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Wolcott Portfolio Assignment % of final grade December 2, 2013 at beginning of class.

ENC 1102 Spring 2013

Objective: The objective of the portfolio project is to present a collection of your work that is selective and reflective. In other words, the portfolio should demonstrate your ability to select your best work (and sometimes work that is not your best) and reflect on what you did and perhaps did not learn or utilize in that particular writing situation. Components q A table of contents or other similar organization/ navigation system that is easy to use

A reflection letter; this is a narrative or reflection on what you have learned this semester. At minimum, this should demonstrate an understanding of audience, discuss the semesters learning, revision, and suggest a grade for the portfolio. This letter might be text, but it could also be incorporated into a video or recording where you speak the reflection. It can be presented as one whole reflection, or as several reflective sections. Your four major papers and your final project. o o o o Literacy Narrative and drafts and any relevant peer or teacher feedback Genre Analysis & drafts & and any relevant peer or teacher feedback Annotated Bibliography & drafts & and any relevant peer or teacher feedback Literature Review & drafts & and any relevant peer or teacher feedback and your final project

A selection of your favorite 3 discussion postings about class readings (these do not need to be revised; you just need to include them so that I can see a full picture of your progress this semester). Also include two of your peers' postings that helped you understand a reading. An accompanying note about why you chose these particular postings is also required. You may choose to include responses to your post, or not. A selection of other classwork that you think best reflects your learning and work in the class. This might include peer letters that you wrote, small in-class exercises, or anything else you have done as a result of concepts learned in class. The grading rubric for the portfolio follows on the next page.

Fall 2013 Portfolio Grading Rubric: ENC 1102 (subject to revision) Wolcott

Your name:_____________________________________________



Points Possible 30

Points Earned


Letter or alternative format reflection that demonstrates an understanding of audience, discusses the semesters learning, revision, and suggests a grade for the portfolio. The most successful reflection letters demonstrate students learning in the class, how they plan to carry forward that learning into future classes and their careers, and cite some sources in doing that.


Demonstration of revision during the semester. You might show this with peer review letters, changes between drafts, or a narrative about the kinds of revisions you made. One major revision to one assignment OR entry into Knights Write or Stylus (or another contest where superior student work is submitted).


Discussion postings Inclusion of 3 selected discussion postings (discussions that 20 you wrote). Inclusion of two of your peers' postings that helped you understand a reading. Explanation of why you chose these entries. Possible reflection on discussion-whilereading process. Clear navigation Easy to find all required materials, though there are many navigation systems that will do this (menus, navigation bar, tag clouds, etc) Design Well-designed, easy to navigate digital portfolio. Should contain all components (multiple drafts of each essay, components of reflection, journals, etc). Highest point values will be awarded for portfolios that show smart decisions about organization, presentation (how it looks) and the cohesiveness of the website. Points Removed Points will be removed for incompleteness. The portfolio should contain each major paper (Literacy Narrative, Genre ? 20 5

Analysis, Annotated Bibliography, Literature Review, Final project), drafts and notes that led to that final paper, four journals, and any other major classwork. Failure to include these items will result in point deductions up to 30% of the portfolio grade. Total 100 ______ *35%

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