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Oracle SCM Training

The Oracle Apps Modules covers in Oracle SCM Training Course are 1. 2. 3. 4. ". %. Inventory Purchasing Order Management Brie Introduction to !IP and BOM Manu acturing Modules Overvie# on $12 SCM Modules &e# 'eatures o $12 SCM Modules

Course Details Introduction to Oracle SCM eBusiness Suite Identi y the com(onents that com(rise an Oracle )((lication system &avigation to Oracle )((lications *+(lain ,asic a((lication integration Identi y *ntities that are shared ,et#een multi(le a((lications *+(lain di erent a((lication versions - data,ase versions Multi Org structure and e+(lanation o Sam(le Org )ccounting Basics Overvie# on P2P and O2C Cycles 11i Inventory Management Fundamentals

What you will learn:

This class ocuses on the eatures. unctions and ,ene its o the Oracle Inventory a((lication. Students #ill learn ho# to set u( items. ho# to use the various inventory controls availa,le. ho# to do transactions. trans ers. and inventory moves. inventory re(lenishment. cycle counting and (hysical inventory. Students #ill also learn #here Inventory its in the overall enter(rise structure. This course re lects the logical lo# o the (rocesses involved in inventory management. 'or e+am(le. this course covers de ining items. receiving items. issuing items. and re(lenishing items in the same order. The e+ercises in this course (rovide hands/ on e+(erience on using Oracle Inventory to (er orm many o the (rocessing and in0uiry transactions such as receiving. moving. re(lenishing inventory items. and generating count tags or (hysical inventories. The hands/on e+ercises also hel( you understand ho# to use mo,ile devices to (er orm transactions such as cycle counting and inventory re(lenishment. 1 Set u( organi2ations that corres(ond to your ,usiness units in Oracle )((lications. 1 Per orm inventory re(lenishment. 1

1 3e ine inventory items or Oracle Su((ly Chain )((lications. 1 Per orm )BC classi ication and cycle count. 1 Per orm inventory transactions. 1 4se mo,ile devices to (er orm inventory transactions.

1 'unctional Im(lementer

Prerequisites: Required Prerequisites:

1 Basic understanding o Inventory Management (rinci(les 1 11i eBusiness Suite *ssentials or Im(lementers

Course Objectives:
1 3e ine and maintain a cycle count 1 4nderstand (er orming inventory transactions using a mo,ile device 1 4nderstand the (lanning and re(lenishment methods availa,le in Oracle Inventory including min/ma+ (lanning. reorder/(oint (lanning. re(lenishment counting. and 5an,an re(lenishment 1 4nderstand the overall inventory (rocess in Oracle Inventory 1 4nderstand the structure o an inventory organi2ation in Oracle Inventory 1 4nderstand the role o an item/master organi2ation 1 3e ine items in Oracle Inventory 1 6earn to im(lement locator. revision. serial. and lot control or items. and (er orm transactions or such items 1 4nderstand the conce(t o move orders 1 Per orm inventory transactions such as su,inventory trans er and inter organi2ation trans er 1 Set u( shi((ing net#or7s ,et#een inventory organi2ations and understand the signi icance o direct shi(ment and intransit shi(ment 1 Create an )BC ran7ing o items to ,e used in cycle counting and (otentially in determining sa ety stoc7 levels

Course o!ics: Recei!t to Issue

1 4nderstanding the $ecei(t to Issue 6i ecycle 1 4nderstanding $eceiving Inventory 1 4nderstanding Trans erring Inventory 1 4nderstanding Issuing Inventory

"e#inin$ Inventory Or$ani%ations


1 4nderstanding the Multi/Org 'eature in Oracle )((lications 1 4nderstanding the Structure o an Inventory Organi2ation 1 6earning to model an *nter(rise in Oracle )((lications

"e#inin$ and Maintainin$ Ite&s' Overview

1 Organi2ation Structure. Overvie# 1 3e ining Items. Overvie# 1 Item )ttri,utes and Statuses. Overvie# 1 )ssigning Items to Organi2ations. Overvie#

