISSION. Commission members are appointed by the Bishop of Columbus for a three-year term with option for a second term. Responsibilities include advising the Superintendent, establishing long-range goals and strategies, and formulating/reviewing school policies for the general direction of the schools. Deadline for application is Tuesday, April 15; contact Dana Forsythe at 614-221-5829 or for additional information


year mark's the 6th year for the Seminarian Bike Tour scheduled for May 12-16. Our Diocese is blessed to have the only Pontifical Seminary in the U.S. and so for the past 5 years, after the Seminarians finish school, they take their bikes and hit the road. About 15 Seminarians and several clergy ride through our Diocese to various schools and parishes to reach out to our youth speaking on living the life you are called to live. Everyone is called to a Vocation and the Seminarian's help the students become aware through sharing a piece of their story, interactive Q&A games such as Stump the Seminarian, and just being present for those tough questions such as What is a vocation?, How can I can tell if I have a Vocation?, Is a vocation a job? and more. Plans for the Bike Tour are underway and visits are being finalized. In the coming weeks Visit and (The Tour's Sponsor) to find out if your school or parish will be visited in this year's Tour de Diocese! For questions contact

Wine & Cheese Info Session at The Catholic Foundation? You can still join the Marthas! The St. Martha Giving Circle is a new initiative dedicated to bringing Catholic women in the diocese together in service. Throughout the year, the Marthas will gather to learn about organizations and their needs, to share ideas, to serve and to socialize. To learn more or to join, visit or call 866-298-8893.


6 12:00N-5:00p; Adults $8; Children $5 (Seniors may purchase a childs ticket); Spaghetti, Meatballs, Salad, Bread, Dessert & Beverage; Sauce and meatballs are homemade; Raffle & Spring Bazaar.


encouraged to join and learn the Tricks of the Trade from Chef Justin Hernandez. As he demonstrates you will enjoy wine, fine food and friendship. We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month, come and experience new and exciting menus. April 8th, 2nd Tuesday - Treasures of the Sea; St. Joan of Arc, Lavelle Hall, 10700 Liberty Road, Powell; Doors open for registration @ 6:00p; Cooking Class Starts @ 6:30p; Ticket cost $15.00; Check payable to: CWCC Email: SOCMAILBOX@COLSDIOC.ORG regarding registration; For more information, call 614-241-2540; Upcoming Carte du jour: May 13 South of the Border Cuisine; June 10 Backyard Cuisine; God bless and bon apptit!

IF YOU CAN READ, YOU CAN TEACH! Tutors needed for adults seeking literacy and/or GED and immigrants seeking ESL instruction. The Dominican Learning Center (DLC) will hold its next tutor training session on Saturday, April 12 from 9:00a-12:30p at 1111 E. Stewart Ave. Those interested can call (614) 444-7330 or email to sign up. Volunteers need to be over age 18 and hold a high school diploma. Books are provided free to tutors. Find out more at or PUT CHRIST AT THE CENTER OF YOUR MARRIAGE:
Open your hearts to the special grace of matrimony by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! The next Marriage Encounter weekends, both in central Ohio, are July 18-20 and September 12-14. For more information or to register, contact Paul & Marilou Clouse at 740-7469003 or visit our website at

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