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Wireless USB 11n Router Quick Installation Guide

Version: 1.1-01-2010

Package Contents .......................................................................... Page 1 Network Card Installation ........................................................... Page 2 Connect to Wireless Access Point................................................. Page 5 Package Contents
Before you starting to use this wireless network card, please check if theres anything missing in the package, and contact your dealer of purchase to claim for missing items:


wireless network card (1 pcs) !rotection "ap (1 pcs) $uick installation guide (1 pcs) % &ri'er(Utility(User manual "&)*+, (1 pcs)

1 # -

2 4 1

Network USB Installation

Please follow the following instructions to install your new USB wireless Router. 1 .nsert the USB wireless network adapter into an empty USB # / port of your computer when computer is switched on 0e'er use force to insert the adapter, if you feel its stuck, flip the adapter o'er and try again

# 1he following message will appear on your computer, click 2"ancel

% .nsert de'ice dri'er "&*+, into the "&(&3& *+, dri'e of your computer, and e4ecute 2Setup e4e program !lease read the end user license agreement and click 2. accept the terms of the license agreement and 20e4t to accept license agreement

- .t is recommend installing dri'er and utility if the network card is installing the first time .f you want to update the dri'er only, choose .nstall dri'er only "lick 20e4t to continue

5 Select 2*alink "onfiguration 1ool, which pro'ides fully access to all functions of this wireless network adapter

6 0ow youll see the following message, please click 2.nstall to 7egin the installation If you see Found New Hardware !essage again" #lease ignore it and wait.

8 !lease wait while the install procedure is running 9hen you see this message, please click 2:inish to complete the installation process

Connect to Wireless Access Point

Using Configuration Utility to Connect to Wireless ccess Point: 1 ;fter installation is complete, wireless configuration utility will 7e shown in the desktop of your computer automatically <ou will also see an icon at the lower)right corner of your windows system <ou can click the icon 7y right mouse key, and select the configuration utility you want to use or switch the

network card to *outer mode

# "onfiguration utility will scan for wireless access points and access to any unencrypted wireless access point automatically .f you wish to connect to another access point, select the access point and click 2"onnect .f the wireless access point you want to connect does not show here, please click 2*escan 0+1=: .n 3ista, the network card will not connect to any unencrypted wireless access point automatically % .f the wireless access point uses encryption, you ha'e to input 9=! key or 9!; preshared key !lease ask the owner of the wireless access point you want to connect and input the correct key here, and then click 2+> .f the 'alue you inputted here is wrong, you will not 7e a7le to connect to wireless access point

- .f the wireless access point is successfully connected, youll see a sym7ol appears in front of the name of wireless de'ice

:or ad'anced settings and other features of this USB wireless network card, please refer to user manual enclosed in supplied "&)*+,

Switch to Router Mode ( Router Function

=4cepting 7ecomes a wireless client of other wireless access points, this wireless adapter can act as a wireless *outer also? <ou can switch this wireless adapters operating mode to 2*outer mode to simulate the function of a real wireless *outer, and all other computers and wireless de'ices can connect to your computer wirelessly, easy to share the internet connection you ha'e? !lease follow the instructions in following to use the *outer function of your wireless adapter ) Switch to *outer ,ode and Basic "onfiguration 1he operating mode of the wireless card is 2Station ,ode (7ecoming a client of other wireless access points) 7y default .f you want to switch to @ *outer mode@, please right)click *alink utility icon, and select 2Switch to *outer ,ode

;fter you select 2Switch to *outer ,ode, the *alink utility icon will 7e changed to:

9hich indicated the wireless card is operating in *outer mode now 1he status of wireless card will 7e displayed as a popup 7alloon icon as ."S Select 9;0 ;dapter !lease select 7elow 9;0 ;dapter 0ame at scroll 7ar, which get the .nternet from .f resource 9;0 ;dapter doesnt appeal at scroll7ar select, please disa7le !"s e4isting 9A;0 0." or A;0 0." until resource 9;0 ;dapter appeal at scroll7ar select

1hen the SS.& of this wireless router appeal like Soft;!)/B +ther wireless de'ices will see this SS.& at site sur'ey and Cust select it to get .nternet connection work

.f you want to switch the wireless card 7ack to station mode (7ecome a client of other wireless access points), click 2Switch to Station ,ode

; configuration window will appear after you switch the operation mode to 2;!, which asks you to assign an e4isting network card with .nternet connection

! " A #or $rou%leshooting


.f you encounter any pro7lem when youre using this wireless USB *outer, dont panic? Before you call your dealer of purchase for help, please check 7elow $E;, the solutions of your pro7lem could 7e 'ery simple, and you can sol'e the pro7lem 7y yourself? $%A& Scenario ;: "anFt get 9ireless USB *outer work under *outer mode !lease 'erify to 7elow step 7y step 1 ,ake sure that your !" can get .nternet 7rowsing which connected with &SA or %G(-G # .f .nternet of !" is working, please make sure to ena7le installation 9;0 adapter source correctly 1o ena7le *outer ,ode, please refer to $.G or Users ,anual <ou must select correct 9;0 adapter source .f source 9;0 adapter doesnt appear in the list for selection, please disa7le !"s e4isting 9A;0 0." or A;0 0." and try again until the 9;0 adapter appears in the list for selection % .f the *outing function does not work after *outer ,ode is ena7led correctly and wireless is connected well, please disa7le ,icrosoft firewall, then USB *outing function will 7e working correctly - .f it is still not working, please make sure the dri'er and wireless 0." are 9ireless USB *outer adapter correctly +ther 7rands 0." and dri'er cant work with *outer function Scenario B: 0othing happens when . click HAaunch USB configuration utility icon@ !lease 'erify 7elow step 7y step 1 !lease make sure the wireless network card is inserted into your computers USB port .f the wireless USB configuration utilitys icon is 7lack, the network card is not detected 7y your computer # *e7oot the computer and try again % *emo'e the dri'er and re)install


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