"e#inin$ and Maintainin$ Ite&s' (unda&entals

1 3e ining 4nits o Measure 1 *+(laining Item )ttri,utes and Statuses 1 3e ining the Item Master Organi2ation 1 3e ining Items 1 3e ining Item 3eletion Constraints 1 Setting u( Item Pro ile O(tions 1 4nderstanding Im(lementation Considerations

Inventory Controls' Conce!ts

1 *+(laining Su,inventories 1 *+(laining 6ocator Control 1 *+(laining $evision Control 1 *+(laining 6ot Control 1 *+(laining Serial Control

Inventory Controls' (unda&entals

1 3e ining Su,inventories 1 3e ining 6ocator Control 1 3e ining $evision Control 1 3e ining 6ot Control 1 8enerating Serial &um,ers

ransactin$ Inventory' Conce!ts

1 *+(laining Transaction 'lo#s 1 *+(laining Transaction Ty(es 1 *+(laining Move Orders 1 *+(laining Shortage )lerts and &oti ications 1 *+(laining Mo,ile Transactions

ransaction Setu!
1 Setting 4( Transaction Managers. Transaction Ty(es. and Transaction $easons 3

1 Setting u( Shi((ing &et#or7s 1 Setting 4( Movement Statistics 1 Setting 4( )ccount )liases 1 Setting 4( Move Orders 1 Setting 4( )lerts &oti ications and $e(orts 1 Setting 4( Pro ile O(tions

Issuin$ and rans#errin$ Material

1 3e ining the Transaction 'lo#s 1 3e ining Transaction O(tions and $estrictions 1 Per orming Transactions 1 Managing $ecei(ts 1 *+(laining $eceiving $e(orts 1 Creating Move Orders 1 Per orming Transactions 4sing a Mo,ile 3evice 1 Managing Shi(ments

Re!lenishin$ Inventory' Conce!ts

1 4nderstanding Oracle Inventory 'orecasting Methods 1 4nderstanding Oracle Inventory $e(lenishment Methods 1 *+(laining the use o Mo,ile 3evices or Inventory $e(lenishment

Re!lenishin$ Inventory' (unda&entals

1 'orecasting 3emand 1 Per orming $eorder/(oint Planning 1 Per orming Min/ma+ Planning 1 Per orming $e(lenishment Counting 1 8enerating 5an,an Cards 1 Setting u( )vaila,le to Promise 1 Setting u( Inventory Pro ile 9alues

Inventory Accuracy' Conce!ts

1 *+(laining Inventory )ccuracy 1 *+(laining )BC )nalysis 1 *+(laining Cycle Counting 1 *+(laining Physical Inventory 1 *+(laining the use o Mo,ile 3evices or Inventory )ccuracy

Inventory Accuracy' (unda&entals

1 Creating an )BC Com(ile 1 3e ining and Maintaining a Cycle Count 1 3e ining Cycle Count Scheduling and $e0uests 1 3e ining $ecounts. )d:ustments. and )((rovals 4

11i Purchasing Fundamentals

What you will learn:

In this course. (artici(ants learn ho# to set u( and use Oracle Purchasing to manage the (urchasing (rocess. There are hands/on e+ercises. through #hich the (artici(ants learn ho# to manage su((liers. create and maintain re0uest or 0uotations and 0uotations and manage the a((roved su((lier list. Partici(ants #ill also learn ho# to create re0uisitions and (urchase orders and a((ly document security. routing and a((roval methods. 'inally. students #ill learn ho# to enter and manage recei(ts.

Course Objectives:
1 Create (urchase re0uisitions 1 Create standard. ,lan7et and contract (urchase documents 1 4nderstand ho# to use the )utoCreate #indo#. Create $eleases (rogram and the PO 1 Create 3ocuments !or7 lo# (rocess to automate document creation 1 Create Standard. *+(ress. Cascade recei(ts. Su,stitute recei(ts. $eturns and Corrections 1 Set u( Pay on $ecei(t 1 3e ine document a((roval and routing (rocess 1 3e ine document security and access levels 1 4nderstand the Period Close (rocess or Purchasing 1 4nderstand Purchasing administration 1 3escri,e ho# the Purchasing (rocess its into the Procure to Pay li ecycle 1 3e ine item categories 1 3e ine Items 1 3e ine and maintain su((liers 1 Create re0uest or 0uotations 1 Set u( and use an a((roved su((lier list and sourcing rules

