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Collaborative Teaching and Songwriting Project


QUESTION 1 !hat are "o#r overall i$%re&&ion& o' the collaborative QUESTION 1 !hat are "o#r overall i$%re&&ion& o' the collaborative %roce&&( %roce&&( I find collaborating with many different people is effective and interesting and gives you the opportunity to learn new things about music through the eyes of different beholders. 'ot enough teaching of how chords work and how chords interact with each other. Working together creates a lot of ideas and trial and error that I feel in group work is part of learning, which is a good thing. I got advice yet did not really give me suggestions on how to do it. It was up to me to do the creating. It was a new experience for a normal instrumental band class. Learning about chord progressions was very interesting because of how widely they 'ot for me. I don"t know how else to say anything about it are used in the music industry and specifically song writing. I thought it was an interesting and informative process for those who are ou learn things in many more perspectives new to songwriting. (owever, personally I"ve had a lot of experience with songwriting and felt that it was a bit empty. !ery effective in getting everyone involved plus the change in environment gets everyone to have an experience they can learn from )ometimes working with others is a challenge when they don"t take it as serious as me. I"ve en#oyed the process$ It"s not only a learning curve but it also helps to propel the creative #uices because now it doesn"t seem as hard. %wo enthusiastic thumbs up It helped me to learn different ways to approach songwriting. )The collaborative a%%roach i& a %o&itive twi&t on otherwi&e narrow $#&ic ed#cation*+ )%he collaborative process brigs a bunch of uni&ue minds together. When we all get into the process some cool stuff gets created. I took a different techni&ue away from both teachers. I liked it. )I en#oyed this because I was able to delve into a new world of music. I wasn"t restricted by the normal chord progressions.

I got to look at things differently and learn more from others. QUESTION , !hat wa& it li-e having $ore than one QUESTION , !hat wa& it li-e having $ore than one ed#cator.'acilitator involved in "o#r %roce&&( /S%eci'icall" March ,0 th1 ed#cator.'acilitator involved in "o#r %roce&&( /S%eci'icall" March ,0 th1 It provides you with different tools and different ways of doing things. *ex. %heory+ I like it because I didn"t have to wait as long to get an answer. I was able to work in smaller groups with more help. It is en#oyable to work with people. ou can tell how different people approach the process and what method works for them. %his way, you can pick and choose methods and see what works best for you. It was a refreshing experience. It allowed us to come together. It was cool to have new people come in and teach. It offered a different take on music with regards to style. learning from multiple views regarding music creation was better. ,ave really helped me further understand how to create chords that make sense. It"s great to get more than one mind involved in the creative process -onfusing but also insightful having two different musical minds giving me their opinion. It gave me more to work with. kind of cool, kind of....felt too rushed. it"s challenging to understand someone else as they explain something new, but it was good to learn from someone else"s experiences too.

QUESTION 2 3 )4e&cribe the e''ect collaborative &ongwriting had on "o#r relation&hi%& with colleag#e&5 teacher& and %o&&ibl" even %eo%le o#t&ide o' the &chool*+ songwriting helps you to get out your feelings and express yourself differently to those around you. people felt inspired, smart and empowered as well as awed to know they created cool sounding music. teamwork. encouraged and fullfilled a desire to interact with people. It brought me out of my comfort .one to learn more about my peers. It inspired me to communicate with people around me. showed me different stories and perspectives. it opened my eyes to how different people are when they make music. /eople tend to open up a lot more. to create outside the box. It helps me avoid mental blocks. It gives me more knowledge making it easier to write music It made me connect with my colleagues more than I had before. )6" bringing ever"one together reall" bro#ght the co$$#nit" together and each o' #& contrib#ted to the %roject in o#r own creative wa"&***o#r relation&hi%& were %o&itive b.c we had a %o&itive o#tco$e and advice*+

QUESTION 2 3 )4e&cribe the e''ect collaborative &ongwriting had on "o#r relation&hi%& with colleag#e&5 teacher& and %o&&ibl" even %eo%le o#t&ide o' the &chool*+ not much. )I don"t think it gave me any effect. )It hasn"t had an impact on anyone I interact with. I kept to myself the whole time....antisocial.

QUESTION 7 )!hat ob&tacle& did "o# enco#nter d#ring the %roce&&(+ Writers block and shyness 0inding the correct chords for our songs. ,ifferent opinions or ideas. 0iguring the main line and recording because we had to record with poor &uality microphones. I didn"t contribute anything. It was a short session, but worth 1 L2%. ,uring the process I found it hard to understand the theory that was taught. It was hard being thrown into something not having prior knowledge on chords and sevenths and stuff. It"s difficult to take criticism without explaining why$ )ome people did not take it seriously and time was limited. )tarting. 3reaking up into groups I didn"t want to be in. I don"t like to play random notes. )tressful at first because I did not understand the music in the beginning but once I had an understanding it become moving and fun. I found it hard to create out of my comfort .one. Lack of enthusiasm due to the lack of one on one time.

-reatively it"s difficult putting words4sounds to the emotions or ideas 4 thoughts you"ve come up with. QUESTION 8 !hat in&%ire& "o# to create $#&ic(+ )9eeling& and tho#ght& in&%ire $e to create $#&ic to let o#t word& I can:t #&#all" &a" to %eo%le*+ );i'e doe&***+ )Steve Na&h and Mi-e M"er&*+ )Storie&+ );i'e5 enjo"$ent and no&talgia o' %la"ing*+ )Other %eo%le& &torie& and overwhel$ing e$otion& and e<%erience&5 'or e<a$%le 6rian Collier:& $o$*+ )=ow I 'elt that da"***+ )!hat in&%ire& $e to create $#&ic are the e$otion& that we a& %eo%le 'ace on a dail" ba&i&*+ )So$ething that i& real and co$e& 'ro$ the heart*+ )E<%re&&ing $" e$otion& thro#gh $#&ic give& $e an o#tlet and allow& $e to be ha%%"*+ )Creating $#&ic give& %eo%le a chance to e<%re&& how the" 'eel in a creative and '#n wa"* >n" -ind o' art give& %eo%le a &ort o' 'reedo$ within word&5 note&5 %ict#re& and %la"&*+ )M#&ician& I ad$ire+ )The abilit" to e<%re&& arti&tic tho#ght&*+ );ove+ );i'e? I enjo" li&tening to the &torie& and the e<%erience& o' other %eo%le* The" give $e an e$otion to b#ild on and thin- abo#t*+ )The create &o$ething that other& aro#nd $e can li&ten to and 'ind that it in&%ire& the$* So$ething el&e that in&%ire& $e to create $#&ic i& -nowing that $#&ic can hel% $an" %eo%le get thro#gh thing&*+ )6oredo$ or writing &o$ething that &o#nd& cool and wanting to woron it $ore to $a-e it better*+

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