Course o!ics: Procure o Pay )i#ecycle Overview

1 Procure to Pay 6i ecycle 1 Oracle Procure to Pay Process

Procure to Pay Purchasin$ Overview

1 Overvie# o Purchasing Process 1 Integration #ith other Oracle )((lications 1 O(en Inter aces


1 Overvie# o Su((liers 1 Su((lier In ormation 1 Su((lier Site In ormation 1 Managing Su((liers 1 $e(orts 1 'inancial O(tions 1 Pro ile O(tions

)ocations' Or$ani%ations' *nits o# Measure and Ite&s

1 *nter(rise Structure 1 3e ining 6ocations 1 Inventory Organi2ations 1 *sta,lishing Inventory Parameters 1 4nits o Measure 1 Item Categories 1 Item )ttri,utes 1 3e ining and Maintaining Items

R(+s and +uotations

1 $e0uest or ;uotation 6i ecycle 1 Creating and Maintaining $e0uests or ;uotation 1 Creating a Su((lier 6ist 1 ;uotations 6i ecycle 1 Creating and Maintaining ;uotations 1 $e(orts 1 Pro ile O(tions

A!!roved Su!!lier )ists and Sourcin$ Rules

1 )((roved Su((lier 6ists 1 Su((lier Statuses 1 Su((lier/Commodity<Item )ttri,utes 1 Sourcing $ules 1 3e ault Sourcing In ormation to $e0uisitions and Purchase Orders 1 Pro ile O(tions

1 $e0uisition 6i ecycle 1 &oti ications 1 $e0uisition Structure 1 Creating and Maintaining $e0uisitions 1 Su((lier Item Catalog 1 $e0uisition Tem(lates 1 $e(orts 1 Pro ile O(tions 6

Purchase Orders
1 Purchase Order Ty(es 1 Purchase Order Com(onents and $ecord Structure 1 Standard Purchase Order *lements 1 Blan7et Purchase )greements 1 Contract Purchase )greements 1 Purchase Order $evisions 1 !or7 lo# &oti ications 1 $e(orts

Auto&atic "ocu&ent Creation

1 Creating Purchase 3ocuments rom $e0uisitions 1 )utomatic $elease 8eneration 1 !or7 lo# 3ocument Creation 1 Pro ile O(tions

1 $eceiving 6ocations 1 $ecei(t $outing 1 $ecei(t Processing Methods 1 $eceiving Tolerances 1 *ntering $eturns and Corrections 1 Overvie# o Pay on $ecei(t 1 $e(orts 1 Pro ile O(tions

"ocu&ent Security' Routin$ and A!!roval

1 3ocument Security and )ccess 6evels 1 3ocument )((roval / =o,s and Positions 1 Position )((roval >ierarchies 1 3ocument Ty(es 1 Creating )((roval 8ru(s 1 $e(orts 1 !or7 lo#

Purchasin$ Accountin$
1 Overvie# o Purchasing )ccounting 1 Close the PO Period 1 4sing oreign currency 1 $e(orts 1 Setu( o(tions

Purchasin$ Ad&inistration

1 Overvie# o Purchasing )dministration 1 Purchasing data,ase maintenance 1 Im(ortant concurrent (rocesses

Setu! Ste!s
1 Set 4( 3ocument Se0uences 1 Set 5ey Pro ile O(tions 1 Set 4( 3escri(tive 'le+ ields 1 3e ine Purchase Order Matching and Ta+ Tolerances 1 3e ine )((roval 8rou(s and )ssignments 1 3e ine Purchasing O(tions 1 Set 4( Sourcing $ules and )ssignments 1 Per orm )dditional System )dministration

11i Oracle Order Management Fundamentals

What you will learn:

In this course. (artici(ants #ill learn a,out Order Management (rocess lo#s. a((lication unctionality. and the re0uirements re0uired to manage and control sales order ul illment. Students #ill receive instruction on ho# to enter and maintain sim(le to com(le+ Sales Orders. They #ill learn ho# to manage changes. and cancellation to orders. and ho# to (rocess returns. Students #ill learn critical tangent to(ics including Customer<Party Management. Sales Credits. Shi((ing. Pricing. and Inventory related to(ics such as Items. and Organi2ation structure as they relate to sales order ul illment. Students #ill also receive in ormation regarding the set u( and im(lementation considerations o the Order Management (roduct. 1 Maintain (arty and customer account in ormation 1 *nter Orders 1 Manage Orders

Course Objectives:
1 6earn the 7ey areas in the Order to Cash 6i ecycle 1 6earn a,out the integration ,et#een Order Management and other a((lications 1 6earn ho# items integrate #ithin the Order to Cash 6i ecycle 1 Create and maintain (arty and customer account in ormation 1 Create and (rocess di erent ty(es o orders 1 Manage orders / u(dating. canceling. (urging. closing 1 6earn (ricing conce(ts and the usage o Pricing *ngine in Order Management 1 6earn shi((ing conce(ts and the role o Shi((ing in Order Management

Course o!ics: Order to Cash )i#ecycle Overview

1 Ordering and Scheduling Process 1 Pricing Process 1 Shi((ing Process 1 )utoinvoice Process 1 $eceiva,les Process

Overview o# Oracle Order Mana$e&ent

1 Order Management Process 1 Order Management / Multi(le 'ul illment Models 1 Overvie# o the Order Management Process

Inventory Or$ani%ations and Ite&s

1 3escri,e *nter(rise Structure in Oracle )((lications 1 3e ining 4nits o Measure 1 3e ining 6ocations 1 Setting u( Inventory Organi2ations 1 *sta,lishing Inventory Parameters 1 3e ining Su,/inventories 1 Item )ttri,utes 1 Creating an Item

,nter Orders
1 *ntering Sim(le &egotiation in ormation 1 *ntering Sales >eader and 6ine in ormation 1 Creating Blan7et Sales )greements 1 Creating Internal Orders 1 Creating 3ro( Shi(ments and Bac7/to/ Bac7 Orders 1 Scheduling Orders 1 Boo7ing and Co(ying Orders 1 Order Im(ort and Identi ying 5ey Setu( *lements

Mana$e Parties and Custo&er Accounts

1 *ntering and maintaining (arty and customer account in ormation 1 Creating (ro ile classes and assign them to customer accounts 1 Creating and maintain (arty and customer account in ormation 1 *na,ling customer account relationshi(s 1 3e ining TC) (arty (aying relationshi(s 1 Merging (arties and customer accounts 1 9ie#ing (arty and customer account in ormation 1 3e ining setu( o(tions 9

Credit Mana$e&ent
1 Setting u( or credit management 1 4sing credit (ro ile changes 1 Identi ying credit management (rocessing 1 4sing #or7 lo# and loo7u(s 1 $evie#ing credit management (er ormance 1 )((lying credit hierarchy

Order Inquiry
1 Pricing and )vaila,ility 1 Order Organi2er 1 Order In ormation Portal

Mana$e Orders
1 *ntering Order 4(dates 1 Managing )((rovals 1 Managing >olds 1 Managing Credit Chec7ing 1 Canceling and Closing Orders 1 Purging Orders

Overview o# Pricin$
1 Overvie# o 1 Overvie# o 1 Overvie# o 1 Overvie# o 1 Overvie# o 1 Overvie# o 1 Overvie# o 1 Overvie# o Pricing in the Order to Cash 6i ecycle Pricing Conce(ts. Integration. *ngine Pricing Security Price 6ists. Pricing )greements 'ormulas. ;uali iers and Modi iers Conte+ts and )ttri,utes 'reight and S(ecial Charges Basic vs. )dvanced Pricing

Basic Pricin$
1 Pricing Security 1 Creating Price 6ists / >eader and 6ine 1 Maintaining Price 6ists 1 )greements 1 'ormula 1 Pricing )ttri,utes 1 Modi iers / inclusive o 'reight - S(ecial Charges modi iers 1 )ttri,ute Management

Oracle Shi!!in$ ,-ecution


1 Pic7 $elease Process 1 Shi( Con irm Process 1 3eliveries and 3elivery 6ines 1 Shi((ing Parameters 1 Pic7 $elease $ules 1 'reight Carriers 1 Pro ile O(tions 1 Shi((ing *+ecution $e(orts


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